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Discussion: Disabling XP No Longer Increases Influence


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I don't think the thread should be locked. Folks clearly still need to vent and it's better that it happens here.


Just at least put down your own wants and consider the bigger picture when you do, or at least conceptually understand that this is a practical step to keep us away from the unhealthy economy we had on the original servers.

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12 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:

I guess its time to lock the thread and discontinue any further discussion...

You want to lock the thread because you're impatient and think you're owed a certain amount of an item's sale price, and people are telling you to just lower your price or wait 3 days? I'm sorry man, but this is just absurd. I play this game so slowly that I still don't have a 50 after being here a year and I have no problem getting enough money by just selling converters gained from merits doing mission arcs and TFs in my tiny 2-4 hour play windows I allow myself every couple days. Some days I get to play longer than that, but most of those are spent standing around doing nothing.


If you can't acquire "enough money" to play your characters, and *I* can, either you're doing something wrong or I found a secret dimension where money just falls into my characters' laps for merely existing on the server.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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5 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

You want to lock the thread because you're impatient and think you're owed a certain amount of an item's sale price

I'm gonna go ahead and stop you right there, because you've clearly missed reading the earlier threads of this post....



21 hours ago, Luminara said:


I just wanted to say I loved you in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Veruca.


19 hours ago, tidge said:

I gotta say: I think you've been slacking lately on buying some of the items I recently posted. It's been like 12 hours and they haven't sold. That's on you bro'. Cut out the jibber-jabber and get back to spending that sweet sweet inf.

These two particular remarks are one reason I would recommend that the thread is locked, as they are a toxic element which is not necessary in this discussion. The change has already been IMPLEMENTED, and there's ABSOLUTELY no indication of a reversal on said change otherwise, therefore making any more comments useless or pointless.



HOWEVER, if we can avoid ridicule and disrespect, Provide some FACTS (I've actually been experimenting with some suggestions from Myrmidon with some promising results)  and not resort to attacks, then continuation of this discussion is in order, as long as it remains civil.

12 hours ago, Peerless Girl said:

That's a great "My Cousin Vinny" reference, thank you!

Happy you caught that one 🙂

Edited by Panthonca7034
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17 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:


1. Namely because I don't know who you are, or the shard you play on, 2. Following your statement I'm not interested in finding out, as that was perceived as disrespectful and condescending just so you know, 3. At this point, good manners on your part will help immensely, and I'm not your "Bro"...

As painful as it sounds, I agree with you Saikochoro, this thread has begun to devolve into something that it shouldn't devolve into. It's pointless, fruitless and useless to continue to even address the matter anymore.


I guess its time to lock the thread and discontinue any further discussion...



Yep, time to lock the thread. That comparison is as inaccurate as a 1963 Pontiac Tempest being compared to a 1963 Corvette... -.-


While I do not disagree with the message "please comport one's self with dignity and respectfulness," I would caution you against admonishing others over their perceived "disrespect," as you have displayed a penchant for it yourself.

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24 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

While I do not disagree with the message "please comport one's self with dignity and respectfulness," I would caution you against admonishing others over their perceived "disrespect," as you have displayed a penchant for it yourself.


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41 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

While I do not disagree with the message "please comport one's self with dignity and respectfulness," I would caution you against admonishing others over their perceived "disrespect," as you have displayed a penchant for it yourself.

Point it out, and don't leave out the important parts when you quote my posts, I feel I've been very civil thus far and I've not disrespected anyone, only defended my point of view as best as I could.

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7 minutes ago, Panthonca7034 said:

Point it out, and don't leave out the important parts when you quote my posts, I feel I've been very civil thus far and I've not disrespected anyone, only defended my point of view as best as I could.

I did, I quoted your WHOLE post and didn't edit.


Should you doubt that, I welcome you to compare my quote to your initial post.


Additionally, perspective is interesting, is it not? You FEEL you've been respectful, where others  do not agree.



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4 minutes ago, Panthonca7034 said:

Point it out, and don't leave out the important parts when you quote my posts, I feel I've been very civil thus far and I've not disrespected anyone, only defended my point of view as best as I could.

Since you asked for some pointers, when you wrote:

1 hour ago, Panthonca7034 said:

These two particular remarks are one reason I would recommend that the thread is locked, as they are a toxic element which is not necessary in this discussion. The change has already been IMPLEMENTED, and there's ABSOLUTELY no indication of a reversal on said change otherwise, therefore making any more comments useless or pointless.

You really missed the point (or at least the sarcasm), as your initial reply to my post about "why aren't you buying from Tidge" was

18 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:

1. Namely because I don't know who you are, or the shard you play on,

Reveals a deep ignorance of how the Auction House actually works.

