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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. It's difficult to suggest slotting based on half of your powers. @Zect makes some pretty good points.
  2. More often than not I usually go assault, but depending on my Toon's need I sometimes go support especially if the toon is really end heavy even accounting for the end refill with Dom. Melee can be nice too if I'm trying to make the toon more tanky and it's designed to be in pbaoe range of mobs. I don't think I've ever gone control hybrid as it doesn't seem worthwhile for any AT. Maybe I'm wrong though and that psi damage proc adds up.
  3. I think a lot of the confusion I've seen from people about the consolidation of Closed Beta and Paragon over to the HC server structure has been with people confused thinking they can move characters from vanguard (paragon) to the regular HC servers, and vice versa.
  4. This thing is 50 now, and I'm working on getting accolades/incarnate XP. Gameplay it's interesting. Because of the DoT nature of several attacks it's nowhere near as bursty as other blasters, but I've yet to die while at the PC with it. There was one time I died while I was changing a diaper to +3 nemesis reflections out in the shard. Two groups had respawned within frigid protection's range while I was gone for 10 minutes. Overall it's a nice flavor of blaster, but not as flashy as a fire/fire or it's ilk.
  5. Some pairings I've made that have worked out really well over the years: Plant/trick arrow troller, built with damage procs, this thing does damn near blaster level AoE damage it seems. Elec/ninja blaster with softcapped typed defense to all except psy/toxic with a res shield. It's a pretty sturdy blaster. Ice/plant blaster built around control and damage. Plays like a petless dominator that never runs out of endurance, does great damage, and has a very fast AoE hold. EM/EA/Mu stalker that gets to incarnate level typed defenses. It's very survivable. FortNight - it's a widow/fortunate that uses buildswap macros while playing to leverage 3 full builds, one designed around melee damage, one around ranged psi, and the other as a support/pet esque controller. I do something similar with my Peacebringer as well cycling between two builds during gameplay as the case might require. Most of my toons are a combination of multiple powersets, and I like to come up with interesting builds to suit what synergy I can find. They might not be winning trapdoor, combat dummy, or office simulator clear times, but they tend to be more effective than the majority of random pug team members I find in game (not trying to sound elitist or the like, but a lot of that could be the driver behind the toon. I just happen to have 20 years experience at this point).
  6. I tell people this rule when I lead a Numina TF. I seem to occasionally get people that don't remember what I told them when I launched the TF so when I find them just waiting in Eden while we the hunt is in Atlas Park, I typically kick them.
  7. Hopefully they weren't all Endos and Goglis.
  8. Or you could place the powers in a power tray and rebind the key that normally activates the power to fire off your powexec_location. Example for if you storm cell was in your primary tray's 6th slot "/bind 6, powexec_location target "storm cell"". Doing it this way, you don't clutter your trays with macros, when you fire it off using 6, the power activates and shows that it's on cool down, and if you mouse click the power you still have access to the locational placer should you not want it to drop on your target.
  9. I'll throw a nomination to @Yomo Kimyata, as their 100 mil refund program has substantially helped quite a few people out that were short on influence. Sure the influence finds its way back to Yomo, and it might be counterfeit to begin with, but several people I've talked to say it spends all the same.
  10. I used to pvp against Jagged Legion. My SG Twilight Avengers, rolled villains in pinnacle, when cov came out because we didn't have server slots on guardian for new villains. I don't think I've specifically seen any floating around on HC that I can think of but I wish you luck in finding them.
  11. I'm a professional planner by trade (even have a certificate and all, planning.org), so I "try" to avoid having a plan when I boot up something to play. That said I have an idea what I want to play tonight at least for a bit assuming the toddler falls asleep soon.
  12. I like playing with those people when I'm on my rad defender, because I get plenty of opportunity to use fallout and vengeance. The may have been one time I just recalled a body a few times and used fallout/veng as he was more valuable to the team dead than alive. I told him I would rez him but it's on cool down and I'd get him as soon as it was back.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe @Ukase should be awarded 200 influence for reporting this bug.
  14. My 19 month old daughter and I brush every night together. I just started introducing floss to her. Holding off on mouth wash though because I don't want her drinking it. I'm also 1 of 2 guys that brush their teeth at our office following lunch. My grandparents all ended up with dentures, my mom has dentures, my dad is getting implants. Maybe I'm naive but I'd like to keep the teeth I have.
  15. Between the two, assuming we're speaking of corruptors here I would probably roll fire/dark. I have an ice/dark which absolutely shreds things but you just made an ice blaster. Tar patch helps keep things in your rain of fire which benefits quite decently with scourge (so another point for Corruptors), and due to mobs being clumped in a tar patch fireball/inferno. Also Howling Twilight is great for breaking regen on AVs. You also get a team stealth, lots of -damage and -tohit, and fluffy. Radiation emission isn't bad by any means, but fallout is not that useful unless you have a vengeance mule, and mutation isn't anywhere near as good as HT. AM is pretty nice though.
