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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I am a fan of building defenses onto a Blaster. Two of my favorite sets are Dark and Ice. Ice is fully ranged. At softcap range Def you can screw with bosses a long time. Dark has -to hit debuff all over it. If you focus on that one boss that wont go down easy he probably cant hit you for squat either.
  2. ....if you have 9 slots left over on a Brute you seriously did something wrong WAY back in the planning phase....
  3. Too bad too because the 6th slot in that is range defense (I love it like way too much...) and the set starts off with 5% Range boost on all powers. But yeah, you lose a hard hitting alpha strike permanently.
  4. For me the “slog” is Sharkhead. Once i hit Nerva there is a LOT to do left, but it feels better. Honestly there is almost no content on Mercy and Port Oakes. Cap has a decnt amount as does Sharkhead. But not a ton. Do not forget to run the four DFBs then the four DiBs for buffs until 30. Also remember that you can drop 3 enhancers into Health and 3 into Stamina ( Panacea, Numina, Miracle ) ( perf shift proc, perf shift end, regular end mod ) for tons of End. Then respec out as you level later. Your low level build can be stand alone for that time in your career. Stop exp at 19, respec, do all 15-19 content. Level to 24 stop exp, reapec, do all 20-24,etc
  5. I have done this regularly since live on Redside. Every contact with every mission they offer whether arc or not. i have made a handful of starts Blueside. Made it i to the low twenties tops. The stories do not appeal to me. The story arcs and contacts are real hard to figure out Blueside as well i have done Goldside twice on live. Switching alignments and doing everything Everything depends on how you like to play. I find soloing relaxing and i enjoy completing things. Others enjoy teams levelling and task forces
  6. I might do this as soon as it is available in Ouro. Good idea thanks. In my mind this has gone i to “how many badges can i get pre 50?” Through content play
  7. I agree it is not a perfectly “fair” trade off. What i think of it as is an escape button. Perfectly fair would be my accuracy debuffed 95% lol. That is why the build i am building it on also has Stealth’s Phase Shift. These two powers give me great flexibility. Stealth gets me many places. Stealth plus PFF will get me almost anywhere. PFF gives me an escape 90% time. My best escape is Phase shift but it might be on cooldown or I might be saving it. I do not think of PFF as all powerful. I think of it as part of a kit for getting strategic solutions or saving my butt tactically
  8. Update: the project changed. And got bigger lol. I had worked about halfway through Port Oakes on the Stalker. Ery successful but i realized it was not what i wanted. Not what i planned soooo. I restarted the project on a Blaster. Dark/Dark. Now at the same point basically. With some differences. I will be “Rogue” for this entire run (with exceptions for Ouro badges) I will be badging all Blueside story arcs and maps and Task Forces in addition to the normal exhausting every contact Redside of every bit of content. sooo. This will take a little longer than normal. But the journey is the destination after all
  9. It all depends on strategy and tactics. Left out of your analysis is "who has agro" If you are solo your statement holds up. It can hold up depending on agro cap, etc. But I have seen this used effectively IN COMBAT to mitigate mounting agro from +4/x8 in farms. Not 100% effective in that situation. The person I saw had good timing and over an hour of play I would give them 90-95% success just eyeballing it.
  10. The “best” use i have seen on this was a newer player. They made a Blaster and i was helping them with some farms on my Brute. They would go in once I had agro, use T9 Nuke, the PFF and run. It was very effective. They died a couple times in an hour. This actually inspired me to do some tinkering with a Range only Blaster. I have PFF and Stealth’s Phase Shift on the character. When in trouble there are multiple options to just check out
  11. you would do better with Energy Melee/Invul. Nice recent change on Energy. Although with a "minimal investment' I would look hard at Super Strength. that insane 2 min buff on damage and ACCURACY does not need a lot of I/O support
  12. I tried to artistically crop this. After 45 minutes and destroying a computer by throwing it out the window I have admitted it may be beyond my skill level. Here is the unedited version
  13. Each week we see a couple of posters here on the boards flabbergasted by the discovery of the continuing existence of the best Super game of all time. Just throwing this idea out there. If each of us put out one small post on each of the social media outlets we use the odds of Homecoming's existence becoming known will go way up. A good grassroots push can be like rocket fuel to a project. So... I respectfully request that each of us post once on each social network we use once in the coming week about CoH Homecoming. Lets fill those DFB ranks! There are people out there that would kill to be able to run a Synapse again, and have no idea you still can!
  14. I like what I settled on. Not love, but definitely serviceable. Wished the brain worked with the bubble helmet (that would obscure the awkward hair a little more too) My only issue now is time. I have a number of CoH/CoV irons in the fire lol. But I will level and play the character at some point.
  15. It is a little tangential to the thread but it brings up the danged untargetable civilians who push you right out of the way. I finish a tough incarnate Trial on my 8ft tall Brute Robot in heavy armor. I zone into Atlas Park for a costume contest and am immediately pushed out of the way bu middle aged librarian Hmmmm. That… sigh… that kind of changed my mood
  16. That would be awesome if it did. In my head i see a group of sentinels decked out in white armor carrying beam rifles with the SG name 501st Legion lol
  17. 5 valiant attempts at a horridly difficult challenge. Congratulations on your successes and the knowledge you obtained. I would consider trying this on a Energy/Invul Brute but I am fully booked. I wonder how far I would make it. I think i could cheese my way through late teens to early 20s okay. After that it would be RNG. If you get good drops and salvage you are golden. Also, I am villainous coward by nature. Nothing in the rules about stopping experience and running content i know i can survive long enough to get more enhancers to drop. I can be stubborn in working around rules lol. That may be in my future. Thanks for the entertainment and updates as we followed your adventures
  18. I hope you have found a place you are comfortable. If you are still looking the Cosmic Council on Excelsior is a great place to be. Personally I feel like I am gaming with a high end group grabbed from a Comic Con. We do a LOT of content and have members from all walks of life. That we accept for who they are.
  19. A lot of Redside is a slog. That is true of any long series of tasks in my opinion. But then you get those rare missions where you kidnap Atlas Park citizens and deliver them to waiting Vahzilok minions for live vivisection. Then it's all worth it again.
  20. They make me come in through the garage.
  21. I do recommend the envenomed dagger and army of minions strategy. It was surprisingly fast. I too remember the live version and thought it was a crazy idea when i started. But unless the respecs are the weekly forming one ip Redside is….no….not even going to try lol
  22. not sure what your version of reality is but I think you are having issues with cause and effect. Have you considered rebooting?
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