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The Ultimate!!! ...thing you never got around to. Or dropped after half hour


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I didn't drop it after 1/2 an hour, but I had a toon that used teleport as a travel power to move around years ago.  Had to bind the target and/or fire for it, but as I remember it was kinda fun.  Ultimately more work than a person wanted to do to get across town.  I may have to do it again though.  Probably pair it with hover to make things a bit easier.

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19 hours ago, RikOz said:

I've still never run a DFB...

When I came back to the game with HC I didn't know what DFB was (RL had taken me away from CoX a bit prior to Sunset) so all I saw in Atlas Park were low level characters all LFGing about DFB (Whut?) and doing the Sewer Trial.


Sewer Trial?  These guys are doing the Sewer Trial?  What in the blue hell? Because obviously my head goes to Mairenn MacGregor. Oh well, silly me.

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AE SFMA Arcs: The Meteors (Arc id 42079) Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part One. (Arc id 26756) X | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two. (Arc id 26952) | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Three. (Arc id 27233) Darker Deeds: Part One (Arc id 28374) | Darker Deeds: Part Two. (Arc id 28536) | Darker Deeds: Part Three. (Arc id 29252) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part One (Arc id 29891) |

Darkest Before Dawn: Part Two (Arc id 30210) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part Three (Arc id 30560) |

 Bridge of Forever ( Arc id 36642) | The Cassini Division (Arc id 37104) X | The House of Gaunt Saints (Arc id 37489) X | The Spark of the Blind (Arc id 40403) | Damnatio Memoriae (Arc id 41140) X  The Eve of War (Arc id 41583) | Spirals: Part One. (Arc id 55109) |  Spirals: Part Two. (Arc id 55358) |  Spirals: Part Three. (Arc id 57197)

I Sing of Arms and the Man (Arc id 42617) | Three Sisters (Arc id 43013)

(Pre War Praetorian Loyalist.  Pre War Praetorian Resistance.  Pre ITF Cimerora.  Post ITF Cimerora. X = Dev Choice/Hall of Fame )

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I never got around to ice fishing. I hear them at night, through the ice. Laughing and talking about me. Trout are so cruel.


Oh, we're talking about CoX ...

I never made a Spines; brute, scrapper, ...

Or Fire Armor.

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"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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1 hour ago, Nemeroff said:

I never got around to ice fishing. I hear them at night, through the ice. Laughing and talking about me. Trout are so cruel.


Oh, we're talking about CoX ...

I never made a Spines; brute, scrapper, ...

Or Fire Armor.

I was seriously going to learn to fly fish... I really wanted to try it... But then I found out that our rivers up here in the Pacific Northwest contain lampreys. Which I am, no joke, absolutely unreasonably terrified of. They just squick me RIGHT THE HELL OUT. The idea of one latching on to me, even in waders, scared the crap out of me.


So, no fly fishing for the dancing coyote. 

Because... lampreys. 🤣



Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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On 2/7/2021 at 9:49 AM, nihilii said:

"This time, I'll try something different."


Build ends up with CJ, Hasten, Tough/Weave, Maneuvers/Tactics/Assault, Musculature/Ageless. Every single time.

Fold space here. Doesnt matter if it "fits" or not, its getting fold space.

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On 2/8/2021 at 8:04 AM, Sicken said:

I didn't drop it after 1/2 an hour, but I had a toon that used teleport as a travel power to move around years ago.  Had to bind the target and/or fire for it, but as I remember it was kinda fun.  Ultimately more work than a person wanted to do to get across town.  I may have to do it again though.  Probably pair it with hover to make things a bit easier.

Sorcery Pools Mystic Flight gives you that TP with flight, so you don't have that drop.  Though I usually just fly, the TP does get me past inconvenient mobs at times.

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7 minutes ago, RCU7115 said:

I've never done a Tanker Tuesday. Either I'm working, coming home from work  or one of a few hundred other reasons I've never made it to one.


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"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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12 hours ago, CursedSorcerer said:

I...have never seen a full Hamidon raid to the end. The only times I've seen Hamidon actually perish is during the Lady Grey Task Force.

