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Focused Feedback: Travel Updates: Base Teleportation, Long Range Teleporter Accolade, Special TP Powers

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    • The thread will be locked when no more feedback is required, but you are more than welcome to continue the discussion in a new thread.
  • The most up-to-date version of the changes will be listed in the first post.
  • The changes in each build will be posted as replies.
    • Most changes from the previous beta build are listed in green.
      • Green text will become white text in the next set of patch notes.
    • Any changes or fixes that are only relevant to the beta builds (ie: fixes / tweaks to new features) are listed in blue.
      • Blue text will be deleted in the next set of patch notes as it is only relevant to highlight changes between beta builds, not a changes from live.
    • Known issues are listed in purple.



Travel Updates: Base Teleportation, Long Range Teleporter Accolade, Special TP Powers

A strange energy spike in Galaxy City reached the old Supergroup Portal and caused a cascade overload in the entire Teleport network. Most of the damage has been repaired, but destinations in temporal flux have been lost to the past. DJ Zero was called in to establish the new portal in his Pocket Dimension, and as a courtesy he also set up portals in two other dimensions: Praetoria and The Shadow Shard. Vanguard has requested further restrictions of traffic near Paragon Heights while their investigation is in progress.


Fast Travel Menu

  • By acquiring Long Range Teleporter or any of the powers in this menu you will unlock the Fast Travel macro accolade (similar to the Architect Commlink)
    • This lists the various unlockable zone teleportation powers so they don't take up space in your power trays
  • Clicking the 281168755_TeleporterPopmenu.png.65fc58e8b615ae49d7ac718fc1e1c38e.png Fast Travel icon will open up this menu
    • Powers that are are on cooldown or that you do not own (or have no charges of) will be greyed out
    • Portal powers (eg: Ouro) will be automatically summoned at your feet so you don't need to click again
    • Each option has a keyboard shortcut whilst the menu is open (the white letters)
  • You can also use /popmenu FastTravel in a keybind, macro, etc to access this menu
    • eg: /bind t popmenu FastTravel will open this menu when you press T, so pressing "T, O" will quickly open an Ouro portal at your feet



Base Access

  • The GM-only command /enterbasefrompasscode has been adjusted, and now be used under any of the following conditions:
    • Within 45 feet of a base portal (including the new summoned portals)
    • Anywhere inside a Supergroup base
    • After using Long Range Teleporter, Base Transporter (P2W) or Monitor Duty Teleporter (Day Job)
      • The command remains available until you move 20 feet from the location you used the power, or if you activate another power
  • Base teleportation has been expanded with many new portals and destinations, and the drop locations in most zones have been adjusted
  • New powers which summon portable base portals have been added (see below for details)

Base Beacons 

  • All base beacons now drop you near the base portal in that zone instead of at a random location on the map
  • The following zones have had base beacons added:
    • Praetoria
      • Imperial City
      • Neutropolis
      • Nova Praetoria
    • The Shadow Shard:
      • Cascade Archipelago
      • Firebase Zulu
      • The Chantry
      • The Storm Palace
  • The following zones have had their beacons removed:
    • Echo: Dark Astoria
      • These beacons will now be directed to Dark Astoria
    • Echo: Galaxy City
      • These beacons have been destroyed by an energy spike of unknown origin
    • Note: Both of these zones can still be accessed through Ouroboros
  • Supergroup Base Teleport Beacons once again check for alignment, and should no longer allow Praetorians to briefly zone into Primal Earth zones

Base Portals

  • All zones with a base beacon now also have a base portal
  • Base portals in the Rogue Isles are now red, and the new Praetorian base portals are gold
  • Base portals no longer have collision (so you can't get stuck inside them anymore)
  • The following base portals have been moved to more convenient locations:
    • Kings Row
      • Moved down to ground level
    • Skyway City
      • Moved up to the small park with Synapse and Mynx, near the Monorail
    • Independence Port
      • Moved slightly to be right next to the Monorail, allowing easy access to both sides of the zone
    • Peregrine Island
      • Moved down to ground level
    • Nerva Archipelago
      • Moved slightly to be right next to the Black Helicopter line, allowing easy access to both sides of the zone
    • Grandville
      • Moved down from the top of the tower to the main square
  • The following zones have had base portals added:
    • Hazard Zones:
      • Striga Isle
      • Perez Park
      • Boomtown
      • Crey's Folly
      • Eden
      • Terra Volta
      • The Hollows
    • The Shadow Shard
      • Cascade Archipelago
      • Firebase Zulu
      • The Chantry
      • The Storm Palace
    • Praetoria
      • Imperial City
      • Neutropolis
      • Nova Praetoria
      • First Ward
      • Night Ward
  • The following zones have had their base portals removed:
    • Echo: Galaxy City
  • Complete list of zones with base beacons & base portals:
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New Accolade Power: Long Range Teleporter

