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dumping common salvage


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Loving being back in CoH, thanks for the great effort.


Question about salvage and other unwanted stuff to sell.


What is the easiest way to dump common/unwanted salvage?


When I'm selling to vendor I have to click them very slow or the selling window will lose focus.  It's becoming tedious keeping my salvage window clear of unwanted things. I'm not really into crafting and like to keep the window open for the orange stuff that sells well on the AH.


I figured out how to block unwanted recipes from the P2W vendor, so they are much easier to manage. Salvage is becoming a burden tho.


thanks for any advice :)





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I put them on the market for 20inf or even less.

  • You'll get something for them
  • You can drop stacks instead of one at a time
  • It goes towards Market badges
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3 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

I put them on the market for 20inf or even less.

  • You'll get something for them
  • You can drop stacks instead of one at a time
  • It goes towards Market badges

I put them up for 100 due to the minimum cut taken by WWorths 😄 same effect though my for sale queue is usually empty next time I log on


It's my Oeuvre baby!

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Politely ask the devs to place a P2W recipe that blocks common salvage.


But for now spam right click and E will sell the stack you've clicked on which while not being perfect is heaps better than clicking sell, losing focus (why do we lose focus??), clicking on the next stack, click sell a few times, lose focus.

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On 12/17/2019 at 1:43 AM, Sovera said:

Politely ask the devs to place a P2W recipe that blocks common salvage.


But for now spam right click and E will sell the stack you've clicked on which while not being perfect is heaps better than clicking sell, losing focus (why do we lose focus??), clicking on the next stack, click sell a few times, lose focus.

I put a suggestion for this and Enhancement drops in the Suggestion forum just the other day. You should go share your thoughts. Two are better than one. 

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1 hour ago, Sakai said:

I put a suggestion for this and Enhancement drops in the Suggestion forum just the other day. You should go share your thoughts. Two are better than one. 

Done the same already a few months back. I was mostly boohooed out of the thread as it being not necessary.

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Right click on the stack of salvage in the vendor window - sell stack. Or, alternatively in your own salvage inventory, Delete stack. 


The best way to get rid of your salvage is to simply craft your recipes with your salvage. Sell the io for the cost of crafting, since the salvage was free. You'll likely get far more. If you really want to rack up the inf, convert them to better selling IOs - but I don't think that's your cup of tea. 

Lastly - when you open your salvage window, there's a reserve vault you can open, and stash your orange/rare salvage in there - and delete/sell the rest when you get a moment. 


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You should save them and use them to create IO's post 25. Level 25 IO's are nearly the same as level 50 SO's. Since you don't out level IO's, you can save a lot of influence crafting them instead of buying DO or SO's.

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On 12/17/2019 at 2:43 AM, Sovera said:

Politely ask the devs to place a P2W recipe that blocks common salvage.


But for now spam right click and E will sell the stack you've clicked on which while not being perfect is heaps better than clicking sell, losing focus (why do we lose focus??), clicking on the next stack, click sell a few times, lose focus.

Bad idea, because you'll then be unable to get the common salvage you do need.


I generally put up salvage I don't need/want on the AH for 10 each. That way I'll get at least 5 Inf, but more then likely I'll get much more. Of course, I then frequently end up regretting selling a piece of salvage shortly after it's sold cause now I need it for a recipe I want to craft.

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Just now, Pixie_Knight said:

Bad idea, because you'll then be unable to get the common salvage you do need.


I generally put up salvage I don't need/want on the AH for 10 each. That way I'll get at least 5 Inf, but more then likely I'll get much more. Of course, I then frequently end up regretting selling a piece of salvage shortly after it's sold cause now I need it for a recipe I want to craft.


Bad idea? Wat? I buy whatever I need for 5k to not bargain with prices. When we measure profits in the millions who is worried about 250 or 5k inf?


I get what you're saying and when I returned to CoH in Homecoming I set five salvage racks and filled them up like, in days. But I also had this big plan to be all economical and efficient and have a character that would have the inventor badges to make crafting generic IOs cheaper, and that's the one who would supply all other characters and etc etc. I actually did this for three or four alts.


Then I realized I was wasting my time (more precious than fictional currency) because buying generic IOs was pocket change. One Death from Below puts a new alt to level 8. At level 8 Posi 1 opens. After doing a single Posi 1 I am high enough to do a Posi 2.  Once I both are done I am usually at level 22 and the merits earned have made me around 3-4 millions to which fully equipping myself in generic IOs will cost about 2 mill. So each new alts gears itself without need of fancy convoluted worries about salvage, crafting, crafting badges, save up pocket change by doing all of this and etc.


I will always craft my purple recipes since that usually brings 3-5 million profit, but even that is usually just ugh, pocket change, but I do it anyway since they drop rarely enough that it is not a repetitive burden.


