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Focused Feedback: Power Changes (Build 1)

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5 minutes ago, Darkir said:

The amplifiers are a relic of the free to play model and I would be 100% ok with their complete deletion.


P.S. Let's stay on track. Devs please increase the duration of the other pool powers instead of nerfing rune of protection, at least until all the powers are out and we know what is on offer.


I can agree with standardizing the duration of the Origin based power pool powers, as those are meant to be a 'special' power pool where you can't double dip into another origin based power pool. I'm not a fan of standardizing across ALL power pool powers.


From my understanding, the Origin based power pools are intentionally meant to have a bit more 'power' to them compared to the other power pools available to everyone. I could be way off mark though.

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21 hours ago, zenblack said:

Maybe you'll have to figure out a different way of doing it then. As it stands that is already the slowest possible way to do it and not very inclusive of the rest of the league.


You don't need to beat around the bush like this, its not like its any great secret.


On Everlasting, we've been using "charge strats" to get Preservation Specialist for a while now. The league leader has everyone group up with them outside the bomb's range and then charge at the bomb to kill it before the timer runs out. The bombs die fast enough that this very rarely fails. In fact we almost never fail unless someone is not following directions and runs ahead of the league leader.


While I also mourn the loss of range on the fast snipes, it will not make Preservation Specialist unobtainable.

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From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 8 other complete badge characters.

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Not to run this even further off-topic, but the concept of "squishies don't exist anymore" is just patently absurd. When you're running basic IOs only with maybe your only procs being a Performance Shifter, Stealth IO, KB IO, or Panacea and you're running that on a Dom, Blaster, Defender (really anything without personal armors), you're going to feel very squishy when things don't go your way. I certainly know I do. There's times when I've had to use Rest multiple times in a single mission just because I get caught by a patrol while fighting another spawn.


Being able to patch a set's inherent flimsiness with temp powers doesn't make that set any less flimsy on its own. Justifying nerfs simply because you personally aren't impacted by them is extremely selfish, short-sighted, and frankly a privileged way of thought.


If I have to buy a bunch of gadgets just so my character can function, then that's a problem. No amount of claiming otherwise will change my mind.



To the topic at hand, I can say I'm not a fan of nerfing the duration of Rune of Protection either. City of Heroes has historically been all over the place regarding Pool Power balance, with a trend downwards in usefulness. The few gems that exist tend to warp builds around them, but the answer isn't to push those diamonds back into lumps of coal -- a real effort should be made to boost the Pool Powers that aren't interesting or useful so that real choices can be made. For instance, why does Boxing and Kick have to hit so weakly and what harm would it do to allow these two powers to be functional replacements of main-set equivalents? Why does Arcane Bolt have to take so long to animate that it's only good for dealing damage during Containment windows? I understand not wanting to give "squishy" ATs higher defense/resist values from pool powers, but why do the ATs that already have defensive armors get better numbers from these by default when the squishies can't stack them with anything but an Epic armor?


There's just so much that can be done with the various Pool Powers to turn them into real powers that are just as much a part of a character's identity as their Primary/Secondary. The fact that HC is currently trending on Primary/Secondary set adjustments/redesigns to make skipping powers in a Primary or Secondary next to impossible only exacerbates the problem of Pool Powers being so lacklustre except for the small handful that gets picked in nearly every build.


Fix the weak powers. Don't nerf the only decent ones.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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I'm strongly in favor of letting Stone tanks even in Granite Armor be able to move. In a game universe where there's floating islands suspended in time or the shadow shard, what's to say someone not be able to fly if they want, or jump, or even run.


I have characters that shoot laser beams out of their eyes, summon demons, effect the density of other bodies just by waving my hand, and have bullets bounce off me like:




Why do we have to draw the line in the sand at a flying 2 ton chunk of rock?

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I'm confused about the rationale for the ninjitsu movement/jump speed nerfs. As others have noted, by virtue of the drop in max runspeed and jump height and the increased endurance cost for those lower numbers, this is an actual nerf. Not to mention that ninjitsu is already an endurance heavy set. I'm just not sure I believe the stated reason "they would be absorbed into the new stacking mechanics." Weren't the travel powers changed to allow stacking to begin with?

I'd really like some clarity on the logic used here. Between the last attempt at a ninjitsu mobility nerf and this one, it's starting to look something like a fixation. If "they would be absorbed into the new stacking mechanics" is the true reason, why isn't sentinel bioarmour's athletic regulation getting a look? It's much stronger than nin's mobility, since it's an autopower granting movement speed debuff protection and defence debuff resistance with fly speed, which shinobi-iri doesn't get, and it's in what's absolutely the top sentinel defence set. Not that I think any sentinel sets need a nerf, but it seems like, if the concern with shinobi-iri was really the stacking, athletic regulation's exclusion deserves an explanation. 


