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We need No FX options everywhere.


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Out of 113 total toons I have exactly one stone armor (WITHOUT Granite) and NO bio armor toons...  BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DAMN UGLY!  Was this the result the original devs were hoping for?  Even Alt-itis addicted types like me won't roll them.  I realize there are folks out there who don't care and roll any toon with any look and any name and any powerset combo in the name of being uber however THAT isn't me.


I get that it may have been intentional to have to 'pay a price' for having these abilities - but someone went full retard with making those beyond ugly.  Honestly, they're horrendous.  Is this City of Monstrous Deformities?  I don't want to play a toon that morphs into a giant lump of dog poop to be powerful.  💩


With all of the QoL stuff the HC team has put in (and thank you!!!!) I find it odd that at the very least they don't make Ablative Carapace 'no fx'able.  Or at least make a version of it that isn't so disgusting.  Of course for those out there who like those looks (if there actually is anyone) they can be left in as optional looks.


I guess it's not really a problem per se, especially since I need more toons like I need another hole in my head, lol.  I just thought it was worth pointing this out to the HC devs, since QoL seems to be their thing.  Plus, I would really like to use bio armor on a toon or two and have for years now.  I can't even roll one of the almighty TW/Bio builds because it makes me want to check my shoes... 


So, pretty please with a cherry on top?  😁


Edited by KauaiJim
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4 hours ago, KauaiJim said:

Out of 113 total toons I have exactly one stone armor (WITHOUT Granite) and NO bio armor toons...  BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DAMN UGLY! 


Right there with you.  Every time I say this in chat, I'm always flooded with "there's a minimal FX" option, with people completely ignoring the fact that Ablative Carapace still horks up the full shell around you with ZERO options to decline it. So I could either roll a bio and skip arguably a set defining power.... or put up with a power that I just cannot stand the look of... or I can choose a different armor set.  And yea, I know Ablative Carapace is up and gone fast. But I'd still have to see it, All the Darn Time, Every time I use it. That's a deal-breaker.


Now, admittedly, there is nothing that says I personally have to approve the looks of all powers. 

It is not the end of the world if I just .... never create a Bio Armor character.... ever. 

But I have always wondered why that one power got no Minimal FX when the rest of the set did. 

Edited by MTeague
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There's also a smaller unavoidable shell on the T9.


I wish that bio armor was less all or nothing: that there were meaningful shell options that weren't so gigantic and over the top, but also weren't pretty generic particle effects.

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  • 1 month later

woaw i m come back after several months and it's still a thing 🙂


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One of my alts is a thermal defender.

For anything affecting the look of myself, or other players, I use the dark color option.  My teammates can tell they are covered in flame, but it doesn’t change their appearance.


Now if someone asked me not to use it on them, I would.  No big deal.

Ive had players ask me not to use SB before.  The rest of the team told them to hang way back so they wouldn’t accidentally be hit with it, but I did my best not to boost them.


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So.., I can't help but notice a lot of the ppl that complained about the appearance of "too much stuff on their screens" and then posted screen shots clearly had their particle physics way up there as well as several other graphic settings.. There's something to be said for doing what is readily available on player side to adjust settings to meet your needs.

I often play with very adjusted performance-ish lvl graphics b/c the overt activity on screen can be a bit of a sensory overload issue for me when leading raids or itrails etc....  almost always play with no volume b/c of this as well..... So I very much understand why lots of people have preferences etc about how they would *like* the game to function for the graphics ... but currently we have more min gfx options than we did... and even though personally I would LOVE to be able to hide alblative carapace on my bio.. or pic my own personal lvl of transparency when using an invis power.... etc etc... this seem like low priority and not something I would personally want the dev team to go out of their way to spend a lot of time or resources on to change the way power gfx have pretty much always worked.. There's plenty of functionality improvements and content etc that strike me as more important to focus on.

All that said, if there's some kind of easy way to make an option to have basically all powers offer a "min gfx" option  in the costume editor, that is something it's easy to confidently say would be extremely popular with the player base.

Also +1 for Keens point about buffs not breaking e-motes... is annoying... would be nice if SB etc didn't make me stop dance'n 😄

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Also, a No FX version of Shield Defense where you just don't have a shield and all the normal attack animations (and female taunt) happen.

Conceptually the "shield" could be power armor, force field (aura), magical belt/bracers/necklace, or Monk-type diamond skin... anything besides that massive shield on the left arm.

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13 hours ago, ninja surprise said:

Also, a No FX version of Shield Defense where you just don't have a shield and all the normal attack animations (and female taunt) happen.

It's not 'no FX', and you still get the shield-based animations, but you can color the 'Energy Shield' under 'Elemental Shields' to be almost invisible.

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On 8/3/2021 at 11:14 AM, srmalloy said:

It's not 'no FX', and you still get the shield-based animations, but you can color the 'Energy Shield' under 'Elemental Shields' to be almost invisible.


Yep, that's what I do. I make it a very translucent color so it's barely visible. But it still does weird things to some animations like Beast Run, and makes female toons do a weird scream instead of the "Ha!" when taunting.

It'd be cool if there were a scale slider on the shield to make it small.

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  • 3 years later

If only 🙂

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On 8/25/2024 at 11:19 AM, patunya said:

curious if this is to ever be resolved? absolute bonkers that i have to choose all or nothing in regard to FX 


Volunteer dev team with limited man hours. I’m sure adding more min fix are on their radar, but not really a priority.

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Not to pile on the necro thread, but IMHO what we need are multiple client-side sliders that reduce different kinds of particle effects instead of all, e.g., one for our own VFX, one for other's VFX (including those on us), one for environmental effects, etc. And allow the sliders to go to 0.

Not only would this give us so much more control than a simple binary option in the character creator, I think it would be far easier to implement since it's client-side only.

Short of any changes your best bets are to set color options to black/black, reduce particle effects for everything, and/or use one of the reduced VFX mods.

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On 10/23/2020 at 10:48 PM, Tsuko said:

I dream of (in PVE) :



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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I could be cited many times in these forums stating I'm not much for spending time in the costume creator. But I do have an anecdote that may be worth sharing. It was issue 3. I was very new to the game, and I made a stone tank. I arrived in the city, in front of Ms. Liberty, excited to begin my second adventure. I still had my first character a blaster, but wanted to try the other ATs out as well. 

I got to ...I dunno, level 6 maybe. And when I chose the armor, and saw it on my avatar, the first thought was I now have a s**t armor. That is what it looked like! The default for Abalative Carapace isn't any better. Once I saw it, I logged it off, never to play it again. 

While it's true that more experienced players can disguise or hide these more unsavory appearances, shouldn't the default be to have all the powers be unseen, and have the player choose the effects or not? 

Just a question. I've no idea how much of these effects are baked into the utility of the power. Like Hide, for a stalker. Everyone can see him, but the character is still stealthed? Or maybe, if such a thing is possible, only the player can see his stealthed character. I dunno. But I say, make no fx be the default. 

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