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Opinions on CoH Difficulty  

343 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion on changing the difficulty? Please select as many answers as you want.

    • I feel that CoH needs a global difficulty overhaul for the benefit of the game
    • I feel that only certain parts of the game need to be looked at (IOs, Incarnates, etc)
    • I would play on an advanced difficulty setting only if it were optional (like the current settings, only more!)
    • I would only play on advanced difficulty for specific content (TFs, trials, etc) and not general gameplay
    • I would only like to see minor changes to difficulty
    • I would rather see rewards adjusted for existing “hard” content (enemy factions, TF settings)
    • I do not want any changes to difficulty / rewards at all
  2. 2. If you voted in favor of adding advanced difficulty in any way, what would you like to see? Please select all that apply.

    • Existing enemy groups should get glow-ups to make them challenging
    • Introduce specific “advanced” enemies to shake up combat with either special attack powers or enemy-buffs
    • Ramp up difficulty per team member in some way specifically to combat “Steamroll”
    • Change up IO and/or Incarnate bonuses
    • Enemies should get some sort of stat changes to better fight players in general
    • Existing enemy groups should have their rewards balanced to scale to their difficulty
    • N/A

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Another random thought I had involving increased difficulty of a sort for the Council would be to expand on their temporary alliance with Calvin Scott’s post-Praetoria faction and do some pallet swaps (which can be done in AE so would be theoretically possible for a regular mob) on the rest of the non-Seer IDF troops to represent the level 50+ Council foot soldiers getting upgraded gear based on Praetorian tech, just as was done for the war walkers.


At level 50+ you could swap the Mek-Men for Clockwork (and the LT/Boss bots for the War Works BDU/ADUs + war walkers), the hover-bots for Orbs, the other troops for IDF soldiers, then throw in the Galaxies + actual Nictus (dwarves and novas) and Ascendant troops on top.


The result would be a force with a solid array of debuffs (-regen from Praetorian plasma attacks, -resist from Ascendant troops and -recharge from Galaxy troops) for dealing with heroes.


You could also phase out the War Wolves from the Council at that point to reflect that Requiem took his forces with him back to the 5th Column and, if I recall, Vandal was one of the ones who went with him and the Mek-Men and Valkeries were his designs so them leeping those designs would further serve to distinguish the two otherwise very similar factions from each other.


I’m uncertain where Nosferatu shook out in the Council/5th Column divorce, but having his Vampyri belong to only one of the two factions in level 50+ to represent the split. Personally, I’d put him with the 5th Column because their robots, plus the war wolves and vampyri combined look like they escaped from some black and white film-era B-movie.


Then maybe give the 5th Column LTs/Bosses the leadership buffs I mentioned previously so they’re threatening in a different way.

12 minutes ago, Ironscarlet said:

I had a dream ….. =P



Seriously before I went to bed last night I read this post and I pondered.


It is really IO's that change this game into easy mod, but to overhaul it now would be to time consuming for the dev team. So I suppose a different approach.


Right now the 2 classes that are going the way of the dinosaurs are CC type like controllers and Tanks. What made this game fun before was you need these 2 classes to move through groups because damage and placement of groups made it so you could not run through them.



I would say make small change to better all


Phase one

Remove  punch-voke from brutes

Remove Gauntlet from tanks leave them with only punch-voke

Remove Aoe cap from Tanks.


This will cause more agro problems which will lead to controllers having a better role in teams. Brute wont lose all aggro gimmicks they have taunt aura in powers and have a aoe taunt. They will have to actively choose to taunt or damage.   Tank loose the firm grasp of aggro but gain a place in the game. Controller have a bigger role now and CC re-enters relevance.


Phase two

Increase damage of mobs

This will need to be tested a lot to figure out a raise between 5%-20% increase

Increase xp equal to the damage increase


Phase Thress

On future end game content  

Should create new mobs that have sapper like effect on groups where you have to target that npc to CC them before you jump into the mob or focus target.

Mega De-buffers that have to be CC


This will lead to more strategy in everyday missions on all levels. Which is how I remember COH where sometimes you had to stop with your group think before you jumped in.  It's not the best idea but it would be the simplest and least time consuming on the dev team. With out overtaking a major overhaul that might alienate some vet players.