When people play ninjitsu over super reflexes, generally they're making the choice of utility and extra tools in the toolbox over decent DDR. If they're losing some of that utility in the way of less mobility for more endurance, it seems more than fair to exchange that for more DDR. At least then it could be called a tradeoff rather than a nerf. (To be clear, I'd prefer shinobi-iri to be unchanged. Yes, even at the sacrifice of the very nice crit buff. As it stands, nin crits simply don't exist except on entering a mission. I don't think I'd consider making them happen at all a buff exactly - more a bug fix.)

Otherwise, these MM improvements are very welcome and I'm very excited to hear more are planned. I hear a lot of people in here talking about keeping MM pets alive as a core AT mechanic RE: no auto-upgrades, but I'm not hearing a lot of people talk about necromancy. I'm actually pretty sure the T1 zombies were made so fragile because necromancers were intended to have a spirit or two out at a time, which often doesn't work out now that soul extraction's largely used for unique muling and nothing else. I've noticed my necromancy play becomes a lot less bumpy with one out, anyway. I hope, if people really believe that an MM's primary job is to keep their pets alive, T1 zombies will get a revisit through that lens. (And maybe soul extraction itself. It is odd to "reward" an MM for failure to do their job, even if it's very thematic.) 

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26 minutes ago, Katharos said:
29 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:
On 3/16/2021 at 4:10 PM, Katharos said:

why isn't sentinel bioarmour's athletic regulation getting a look?

Oversight, it will be addressed in the next build.

Oh no. Oh god. What have I done? 

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  • Lead Game Master

I've just removed several pages worth of off-topic replies (and I may have over-zealously snagged one or two relevant posts; if so, I deeply apologize).

This is NOT a discussion thread. It is a feedback thread. Play the beta, then post your experience and opinions based on that playing and testing. It is OKAY if other people don't like some of these changes and choose to air that opinion, or if they enjoy something that you do not. If you wish to counter saying why you like/don't like a certain change being put forward, that's okay, too, but the moment it starts turning into a conversation, stop and let it be.

If you wish to promote a discussion about other parts of the game elsewhere on the forums, that's fine. But please keep it out off the feedback threads. Thank you.

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GM Impervium
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Since mine was one of the posts that got nuked, I repost a summary of the relevant portion of it, knowing full well that the same complaint has already been heard and likely nothing will come of it: I dislike the reduced duration of Rune of Protection. I already felt that the investment in power selection and slots to get a decent uptime and effect was insufficient even at a duration 50% greater than the beta version, and don't even consider the 60 second options in the other pools due to their limited uptime. I would prefer a normalization in the opposite direction, where the 60 second duration powers in the other origin pools is adjusted to 90 seconds, because as it is on beta the powers may as well not exist for me and will not end up in any of my builds.


If this is due to their relative strength and uptime compared to various armor tier 9s, then adjust the tier 9s as has been asked many, many, many times before.

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I'm not as much of a diehard user of RoP as others, but I still generally take it on most of my blasters because it's actually.. well, good. Nerfing it instead of boosting the other pool T5s makes it no longer worth the investment in the pool required to take it outside of very niche flavor uses, and the same goes for most of the pools now. Which, "only for flavor" powers/pools have their place, but... if every pool is like that, you're left with a less mechanically interesting and fun game.


I currently feel like when I want to make a character around a specific theme, it's more of a burden than a boon to have to dip into power pools and still have an effective character. A recent character concept of mine had to dip into pools for flavor reasons, and instead of feeling like I was slightly sacrificing attack/defensive flexibility for some useful side things, I felt like I was just grudgingly acknowledging that my character would need to perform poorer than she could because I was picking crappy powers for the sake of RP. It's a sad feeling and I'd rather see these powers made more interesting and powerful.


I'll also echo the call to buff armor set T9s, most of which are woefully outdated in their function. Huge crashes feel very weird for sets that are intended to make you harder to kill, and in spite of WP being a great set, I have never taken SOW, ever.

Edited by Cheli
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58 minutes ago, Cheli said:

I'm not as much of a diehard user of RoP as others, but I still generally take it on most of my blasters because it's actually.. well, good. Nerfing it instead of boosting the other pool T5s makes it no longer worth the investment in the pool required to take it outside of very niche flavor uses, and the same goes for most of the pools now. Which, "only for flavor" powers/pools have their place, but... if every pool is like that, you're left with a less mechanically interesting and fun game.


