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Everything posted by merrypessimist

  1. Probably be better off slotting Blackstar for damage and just killing them. Use one of the Alpha powers that add tohit debuff to raise the power's innate -tohit values.
  2. Doesn't the number of pools fall into the "things so core to the code that if we change them everything catches fire" class?
  3. I had forgotten that was a slash command thing, thank you. Also: Have you people really never watched Venture Brothers?
  4. First, curse you for beating me to them. 🙂 Second, could I persuade you to surrender Tiger Bomb and/or Ebon Flow? They're too awful puns to be left in hands other than my own. 😛
  5. I thought they were degenerate hives of scum and villainy?
  6. So are the good rerolls or the bad rerolls the Rick-rerolls?
  7. I heard a rumor once that Ms. Liberty kissed Dominatrix once and she liked it.
  8. I'm slightly confused. Are dog girls close enough for government work? Because my puptorian's been around for months and months.
  9. As someone with a level 50 MA/Bio brute, I strongly suggest picking up Cross Punch from the fighting pool and possibly an AOE epic/patron power to supplement the fact MA only has dragon's tail for in-set AOEs. Ideally do both.
  10. Since this seems to be pretty common, best to treat it as a server outage and not sweat it until tomorrow.
  11. He does not that I recall. I kept a character in Praetoria doing contacts until 22 some months back and the "You gotta leave now" contact was the only one that popped up once I hit 20, then nothing else unlocked during 21 or 22.
  12. Miracle is generally the least useful of the three, since it's ONLY recovery. Numina gives regen and recovery, while Panacea is actual additions of hp/end, as if a heal power was used on you.
  13. As I recall his exact words were "Those three attacks were as much animation and development time as three entire conventional powersets."
  14. Use one of the diamagnetic incarnate powers that adds -regen to your attacks, and then build for survival from there. Use a +defense set and/or -tohit set to reduce incoming damage.
  15. Good way. Rising to the occasion, as it were.
  16. My reaction to these patch notes, if somewhat belated, would definitely quality as a NSFW image.
  17. Also a Live dev innovation.
  18. All what? IOs? Those came about not too long after CoV released. They've been part of the game for more than ten years. Homecoming simply made them cheaper to acquire and utilize, generally speaking. Though I will say the Homecoming devs are responsible for... I want to say five brand new, never existed on Live IO sets. Might be four, but it's somewhere in there.
  19. That's what I originally wrote, and then for some reason thought "isn't it recharge? I think it's recharge."
  20. The Overwhelming Force KB>KD/Damage IO increases the power's damage a bit AND turns its knockback into knockdown. The Sudden Acceleration set has a KB>KD ONLY IO, that you can slot as many times as you like. edit: The Overwhelming Force is a universal damage set, and all its parts are uniques. Sudden Acceleration is a Knockback set, and none of the components are uniques.
  21. Pretty sure that was changed by the live devs.
  22. 30% global damage buff. -10% per teammate, minimum zero.
  23. I'm not really comic influenced for character design. Though now having read this thread I have an idea for a claw/sr detective character who's the bastard cross of Sherlock Holmes and Wolverine called Cluevarine. Battlecry/catchphrase: Elementary, Bub! snickt!
  24. According to Nemesis, it's the year 2013.
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