Utterly terrible idea to bring back the forced teaming centric view some desire.

5 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Can I swipe this to add it to my list of “let’s update the Shadow Shard” concepts? Because I’m seeing a way to create a unified concept here.


The short version was someone was asking to make the Shadow Shard co-op so red-side could get there. I suggested replacing the generic troops there with Vanguard (the people tasked with actually dealing with extradimensional theats; see Rikti and Praetoria) and moving the access point for the Shard from Portal Corps to the existing portals (currently used to reach the RWZ) in the Vanguard depots.


Where your idea would be a nice addition is the idea that the Rulu’shin are stealing Incarnate power to break Rularuu free (via the extra mobs popping up in enemy groups); so Incarnates need to head into the Shard to steal it back by performing various repeatable missions scaled to Incarnate power levels to add some additional things to do inside the Shadow Shard (along with some revamping of the Shadow Shard TFs akin to Posi/Yin).


Throw in a Circle of Thorns level adjustment (i.e. stop making the different mages and casters level locked to certain small bands... level 54 life mages and earth casters alongside the air/fire/ice casters and ruin/death mages would make their spawns far less predictable) since they’ve got a presence in the Shard and some high end Nemesis troops (I’d like to see some models with the steam pack players can get from the P2W vendor added for flying units in the Shard) and you could have another Incarnate Zone akin to Dark Astoria.

Honestly if I was going to see the shadow shard given a new access point and made blue/red Id put it in the midnighters as an alternate place for the pillar to take us to alongside cim. The vanguard exist almost entirely to deal with the rikti, where as the midnighters are the ones who imprisoned Rul in the first place.


I dont really want to see the old TFs updated much. though I guess as long as they are added to Ozone its not a big deal though if they are no longer ever on the WST list good luck getting a group for a classic Doc Q without the double merit temptation. Im a big fan of the game as it was at shut down so I tend to be very hesitant on updating/replacing old arcs entirely rather then adding. I certainly see nothing wrong with some new I era TFs being put in the shard. The real issue with the shard however will always be a mixture of travel time within the zone for those who see spending a minute or two flying between mishes as just too much, and the mobs there being built to wreck builds and most people shying away from such mob types.


Sign me up for steam jet pack wearing nemmy snipers covering the all too often empty rocks of the shard to really spice it up;)


While I think an update to make CoT mobs across the level ranges all scale to 50 I suspect that isnt as easy as it sounds for some reason, could be too many mob options to cycle through messes with the game etc as to why when the cot got a revamp they didnt do something like that.

6 hours ago, Lines said:

That Kheld hunter idea is making me think, and it would be a big'un and unrealistic'un.


What about a nemesis system where players could create one or more nemeses AE-style. That nemesis and their gang would appear randomly in missions every now and again when you least expect them (perhaps with the exception of missions that already have an AV, so as not to interrupt). They level up with you and are scaled to you, being an incarnate as you become an incarnate.


If they win the fight, they gloat and run off and despawn, so they don't become an insurmountable obstacle, but are a looming threat.


I think it could have hilarious results.

Honestly for CoH Id not do a customize personal nemmy system like in CO, rather upon reaching lvl 50 Id have players pick from the various AVs in game and designate one of them as their nemmy(( or hell more then one if the player really wants)) From then on if the nemmy dif option was toggled on for the player then the nemmy AV would have a chance to show up with a team to ambush in any lvl 50+ mission.


IMO the lore of CoH tends to place non 50s as basically heroes in training, side kicks if you will. Its only when reaching security level 50 that a faction should look at you full time the way they might during mishes spawning ambushes outdoors. Id likely limit it to one appearance by your AV nemmy every hm 8 hours? maybe less, maybe make it have a slider option as well, would make beating him worth maybe 6 merits just because so people might actually want the option turned on.


Like Ol berk here Id pick Nemmy, Req and maybe a few more thematic AVs as personal nemmy to have to deal with now and then.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Utterly terrible idea to bring back the forced teaming centric view some desire.