I currently feel like when I want to make a character around a specific theme, it's more of a burden than a boon to have to dip into power pools and still have an effective character. A recent character concept of mine had to dip into pools for flavor reasons, and instead of feeling like I was slightly sacrificing attack/defensive flexibility for some useful side things, I felt like I was just grudgingly acknowledging that my character would need to perform poorer than she could because I was picking crappy powers for the sake of RP. It's a sad feeling and I'd rather see these powers made more interesting and powerful.

I agree completely. Already 95% of my toons take tough, weave, hasten, and maneuvers. If RoP goes down to 60 seconds it just means that I'll end up taking stealth or combat jumping on those characters. It's not going to make me ever consider unleash potential as a viable option. If unleash potential was at 90 seconds also however, I might end up taking it instead. Putting RoP to 60 seconds just ensures even more lack of power diversity. 


Even if the last tier origin powers were at 120 seconds, there are still plenty of toons I wouldn't take them on. You'd still need to cap recharge to make those perma and that just isn't an option on a lot of toons. The toons I wouldn't take them on are also the archetypes that are the most self sufficient. Scrappers, brutes, sentinels, and stalkers don't get as much out of unleash potential or RoP with heavy IO investment builds. As it stands the 3 power investment in sorcery makes 90 seconds of RoP worth it and let's be honest here, I'm not getting much use out of arcane bolt, enflame, or ward so I'm throwing away at least one power that gets no use. I get to use mystic flight so I don't need a jetpack anymore and RoP for the investment. I think the price is worth the reward on a lot of toons, but it's a huge waste if the origin powers only last 60s out of 150-180. 


Edited by Darkir
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20 hours ago, Darkir said:

Please don't do this to rune of protection, it's the only self mez protection squishies have access to. Why not buff the other powers to 90s instead? We already have brutes, tanks, stalkers, and scrappers running around that are completely self sufficient. Rune of protection allows squishes like defenders and corruptors to be self sufficient for about 1/2-3/5 of the time. You already have to take 2 other sorcery powers just to get it, severely hampering your build choices. I think it would be far better to make all the other powers 90 seconds.


And while we are looking at ice manipulation how about we make domination affect arctic air 😕

/Signed regarding rop

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Getting back on topic, the Mastermind changes are great. I played with them a bit with my very high end Bot/traps MM, and I really enjoy having the pets up more often, and using less endurance to resummon/buff.


I play a very high end build that relies on all 6 pets being up and active at all times, so even losing 1 pet can cause cascading failures. This change keeps me at 6 pets more often, and allows me to upgrade them in combat without worrying about my endurance tanking.


So, good change and I love it.

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6 hours ago, Darkir said:

Even if the last tier origin powers were at 120 seconds, there are still plenty of toons I wouldn't take them on. You'd still need to cap recharge to make those perma and that just isn't an option on a lot of toons.


I would guess those powers are NEVER intended to be perma under any circumstances, just as was intended for Elude/Unstoppable/etc. so many years ago.

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For whatever it's worth, I'm going to re-post what I said about the RoP change.... The first time happened to fall right in the middle of the balance conversation and so apparently got purged from the thread. Grenades and horseshoes, I guess. <_<





I get the instinct to make the powers consistent across the various pools. I really do. I can't disagree with that desire... But in this particular case, I don't think RoP was the sketchy bit. It's not offering too much as-is. It's that the others are offering too little.  



I stand by that.  The MM changes are great, especially for Amtes and her demons, but not being a recharge-centric character that gets the power back very quickly, the new duration of RoP sees her getting mez-ed more frequently. Which is a little problematic, given how active and in the middle of things /Time tends to be. And no. I'd rather not give up her Ageless for Clarion to make up the difference. 



Edited by Coyotedancer
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Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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5 minutes ago, arcane said:

I would guess those powers are NEVER intended to be perma under any circumstances, just as was intended for Elude/Unstoppable/etc. so many years ago.


I'm not sure I agree with that for the Origin pool clickies. 

If that was really the case, I suspect they would have been given a much harsher recharge time than they were. 


I'd put them in that mid-range "Maybe not EASY to perma. At least not without some amount of investment"-camp.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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26 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:


I'm not sure I agree with that for the Origin pool clickies. 

If that was really the case, I suspect they would have been given a much harsher recharge time than they were. 


I'd put them in that mid-range "Maybe not EASY to perma. At least not without some amount of investment"-camp.


