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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. agreed on both points CoH is not The Sims, people are playing the wrong game if they want a sandbox experience becoming bored with the game is okay, it doesn’t need to be changed for all players because a few people don’t want to play anymore
  2. sounds like you need to run your own server and show us all how its done mate, looking forward to seeing it
  3. incredible - pure talent did you guys use voice chat or furious typing?
  4. sell rare salvage that drops on the AH, you’ll get 400-500k per one and will be able to buy plenty of recipes sticking to uncommon (yellow) recipes will give you more bang for your buck if you’re wanting to slot IOs before lvl 50 as they tend to not require rare salvage
  5. naw, he‘s just adding another dish to the farming thread tapas
  6. i know, that’s wild scrooge mcduck is a hapless proletariat compared to that guy
  7. they are an endangered species. natural predators include forum contributors who hunt them for their sweet meat and volunteer game developers
  8. the farming community have sold themselves a belief that they are inexplicably important to CoH and without them, the game will fall to pieces. therefore when one leaves, we should mourn the loss north korea style
  9. kin defender for the buffer, a shield tank or scrapper for the melee. shield charge seems to fit the bill nicely!
  10. higher risk of failure, time spent to complete objectives and repeat deaths not all teams are able to complete hard mode TFs, not all teams who set out to speed a hard mode TF succeed in doing it speedily the challenges are far greater than other content - increased defence on enemies, increased enemy accuracy, damage and available powers it’s aligned with common game structures that a higher risk activity would provide an increase in reward for completion this is not a new game mechanic, defeating a +4 enemy gives a higher reward than defeating one of the same level
  11. for sure, i do roll things on brainstorm to try them out but never seem to find things that are particularly enticing the mind/fire/ice dom has everything i want from an offensive alt, the kin/sonic defender is a fun support when i don’t want combat have been tempted by a team tank, though the role is not as required thesedays
  12. i think of a great new alt to play, make a well thought out build in mids.. then convince myself it would be a disappointing endeavour haha
  13. Have been working on my merit haul on my main for the last few years to become Scrooge McDuck's right hand man Turns out the amount of merits you can hold on one alt is capped at a lowly 10,000. Anyone else with reverse altitis incapable of playing multiple characters? I'm on the verge of finally making my third alt..
  14. honey, bring me my internet argument jacket - a new update is about to land on that game i play!
  15. why is there a 3 page thread with no posts?
  16. my quoting for truth perhaps doesn’t add much value to the overall conversation, but damn, this is absolutely spot on i also find the use of the word “dev cheerleader” as an insult very strange. it’s amazing that the game is back. some of the changes had a negative impact on my main - (a /sonic def), however it’s not my server, i am a guest in someones house and that’s how it goes i find i restrict more and more of my conversations on recent changes to PMs to avoid the usual wave of grumpiness and downvotes from the rather sensitive anti-change crowd. this is a shame as it seems to be a minority of less than 10 posters i do think the time has come to remove them from the game and forums, it is giving a bad image to the community which is and has always been, 99% friendly, funny and welcoming
  17. was this ghost written by @Ukase? 😛
  18. sounds proportionate given that it’s a challenge trial
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