  • LongRangeTeleporter.png.4970195b31b9e2546510622430b293f0.png Long Range Teleporter
    • The Pocket D VIP Pass power has been significantly improved and is now the Long Range Teleporter
      • If you previously owned Pocket D VIP Pass, you will now have the Long Range Teleporter with Pocket D unlocked as a destination
    • Long Range Teleporter is unlocked by the Passport Accolade, which can be acquired by earning:
      • An exploration accolade in any zone with a Base Portal (see the above list for reference), or
      • The Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member badge (for spending 1 hour in Pocket D)
    • Long Range Teleporter can be used once to teleport you to any zone that you have unlocked
      • Collecting any exploration badge in a zone will unlock it as a destination
      • Pocket D can also be unlocked with the Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member badge
      • Only zones with base portals can be unlocked (see the above list for reference)
    • Long Range Teleporter has a 2s activation time and a 10 minute cooldown
      • Activation time is longer in PvP
    • If you activate Long Range Teleporter and do not use it, the cooldown will still begin counting down but the power can still be used again until you zone
      • This is indicated by the red ring around the power
      • Note that even if you zone without using LRT, it will still go on cooldown - it's not possible to determine if you zone with the power or not
      • Examples:

        • You activate the power. Spend 60 seconds looking at the options before clicking one. When you zone, the power will be on cooldown with 9 minutes left.

        • You activate the power. You don't zone. Two minutes later you activate it again and zone. The power will go on cooldown with 10 minutes left (each activation resets the timer).

        • You activate the power, then keep running around the zone for five minutes. Then you use a monorail or whatever to go to a different zone. The power will go on cooldown with 5 minutes left

      • Fixed this effect not working from the Quick Travel menu if the power wasn't present in any tray

    • Long Range Teleporter can also take you to your base, and allows you to use /enterbasefrompasscode to enter any base

New Supergroup Portal Power

  • BasePortal.png.5989e719ab4845bd2a3cd51823b5218e.png Supergroup Portal (New P2W Power)
    • Available from P2W for 10 million influence
    • Summons a base portal on the ground that lasts for 2 minutes (even after you leave the zone)
    • 10 minute cooldown, unaffected by global recharge buffs
    • Cannot be used in Tutorial or PvP Zones
    • Summoning a base portal will remove other summoned portals within a 15ft radius (to avoid blocking contacts, doors, etc)
    • A Day Job version of this power has also been added (see below)

Day Job Teleportation Powers

  • DayJob_Teleport.png.e08e3e543d3b7af908dd5f0fd0436e75.png Monitor Duty Teleporter (Day Job Power)
    • This power no longer requires the Rapid Response Member Accolade to earn, and has replaced the Monitor Duty (Brain Storm boost) day job power
    • This power has been renamed from Base Teleporter to Monitor Duty Teleporter (to match the badge it is connected to)
    • Recharge time reduced from 600s to 30s
      • This would be 0s, but we wanted to prevent accidental double usage as this power has limited charges
    • Activation time reduced from 17s to 2s in PvE (still longer in PvP)
  • DayJob_BasePortal.png.1a5fd02dfea47be7e7b7f18462dfd923.png Rapid Response Portal (New Day Job Power)
    • A new day job power which replaces the Base Teleporter Power
    • Summons a base portal on the ground that lasts for 2 minutes (even after you leave the zone)
    • 90 second cooldown
    • Cannot be used in Tutorial or PvP Zones
    • Summoning a base portal will remove other summoned portals within a 15ft radius (to avoid blocking contacts, doors, etc)
  • The Day Trader Teleporter and Marketeer's Teleporter day job powers have been replaced by the Brain Storm boost day job power (which itself was replaced by the Monitor Duty Teleporter, which was replaced by the Rapid Response Member portal...)

