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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. I could run 8 accounts on my computer. I don't do that, but I could, I stick to the 3 maximum allowed. It's all about tweaking the settings to get it to work right. Definitely couldn't do more than a couple on Ultra settings.
  2. I have definitely noticed this as I was marketing this weekend. The price hovered between 8-10M for LoTG +recharge. I saw this on a couple of other sets as well, but I didn't write down what they were. Sets that had no reason to be 6-7M, but were. Someone is obviously gouging the market on a few things. Dangerous position to take if a group decides to flood. I did that in WoW many years ago with Netherweave bags. Had enough gold that I could afford to buy everything and relist at nutty prices. Made a killing on it till a group got together and flooded me out. Took me a couple of very tedious months to drop my inventory without losing my shirt. I learned my lesson. After that I switched tactics and did the opposite and tried my best to keep prices low by undercutting as much as possible. Lesser profits, but I made a lot of good will that way except to the people I was undercutting. Got a lot of hate mail and even a couple of threats. It's just a game folks.
  3. Hi diddly ho Ebil Marketeers! Back into playing the market, lightly. I've been more or less not doing much since before the holidays. I jump back in and all of my niches are over-run. Health, defense and resist are way down. Some folks are being really ebil with the pricing. Not that I am complaining, there are still plenty of opportunities out there, just a bit harder to find. I've still managed to do about 2B this week without working too hard after spending it all a week or so ago. Took a few minutes while my son was home this weekend to show him how to work the market, hopefully he will be ebil soon enough. How are your ebil efforts going? Are you waiting or flooding, or just poking around at it?
  4. I'd start off with doing a System File Check (SFC) and a Disk Error Check. If those pass, then you might need to manually track down all the components of the driver and delete them by hand, then reinstall. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/929833/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/chkdsk
  5. Chewie is an Awww-ful Doge. Cuteness overload.
  6. Not that high, but I have broke 1k finally.
  7. Finally broke 1k. Not enough to make the leaderboard, but getting there slowly.
  8. Absolutely true. I spent everything on one character to kit out another last week. In two days of putzing around on the market for a total of maybe 45 minutes I had a billion made back. It wasn't hard or even something I had to try at. I used the same principles as given in the guides and advice here on The Market forum.
  9. Crunchyroll has been leading weekend raids fairly regularly lately.
  10. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. I'd like to get the badge, but unfortunately I have to work so I am never around during restarts.
  11. There were several daytime Hami raids this weekend. Just have to watch chat to see if one is going on.
  12. Just as a FYI, the days of decoying Hami are long gone. Today's raids are much different.
  13. Still missing a few folks. It's good to see so many picking it back up. Now for some fish puns and pantsless poetry!
  14. Props to @MTNSidefor running some awesome task and strike forces. I've done a couple and they are always fun.
  15. Are you using the latest version (see link below)? If so, your question would be better directed in the forum below.
  16. Back to crafting and selling this week. Need to make some cash for a few new toons that I plan to level up. Winter IO's have taken a massive hit. Makes sense given the Winter Event, but it hurt a bit not selling the few I had on the market. How are your marketeering efforts going?
  17. Thanks @Hyperstrike. This is an awesome build. Not cheap, but fantastically awesome. Like Snarky said, the health bar barely moves even when RNG and debuffs stack up. Just got to 50 and don't have my incarnates unlocked yet, so it should truly be great once I accomplish that,
  18. Thank you for running this every week. A lot of fun was had even if I face planted several times, I didn't name the SG Masters of Debt for nothing. 😉 Getting closer to 50 on my all around Brute so my set bonuses will be getting finished out and I can be a better puller. Back in the day on Protector we had this every Thursday and it was a lot of fun. Glad to see it is back in full swing.
  19. Had a couple of folks move into my niche and run the purchase prices up crazy high, so I am taking a break. Play time has been severely curtailed by RL so maybe this next week I'll have extra time to play since we aren't doing anything for Thanksgiving this year.
  20. Bionic Flea is on Excelsior.
  21. Possibly. Myself I live out toward Lake Lanier. There are several others I know live here in Atlanta as well.
  22. Again, no argument. I did this as a means to an end and to see what a low cost build would be like. I already know what a fully tweaked build will do, I had more than one on live. Right now I just don't have the play time that I did 12 years ago, so low cost was an experiment. I could have dumped all my cash and had it right off, but I chose to do a test. I doubt that I will keep it long after I hit 50 and start actually farming.
  23. No argument there. But if you don't have the cash for all of those purples and high influence sets, the build from SenkanYamato is a good solid build for getting started.
  24. As a bit of feedback, I did this build and it is a great all around build. Works wonderfully for farming as well as doing the occasional task force. I ran Admiral Sutter and while most of the rest of the team had faceplanted from the AOE's this build was barely dented without actively trying to avoid the strafing. Until both AV's piled on the health bar stayed up. I highly recommend this build. For a cost idea I did "Buy it nao" on a weekend and spent ~$140 million to get it fully slotted. I could have saved a fair amount of influence if I had I saved IO's and done some converting, but I was in a rush due to lack of time.
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