Well, its easy enough to test 🙂 The fastest a power could possibly recharge is 1/5 the recharge time.


600 second recharge, means, 120 seconds is the fastest it could come back. 90 second duration means the best you can possibly get is a 75% uptime. 60 second duration and you're looking at 50% uptime.

That is also at the 400% recharge cap, which is almost impossible to get solo, but pretty easy in a group setting, especially with IOs.

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4 minutes ago, Arbegla said:


Well, its easy enough to test 🙂 The fastest a power could possibly recharge is 1/5 the recharge time.


600 second recharge, means, 120 seconds is the fastest it could come back. 90 second duration means the best you can possibly get is a 75% uptime. 60 second duration and you're looking at 50% uptime.

That is also at the 400% recharge cap, which is almost impossible to get solo, but pretty easy in a group setting, especially with IOs.


True that

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Stone Armor - Rooted Change. 


Absolutely love it!


However, is there a way to get rid of the rooted cancellation sound effect? It sounds like my character is dropping a fart bomb every time he jumps or accelerates to run.  I noticed something similar with super jump and the added jump of steam jump/jump pack. This may just be something that will be polishing later, but wanted to bring it up. 

I have long thought that granite needs penalties, so I am happy to keep the rooted -jump, -fly, -run penalties there (along with additional granite penalties).

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@Rune of Protection:


It seems the root of the issue here is two fold:


1) Mez sucks in CoH with how it works and how multiple AT's can basically ignore all but the more exotic effects for basically all their life while others are forced to endure that binary. It stings for many where they have to wait on incarnates, or a particular pool power with low uptime in order to play like a ton of AT's do without needing outside help (buffs / inspirations)


2) What should pool powers do? This one is a bit more esoteric, but take a look at things like the fighting pool. Tough is awesome as it grants mitigation vs the most common damage types in the game. Weave is awesome as it provides defense vs everything. Cross punch is awesome as it provides a stacking buff to you, and with Box/Kick it is a decent AoE attack... but what is the purpose of punch/kick outside of that? They are far too weak/unwieldy for basically any character to use seriously over an actual power pick, and that is mirrored across many other pools as well with examples like the Presence Pool having incredibly niche abilities you gotta take to get to the good power. Should all pool powers be useful, or is their intent to always be "bad" compared to primaries other than needing them to get to the "good stuff" as a cost, but then why even have those powers to begin with?



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1 minute ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Should all pool powers be useful, or is their intent to always be "bad" compared to primaries other than needing them to get to the "good stuff" as a cost, but then why even have those powers to begin with?

In my opinion all pool powers should be useful. I don't have a problem with some powers being prerequisites, but those prerequisites shouldn't utterly suck.


I see people use Air Superiority a lot, but no one uses Punch and Kick from the Fighting Pool. Why? Because they suck. Having an ability in the game that no one ever uses is a waste of code. It shouldn't be a difficult change to make them not suck just enough that people will actually start using them.

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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Yes the recharge time is just about right for those Origin Pool t5 powers, I can't perma them and shouldn't be able to, they are strong.  Most of the time I take and use Unleash Potential on a lot of my toons and the best I can get it to recharge is on my dom with 100% global recharge and then hasten without breaking the rest of my build, I can get it to recharge in 2:20 so basically up for about half the time. 


It's quite strong as it is and if you gave me 30s more on this power well then that would be delightful but too good imo.  On that same token I think a 1/3 chop off of RoP is quite the shock too.  Those t5 Origin powers should be similar in terms of base recharge and duration, I'd think adding 15s to the other two wouldn't be terribly OP and slicing 15s off of RoP to match the other's duration would be a good compromise.  

Edited by Mezmera
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Rune of protection change...


I'm ok with the change. Status effects in the game are fine, squishies have to be aware of them and plan tactically, RoP was overturned before. Squishies shouldn't be able to negate status effects as well as they did with it before.


Good balance point with the new adjustment.

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12 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

@Rune of Protection:


It seems the root of the issue here is two fold:


1) Mez sucks in CoH with how it works and how multiple AT's can basically ignore all but the more exotic effects for basically all their life while others are forced to endure that binary. It stings for many where they have to wait on incarnates, or a particular pool power with low uptime in order to play like a ton of AT's do without needing outside help (buffs / inspirations)


2) What should pool powers do? This one is a bit more esoteric, but take a look at things like the fighting pool. Tough is awesome as it grants mitigation vs the most common damage types in the game. Weave is awesome as it provides defense vs everything. Cross punch is awesome as it provides a stacking buff to you, and with Box/Kick it is a decent AoE attack... but what is the purpose of punch/kick outside of that? They are far too weak/unwieldy for basically any character to use seriously over an actual power pick, and that is mirrored across many other pools as well with examples like the Presence Pool having incredibly niche abilities you gotta take to get to the good power. Should all pool powers be useful, or is their intent to always be "bad" compared to primaries other than needing them to get to the "good stuff" as a cost, but then why even have those powers to begin with?