Other Teleportation Powers

  • screenshot_200919-20-21-01_crop.png.8968c65792e978a90f2eba5701cbf5a9.png Base Transporter (P2W Power)
    • Recharge time reduced from 30 minutes to 10 minutes
    • No longer affected by global recharge buffs
    • Activation time reduced from 17s to 2s in PvE (still longer in PvP)
    • If you activate Base Transporter and do not use it, the cooldown will still begin counting down but the power can still be used again until you zone
      • This uses the same behaviour listed above under Long Range Teleporter
  • Teleportation_Ouroboros.png.ecf90b49828b085eab524f14f6cf951c.png Ouroboros Portal
    • Can now be summoned and entered from level 1, rather than level 14, and is much simpler to earn (see the badges section for more info)
    • Can now be summoned while flying (but must still target the ground)
    • Now lasts 2 minutes instead of 5 minutes, but will remain in place after you leave the zone
    • Can no longer be used inside mission maps while the "No Temporary Powers" flag is enabled (eg: during Master Of attempts)
    • Summoning an Ouroboros Portal will now remove other summoned Ouroboros Portals within a 15ft radius (to avoid blocking contacts, doors, etc)
    • Can now be used in Ouroboros
      • This was a side-effect of allowing base portals to be summoned in Ouroboros
      • Ouroboros portals summoned within 15ft of the static Ouroboros portals in Ouroboros will be instantly destroyed (Supergroup portals are not affected by this)
  • Inherent_TeamTransport_New.png.2eada855fdeed8602e3bc48a1d54e1d5.png Team Transporter (P2W Power)
    • Can now be summoned while flying (but must still target the ground)
    • This power has a new icon to match the other prestige teleportation powers
  • MissionTeleporter_New.png.c1141d67b70eff3ecd527dd821308536.png Mission Transporter (P2W Power)
    • Activation time reduced from 15s to 10s
    • This power has a new icon to match the other prestige teleportation powers
  • AssembleTheTeam_New.png.ae6987fe3918b5e2bab6929d704b2f4f.png Assemble the Team (P2W Power)
    • This power has a new icon to match the other prestige teleportation powers
  • Teleportation_Wentworths.png.b06db847beef10e01bfda47435fe3917.png Auction House Teleporters
    • The purchasable Auction House teleporter powers have been removed from the Auction House
    • These powers had numerous bugs, and teleporting directly to the auction house isn't that useful with the /ah command available

TUNNEL Network

  • The Hero and Villain TUNNEL networks have been merged together
    • Vigilantes and Rogues will now see both Hero and Villain zones in the list
    • Heroes, Villains, Vigilantes, Rogues and Praetorians can now all use the same portals in co-op zones
  • TUNNEL can now be used by Praetorians
    • Praetorians will only be able to access zones in Praetoria

Free Fire Zone (PvP) Helicopter Line

  • All helicopters to and from PvP zones are now connected (including new helicopters in Siren's Call near the Hero Hospital and in Peregrine Island near the arena)
  • You can also use it to travel between the connected PVE zones, but only those that match your current alignment
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  • City Council

Build 1 - October 24th, 2020

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Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

Posted (edited)

Does the Rapid Response Portal need to be recharged or do you unlock it permanently once you have unlocked the day job badge?


EDIT:  Ok so I see Rapid Response Portal comes with limited charges.  Not sure why it is necessary to limit the charges?  A little insight into the reasoning for this would be appreciated, thanks.


The recharge time on Super Group Portal is obscenely long.  I am not sure why this needs to be as long as Team Teleport as it is different in that it will not drop you directly at the mission door.  To be honest, this power is a total waste of inf.  You are much better off using Rapid Response. 


Rapid Response seems like a decent compromise as the macros we have now will work with them.  I like that we can customize the colors.  Down the road, it would be super if we could customize the animation as well to pick something like the one used for Team Teleport or even pull from a costume change emote.



