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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. I've seen this with Katana and Dual Blades characters for at least six months. No idea what causes it. The weapons will render for me, but not for anyone who looks at me.
  2. I'm sure your female characters rage over the convention.
  3. Here's one for a Bio/Staff tank. Not quite a brute but overall fairly similar to my staff/bio brute build, which seems to have vanished into the abyss of my hard drive. Tanker - Bio Armor - Titan Weapons.mxd
  4. Never have I ever taken a Kheldian past 40. I just cannot get into them for whatever reason.
  5. I use retro sci fi, face 24, and the supernatural face with the eye stitching fairly often. Edit: All Female faces, obviously.
  6. I want to see the Gunslinger female boots with the spurs cut down to a calf-high boot instead of a thigh-high. So instead of just this Something more like this to also be available: Theoretically I suspect it might be doable by cutting down the length of the gunslinger model, but I am not a coder so can't say with 100% certainty.
  7. There's only one character I MIGHT have AT swapped on to recreate. I have a claw/ninja scrapper who MIGHT have been a claw/sr brute on Live, but I think was still a scrapper even with the different secondary. I'm not SURE though. Other than that I power set swapped one recreated character (ss/elec to street/dark) while retaining her as a brute AT. Other than those two examples, I've only recreated one alt from Live. I have made new takes on a couple of powerset pairings though.
  8. EA or SR might be good choices. They both stack with what katana already provides (fast damage and melee def) and are reasonably strong on their own as well.
  9. It starts at the business school level. They all teach the same stupid, often wrong stuff to everyone from the state college program to places like Cambridge and Harvard. Since the kids assume that the degree they're paying a million dollars for HAS to be true and correct, they apply all those wrong lessons to businesses when they graduate and it all just turns into a giant, stinking, cluster-FUBAR by the time an actual business decision gets made.
  10. City was in third behind only Runescape and WoW when I checked earlier. Arguably second, since both those games were tied for first.
  11. Can both be true?
  12. Under level 20 stats are boosted to make not-blasters suck less. Repeat the test at level 20 with non-resistant mobs and you'll see significantly different results.
  13. Be hit by a spawn at or over the aggro cap, while using the brute +fury ATOs. You'll probably get up into the high 90s briefly. 100 Fury is exceptionally difficuly to reach because of the way 1 Fury=2% Damage buff thing. It's a balancing metric.
  14. Aren't there power execute macros that target stuff like that on whatever you have targeted?
  15. Yeah, you get ONE bonus power and one no bonus power. Which is which is your call when you buy them.
  16. For the record you can pick which version of the nemesis staff/blackwand you get regardless of origin. So even a science type can get the knockback free Blackwand with the origin bonus, and if for some reason a Magic character wanted a spinning knockback want it could pick the origin bonus Nemestaff.
  17. Can't I love CoH/V without having to drunkenly shout at the monitor?
  18. Praetoria's not so bad, and I love starting there. That being said, I've also been playing City as long as it's existed and design builds ahead of time before actually rolling them. With that it's a great place to play and the storytelling is excellent. The actual gameplay assuming you're not a veteran is rather counter-intuitive.
  19. It sounds like you're asking if you can slot the sudden acceleration special IO at the same time as the Overwhelming force special IO. As far as I know you CAN, but there's no point in doing so since either alone will negate the knockback. You can absolutely have more than one sudden acceleration special and the overwhelming force IO in a build at the same time, as any good stormie will tell you. :)
  20. Important safety fixes, thanks Egon. :)
  21. The forums were down? When?
  22. Logging out and restarting works most times, too.
  23. Like the people with ERP costumes didn't 1) use mods, and 2) be fairly open about having/wearing them. :)
  24. Isn't the only thing to talk about with gravity how it gets people down? ^.^
  25. That sounds awesome.
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