You 100% misinterpreted and were not constructive at all.  Believe it or not YOU had 2 similar ideas so they must be terrible to lol.


This game was out before WOW it was designed as a team game its not a solo action MMO of today that's why we came back to COH. MMO's today are terrible.





8 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

Id go a multi pronged route. Id create Incarnate Hunters, Those who hunt Incarnates to siphon off their energy, Id tie them to the rulushin faction, maybe add a few bits of enemy banter suggesting this is to free Rulrul from the shard by feeding him the stolen power.  Id make this only able to happen in content were at least one player has active incarnate powers.


Id also start having nictus infused enemies and shadow cysts just become things that can happen at any level range and have nothing to do with kheldian players specifically. The Path of the Dark arc makes it very clear the nictus represent a long term global threat to all Earthlings. The Factions starting to have Nictus among their ranks whispering promises of greater power should be seen more often. Having a Shadow Cyst have a chance to be found in boss rooms alongside bosses as an example as well as a chance for the boss and his group having some added darkness abilities.


I do feel that it should be mostly opt in, like our dif slider Id add the above as additions to the current system. Id make the I hunters have an increased chance of dropping threads and shards, and the Nictus stuff could be as simple as the few various nictus based temp powers in the game, and additional charges/time to them for beating the cysts and upgraded bosses. Something modest but fun and flavorful.

Phase Three

On future end game content  

Should create new mobs that have sapper like effect on groups where you have to target that npc to CC them before you jump into the mob or focus target.

Mega De-buffers that have to be CC


OMG the similarities lol.

8 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

I feel compelled to talk about something you touch upon here that you treat as a negative but by the time the game shut down was seen as a negativ4e aspect in MMO that modern MMO devs were moving past.


Aggro draw, in other words tanking. Tanking much like support healing has long been a heated and controversial issue, because as many have pointed out and rightly so, it depends on bad AI and is basically exploiting the limited ways AI can adapt to such things. CoH devs early on saw the issue with this hence the reduced number of mobs any one person can have aggro to.


A fair few MMO gamers Ive seen tend to agree randomized aggro, or aggro based soley on personal dps/healing should always pull aggro no matter what. Because that is what we players do. We always ignore tanky soft hitters to focus on healing mobs, and mobs that hit the hardest. That the role of the tank as an aggro magnet is basically one that can ruin the fun of the game for many who no matter their AT/playstyle want to have at least some foes in their faces making them feel like the mobs see them as a threat and not just a blip.


This is why you often see players scatter in maps so they each have their own mobs and fights, why some who lead TFs with AV solo killer builds will ask team mates to leave the big boss to them and do the other tasks at hand.


And mobs should have a multiplication factor for larger teams to deal with them and the means to debuff and hinter the players. The above post of yours basically says sorry nothing can be done to actually challenge the players because the same tools we use are too good for the mobs to have.

Phase one

Remove  punch-voke from brutes

Remove Gauntlet from tanks leave them with only punch-voke

Remove Aoe cap from Tanks.


The loss of aggro creates more Mayhem which give CC classes there place again and good Tanks will still be good Tanks.


COH put a aggro cap because we( Tanks) use to herd whole maps  to a location for blasters to nuke. It was the most fun I had in this game. The dev did not want whole maps being herded it wasn't that they saw the coming changes in the MMO community. MMO now are terrible that's why a lot of us missed COH. 


It was a team game everyone had a role. Its the loss of roles created by IO's that has caused the issues in the first place people want to play Tanks and Controllers but if we are all the same why bother. 


Not attacking but observing.  If you want  less of team AT role  go play Champion Online. COH had specific roles that's why we loved this game. If you want to alienate the player base lets forget classes and roles and do free for all it might be fun for awhile but its not COH.  We came back to a game we loved, we don't want another game we want COH.  


So why your ideas  might be great for future MMO's its not COH. 



What I proposed was fixing what is broken what you propose is changing the game. 




Edited by Ironscarlet

Just curious (I haven't played tanks a lot or at a high skill level), do mobs resist Taunt at all? Or does it have a magnitude scale like CC? Or is it just automatic? 

Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Ironscarlet said:

You 100% misinterpreted and were not constructive at all.  Believe it or not YOU had 2 similar ideas so they must be terrible to lol.


This game was out before WOW it was designed as a team game its not a solo action MMO of today that's why we came back to COH. MMO's today are terrible.





Phase Three

On future end game content  

Should create new mobs that have sapper like effect on groups where you have to target that npc to CC them before you jump into the mob or focus target.

Mega De-buffers that have to be CC


OMG the similarities lol.

Phase one

Remove  punch-voke from brutes

Remove Gauntlet from tanks leave them with only punch-voke

Remove Aoe cap from Tanks.


The loss of aggro creates more Mayhem which give CC classes there place again and good Tanks will still be good Tanks.


COH put a aggro cap because we( Tanks) use to herd whole maps  to a location for blasters to nuke. It was the most fun I had in this game. The dev did not want whole maps being herded it wasn't that they saw the coming changes in the MMO community. MMO now are terrible that's why a lot of us missed COH. 


It was a team game everyone had a role. Its the loss of roles created by IO's that has caused the issues in the first place people want to play Tanks and Controllers but if we are all the same why bother. 


Not attacking but observing.  If you want  less of team AT role  go play Champion Online. COH had specific roles that's why we loved this game. If you want to alienate the player base lets forget classes and roles and do free for all it might be fun for awhile but its not COH.  We came back to a game we loved, we don't want another game we want COH.  


So why your ideas  might be great for future MMO's its not COH. 



What I proposed was fixing what is broken what you propose is changing the game. 




The game changed into what it was years before sunset. Roles, and being in a box went by the wayside and almost everyone I know favors being able to build outside the role.


Also your suggestions changes sounded like they would be mandatory not opt in like mine and most others here.


If you actually kept abreast of MMO articles and metrics youd know for example that in just about every MMO ever made on average about 90% of the players played DPS characters because tanking, and support lock down/healing are not popular but rather forced upon players typically. Just today for example I was running a PI radio team, and when the tank left someone was like well uhm I can alt to a tank if we need it. I was like yeah no its good play what you want and they were like oh gawd thanks I hate having to play a tank. That is something Ive seen expressed so many times on so many MMO over the years that while some do enjoy the role its over all such a small part of the MMO community that its not something to push on players.


You must not be aware that aggro caps and target caps are not something they can really easily set per AT. And the reason for the aggro cap was entirely because of solo afk farm tank builds. That you think it was because people tanked and spanked your very wrong.


My blasters tank/CC, my melees bring plenty of support and utility, I dont need to be in the good little support role box or meat shield box to do those things while having fun wrecking mobs at the head of my pack. I love to lead teams on TFs and never ever ask for a specific AT role to be filled because waiting around for something specific is a true fun killer. If I had to get a tank and a healer and a CC for every TF Id never run TFs again.


Also you seem to think what I meant by I hunters stealing our energy is it would be some kind of sapper unit. Not at all what meant to imply. Id make the I hunters be shadow shard constructs that function just like they do at the end of posi part 1. For every I character in the team there would be a chance for a incarnate powered doppleganger of them to appear that would also shut off our characters I powers. Now to me that sounds like one scary boss version of my character to have to face but it would be certainly very much optional.


So for example if my namesake had a I hunter shadow construct of himself appear he would have clarion and rune of power so there would be no locking him down, and would likely just open up with a judgement and nuke on the team. And if more then one incarnate was on the team there would be more then one of these monsters showing up each with diverse and deadly powers while denying us access to ours until they were fully defeated.  nothing like sappers that flatline your blue and render you unable to really play the game at all.

Edited by Bentley Berkeley
15 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:

Please leave IOs alone. The entire reason I play this game is to create Demi-gods. Rebalance IOs and I lose most of the reason I play. I am either on a toon I fully kitted out with an ideal build, or leveling a toon to fully kit out. I made a farmer to be able to IO out every single fucking thing I get past 22. Please whatever you do leave IOs alone. 


Like, I watch my roommate playing WoW Classic and I'm like FUUUUUCK THAT I want to be able to wade into armies and lay waste to them alone. 