Oh yeah, me neither.  I dropped in on one already in progress once, but that was all.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Back when Homecoming first launched and hadn't put in the "no copycat characters" policy, in a fit of madness, I considered making a


war mace/shield character with the appropriate costume elements

and naming them "Endgame Spoiler," but decided against it.


Today I got inspired to revisit the character (in a way less prone to being made into Generic#######) as an actual character and not a troll joke. I still haven't actually rolled yet, but Soon™.

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Playing on Excelsior. Champion forever.

50s: Placta • elec/elec blaster // Rye Lily IV • mind/psi dominator // PLACT-A • bots/ff mastermind // Danielle Connelly • elec/elec dominator // Acme Coin Rink • ice/cold controller // Yin Blazer • psi/wp scrapper // Chalky Webs • db/sr stalker // Ultra Lance • kin/en scrapper // Eye Shell Coda • elec/elec tanker // Mind Wanna Fly • psy/emp corruptor

Others: Virtual Lines • peacebringer • 43 // Favours Green • plant/nat controller • 39 // Clear Corn Ion • elec/storm controller • 34 // Hum a Crypt • claws/regen scrapper • 29 // By Her Ant • psy/ment blaster • 24 // Clean a Hall Arch • shield/sword tanker • 19 // Paler Vow • ninjas/ta mastermind • 10 // more...

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  • I’ve never successfully completed the sewer trial with the Hydra and respawning Rikti. After the second team wipe, people admit defeat and/or ragequit. It’s my gaming white whale.
  • I’ve never taken a Defender, Controller, Tank, WS, Stalker, MM or Corruptor to 50, dropped them all after about 1/2 hour. I have a bunch of Blasters and a few Sentinels at 50. I’d like to find a Corruptor to level, because I see people play them well.
  • I’ve never been invited to or participated in a Hamidon raid. It seems complicated. I’m afraid I won’t pull my weight, or I’ll screw up and ruin it for everyone out of ignorance/inexperience.
  • There are a lot of story lines I’d like to do through Ouro but just never get around to it due to severe altitis. Same for Redside stories.
  • I’d like to play through the “Who Will Die” stories, but again altitis strikes.



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When HC first re-appeared, I was there day one with a plan.  I had saved ALL of my old Live characters as Sentinel files, so I had all of the builds as of the date of shutdown.  I was convinced when the SCORE drama cleared the game would only re-appear for a short while before being taken down again, so I was determined to get “one more run” with each of my favorites.  Even back on Live I had several 50’s that just never clicked with me as did others.  But I had a few 50’s that I loved, and several alts that weren’t 50 yet when the game shut down that I also loved but was forever stuck with the “Didn’t complete them” feelings of loss.


So I lined up my Top 10 alts and came up with a plan to do three things: 1) Build a farmer for PL/Influence gain purposes, 2) Use farmer to quickly PL my favorite alts back to EXACTLY where they were at when game shutdown and 3) Play those alts to complete them.


Not knowing about the whole market seeding thing, I planned my first farmer to be something that could easily farm via just SO’s, a Fire/Kin ‘troller, which also happened to be one of my mains.  Shortly after that I created the typical Spine/Fire farmer, but both of those existed in my library of goal alts anyways.    Quickly accomplished goals 1 and 2 and had my library of past Alts more or less complete.  A few were changed to different AT’s because of changes to power sets and such brought about by HC.  For example, my beloved BS/Regen Scrapper from Live (long since nerfed to oblivion) was converted to a BS/Shield Stalker.  But otherwise, I had all my old toys back.


Then, of course, alt-itis struck again.  I’m now way past four-dozen or so fully T4’d level 50’s and have actually only finished maybe 4-5 of my original “Top 10” toons of old.  Just having too much fun and every day I see a costume, character bio or a sequence of animated moves on another player that makes me go “ooooo, I want” and then another alt hits the library.


If the game shuts down tomorrow, I’ve crammed a whole bunch of hours and fun into the new alts I’ve made, and no longer feel the need to go back and finish my Top 10.  Some were “top performers” only on Live and of course HC has changed a huge number of power sets, meaning the top tier looks different now than it did.   