Edited by ShardWarrior
  • Like 2

So my first thought:
I like these changes. I'm sad to lose the GM command, but I honestly think what we're getting in place of it (the new beacons, the VIP power to place my own portal, etc) is a really really good addition that makes losing the command feel a lot better. And honestly, I think the droppable portal power will be a lot more immersive, too.


I will say - the Accolade Long Range Teleport? Fantastic idea. Buuuuut having to collect the badges from every single zone in order to unlock each zone? On every character? That's a hell of a grind. And there's really not much incentive to do that when I can just drop 10m inf on the P2W vendor, get the base portal, and memorize some base code with all the beacons. You know? I like the idea of doing some exploration to unlock the initial accolade but I think the effort needs to be weighed against the effort required for similar options of getting around.

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Everlasting server

Main Characters: Vigilance, Firelight, Chameleon


The 10 second cast time for the Base Portal Powers seems excessive.  I think 3 seconds would suffice as a barrier from using them in combat situations.

I find the default sound for the cast to be rather grating.  Would it be possible to have a different sound or silence being made available as part of the new customization?


The short duration of the Ouroboros Portal is entirely confusing to me.  What was the reasoning behind this change?

  • Like 6

I do not understand removing Echo: Galaxy City beacon. Can someone explain this? You make Ouroboros available at level 1 now but remove the most convenient way to get it. Confusing. 

  • Like 8
Posted (edited)
  On 10/24/2020 at 3:41 PM, SuperPlyx said:

I do not understand removing Echo: Galaxy City beacon. Can someone explain this? You make Ouroboros available at level 1 now but remove the most convenient way to get it. Confusing. 


This one puzzles me as well. Even with a nice, convenient base portal, Echo: Galaxy City was always dead. Requiring extra steps to go there seems pointless.

Edited by Ulysses Dare
  • Like 6
  On 10/24/2020 at 3:41 PM, SuperPlyx said:

I do not understand removing Echo: Galaxy City beacon. Can someone explain this? You make Ouroboros available at level 1 now but remove the most convenient way to get it. Confusing. 


It’s only convenient for heroes, and that couldn’t stand, because devs love villains

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  • Haha 2

Is there going to be a way to remove base passcodes? Currently, having a base passcode set on a base that is accessible to teammates and coalitions doesn't really make any difference from the base game except for being able to teleport into the base from anywhere, but having a base passcode set on a base that doesn't allow teammates or coalition members may enable people who shouldn't be able to access it to access it anyway. I know that I can just change the passcode (and have done on several occasions), but being able to just remove the passcode entirely would be nice too.

  On 10/24/2020 at 4:14 PM, CrudeVileTerror said:

I transferred my main who has all the Badges already, @Glacier Peak.

BUT . . . for the sake of thorough testing, we should also roll new characters and do the Badging the old fashioned way, just to make sure.


Great idea, thanks

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Cooldown on the new p2w sg portal is way too long.  It should be nearly immediate.  The new options shouldn't be locked behind a badge grind.  It's unreasonable to expect people to go back and get those badges on every single alt just to get back what they have currently.


Edited by josh1622
  • Like 7
  On 10/24/2020 at 4:17 PM, josh1622 said:

Cooldown on the new p2w sg portal is way too long.  It should be nearly immediate.



I don't think it needs to be immediate, that's pretty extreme. Shorter would be nice, though.

Everlasting server

Main Characters: Vigilance, Firelight, Chameleon

Posted (edited)
  On 10/24/2020 at 4:06 PM, Glacier Peak said:

I am attempting to test the Long Range Teleporter accolade power on the beta server, but the Freebie menu doesn't award it. Therefore, I am assuming I need to collect every zone exploration badge to test this accolade?


Try using the /badge_grant command with the following names:

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Edited by Vanden
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Posted (edited)

In regard to my earlier feedback, here are some more detailed critiques:



Neither Base Teleporter nor Base Transporter appear to be accessible publicly or to teammates.

I very strongly feel at least one of these should function similarly to the Ouroboros Portal Power, and provide other players access.

If not either of these Powers, then please create a third one to fill this function.  Given the current conditions on Live for roleplayers, being able to ferry multiple players to a Base is VERY MUCH a desired function.