I personally love wow but wow is wow, it isn't a hero game. Batman rarely ever struggles with the minions its the joker and bane that give him problems not the hired cronies. Coh has this backwards most of the time as many avs/gms are less of a threat even during itrials than the freaking trashmobs.  Again something that could be solved with heroic (hard mode) trials and tfs with more things to dodge and less tank and spank. Think world of anguish, etc. keyes/mom trial is when trials started becoming somewhat difficult and less tank and spank.


We should be able to level shift npcs in trials/tfs to 54+4 and likewise the option of having our +3 level shift on or off in all group content.


All of this being optional because being a god is very fun at times. And should ios, incarnates get nerfed well why the hell bother investing in them at that point. All that hard work, time and effort should not go to waste.


WoWs mythic+ system deals with this same problem. You do a chain of dungeons each one getting harder. The enemies gain hp and defense, as well as random buffs. 


A way that could be implemented into coh I think would have hardcore missions that scale harder. Give minions boss lvl ha and defense, give everything in the mission random buffs like forcefiels bubbles or regen etc. 


And make it so theres no cap, players can keep going harder until they cant win. 

14 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:


  1. If difficulty is not tied to reward, players will generally avoid it.  


This is why some trials and TFs are rarely ran when I am on, such as Khan, Eden Trial, and some of the arcs in hazard areas like fault line. Great content but under rewarding.

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6 minutes ago, arkieboy72472 said:

This is why some trials and TFs are rarely ran when I am on, such as Khan, Eden Trial, and some of the arcs in hazard areas like fault line. Great content but under rewarding.

I feel very strongly that this should be examined as the root of these issues. Like, this all kinda started with how a maxed out character can blitz council maps for the same amount of reward as a map full of carnies with 1/10 the effort no?


I do believe the game is both 'too easy' and 'too hard'. Some thoughts on how to address this without completely changing the underlying mechanics of the game:

  1. IO set bonuses would stack to some number less than 5. Even unique might be reasonable here.
  2. Change the recharge on the first two powers of Blast and Melee sets to 1 sec. This would give most starting characters a complete single target rotation even in early levels.
  3. Remove Hasten. This power warps the game too much.
  4. Increase defense values from pool powers (perhaps double) but allow players to only receive a single defense bonus from pool powers. So if you have both Combat Jumping and Maneuvers, you'd only get the higher of the two bonuses.
  5. Reduce the recharge of long recharge powers substantially. Due to #3 and #1, it wouldn't be unreasonable to reduce them by up to half.

While this wouldn't solve all of the problems, it would generally make the leveling curve a bit smoother and make the top end less potent.




devil's advocate argument could fit well here.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


This post of mine isn't going to be in depth as other people found on this thread, but I have experience with extremely difficult games that aren't normal titles everyone knows about and I participate in e-sports for high mechanical skill titles.


I feel like the nature of gaming in general and the game itself is going to at least force the harder difficulty stuff to be put aside into optional content. In my opinion, I feel like a lot players just want a relaxed environment where they don't have to sweat. My additional controversial opinion is that I think that a majority of players in most gaming communities want participation rewards or would rather have everything steamroll for everyone (Even though it's just for themselves!) or just be easy in general. Personally, I think having optional additional content that is designed around being difficult would be nice and work out for everyone.


1. I believe the AI would have to be redone which would be a pretty difficult task to do. This should be done in a way that would at least give players additional approaches to how they should take on each combat scenario. \


2. Harder content should encourage having different archetypes to deal with what is thrown at the players. This would make more sets a lot more played and strategies would be vastly different among each group.


3. Enemy groups should include way more specialized mob's that buff their allies or have priority defeat status among players. With these kinds of enemies added in, players would have to think on how they approach each group. Adding different kinds of special mobs with variance per group can add a bit of depth to each strategy to defeating the group.


4. All future new content should be balanced around the current incarnate and IO system so that nothing is a steamroll. That way the new stuff is naturally harder and most people can agree with that.


I'm interested in seeing how many more different opinions get presented in this thread! Such a interesting topic!

