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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. Elec/elec was my very first toon I rolled on release. Shout out to old Thunderspark from Guardian, you never made it past lvl 14 before getting shelved. At the time elec seemed weaker than the other elemental blast sets. Fast forward 20 years, I've taken both elec blast and elec manipulation to 50 multiple times, just not together. If you look over recent changes HC has made to elec blast, you'll find that it's actually in a pretty good place. Elec manipulation is a very melee focused secondary and overall it also works. Electric as you can imagine used energy damage, which is the third most resisted damage type in the game as far as I understand, so it's not going to get say fire/fire level damage, it still can work very well. I'd suggest downloading Mids Reborn and working on building your character there to use the tools to see what you can get out of it, additionally copying it over to the test server and using the commands there to lvl it to 50 and get the IOs and enhancements you want to test in it can be very useful. Additionally City of Data has great information about every power in the game. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/archetype.html?at=blaster https://midsreborn.com/
  2. if the toon doesn't come with DDR, or they don't account for that by selective content choices, teaming, or taking Ageless Radial, sometimes just padding defense might be in for a ride awakening fighting mobs that have defense debuff. That said defense can be theoretically built to allow only a 5% chance to be hit. Resistance based builds are hard limited based on AT limits to a range of 75-90% resistance. Defense also has the benefit of dodging debuffs that are.tied to attacks, where resistance based will essentially deal with the debuff (subject to their various debuff resistances).
  3. I'd personally like to see some of the taskforce/strike force AVs and Heroes appear in more story arcs leading up to their respective TF/SFs. It's better on Red side for some of this, or some of the newer arcs like Piecemeal's Freaklock stuff where you bust out Bile from jail you can see Vandal and Hopkins locked up as well.
  4. As a big Kheldian fan I fully agree. Personally I never understood not having more Kheldian story lines interwoven through more aspects of the game on both blue and red side (since Kheldians have been on Earth for ballpark 3,000+ years as far back as Ancient Egypt, it doesn't make sense that there aren't more involved with the Rogue Isles). I fully understand them not being on Gold Side, because in that dimension, Kheldians might not have reached Earth yet, or skipped it and set up shop somewhere else.
  5. I've been seeing this myself on Everlasting. Random "Mapserver Disconnected" messages requiring me to log back to character select screen and back in.
  6. I was about to say the same thing. Seems quite a few ppl don't play PBs. Adding to that at lvl 10 you get Combat Flight, a hover equivalent for free too. Taking fly as a power pool on a PB, although it's a selectable power leaves me searching my head a bit. I guess the OP is working towards Evasive Maneuvers.
  7. Any powerset with ally only abilities also can be used on says a controller or mastermind so you can make use of those abilities (with the exception of say resurrect like powers or powers that affect recharge), that makes playing some of those characters easier.
  8. Hmmm the min maxer in me wants to be okay with self-effecting buffs, but the advocate against power creep in me doesn't want to make the game already easier. As someone that mained a PvP Empathy Defender in live yes there's been some times I wish I could clear my own mind, but I realize the powerset is about Empathy. The definition of Empathy is: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. So if these buffs work on the empath themselves how does that match the definition of the term as there's no other to be empathetic to. I think I'm against these proposed changes, but I do thing Empathy needs something, and maybe that something could be really unique like buffs to it based on who you buff with your powers, but at a cost of perhaps a shared nexus of pain, so you take a percentage of the incoming damage to others or such?
  9. Ice/dark/dark corruptor has been my favorite corruptor for a few years. They are really fun and there's great power synergy between the sets.
  10. We forgot to buff the duration of spirit drain to 30 seconds, and lower the recharge of soul drain in epic sets to 120 seconds.
  11. Heroes do not inherently get better buff values than villains (that used to be true when defenders and tanks were locked to blue side, but since defenders and tanks can be villains now or praetorians, the field is equalized). Defenders are a Buff/Debuff Primary with a Blast Secondary. Corruptors are a Blast Primary with a Buff/Debuff Secondary. Take Poison for example, it's debuffs will scale higher on a Defender because it's a primary powersets, as a trade off the damage of it's blast are weaker than if the blast set was in the Primary. That's why Defenders/Corruptors are essentially the inverse of each other (with a little flair scourge and vigilance thrown in).
  12. If the resistance lasted for say 30 seconds it would be easier to maintain, but at 15 seconds that basically forces you to popping lvl 3 SS as you get it. I have a Staff/Invuln myself, that leaned more into the defense aspect with guarded spin than the resistance from sky splitter.
