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Pro Tip: Don't Engage in Real World Trading


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7 hours ago, Lazarillo said:

It's almost...gratifying that this server is big enough that even the Chinese Gold Farmers are starting to take note.

Mostly annoying.  But almost gratifying.

More likely opportunistic wankers than organized traders imo, but regardless glad they got stomped.

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5 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

And a damned good way to get the game shut down...

I disagree honestly. The problem with the gold sellers is that while it does show popularity, it's then up to the company running the game to deal with it. It causes inflation for the in-game economy, which in turn results in shrinking player counts due to frustration, thus being a profit loss. Not to mention they'd honestly care more about the whales willing to dump massive amounts of money into the game than the gold sellers. Keeping the whales spending however requires active development of new features to entice them, which I very much doubt NCSoft is interested in doing. They also can't use the new Homecoming content as that falls under the creator's copyright. Yes, even if it's produced in a technically illegal environment, as it's still their intellectual property.


From a business perspective this doesn't mean much for Homecoming's status other than stronger community support due to their efforts. It's only if Homecoming started profiting from the situation somehow that it might cause any significant damage.

Edited by Felis Noctu

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7 hours ago, Puma said:

I do have one concern about this:


When I first got here friends gave me a good chunk of influence to get going. Ive offered to do the same for others. Heck, I even talked to someone about starting a channel specifically so farmers like myself could help new players get their first inf building account going strong called "Kickstarter" channel, but decided I didnt have time to devote to it right now.  I just want to make sure your detection method is more complex than "party x gave party Y a bunch of money in a trade for nothing" so good will stuff like that doesn't get scooped up.  I assume it includes looking at chat logs, etc.  If not, it should. 


Just my 2 cents. 

This is a relevant concern, but I'd guess they look at the account's activity with the types of trades they do. I'd only be checking accounts that basically farm 24/7 and mostly trade out large sums of inf, like always 500M+. A large number of relatively small trades is more indicative of funding newbies, always trading inf to the same account signals that this is someone funding their main account.

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Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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Ah, this is bringing back memories... back when I first started playing, say around issue 6? for the first couple of years, some gold seller was always standing around the black market on Cap.  I always took pleasure in reporting them and even sometimes went over to grief them in person visually or by standing there and telling them I'd reported them.


What?!  I was a villain, after all.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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5 hours ago, BlastLord said:

why do these people do stuff like this on CoH it's bad for all MMO games

Greed on the seller's parts, lazy entitlement on the player's parts.  You know, the bad side of human nature.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I can understand how someone would be willing to sell inf. or some in game item for real money. What's not to like about getting paid for doing something you find fun, like playing a game.


What I DON'T understand is how someone would be willing to PAY for such stuff. If you don't enjoy the game enough to get the item through playing the game then, play another game.

Edited by quixoteprog
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2 hours ago, quixoteprog said:

I can understand how someone would be willing to sell inf. or some in game item for real money. What's not to like about getting paid for doing something you find fun, like playing a game.


What I DON'T understand is how someone would be willing to PAY for such stuff. If you don't enjoy the game enough to get the item through playing the game then, play another game.

For example. Some people may ONLY like to PvP and PvE is painful for them as they have 0 interest in it. So someone with money and limited time may opt to buy Inf so they can insta build their PvP toon. 

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7 minutes ago, mrzapp said:

For example. Some people may ONLY like to PvP and PvE is painful for them as they have 0 interest in it. So someone with money and limited time may opt to buy Inf so they can insta build their PvP toon. 

The sad part about that statement is that this game isn't really pvp orientated. I get why people like it, but it was only ever added to try to attract interest from asian players who love their pvp. It didn't work sadly. I was in a conversation with someone at 1.15am UK time this morning who was asking about server transfers because he wanted more pvp and reunion was dead. All I could advise was to look around and see what servers were busy in their timezone, Reunion isn't known for being a hive of activity middle of the night mid week when the UK and Europe are all in bed. I couldn't say what servers were good for pvp though as it's never been something that interested me or anyone I know. I'm actually the opposite of your statement, I find pvp painful and only pve. all I could recommend was to look on this forum and ask questions of players who enjoy that sort of thing. I don't hold out much hope for a challenging pvp experience though. Good as it is, Homecoming has a fraction of the player base it had on live, plus only a small fraction of that number actually actively does pvp.

