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Yellow Salvage Prices


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1 hour ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

That's awful!  At least you could give them converters or something useful.

I do that sometimes too. And when I'm bored I'll sometimes send random trade invites and give away influence. I gave away like 300 million or so about two weeks ago to random people in Atlas Park. 


Being nice is only a small part of it, the reactions amuse me and that's why I really do it. I won't say anything, just send a random trade invite, then run off. No explanation, don't respond to PMs. It confuses people and I enjoy that. 

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I don't think it's just people being impatient... usually I could put a bid of 750-1,200 on a piece of yellow salvage and come back the next day to find it filled. Pretty consistently for the previous 6 months at least. But one of my toons has had a bid of 2,500 on a few pieces of yellow salvage (that he doesn't need immediately) for over a week now without getting it. I may have to transfer some inf to that poor guy who doesn't seem to get many good drops...


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Whenever I need salvage I don't have, I bid as follows,


500 for white

5,000 for yellow

500,000 for orange


99% of the time I get it right away. So, while I bet at slow times there may be something, or sometimes the infamous history bug pops up, I ignore it and big 500, 5,000 and 500,000. The market is seeded so they can't go above a certain amount, which is fine.


I also sell my salvage for 10 each for white and yellow. Orange I sell for 400k.


That said, I'd like to see the bug fixed.

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11 hours ago, Herotu said:

The price of yellow salvage used to vary between 5,000 and 20,000, on the whole.

I buy a lot for crafting and never pay that much. Even this past weekend, but, am also never in a hurry.


Is someone manipulating the price? I dunno, if someone is manipulating salvage, both hands should be cut off and then burn them at the stake, slowly. Don't try and grief people's free time.

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I imagine it's a team of trolls as it'd take serious commitment for one person to manipulate it. I do think they're being flipped at certain times of day though. i typically bid 1111 for common and 11111 for unc. Lately i've been 55555'ing for unc just to make sure i don't have to bid multiple times for the one or two i want and a couple times that didn't even get it. I've toyed with the idea of buying every piece below the seeded threshold and relisting for one but i'm guessing those would mostly just go to the flippers and accomplish nothing. Plus it'd take way too long with stacks of 10. 


But basically yeah, what Troo said. 

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What's happening is the roulette of Converter/AH primers.  The level 31-39 Converter recipes are in high demand for: buy recipe, create, roulette, convert, sell.  Lots of people doing it now (including me).  Very high demand.

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I’m not too concerned.  I don’t craft like I used to, but an extra few thousand inf is a rounding error when I’m making millions per craft.   Frankly, it’s probably great for anyone who is a seller of salvage and it’s putting inf in their hands.

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This is an excellent reason to hie thee to the AE and run some player created stories for tickets. 

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2 hours ago, Heraclea said:

This is an excellent reason to hie thee to the AE and run some player created stories for tickets. 

i don't see it. i think yellow salvage would have to go well north of where it's seeded for that to outpace regular drops

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6 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

i don't see it. i think yellow salvage would have to go well north of where it's seeded for that to outpace regular drops

Not sure v. Regular drops, but for ticket farmers who normally sell rare salvage, it looks like about 75k would be a break even price for yellow.


540 tickets for random rare v. 80 tickets for specific uncommon, ratio of 6.75:1.  Assuming a 500k price for rates, that’s just under 75k for yellows.

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Not sure what ticket cap per map is on HC. If it's still 1500 that'd be 18.75 uncommon rolls per. So you're looking at 1.4 million and change if you get the 75k. Now between the salvage drops from a map and the common recipes i'd imagine you'd get close to that much per map if not more. The occasional pvp, purple, good rare would then be some pretty serious gravy.

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I save all rare salvage.  Because 1/2 mil a pop.  I dump ALL other salvage on market at 1.  I drop 100-200 pieces a day on average.  I buy for crafting purples and pvps.  My only other crafting is 50-100 low level yellow recipes that use no rare that i use to convert to procs and globals to sell  i do this once or twice a week. Last night i did 24. Spent 15k a pop on yellows. Which i believe is the highest i ever paid. But my memory is crap so less that a half mil on all my crafting i did last night.  10k a pop on buying the recipes.  Total expenses under a mil. I never buy converters . I run TF endlessly. So i made approx 100 mil.  

in short if people are going to that much work to get a few thousand off the market. Just. Roflmao

Edited by Snarky
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It's definitely being manipulated.  I spend at least as much time playing on the auction house as playing the game.  It's fun for me and something to do when I have 15-30 minutes or so.  I buy recipes, craft the enhancements, and sell for a reasonable profit.  For the last six months or so, I've had bids out most every day for all of the yellows or reds I might need.  I was routinely getting yellows for between 400-800 influence.  A few weeks ago, I started seeing them above 1000 again, last week above 2500, and this week, I've had bids out at 6-7k that haven't filled yet.   Fortunately, it doesn't impact profit all that much, but it is a pain in the ass.  And it's rather stupid.  Even if someone put up 1000 yellows a day at 10k each, that's only 10m influence, which you could more easily make by crafting a selling 2 purples or 2-3 reds.  I can only think that someone (or some group) came up with this no so clever idea, and didn't know or care that they were simply being a dick.


I've thought of spending a few billion to buy up all the yellows I could and resell them for 500, but I'm sure how long that would take or if it would be enough.

Edited by Theronos
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I would love to see a hard cap on prices.   This would be easily enforced by the simplest of methods.  Have a Dev have a billion yellows at X value. Maybe 10k or 5 k or w/e.  People can play the market and buy sell. But a soon as you try to corner the market you hit an i finite wall 


this would stop market abuse from going to stupid levels from bots and griefers. Same could be done with each class of recipe so nothing could get oddly out of bounds

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1 minute ago, Snarky said:

I would love to see a hard cap on prices.   This would be easily enforced by the simplest of methods.  Have a Dev have a billion yellows at X value. Maybe 10k or 5 k or w/e.  People can play the market and buy sell. But a soon as you try to corner the market you hit an i finite wall 


this would stop market abuse from going to stupid levels from bots and griefers. Same could be done with each class of recipe so nothing could get oddly out of bounds

Salvage is seeded like so:

  • 10,000 for Common salvage
  • 100,000 for Uncommon salvage
  • 1,000,000 for Rare salvage
  • 50,000 for Brainstorm Idea

Hence the large amount of salvage on sale in the first place.

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6 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

Not sure what ticket cap per map is on HC. If it's still 1500 that'd be 18.75 uncommon rolls per.

Thing is, they aren't rolls; only white salvage is a gamble, and even then you get to specify level ranges.  Yellow and orange salvage is just ordered straight up. 


TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

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1 hour ago, GM Korvin said:

Salvage is seeded like so:

  • 10,000 for Common salvage
  • 100,000 for Uncommon salvage
  • 1,000,000 for Rare salvage
  • 50,000 for Brainstorm Idea

Hence the large amount of salvage on sale in the first place.

Are you saying the hard cap on yellow salvage is 100k per unit?

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I also noticed a sharp jump in prices of salvage a couple weeks ago.  It was mostly noticeable on Yellow salvage, so much so I credited the practice to someone I dubbed 'The Yellow Sphincter', and it seemed to be the work of a single person, as they were active before 8am and then after 4pm.  The rates would go back to normal during the day.  It seems a bit more random now, but there are times where I don't even try use the auction house... I know it's only a bump in the prices overall, but somehow I refuse to pay 3000 for white, 25,000+ for yellow, let alone 800,000 for orange.  I'll jump on some farms instead, even though its less efficient at gaining you inf, at least I get recipes and salvage for free.  Curse you Yellow Sphincter!

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