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Everything posted by chi1701

  1. Not all aoes have same recharge, lightning rod is 90 seconds. But, what is the target cap for novas for blasters?
  2. This is an old page 5 file showing damage and or effect of every ability based on archytype in game. (is out of date) CoH_Homecoming_of_Data_Page5_20200928.xlsx
  3. Power transfer uses players unmodified base hp and provides a % of that as a heal on a proc basis.
  4. Find its interesting that people are looking at increasing the difficulty, but wont even consider power creep on each individual archytype. Take the damage potential of blaster and compare it to a defender, both with full sets and incarnates. Im not suggesting the a defender should match a blaster, but with the games use of % based increments that gap only got bigger and bigger, this can also be applied to any ability/sets ingame. (includes my PB Dwarf and perma LF) Atm, the way the game makes it harder is to simply increase the mobs level and to increase their numbers which to me isnt a good way to make it harder, but instead youl end up with what is called bullet sponges, and in certain groups, your team might face much of a threat, but might take even longer to complete missions or AVs simply cannot be taken down due to their resistances and health regen. There are simply way to many power combos to effectively find a solution for game difficulty, do we cater for the strongest players and sets or do we cater for weakest? If the game is too hard its impossible, but to easy its not challenging. But at least not challenging doesnt provide content barrier.
  5. Tbh, think a lot of people would wish or dream they could do that much damage. But I would think scrapper but dont quote me on it 🙂
  6. I often did the long flight paths so could brew a coffee lol
  7. One thing I like about this game is ability to play at any level, my main is 50, fully slotted and t4 incarnates, because I have completed endgame per say, I can just sit back, relax and just enjoy the game without thinking about where im going to get the next enhancement or incarnate mat from.
  8. Tankers have a slightly higher resistance cap than brutes? both have 90%
  9. Must use spirutual core paragon, combined with high recharge, my pb can do the same but decided that extra damage and debuff from muscular was more beneficial. Problem is, any change to to LF will also effect the forms as a tri form, I use it nova form due to its squishy nature. LF acts as status protection due to the armour that have has zero protection, if LF is to be nerfed then human shields will need status protection added to them, in same way with tanks, scrappers and sentinels have. But tbh, dont think anything will happen, dont think class has enough overall interest to make it worthwhile change otherwise this would of been done years ago.
  10. Majority of time, I dont use it, though it is handy when used in conjunction with nova form, and does allow for set bonuses to benefit my build.
  11. Simple saying, the grass is always greener on the other side, if you think its that good, role one.
  12. Perma light form requires perma hasten, a trade off that is needed to get a maximum amount of recharge from io sets possible and can be an expensive build. It requires level 38 so has a limited level range, but also, its status protection is limited and offers no protection from mesmerise. Human form also is limited in terms of maximum health, being very close to that of a defender. Dwarf form is in nature like nova is limited to certain abilities, some people dont like dwarf or nova forms due their clunky designs of coming in and out of forms, pure human is a option. And if perma LF is that ground breaking, the class as a whole wouldnt the 4th to bottom of most played archytype?
  13. Need to remember that damage modifier is only as good as the base damage. Nova forms have a 1.2 damage modifer for ranged attacks but with a an overall base damage and damage scale.
  14. Probably a combination of hp and abilities, considering heats and veats have 53hp more than defenders, and on par with corruptors but have access to melee attacks but supported by self resistance buffs and heals.
  15. Shouldnt need to add or create new ats, with the ability to choose different specs from veats (range or melee etc), this option could be used to open up different avenues of builds
  16. Can only comment on defenders, only reason I can come up with is that their support abilities are ranged giving them the ability to buff both melee and ranged within their group. A melee only defender would mean that ranged players to get pbaoe heals or buffs would also have to get into melee range as well putting them at risk. I do like the idea however such as a dark/dark melee defender, with their aoe debuffs etc, would make for interesting setup.
  17. Cant remember how to export, but this is my build, general jack of all trades, usual perma lightform and hasten, 16% defence in all forms, musculature alpha. Chris PeaceBringer V3.mxd
  18. Going with what they say about wow, il throw this in, when a tank in wow is at max level, maximum gear for the expansion, the game also becomes as tedious as it is in cox. The only way for wow to make the game more difficult is the introduction of new expansion, more levels so you can again, go for the best loot and then rince and repeat. Cox hasnt had a increase in level cap, and incarnates and sets are end game.
  19. I have managed to get a reasonable amount of defence on my PB through set bonuses, its not easy but it is definitely doable.
  20. I have managed to get 16.6% melee, 16.6% ranged and 17.8% aoe defence without any active defence abilities even in Dwarf and Nova forms.
  21. 1 - Keldians base damage is significantly lower than that of Blaster which requires them to have a larger damage scale. For a Keldian to match the base damage of a Blaster, they would need a damage buff of 60% which is acquired by use of their inherent. 2 - Dwarf form which also limits availability of powers or requires perma hasten to get llightform or eclipse on cooldown. 3 - Anyone can reach hit cap and even with max damage buff still wont match blaster. Refilling endurance and hp requires mobs to be defeated and present on the floor. 4 - Thats a no, again, forms restrict available powers making it a difficult choice to drop dwarf when taking hits from an av to activate other buffs.
  22. Il bite and ask for proof, because when I played one when they came out they werent used as tanks. Thats your opinion, and thats something I dont agree with.
  23. Exactly, just because dwarf form fits their narrative of what they think a tank is, doesnt make it one, as much as Nova form doesnt make it a blaster.
  24. Confront and provoke. Im surprised because I argued this when they came out with the buffs for tanks and brutes and why are peace bringers (keldians) being left out and was slapped down by rest of forum goers on how Keldians arent tanks.
  25. Point is, they arent "tanks", simply keldians with forms that can taunt
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