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7 minutes ago, maidmercury said:

That is great indeed.....What kind of loser 🐵 actually pays money for influence or other goods?

Some people have more dollars than sense (cents?). 


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37 minutes ago, mrzapp said:

For example. Some people may ONLY like to PvP and PvE is painful for them as they have 0 interest in it. So someone with money and limited time may opt to buy Inf so they can insta build their PvP toon. 

IME, much of this comes from MOBAs and other games where you just 'pick a character and play' as well...most modern games that attempt to appeal to a large audience have fewer 'leveling' aspects and are more 'reward' based as a form of progression.


Personally, years ago in AC1, one of the people in my cirlce then bought some gold.

They then proceeded to buy some uber equipment with that gold.

I still feel just a little dirty to this day for even grouping with him after that.


However, in the mind of others, this is no different than getting an extra rare collectable card and selling to someone.

To some, virtual goods are something they 'earned' through 'work' and in thier minds no one should tell them how they allocate the resources they 'worked' to acquire.


Who can really claim to have the 'right' outlook here?

Different cultures, different views on each persons time, energy, and resources.


This is one of the most fascinating aspects of the gaming world to me.


These players broke the rules and got punished and I applaud the HC team for the actions, as RMT can really damage MMOs in the public eye.

That does not negate the fact the industry has in fact encouraged players to pay for what they want to use in a game, some from day 1.

Lots of outlooks, lots of reasons...

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2 minutes ago, quixoteprog said:

Ah, AC. I remember my days as a young Sho warrior camping the Lithos room in the Lugian Citadel. What server did you play on AC?

No clue. 🙂

I cannot remember the names of things and people I really need to...names are really hard for me...


I remember swearing fealty in the right chain, having a high level dude (the dad of a friend) buff me so I could gear up the uber stuff in his guild chest, then have me kill one thing and we all leveled like 5 times...AC is wild...

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35 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

Personally, years ago in AC1

Thistledown, represent!

(And it's "Hub", not "Sub".)


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Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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17 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

I don't support RMT/RWT in any capacity, but it can be tedious and slow to set up an AE farmer to actually start getting that several million inf/hour, especially if you're bootstrapping it, and playing the conversion lottery also takes time and effort that some people just don't want to invest in.  RMT is a lazy way out for those who don't want to put forth the effort to make money, no matter how easy it actually is with a smidge of effort.


Hell, I use conversion lottery as my cash method, and I use it as an excuse to load Youtube on my other monitor and watch other things while I click that convert button over and over.

This is what I find funny. There is a guide, on the forums, available to everyone that basically says "THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE CASH", any more and it would need a neon sign pointing towards it. Buy certain cheap uncommon recipes (the guide lists which ones are best for conversion) at level 31 or 41, craft, convert into a rare via the type conversion, switch over to rarity conversion and convert away. Hell there's even a post in the market forums about how to get yourself set up and making 100 million inf in a week. 

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11 minutes ago, DR_Mechano said:

This is what I find funny. There is a guide, on the forums, available to everyone that basically says "THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE CASH", any more and it would need a neon sign pointing towards it. Buy certain cheap uncommon recipes (the guide lists which ones are best for conversion) at level 31 or 41, craft, convert into a rare via the type conversion, switch over to rarity conversion and convert away. Hell there's even a post in the market forums about how to get yourself set up and making 100 million inf in a week. 

When using in-game resources, at worst it's an exploit, at best just utilizing available means.  But, purchasing in-game resources from outside the game, using real cash, I believe that's where the line is drawn.

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