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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. Nope. Fresh start only. You can import their old costumes and use their names, but no importing builds/slotting/etc.
  2. I'd probably play a Fantasy of Heroes game (City of Fantasy?). That said, I'm not particularly interested in such a project.
  3. I still can't walk into a Greek restaurant without thinking of "City of Gyros."
  4. This lasted for about a year and only had three or four ads. They were... a mixed bag. For example I remember a billboard in Boomtown being a fairly clean ad for some shoe. But a shoe that had debuted AFTER Boomtown had turned into a burning garbage pile of a zone. So it was jarring as heck to see this wildly inappropriate shoe on a sign in a literal walled off trashfire of a zone. That was pretty much the only time I even remember seeing one of the "real world product" ads.
  5. Primary power sets tend to use the highest of an AT's scalars to determine effects, while secondary sets tend to use lower scalars. This is not an "always" rule though, and power effectiveness is always a function of base stat multiplied by AT scalar.
  6. Couldn't you just stick with a tier-2 or tier-1 alpha power? Those don't give level shifts.
  7. Problem is that all-lieutenant and boss spawns changes the reward/time dynamics. Killing 20 minions, half a dozen lieutenants and a boss in a minute (for example) is less exp and influence and fewer drops than a 20 lieutenant, seven boss mob in that same minute would be. Even if it took say twice as long for that second example mob, it's still more reward/minute compared to the first one, which would only lead to more inflation and rapid leveling.
  8. It's just your personal star rating of that player, and only appears to you.
  9. Click "add note" again and it'll show you what you wrote. If you gave them a star rating in the note window it appears over their characters' heads when you see them in-game. I would also like a brief "notes" line for the SG display if it's possible without too much code-hassle. I know our volunteer team is surprisingly good with the code but why not minimize what they have to fiddle with? 🙂
  10. This is a change I could get behind. Or arranging them by what they mod, so that all the +HP bonuses would be together, or all the +res bonuses, etc. with them then ordered from biggest to smallest.
  11. I'd like to see the Widow claws able to use alternative claw models, myself. Relatively low priority to me, but like most of the suggestions in the last couple posts, it'd be nice. 🙂
  12. Probably because their exact slotting is none of your God-**** business. 🙂 Or maybe it's because the engine doesn't support the enhancement screen for a character that's not yours. Pick one. Or both.
  13. Sounds about right, yeah.
  14. Really? Because I just used the villain TUNNEL system on a rogue less than an hour ago in Cap au Diable.
  15. Storm is very visually impressive with all the chaotic weather effects (that mostly are fifteen variations on "hurricane" 🙂 ) and feels meaty, despite all the wind blowing.
  16. Did you buy just the recipes, by chance? If so they'd be in your recipe tab.
  17. Energy Aura ALSO resists end drain, in one of the +res passives. Plus softcap defense means the end drains are less likely to hit. There's also ninjitsu, which on scrappers has a +end heal power that gives you approximately half your bar back and strong vector defenses.
  18. Number Six is not part of the DA story arc. As for Max, he's not a story arc, but rather four missions that are interlinked, insofar as doing the first three makes the last one easier. If you skip to the end and do the "end the talons" mission before doing the rest of his missions he's still over and done.
  19. I suspect everyone who's ever made significant use of the auction houses has done something similar, in kind if not necessarily in scale. 🙂
  20. Will his campaign slogan be "Choke it down, Paragon!" ?
  21. Exactly. Chicago is probably MORE honestly governed and has fewer criminals at every level than Paragon. 🙂
  22. Considering what utter morons and corrupt thieves the city councilmen and mayors of Paragon have proven themselves to be (Penny Yin TF, anyone?) the mayoral election probably results in the winner immediately getting checked into a cell at Zigursky Prison.
  23. He got lost on the way to the Forum?
  24. At work right now, so I don't have a complete list handy, but 95% of knockbacks are less than one (knockdown) or more than 12. There really isn't a lot in between that I can think of offhand.
  25. I would pay them money for a pistol and blade combination powerset. Be perfect for a couple character ideas I had.
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