Once level 50 money comes in by the bucket. 50 million a day is nothing out of the ordinary just by doing a Tinpex and the double Hami raids, and that's about an hour of content (smidge hyperbole as actually getting enough people together for Hami can take half an hour in itself, but the content itself is about an hour, and usually more like 40 minutes of actually running those three things). This does not include drops and the raw inf from doing the content.


At this point we just realize that, yeah, 250 inf? 5 inf? 🙂


Unlike white recipes (that tend to always sell for about 100k) and orange salvage (that sells for 500k), and the yellow/orange recipes (usually worth 1-5k and extremely useless, but at least has the lotto aspect that MAYBE one of them is a 1-10 mill jackpot), white salvage has no jackpot and no worth. There will never be something worth lots or even a chance of, so it just uselessly piles on.


So actually a salvage blocking recipe like the P2W vendor has for white recipes might actually INCREASE prices, which is good for you. Once what is available runs out scarcity will make the prices hitch up a bit (just a bit though, common salvage is common) for those who care to sell it.

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Think of it like this... You're spending millions (if not billions) on the recipes, and millions on the rare salvage needed (assuming you didn't get lucky and find it) to make those IO sets you want. Sometimes they require common salvage, which if you have been deleting you also have to buy. Or you could take the common salvage you don't want/need and sell it to other players who do want/need it. Which in turn helps pay for the stuff you do want. Yes, it's easy to get Inf. But not everyone will be sitting at the level cap farming Praetorians for incarnate salvage. Not everyone skips through levels as fast as they possibly can, because they actually enjoy doing the 1-50 content and reading the mission briefings/debriefings. Then there's the fact that if everyone followed your advice of "just delete it" or disabled all common salvage drops, well, the AH would run out of stock right quick. At which point good luck buying those common salvage pieces you need/want 🙂

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4 hours ago, Pixie_Knight said:

Think of it like this... You're spending millions (if not billions) on the recipes, and millions on the rare salvage needed (assuming you didn't get lucky and find it) to make those IO sets you want. Sometimes they require common salvage, which if you have been deleting you also have to buy. Or you could take the common salvage you don't want/need and sell it to other players who do want/need it. Which in turn helps pay for the stuff you do want. Yes, it's easy to get Inf. But not everyone will be sitting at the level cap farming Praetorians for incarnate salvage. Not everyone skips through levels as fast as they possibly can, because they actually enjoy doing the 1-50 content and reading the mission briefings/debriefings. Then there's the fact that if everyone followed your advice of "just delete it" or disabled all common salvage drops, well, the AH would run out of stock right quick. At which point good luck buying those common salvage pieces you need/want 🙂

Welp, I've said my point. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind just putting the facts out there. More power for those who seek making those 10 inf sales.

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4 hours ago, Pixie_Knight said:

Think of it like this... You're spending millions (if not billions) on the recipes, and millions on the rare salvage needed (assuming you didn't get lucky and find it) to make those IO sets you want. Sometimes they require common salvage, which if you have been deleting you also have to buy. Or you could take the common salvage you don't want/need and sell it to other players who do want/need it. Which in turn helps pay for the stuff you do want. Yes, it's easy to get Inf. But not everyone will be sitting at the level cap farming Praetorians for incarnate salvage. Not everyone skips through levels as fast as they possibly can, because they actually enjoy doing the 1-50 content and reading the mission briefings/debriefings. Then there's the fact that if everyone followed your advice of "just delete it" or disabled all common salvage drops, well, the AH would run out of stock right quick. At which point good luck buying those common salvage pieces you need/want 🙂

Deleting is a valid option. When I want a common/uncommon I go to the Market. 


If and when a short fall develops someone will step in to fix the problem assuredly. 

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59 minutes ago, Sovera said:

Welp, I've said my point. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind just putting the facts out there. More power for those who seek making those 10 inf sales.

You are aware that the AH is a blind market, right? The highest bid goes to the lowest seller. And nobody can see who made the last bid or sale. As such, when I list things for 10 inf I'm not actually selling them for 10 inf 99% of the time. I'm selling them for roughly the current market value. I price to make a (small) profit if someone tries to bid super low, while still selling quickly.

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42 minutes ago, Pixie_Knight said:

The highest bid goes to the lowest seller.

This is important to realise and you've explained it really clearly - I put almost everything up at 1,150,00 inf (to avoid the 1,111,111 bids) and make more than enough to fund alts. 

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On 12/17/2019 at 8:43 AM, Sovera said:

Politely ask the devs to place a P2W recipe that blocks common salvage.


But for now spam right click and E will sell the stack you've clicked on which while not being perfect is heaps better than clicking sell, losing focus (why do we lose focus??), clicking on the next stack, click sell a few times, lose focus.

I have a macro on my keyboard which does that while I hold it down. I also have one for storing enhancements into tables (Right Click then M). One day I will get rouund to removing Map from M too... 😄

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