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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. i sometimes wonder whether things like this were more prominent and challenging back on live, or whether i was just awful at playing the game
  2. So there I am with my friends running our weekly +4 x8 enemies buffed Synapse all nighter TF on our melee only pain domination/energy blast defender team and some guy finds his way in each week and then quits We stay quiet when he’s on the team as he’s often trying to make nefarious gothic sounds but we thought he had a cold or something lodged in his throat We often try to begin battle but have to slow right down when he gets caught in his ridiculously long black cape, it smells like a damp castle - where did he even get it from? It looks ancient. He doesn’t come into the brighter rooms with us and says that it “burns” his skin. He’s not even that pale if you ask me, just malnourished The team once had to wait 20 full minutes after completing a mission as he wouldn’t leave the cave map until it was dark outside Can you believe some people? 😉
  3. barrier needs to have an adjustment in the next patch to stop it stacking, the benefits it provides are disproportionately high compared to the other incarnate powers it also allows people create very boring teams where nervous TF leaders mandate all people have it, yawn
  4. i love these threads - you sure know how to find the ultimate PuGs haha
  5. what about an FBZ zone event where you need to defeat a GM on each of the main ‘islands’ that then grants a badge and a temporary power; +20% rech, dmg and +100% regen for 24 hours in game play have the GMs suitably spicy for some challenge, could lure more people in
  6. i’ve posted earlier in this thread but the ongoing conversation is quite odd. to clear things up: 1. this isn’t 2006, stalkers are vastly different to how they were 2. you don’t need to open mobs with AS (and most of the time in a team probably shouldn’t) you can open with your AoE for some nice crits, fire off two more attacks then go in for a decent quick AS crit, followed by another crit if you have the chance to hide ATO slotted giving a shoutout to ice melee as someone has above - another top tier stalker attack set along with elec stalkers thesedays are scrappers with controlled crits
  7. i think it would pair well with the “Delete Character” button or the “Quit to Desktop” menu option
  8. i’ve also been considering this combo and am on the verge of making it. i’m after a team tank that‘s reasonably durable and receptive to buffs energy seems “nice”. i wish energize gave more of a +regen buff to take tough or not is also a challenge - not needed at higher levels as set bonuses + the res all proc caps S/L resist, could be useful for penny yins though
  9. it’s a fun journey - i did it on my dom a few years ago, often an enjoyable challenge. makes you realise the massive difference set bonuses have
  10. i’m not sure this is true - everyone left the game after the defense type changes don’t you remember? we all had to fundamental rebuild from the ground up all of our 114 main alts because the Inner Circle™ hates farmers and min/max’d characters how dare you suggest people actually -try- the changes before complaining, ridiculous
  11. i’ve been tempted to make a team tank for quite a while - especially for underperforming teams. a good aggro magnet that can hold ground whilst the PuGers use their keyboard upside down looking at the wrong monitor
  12. the enemies buffed setting should be available for standard content - encourages teamwork
  13. i echo these thoughts. a bit of love for dark blast has been needed for quite some time. i want to love it, but it’s currently quite a poor set
  14. not too sure, however wormhole could group things up again, singularity would be doing his best to gather everyone and fold space could be picked up too. think i might be selling myself an alt here.. @Xiddo
  15. i’ve always loved supa troll raves, exciting when you get a good rave all to yourself and make good progress towards the badge if you’re in skyway and suddenly see a glowing supa troll it’s always exciting - there’s a party happening nearby!
  16. aesthetically energy assault pairs well, a high damage set too
  17. would definitely be interesting to see an updated set of charts
  18. ooh these are helpful numbers - ty might have to make a corr on HC sometime, haven’t played one since the CoV days
  19. the game could do with some refreshed mission dyamics - more ambushes that move faster, perhaps also an event that makes 1 selected person the target of all attacks until something is defeated
  20. ah maybe too hardcore for me, though i am interested i have never run a TF with enhancements disabled, will try it sometime
  21. Posi 1 and 2 are the perfect TFs in my view - teamplay required, different ATs matter, can quickly be challenging if people are messing around
  22. at the same time however, the stronger buffs/debuffs from a defender will benefit all 8 members of the team, whereas the corrupters slight damage advantage benefits just 1 player
  23. Are there numbers to back this up, e.g. pylon data? Sourge just seems like a massive waste of time, extra damage when something is nearly dead anyway I’m happy to have my view changed despite being a defender fan
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