  • Like 2
16 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:

Do you currently run arcs in Ouro with those settings turned on?  Do you find that you get dozens of people wanting to play them with you?  I'm generally against spending dev time on something that's only going to be of interest to a tiny minority of players.


No.  I run the regular missions at the appropriate level.  I have 1 character above level 40 and basically once I get a character to level 30 I delete them and start over.  I mostly team with people up to level 30.  Hollows, KR, and Steel Canyon.  There are a few people who regularly run teams at that level in my friends list.  They also start over once they get above it.  And there are many players who enjoy teaming at those levels.


During evening hours it is no trouble finding a team.   The problem is finding a team that is not full.  In the morning, finding a team is a problem.

14 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

I feel compelled to talk about something you touch upon here that you treat as a negative but by the time the game shut down was seen as a negativ4e aspect in MMO that modern MMO devs were moving past.


Aggro draw, in other words tanking. Tanking much like support healing has long been a heated and controversial issue, because as many have pointed out and rightly so, it depends on bad AI and is basically exploiting the limited ways AI can adapt to such things. CoH devs early on saw the issue with this hence the reduced number of mobs any one person can have aggro to.


A fair few MMO gamers Ive seen tend to agree randomized aggro, or aggro based soley on personal dps/healing should always pull aggro no matter what. Because that is what we players do. We always ignore tanky soft hitters to focus on healing mobs, and mobs that hit the hardest. That the role of the tank as an aggro magnet is basically one that can ruin the fun of the game for many who no matter their AT/playstyle want to have at least some foes in their faces making them feel like the mobs see them as a threat and not just a blip.


This is why you often see players scatter in maps so they each have their own mobs and fights, why some who lead TFs with AV solo killer builds will ask team mates to leave the big boss to them and do the other tasks at hand.


And mobs should have a multiplication factor for larger teams to deal with them and the means to debuff and hinter the players. The above post of yours basically says sorry nothing can be done to actually challenge the players because the same tools we use are too good for the mobs to have.

Well, yes, they are, 


Every bit of 'challenge' added during the latter part of old live tended to leave melee classes out of the game.  Bring a brute to the Battle Maiden fight and you may as well go AFK or die and not bother rezzing.  You have nothing to do there.  The warning ring mechanic on the BAF raid seems to do only one thing, and that is to punish taunting.  You spend most of these boss fights idle and out of range. 


I grow tired of seeing the characters I enjoy most being made irrelevant by attempts to add generic MMO crap of the sort that frustrated me and made me leave those games.  No more such combats and mechanics should be added. 


I've learned to enjoy New Dark Astoria arcs for what they are.  But I always remember now to set difficulty to +0/1 on a +3 level shifted character when facing kinetic Tsoo because I just want to get that part out of the way.  I wouldn't dare bring a team to those missions and increase the number of kinetic minions.  Not being able to act just sucks the fun out of the game.  Forced AFKs just aren't enjoyable. 


Now tanking is a problem in other MMOs largely because their mechanics make the 'tank' and 'healer' roles indispensable for any team content.   And playing the tank or healer means that you are hindered at soloing other game content because of low DPS and low survivability - and in the worst of those games the tank class's armor is meaningless to ranged caster mobs.  These mechanics were very bad things because they turned some players into prima donnas and encouraged elitism and gear scores. 


In our game we don't have those issues, which makes for a much more peaceable and cooperative player base.  Tanks are not necessary for hardly any game content; nor are healers.  (On the other hand, debuffers are probably the most universally useful group of character classes, and can trivialize most game content.)  The great thing about our game is that we already avoid the MMO trinity.  Which is why the tanks and heal/buffers we have now don't need to be challenged.  I don't favor the importation of cheesy mechanics from other MMOs that add forced AFKs and disengagements and write the melee classes out of the game. 


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291


I'd like to point out that by someone posting a link to this poll on Reddit, any data or information you may have gleaned is utterly useless, now.


There is absolutely nothing stopping non-HC players from following the link to here and creating an account to vote with the sole purpose of skewing the results. 

