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Ok, so I am flying around torchbearer today on my level 15 dark/dark defender.  I'm purposely not using double xp, and P2W vendor powers, no AE etc  etc.  Her bio pretty much says no farms, etc, and leveling the old skool way.  So queue random message from another player.  


"Want to team up?" - other player

"Sure. What are you working on?" - Me

"Oh. something a level 15 could help with." - other player

"Oh ok. I'm doing Twinshot's second arc."-Me

"I was thinking something more like flashback in oro."-other player

"Ok.  Lets try some missions." - Me


Ok, so after the other player came and let me get into oro, since I didnt have the badge yet, he starts dropping Defender ATOs into my inventory.


"Um ok. Wasnt expecting that. Whats up?" -Me

"Oh just thought you could use them.  The bonuses are pretty great." -other player


Ok...so he gives me a full set of 6 Defender's Bastion ATO's, and a few unslotters because I explained I didnt have any power that had six slots avaialable yet.  At most my powers have 2-3 slots each.


"Just slot them where you can now, and then unslot them when you need to" - other player.


So anyhoo,  I was pretty speechless.  But this type of thing was pretty common in the old days from my experience.  and I was glad to see that cooperative and generous spirit alive and well on Homecoming.  







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Thanks for passing that story along. Pretty great!

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum


I remember having something like that happen in the original game.  I don't recall all the details now, but I remember being totally confused (and hence, a tad worried) as a top tier player swooped up my lowbie, ran me through top level missions (resulting in my first encounters with Malta and other higher level groups), and giving me the influence needed to get the enhancements to keep up with my rapid leveling.  When I asked why, they simply said they liked doing nice things for lowbies.  


This is a major component of why people keep wanting back into the game 8 years after it closed.  By and large, our community is the best.

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I had this same situation happen when I was leveling my Arachnos Soldier in Sharkhead Isle. A random lvl 50 started dropping ATOs into my inventory. I have to admit I was shocked, confused and thought I was being trolled. I'm just not used to people being nice in the Rogue Isles and took the generosity the wrong way I suppose. I ended up giving them back all the enhancements and left for my mission. It's pretty funny in hindsight.

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Excelsior Server: Giovanni Valia, Operative Velez, Fortunata Valeri, LongFang Mercer

SG: Shades of Arachnos; 315-6811


There we are doing an ITF with a TW/DA Brute. Poor guy. Not only was he squishy but he was using rest at level 50 😄 We start talking and he complains about his endurance, and how he is on generic IOs and the last time he played was in issue ONE!


We all start pitching in with suggestions to help his build. The moment the mission stops someone hits the AH and buys him all the procs, the Panacea, Miracle, Performance Shifter, Theft of Essence, etc etc and then patiently explains where to slot them (he couldn't see Health and thought he hadn't picked it as he leveled).


I was like, aw man, you don't see that sort of thing in WoW. Well, to begin with no one even talks in WoW and then we all go back to our separate servers anyway.

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When Some Random Player in CoH is better behaved than the most generous in other MMOs.

That's so very CoH!

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

Posted (edited)

I told this story in another thread, but it's worth repeating anyways because it made my day for sure.

I write bios for all of my characters. All of them. Every single character I have has a biography, whether it's short, comedic, dramatic, serious, whatever. It's something I find fun, regardless of whether people read them or not. Anyway, one day I saw an impromptu costume contest going on, and I'm playing on my fresh, new level 20-ish Blaster, so I decide to go stand in line and hope for the best.

I didn't win the contest, but during the contest, a player came right up to me, sent a trade invite, and just gave me like 5 million INF right there, sending a PM saying something like "I hardly see people write bios anymore, and I want to encourage the practice. :D" Sure, 5 million isn't a lot, but it was still really nice, and this guy was just a participant in the contest, not a judge or the one running it.

Since then, I've made it my mission to pay it forward. If I see a cool bio that I like, that person gets some INF from me, free of charge. 😄

Edited by GastlyGibus
  • Like 10

Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.


Again back on live. I was in a PUG, doing some straightforward missions. Had a good afternoon playing. When we finished, team leader dropped a big bunch of SO enhancements on me.


I was like, what?


He said, just thanks for being a good team player and for an enjoyable session.

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Posted (edited)

Ooh, are we storytelling?