  16. So I rolled one of these the other day as I was thinking it was time to make a new blaster (admittedly it's been awhile), but I was trying to think outside of the box and come up with a non typical blaster. After storm blast was released I made a defender and a corruptor with it but hadn't tried it out as a blaster. So I thought what secondary would fit, and I was thinking it would be interesting pairing it with ice manipulation for ice patch but more so for frigid protection's 30-foot slow figuring it would help keep mobs inside cat5. I've got it up to the mid 40's currently and just playing a bit with it on generics, before I finish it up and IO it all out. So far it seems to work pretty well for the intent of it (I figure more recharge will help have storm cell and cat5 available for more groupings, as I slot it out). I'm planning on mu mastery for a res shield, abd digging through a pet to get to electrifying fences for an AoE immobilize to keep targets in cat5. Does anyone have experience playing these two sets together? I haven't seen another one out there to pick their mind on it. Thanks.
  17. I don't publicly release my builds but I'm willing to help teach you how to make a build for it. Send me a message on the forums with your build goals (permadom, type of travel power, defense based (positional or typed), what kind of content you plan running with it, what difficulty, are you looking for advanced mode stuff or no, and if you are playing it organically or power leveling it?) and an attempt to make your own build aimed at your goals with mids.
  18. Hami. At this point it's not fun to me, but I do it for the rewards/time. I used to be in an SG that had mandatory Hami raid nights multiple times a week back during the live era and we did it a lot. To the point that I had a couple mule accounts just loaded to the gills to hold hamis. That was before reward merits, IOs, etc. it worked out though because once the AH came out my stockpile of HOs became super valuable and my mules quickly all got up to influence cap selling them. Fast forward to today. A raid you can get a HO or 80 merits, or repeat for another 40 merits. Given the amount of time it takes to kill Hami it's one of the quicker and easier methods to stockpile reward merits and then some HOs have a good resale value so it also can be beneficial to play roulette and see if you win a decent HO (quite a few of them have over market saturation and sell for garbage). At this point I don't really like Hami anymore, but I still go through the motions 19 years later. I've been a raid leader, main tank, empath, blaster when we did the snipe method, pa drop team, and every role under the current version of Hami as well. I'll likely keep raiding because the rewards though.
  19. Dark Armor gets a bad reputation for being end hungry, but stick a chance of endurance into dark regeneration and that significantly helps quite a bit. If you're slotting set IOs which I assume is the game plan then you can resolve your endurance woes easily enough. Otherwise you can also go for either musculature radial with built-in end mod, or cardiac core.
  20. Honestly I think either pairing would make for a serviceable tank. On one hand dark/elec gives you resistances plus oppressive gloom to stack the stun on that with lightning clap and thunderstrike so everything around you shy of AVs will likely get stunned. You also get the best heal in the game with dark regeneration. On the other hand, elec/dark, gives you resistances paired with some tohitdebuff on your targets and then you have energize/siphon life. You can lean into sapping with power sink/lightning field and dark consumption (which is also a decent form of mitigation). Both of these pairings I would aim the build to get resistances up to cap with 1-2 MotT procs, and capped slow resistance so your heals are dry when you are. For epic choices I really like soul for darkest night on both of these because it adds more tohitdebuff but also -damage to the enemies which makes their attacks on your resistance layer even less. It also acts as a quasi taunt for scooping up agro.
  21. Plant manipulation is actually pretty damn strong. You have a super strong sustain with an absorb shield, and you can pump out more hard control than a controller while blasting them with bullets. You also debuff damage, tohit, and Regen, and get a couple melee attacks. It used to be part of the FotM ice/plant PvP blasters back in 2019, but I'm surprised I don't see more of them because you can AoE hold your mobs in place and drop a nuke on them or a full assault in your case.
  22. servers are down atm.
  23. I'm of two hearts on this one. One I like the idea of soloing a GM for the challenge. For that I'm typically doing it at an off hour time where the server pop is low. When there's substantial population and I feel like hunting GMs, I form a league and put Incandescence on the toon. I personally feel that all League Leaders should have it slotted and help the stragglers arrive quicker. When I'm leading a league, if someone hasn't made progress Online in a reasonable amount of time then they can always catch the next one because they could be grabbing a coffee, taking a piss, or having a massive map server. Luckily enough they respawn fairly regularly.
  24. The Unofficial PvP Shard is Excelsior. The PvP community moved there around 3 years ago.
  25. Take a look for yourself. Here's Defenders Poison: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=defender_buff.poison&at=defender Sonic: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=defender_ranged.sonic_attack&at=defender Corruptors Poison: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=corruptor_buff.poison&at=corruptor Sonic: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=corruptor_ranged.sonic_attack&at=corruptor You can take a look at the individual power's values with those links.
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