Missed the two additional Powers.  Apologies.  I'll get to testing those.


Similarly, a Pocket D Power which "drops" a public-access portal would be fantastic too.  Given this update addresses the issues related to travel, now is probably the ideal time to implement such a new Power.


The 40 foot range from existing Portals seems reasonable.

The conditions for what interrupts the Base Teleporter and Base Transporter seem too easy to accidentally trip, ESPECIALLY with the 10m cooldown on Transporter, and the limited-charges nature of Teleporter.


I've yet to test this, but given the nature of Day Jobs, I believe now would also be a good time to implement the opportunity for players to increase the number of maximum charges for Day Job Powers.  Personally subjective, but 30 is fairly low when it comes to one of my moderate length play sessions, and being limited to only replenishing one Day Job Power at a time, it would be nice to stockpile a higher number of maximum charges.


Another major priority:

Timing on these Powers seem to be on the high end in terms of activation and recharge (excluding Base Teleporter's Recharge of 30s, which is good).

I would recommend 3 second activation times, but perhaps add a "not engaged in combat for 10 seconds" clause.  Less than 3 seconds would be even more ideal, but I imagine you still want there to be some kind of barrier to instant travel?

Cooldowns of 30 minutes were always ridiculous, so thank you for dropping those.  However, I think 10 minutes is still erring on the side of overly conservative.  5 minutes, bringing them in line with Ouroboros Portal would be the most sensible decision, I believe.


And speaking of Ouroboros Portal; the 90 second up-time is just . . . bizarre.  5 minute duration with 5 minute cooldown was perfect.  Reasonable, helpful, non-exploitable (as far as I'm aware, anyway).  This change is especially confusing to me, and seems needlessly punitive.


Additional animations for all Teleport / Zone Transit Powers would be fantastic, now that we can customize these Powers.

I propose the following:

- The Arcane Teleport Animation, on loop for the duration of the cast time.

- The Wrist-beep Animation, on loop for the duration (such as what we see with Ouroboros Portal cast and Team Transporter).

- A Snipe and/or Assassin Strike Animation, or two or three.  There are some good ones which could make sense here.


And the sound is definitely NOT growing on me . . . oof.  My ears!


Edited by CrudeVileTerror
Missed some new Powers and failed to test them. Sorry.
  • Like 3
  On 10/24/2020 at 4:53 PM, CrudeVileTerror said:

Similarly, a Pocket D Power which "drops" a public-access portal would be fantastic too.  Given this update addresses the issues related to travel, now is probably the ideal time to implement such a new Power.


Man this update adds two of those

  On 10/24/2020 at 4:53 PM, CrudeVileTerror said:

In regard to my earlier feedback, here are some more detailed critiques:



Neither Base Teleporter nor Base Transporter appear to be accessible publicly or to teammates.

I very strongly feel at least one of these should function similarly to the Ouroboros Portal Power, and provide other players access.

If not either of these Powers, then please create a third one to fill this function.  Given the current conditions on Live for roleplayers, being able to ferry multiple players to a Base is VERY MUCH a desired function.


Similarly, a Pocket D Power which "drops" a public-access portal would be fantastic too.  Given this update addresses the issues related to travel, now is probably the ideal time to implement such a new Power.


The 40 foot range from existing Portals seems reasonable.

The conditions for what interrupts the Base Teleporter and Base Transporter seem too easy to accidentally trip, ESPECIALLY with the 10m cooldown on Transporter, and the limited-charges nature of Teleporter.


I've yet to test this, but given the nature of Day Jobs, I believe now would also be a good time to implement the opportunity for players to increase the number of maximum charges for Day Job Powers.  Personally subjective, but 30 is fairly low when it comes to one of my moderate length play sessions, and being limited to only replenishing one Day Job Power at a time, it would be nice to stockpile a higher number of maximum charges.


Another major priority:

Timing on these Powers seem to be on the high end in terms of activation and recharge (excluding Base Teleporter's Recharge of 30s, which is good).

I would recommend 3 second activation times, but perhaps add a "not engaged in combat for 10 seconds" clause.  Less than 3 seconds would be even more ideal, but I imagine you still want there to be some kind of barrier to instant travel?