Back on Retail, my very first character way back in the old days before Villains and Inventions and all those shenanigans, I loaded up the worst costume on a wolverine-clone one could imagine and dropped into Galaxy City. The place was practically deserted save one speck among the white tiles and benches, a blurry obtuse black smoky fog oozing from a human-shaped form out all over the pavement. "That's so cool!" I thought to myself, and approached it, going around in circles trying to figure out what power sets it belonged to.


Then the mist spoke to me, "First character?"


We talked for a few minutes about Dark Armor, and how empty Galaxy City was for a starter-zone, and that everyone typically (even randomly in the greater proportion) head to Atlas Park. Then, at the end, they sent me a trade request (the only way to move INF at all). They dropped 50,000* Influence my way, and I was flabbergasted at the amount expecting it to be so much. They said "No problem," and went about their way. I decide to figure out missions and start looking for my contact, I bump into another player, small conversation later we're now teamed and they're taking me through some info about the first contacts of the game and how to get story arcs going, then invite me to their SG.


I was like "This is crazy. These people can't all be this nice, can they?"


Every experience since was all up hill positives, and I understood paying it forward was the biggest part that mattered and I try and continually drop random gifts of influence and enhancements on folks. Now here on Homecoming, whenever I'm on a character that can support it, when I see the random musings over "I wish I could afford X..." or "I really need Y", I'll drop random parts on players, or send them e-mails with the items in question, or Influence enough to buy it.s

Edited by Sir Myshkin
*Yeah I know 50k is hardly anything, but that was huge at the time for a player who didn't know!
  • Like 6
  On 7/19/2020 at 11:39 PM, GastlyGibus said:

I told this story in another thread, but it's worth repeating anyways because it made my day for sure.

I write bios for all of my characters. All of them. Every single character I have has a biography, whether it's short, comedic, dramatic, serious, whatever. It's something I find fun, regardless of whether people read them or not. Anyway, one day I saw an impromptu costume contest going on, and I'm playing on my fresh, new level 20-ish Blaster, so I decide to go stand in line and hope for the best.

I didn't win the contest, but during the contest, a player came right up to me, sent a trade invite, and just gave me like 5 million INF right there, sending a PM saying something like "I hardly see people write bios anymore, and I want to encourage the practice. :D" Sure, 5 million isn't a lot, but it was still really nice, and this guy was just a participant in the contest, not a judge or the one running it.

Since then, I've made it my mission to pay it forward. If I see a cool bio that I like, that person gets some INF from me, free of charge. 😄


Was this on Everlasting? Because I've done this a few times, for this exact reason, and said basically that exact thing, and that entire scenario sounds so familiar.

  On 7/21/2020 at 5:51 AM, Hexquisite said:

Was this on Everlasting? Because I've done this a few times, for this exact reason, and said basically that exact thing, and that entire scenario sounds so familiar.


No, it was on Excelsior, actually. Looks like we've got a copy-cat on the shard. 😛

Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.


I joined a level 25 brute with my recently 50 fire/time corruptor, and was just having a great time blowing stuff up in his missions (he even turned it up to x6 at my suggestion), and he apologized for being so squishy at one point after dropping, saying he made the mistake of getting leveled in AE so he didn't have Inf for enhancements.  I sent him a trade invite to give him some Inf, but he turned it down, saying he wanted to earn it himself.  I had to respect that attitude.  

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Posted (edited)
  On 7/21/2020 at 7:07 PM, Scientist said:

I sent him a trade invite to give him some Inf, but he turned it down, saying he wanted to earn it himself.  I had to respect that attitude.  


In those situations I send it to the player's email with a note along the lines of: "In honor of your quest to earn your keep, lets make a deal with this influence. Carry it with you and use it to help others along your path, whenever that time comes, you can simply forward this to them."


Unless they "claim" it, it just sits there indefinitely which makes it a convenient way for them to keep it separate and "pay it forward" for someone else. If they truly don't want to mess with it they can technically "send it back," but... that never happens 😄


edit: I also generally don't "trade request" anyone, I much rather like leaving random emails behind. If it's important enough I'll shoot them a tell, but some times its fun just to send it and let it sit for a while. I've gotten responses weeks after the fact "I didn't even know!" (or whatever along those lines).

Edited by Sir Myshkin
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