  13. I don't typically publicly release my builds as I told you last February. That said I'm more than willing to work with you to improve your build. Feel free to message me with it and your build goals and we can take it from there.
  14. I have it on good authority to say...in the future of this post.
  15. Psi/energy blaster with hover/fly and teleport with 2 +5 range IOs in there, for those times when you absolutely have to be the first one to the door. Energy manipulation has boost range, and psi blast has the longest range attacks in the game, so that set up makes it so you'll be picking off targets at maximum render distance and they have to come closer to you to even attack. You'll be floating around, and tp allows a quick reposition as well.
  16. Seconding radiation blast. But fire blast works pretty well too, otherwise I really like elec blast too and that adds another debuff type to the mix.
  17. This right here. My favorite part of the game is building out and slotting my characters, but there's been a number of times I've looked at a character that I've drunkenly respec'd and threw in a bunch of IO's that don't make sense later on towards what my build goals are for a toon, leaving me to scratch my head and having to respec it again.
  18. Make sure to slot a kismet proc into a defense power. And if your having difficulty hitting with a power that you have loaded to the gills with procs, maybe take one out and stick a Nucleus in there or such. Also do you have the Alpha slot level shift? Otherwise you can also take an alpha or hybrid that boosts your accuracy if you need.
  19. At level 50 there's still a lot of mission content through story arcs in various zones like Ouroboros, RWZ, Dark Astoria, The Shadow Shard, PI, Grandville, etc. Playing at lvl 50 also generates the most influence gain for just doing missions, and rewards incarnate salvage, occasional prismatic aethers, and gives you access for very rare recipe drops. So there's heaps to do still for a fresh lvl 50 character.
  20. I think it could be fine in that you would build towards stacking resistance, and recharge for energize, rage, footstomp. Slow resistance would likely be useful as well. Alternatively I do like SS and Dark Armor to stack hand clap and oppressive gloom stuns. It plays similarly to SS/Elec. Realistically there's not much that isn't a good pairing with SS. One of my fav SS pairings is with Radiation Armor. I'd suggest searching the Brute/Tanker pages for builds with your preference since there's likely either a complete one or a framework to get you started.
  21. It's been awhile since I played shield but I don't think shield charge would send you up into the air, so maybe it takes issue with where your cursor is? Personally I used a powexec_location target macro for shield charge and select my target ahead of time. Your way is technically more click efficient if you can assure you land where you're intending though. Mine seems more idiot friendly.
  22. I'm curious how refractor beam is in play. I have taken Beam to 50 on a Blaster and Defender. I just rolled a Beam Sentinel the other day so I was curious about how effective Refractor beam is in regards to applying damage, but also potential -res procs in anyone's experience that has tried it. I checked the math and seems with no recharge slotting in the power Achilles gets about a 15% proc rate and Annihilation gets a 13% proc rate per target (up to 10 targets). In real use I'm curious about how effective that might be, noting that with smaller groups it chains less and may be more reliable. How's the damage on the power overall? Thanks.
  23. Have you tried your character when the the slotting that you chose whether on the production servers or test server? Does it meet your goals? The big thing I see looking at your build is that you reached for a lot of 6 set bonuses, which is fine if that's what you're after, but you can probably get better slot efficiency. How do you control your pets? Are you running in supremacy mode, or typically have your pets on aggressive? Do you use binds/macros to control them? I have a couple necro/dark MM's that I'll run and it's one of the better mastermind pairings imo. I'll try to remember after work to boot up your build and take a look at it in more detail compared to how I play and and probably provide you with more feedback later.
  24. I enjoy savage assault. I paired it with illusion control and ice mastery. my character concept is that of a vampiric demon that teleports in and out of combat and it feels pretty smooth. It's one of my fav dominators to be honest.
  25. Arsenal Mastery should be renamed to Weapon Mastery in spirit of the great global epic pool thesaurus name nerf. I'm still against making Dark Mastery's Soul Drain unable to be made perma despite having been able to since issue 3 for Defenders and issue 18 for Corruptors. As I said before I'm alright with the rename to Spirit Drain and allow to to be used as a targeted AoE. I understand the discrepancy between the differences between soul drain from dark mastery and soul mastery, so I'd be in support of equalizing them with the existing base recharge and buff uptime of Dark Mastery's soul drain.
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