Edited by Crysis
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14 hours ago, GetRidOfWires said:
  • I’ve never been invited to or participated in a Hamidon raid. It seems complicated. I’m afraid I won’t pull my weight, or I’ll screw up and ruin it for everyone out of ignorance/inexperience.

You should do at least one.  In fact, since the game has changed so much since Live, most raids do it 3 times now in a row and are over in under an hour once formed.


What works for me is I have one alt (suggest you make it a ranged damage dealer, like a Blaster, as they are really easy to play in a Hamidon raid) that I just log out inside The Hive whilst standing on “the rock” that serves as the gathering spot for raids.  Then, when you see the announcement that Hami raid is starting, just log into that character.  It takes awhile to form up usually, but as long as you log in early, you won’t get stuck in Hive2 instance and locked out of raid.  Then, by merely being there, a simple /b LF Hami comment will get you invited.


Most raid leaders have macros to call the shots/moves.  And most raid strategies now involve raid sequence leaders.  So if you are a blaster, just put yourself on Follow for your particular raid leader and do what they do.  Make sure you have a jet pack or fly and it’s almost paint by numbers easy now.  You could almost literally do one AFK if you just Follow your particular raid leader and leave an attack on auto-fire its so easy.  I don’t think that’s the right thing to do, but just making the case that you have absolutely nothing to fear about screwing the raid up for everyone else.  Worst case is you die somehow but with so many players involved, a Rez is usually quickly offered.


So don’t worry about being invited.  Just show up on time in right Hive and you WILL get invited.  Follow the instructions from Raid Leader, follow your particular raid section leader, do what they do and you’ll be successful and get your Hami O, merits, etc.  Three times in a row.



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14 hours ago, GetRidOfWires said:
  • I’ve never been invited to or participated in a Hamidon raid. It seems complicated. I’m afraid I won’t pull my weight, or I’ll screw up and ruin it for everyone out of ignorance/inexperience.

If the people leading such a thing don't explain your role - 'specially if you ask! - then that's on them not you.


That said, I've managed to fumble my way through lots of stuff after asking and getting little info in return by sticking to the usual "pew pew pew pew and don't die too much" method.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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50 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

sticking to the usual "pew pew pew pew and don't die too much" method.

It's amazing how much this will get you through things.  Ok, not everything, but you take your lumps and get up again.

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AE SFMA Arcs: The Meteors (Arc id 42079) Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part One. (Arc id 26756) X | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two. (Arc id 26952) | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Three. (Arc id 27233) Darker Deeds: Part One (Arc id 28374) | Darker Deeds: Part Two. (Arc id 28536) | Darker Deeds: Part Three. (Arc id 29252) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part One (Arc id 29891) |

Darkest Before Dawn: Part Two (Arc id 30210) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part Three (Arc id 30560) |

 Bridge of Forever ( Arc id 36642) | The Cassini Division (Arc id 37104) X | The House of Gaunt Saints (Arc id 37489) X | The Spark of the Blind (Arc id 40403) | Damnatio Memoriae (Arc id 41140) X  The Eve of War (Arc id 41583) | Spirals: Part One. (Arc id 55109) |  Spirals: Part Two. (Arc id 55358) |  Spirals: Part Three. (Arc id 57197)

I Sing of Arms and the Man (Arc id 42617) | Three Sisters (Arc id 43013)

(Pre War Praetorian Loyalist.  Pre War Praetorian Resistance.  Pre ITF Cimerora.  Post ITF Cimerora. X = Dev Choice/Hall of Fame )

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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48 minutes ago, Darmian said:

Ok, not everything, but you take your lumps and get up again.


If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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21 hours ago, GetRidOfWires said:
  • I’ve never successfully completed the sewer trial with the Hydra and respawning Rikti. After the second team wipe, people admit defeat and/or ragequit. It’s my gaming white whale.

Not long after I found HC I saw someone calling for a Sewer Trial team, and I jumped on it because I really wanted the badge.  The person who started the team didn't know what they were doing -- IIRC they also hadn't been back for long -- and they ran it with the wiki page open to see what we should do next.  Everyone was very patient and good at following directions and we got it done.

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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