6 hours ago, Hjarki said:
  1. IO set bonuses would stack to some number less than 5. Even unique might be reasonable here.
  2. Change the recharge on the first two powers of Blast and Melee sets to 1 sec. This would give most starting characters a complete single target rotation even in early levels.
  3. Remove Hasten. This power warps the game too much.
  4. Increase defense values from pool powers (perhaps double) but allow players to only receive a single defense bonus from pool powers. So if you have both Combat Jumping and Maneuvers, you'd only get the higher of the two bonuses.
  5. Reduce the recharge of long recharge powers substantially. Due to #3 and #1, it wouldn't be unreasonable to reduce them by up to half.

While this wouldn't solve all of the problems, it would generally make the leveling curve a bit smoother and make the top end less potent.

Doing any of these things would CAUSE problems.  Don't nerf me, bro.  Add harder content or create ways for players to choose harder content if they like.  But don't force it on everyone.

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6 hours ago, DougGraves said:


No.  I run the regular missions at the appropriate level.  I have 1 character above level 40 and basically once I get a character to level 30 I delete them and start over.  I mostly team with people up to level 30.  Hollows, KR, and Steel Canyon.  There are a few people who regularly run teams at that level in my friends list.  They also start over once they get above it.  And there are many players who enjoy teaming at those levels.


During evening hours it is no trouble finding a team.   The problem is finding a team that is not full.  In the morning, finding a team is a problem.

It seems a little odd to be asking for a wider implementation of a feature that you don't even use at the moment, that's all.

Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

7 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

I feel very strongly that this should be examined as the root of these issues. Like, this all kinda started with how a maxed out character can blitz council maps for the same amount of reward as a map full of carnies with 1/10 the effort no?

All the way through this thread people have been smushing together two fundamentally different arguments:


1. I, personally, find the game too easy and boring and I, personally, want access to a variety of more challenging content.

2. Other people are choosing to play easier content instead of harder content, and I think that is undesirable because of [reason].


Those are very different issues with very different solutions.

Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Infinitum said:


Edit: I responded to this in a not so nice tone due to some personal stuff I'm going through that made me snappy. 


I recognize that many players probably see no issue with difficulty, but there is a vocal population who do want something more to chew on that does not involve actively trying to gimp themselves with bad enhancements / etc. Seeing what could be provided in optional content for those who would enjoy it is a net positive IMO.



Edited by Galaxy Brain
49 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Edit: I responded to this in a not so nice tone due to some personal stuff I'm going through that made me snappy. 


I recognize that many players probably see no issue with difficulty, but there is a vocal population who do want something more to chew on that does not involve actively trying to gimp themselves with bad enhancements / etc. Seeing what could be provided in optional content for those who would enjoy it is a net positive IMO.



Conversely, utilizing resources on additional content that will be ignored by the greater playerbase may not be the best course.  More so if said resources are sparse already.



A Guild Wars 2 veteran

  • Thanks 1

 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, skoryy said:

Conversely, utilizing resources on additional content that will be ignored by the greater playerbase may not be the best course.  More so if said resources are sparse already.



A Guild Wars 2 veteran

Conversely yet still, incentive - from active enjoyment to reward - is part of this discussion.


If we go by the idea that (let's say - I doubt this is true) because the majority plays AE farms, there should be more AE farms, we just end up playing into an echo chamber. Opportunity lies where there is nothing, not where there is already a satisfied playerbase.

Edited by Lines



6 minutes ago, Lines said:

Conversely yet still, incentive - from active enjoyment to reward - is part of this discussion.


If we go by the idea that (let's say - I doubt this is true) because the majority plays AE farms, there should be more AE farms, we just end up playing into an echo chamber. Opportunity lies where there is nothing, not where there is already a satisfied playerbase.

Ive played Every single day since may aside from a week for summer vacay, and never does it come up for any of the many people ive come across or played with have complained they werent having fun because the game is too easy.


A large percentage are Still on playing every night.


In fact the ease of content and being able to choose how we play and how fast we play is a huge sticking point for why we love playing this game.


Im not saying everyone is happy, but id wager the majority is.  What makes that position any less valid to warrant changing the game for a more vocal minority just to suit some grind fantasy?

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