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1 hour ago, Panthonca7034 said:

I'm gonna go ahead and stop you right there, because you've clearly missed reading the earlier threads of this post....

These two particular remarks are one reason I would recommend that the thread is locked, as they are a toxic element which is not necessary in this discussion.

No, I read everything. It's nice of you to cut off the rest of that sentence though so you could pretend I didn't. Comparing your wishes to that of a spoiled child isn't off the mark considering the entire basis for your complaint is that you don't want to wait and can't play CoH like a "second job" in order to afford your builds. Many people throughout this thread have pointed out ways to make money that takes even less time and energy than afk farming the AE; if you didn't want to read the whole thing (and I honestly don't blame you, we're 57 pages in), don't use that as an attack angle to presume someone else hasn't been paying attention.


No one said anything toxic, your thin skin about a comparison notwithstanding.


If you still think you have to dedicate 8 hours a day to "afford a build", I once again direct you to my previous post where it seems I play even less than you and have no issues buying what I want from the AH. There's obviously some fundamental thing or belief you're doing (or not doing) that causes you to fall so far behind. Finding what that is should probably be your first goal rather than loathing the loss of a minor amount of farmable influence.

exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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24 minutes ago, tidge said:

Since you asked for some pointers, when you wrote:

You really missed the point (or at least the sarcasm), as your initial reply to my post about "why aren't you buying from Tidge" was

Reveals a deep ignorance of how the Auction House actually works.


Worth noting that the AH is cross-shard, in case people don't know, or aren't sure. There's one big (mostly) connected market as long as nothing breaks.

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1 hour ago, tidge said:

Since you asked for some pointers, when you wrote:

You really missed the point (or at least the sarcasm), as your initial reply to my post about "why aren't you buying from Tidge" was

Reveals a deep ignorance of how the Auction House actually works.

Finally! We're making some progress, SMALL progress, but it's a start! DEEP IGNORANCE is not the choice of words I would have used, I would have used "Lack of experience in the usage of the auction house" which is more accurate and sounds a lot less negative.


I mainly use the AH to sell salvage that clogs up my inventory and to buy the more "affordable" common salvage when making Generic IOs to put it on the base salvage racks (which I need to put some work into so I can put more salvage racks in there), and I've experimented on a limited basis (with some limited success) with the suggestions on the uncommon or "Yellow/Gold" IOs and salvage, sometimes I get lucky and get Karma and on the rare blue moon I get gift of the ancients, which although sells decently (for 1 mil) its still not a viable way to make Inf without massive losses (buying the converters to switch them around). Sometimes getting an item you REALLY really want doesn't happen, I tried to get one of the new synapse IOs going for 6-7 Mill for 2 and once 3, which is what I believe a reasonable amount (Not too cheap, and not too expensive) only to find out after waiting a week the bid is still there.


Normally when I look at bids or items on sale, I'm not able to see names or who's selling what, and therefore if there's bargains being advertised, of course I'm gonna miss out since I'm not able to see who's selling it, only what's being sold.


Now, is the Auction House channel ACTUALLY active and being used to advertise stuff?! If not, I'm willing to take a gander at making a tab on my chat window to see if someone's got some stuff to sell or to see if I can catch stuff.


I try to avoid using merits AT ALL on anything other than recipes I want, because grinding for them is time-consuming, and sometimes when you REALLY need that one IO that a good build can use, all you got is merits to buy them with, also taking into consideration that I mostly solo and don't team much.


The Marketing guide from the feedback I received from a few other folks is not 100% complete, as the super-effective methods are not in there (my take on it is no one is willing to give the gold away), how true that is I'm not sure, but I'll be taking a read at that marketing thread to see what I can find that I'm not doing correct...

Edited by Panthonca7034
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29 minutes ago, Panthonca7034 said:

 I've experimented on a limited basis (with some limited success) with the suggestions on the uncommon or "Yellow/Gold" IOs and salvage, sometimes I get lucky and get Karma and on the rare blue moon I get gift of the ancients, which although sells decently (for 1 mil) its still not a viable way to make Inf without massive losses (buying the converters to switch them around). Sometimes getting an item you 

From the way you describe this, I feel as though you're missing the out-of-set > by type conversion. It will allow you to convert between any enhancement of the same type, like ranged damage or defense. You can convert between uncommon and rare IOs this way, for the price of 2 converters.


Once you've got a rare this way, you can switch back to converting by rarity and just keep converting to get an enhancement with value. Depending on where you personally draw the line of a valuable IO (about 2.5 mil for me), it shouldn't take many conversions.

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2 minutes ago, Lines said:

From the way you describe this, I feel as though you're missing the out-of-set > by type conversion. It will allow you to convert between any enhancement of the same type, like ranged damage or defense. You can convert between uncommon and rare IOs this way, for the price of 2 converters.