Cooldowns of 30 minutes were always ridiculous, so thank you for dropping those.  However, I think 10 minutes is still erring on the side of overly conservative.  5 minutes, bringing them in line with Ouroboros Portal would be the most sensible decision, I believe.


And speaking of Ouroboros Portal; the 90 second up-time is just . . . bizarre.  5 minute duration with 5 minute cooldown was perfect.  Reasonable, helpful, non-exploitable (as far as I'm aware, anyway).  This change is especially confusing to me, and seems needlessly punitive.


Additional animations for all Teleport / Zone Transit Powers would be fantastic, now that we can customize these Powers.

I propose the following:

- The Arcane Teleport Animation, on loop for the duration of the cast time.

- The Wrist-beep Animation, on loop for the duration (such as what we see with Ouroboros Portal cast and Team Transporter).

- A Snipe and/or Assassin Strike Animation, or two or three.  There are some good ones which could make sense here.


And the sound is definitely NOT growing on me . . . oof.  My ears!

  1. Base transporter (both the P2W and day job versions) leaves a portal that anyone can click on for 90 seconds, even after the caster leaves the zone.
  2. 30 is currently the maximum number of charges for any day job click power. The limit back on live was 10, so this is a buff relative to live.
  3. The Ouroboros portal previously lasted 5 minutes... unless the owner zoned, then it would disappear (which is what usually happened and it sucked if you were trying to click the portal of someone who clicked it before you could).

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Posted (edited)



Base Transporter 

Reduce recharge from 10mins to 30s. (To match Base Teleporter).


Pocket D VIP Teleporter

Reduce recharge from 10mins to 30s. (To match Base Teleporter).


Supergroup Portal

Reduce recharge from 30mins to 90s. (To match Ouroboros).


Base Teleporter

Remove charge function. (Have it work just like a regular power without charges.)

Rapid Response Portal

Remove charge function. (Have it work just like a regular power without charges.)

Increase recharge from 30s to 90s. (To match Ouroboros)


The above balancing will keep everything uniform and easy to keep track of, remove the weird "limited charge" restriction, and will have the added benefit of making the P2W powers optional, and only required for those who don't have the dayjob portals unlocked.





Cap Au Diable
Suggest moving the base portal to Aeon City so it is more central.


St Martial
Suggest moving the base portal near the hospital so it's more central.


Independence Port
Suggest adding a second base portal to the south somewhere. (Would follow precedent of large zones having multiple tram stations)


Founders Falls
Suggest moving the base portal to somewhere in Liberty Town so it is more central. Suggest deleting this lamp post and putting it here:



Skyway City
Suggest adding a second base portal to the south somewhere in Land of the Lost. Or move the current one to a more central location.) Such as this:



Nerva Archipelago
Having the base portal right by the ferries seems odd. Suggest moving it to the Crimson Cove Marker. Also suggest adding a second one near the Agincourt marker.


Suggest adding a base portal somewhere. (Seems odd that we can travel to every zone, plus back back in time, but not to our bases. Plus putting one in here will reduce the amount of loading screens players have to face when moving around.)


Firebase Zulu/Cascade Acrhipelego/The Chantry/Storm Palace
For the four shadow shard zones, I'd suggest recolouring the portal to to something other than blue so that it stands out from the geysers. (Also, while these zones are large, they don't need a second portal adding, as you can just jump into the void and be auto-teleported to the current one.)


Imperial City
There are two tunnel networks right next to each other in the south. This seems odd. Suggest moving one to the north where the Behavioral Adjustment Facility is.


And that's everything.


Good luck with the testing!

Edited by Xanatos
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City of Heroes Class of 2001.

Posted (edited)

Having to do a major respec so I don't have a summon mobs into melee is going to suck, especially as it's my oldest character.

I do have to ask what the heck was the idea behind adding a time-exploration sink to EVERY character to be able to teleport to all zones? That isn't a trivial amount of time and effort once you've gotten the accolade. Can we change it to one particular zone exploration accolade and then at least one exploration badge for those additional badges?

And why is teleport's highest level power being changed to a power that really only benefits melee? My defender has no business summoning mobs into melee in mass.

Edited by arthurh35353
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