Once you've got a rare this way, you can switch back to converting by rarity and just keep converting to get an enhancement with value. Depending on where you personally draw the line of a valuable IO (2.5 mil for me), it shouldn't take many conversions.



I'll give this part a look, as it's easy to miss.

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It's important to note that some enhancements go from uncommon to rare more easily than other. Fear, stun, confuse, travel, tend to have two sets in most level ranges, and converting from one fear set to another fear set will generally result in turning an uncommon to rare (or vice versa).


Melee Damage, PBAoE, those sets have A LOT of sets in most level ranges and converting within those types will be a lot more random.

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5 hours ago, Major_Decoy said:

It's important to note that some enhancements go from uncommon to rare more easily than other. Fear, stun, confuse, travel, tend to have two sets in most level ranges, and converting from one fear set to another fear set will generally result in turning an uncommon to rare (or vice versa).


Melee Damage, PBAoE, those sets have A LOT of sets in most level ranges and converting within those types will be a lot more random.

This. I always buy the same recipes because it only take one conversion to get to a rare. Then one more conversion to get out of the type. So 3 converters total at this point. A lot of the time I will have a IO worth 2m+ with just those two conversions. Sometimes I am lucky enough to land right on a LOTG or other expensive IO. Sometimes I like to convert until I land on a resist, defense, heal, or end mod IO. It usually only take me a max of 5-10 converters to get to a 3-4m IO.  

So, 10 * 85k = 850k (I don’t pay more than 85k for converters). Another 100k for crafting a salvage. So about 1m spent for a 3-4m sell.  And that is honestly more conversions than I usually do. The only time I spend a ton of converters is if I just want to chase down a LOTG + rech IO. With that I might blow 20-25 converters (about 2m worth). I will still make 5-6 million off of that.


I think you have to be really chasing within a set that sells for 2-3m max to start to get to a loss position. 

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5 hours ago, Major_Decoy said:

Honestly, if you wanted to cut back on the profit margin of enhancement converting, you'd just have to add an uncommon 10-50 set to most types of recipes.

There is no reason to cut back the margin of conversion. It helps keep prices of IOs down. The devs have specifically stated they don’t want to do anything to hurt this process. 

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3 minutes ago, Saikochoro said:

There is no reason to cut back the margin of conversion. It helps keep prices of IOs down. The devs have specifically stated they don’t want to do anything to hurt this process. 

It was an observation, not a suggestion.

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6 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:



I'll give this part a look, as it's easy to miss.

The UI is mostly to blame for this. There’s 3 options. The UI only shows you 2 of them. To get the third, you have to click on the 2nd choice (which is a combo box) and pick option 3. Then once you do that conversion, the UI forgets which one you had selected so you have to pick it again for the next conversion. Why they didn’t just show you all three choices at once, I’ll never know. 

As I often say, the underlying functionality is 90% of the work, the UI is the other 90%. 

Edited by ZekeStenzland
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I kind of think there needs to be a tutorial for the conversion system. Oh, please I hope this isn't the impetus for me to write my first AE mission.


But basically, there are a lot of people who have wasted converters trying to get attuned energy manipulators to turn into performance shifters or power transfers

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On 4/17/2020 at 7:43 PM, Panthonca7034 said:

1. Namely because I don't know who you are, or the shard you play on,

FYI (and a lot of people don't realize this), there is ONE consignment house across all servers.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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Honestly, its irrelevant, farmers gonna keep farming, and flooding the ah  with ridiculous prices. I would rather they focused on fixing powersets like AR or Martial arts, instead of getting rid of inf gain. Especially when IO's are still the way of life.

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12 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:

(I've actually been experimenting with some suggestions from Myrmidon with some promising results) 

It’s good to always be open to ideas which can be adapted to your own wants/needs.




One of the things that I also enjoy doing is converting a recipe into an IO and giving it to SG mates/friends right in the middle of a play session. I consider allies that are geared the way they wish to play a valuable asset.


Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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11 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:

The Marketing guide from the feedback I received from a few other folks is not 100% complete, as the super-effective methods are not in there (my take on it is no one is willing to give the gold away), how true that is I'm not sure, but I'll be taking a read at that marketing thread to see what I can find that I'm not doing correct...

I'm happy to share trading strategies and techniques. e.g. rare roulette, opening packs. I don't want to announce the exact niches that I'm working at the moment though. The reason is that competition between traders drives down profit margins. If I tell everyone that I'm doing very nicely from crafting Befuddling Aura End/Confuse then there's a good chance that a couple of people will start doing the same thing. Then the profits fall off, I'll have to find a new niche and they'll think I was exaggerating. 🙂

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