Nail -> Head. I was thinking of posting something very similar to your second part here but agree absolutely that the first part is the underlying cause of much of this angst.


With regards to pool powers they seem to walk an odd tightrope balance wise. Making them appealing enough to take without overshadowing primary and secondary powers doesn't seem easy. Particularly given that they are open to everyone and so are being compared with every power in the game, not just other powers in a set or powers available to one AT. If they end up just being flavour powers then they largely sit gathering dust. If they end up being really good people complain about feeling forced to take them and that they should be made inherent (*cough* hasten) or that they are simply overshadowing primary/secondary powers and need nerfing.


The mez question is also a really tricky one. It is a fundamental game mechanic and completely appropriate to the genre but boy can it be annoying. Given the binary on/off mechanics it's difficult to see how mez can be changed without making it so it's completely ignored. I was briefly involved in forum discussions about mez for one of the coh successor projects. They were (and as far as I know still are) going to implement a mez system very similar to that in coh. I was trying to suggest that it's not the best system to copy but it's hard to imagine a good alternative and we are where we are as far as coh is concerned...

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43 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

In my opinion all pool powers should be useful. I don't have a problem with some powers being prerequisites, but those prerequisites shouldn't utterly suck.


I see people use Air Superiority a lot, but no one uses Punch and Kick from the Fighting Pool. Why? Because they suck. Having an ability in the game that no one ever uses is a waste of code. It shouldn't be a difficult change to make them not suck just enough that people will actually start using them.


Air Superiority is a definite standout since it is basically a mez power. It helps that it's mez is often unresisted in terms of the "flopping" animation, and lasts a few seconds while the power casts fast and recharges fast. It has a definite niche!


Compare that to flurry which is twice as slow and only has a 20% chance to inflict a minion-only stun effect for about a second longer than it takes to animate.... why bother? Compare that to if Flurry was a power that was like a melee nuke where you did this to one guy every so often:







Edited by Galaxy Brain
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25 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

Compare that to if Flurry was a power that was like a melee nuke where you did this to one guy every so often:






The first time I got Flurry, I thought it was this. The first time I used it, it turned out to be "I tickled this guy, very quickly.." and then I felt weird taking it ever again.

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1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

@Rune of Protection:


It seems the root of the issue here is two fold:


1) Mez sucks in CoH with how it works and how multiple AT's can basically ignore all but the more exotic effects for basically all their life while others are forced to endure that binary. It stings for many where they have to wait on incarnates, or a particular pool power with low uptime in order to play like a ton of AT's do without needing outside help (buffs / inspirations)


2) What should pool powers do? This one is a bit more esoteric, but take a look at things like the fighting pool. Tough is awesome as it grants mitigation vs the most common damage types in the game. Weave is awesome as it provides defense vs everything. Cross punch is awesome as it provides a stacking buff to you, and with Box/Kick it is a decent AoE attack... but what is the purpose of punch/kick outside of that? They are far too weak/unwieldy for basically any character to use seriously over an actual power pick, and that is mirrored across many other pools as well with examples like the Presence Pool having incredibly niche abilities you gotta take to get to the good power. Should all pool powers be useful, or is their intent to always be "bad" compared to primaries other than needing them to get to the "good stuff" as a cost, but then why even have those powers to begin with?




Your analysis is spot on.  And I think the solution to both issues is to make pool powers more relevant and useful and to use pool powers to address weaknesses in the game like the binary aspect of mez protection.  Offer quality mez resistance as part of certain higher level pool powers so that players have access to mez resistance outside of their primary and secondary power options - *if* they choose to invest a significant portion of their 24 powers toward that goal.  I suspect much of the negative reaction to nerfing RoP is simply because there are so few mez protection options.  It seems inconsistent to me that you can get a lot of recharge, defense & resistance through pool powers but precious little mez resistance outside of Acrobatics and RoP. 


And I completely agree it makes no sense to offer useless pool powers.  And it makes no sense to make pool powers pointlessly weak.  Why not allow someone to swap out primary and/or secondary powers for decent pool powers?  Why force someone to stick with a primary power they don't really like?  The idea that we have to maintain the "purity" of the archetypes is not really consistent with incarnate powers, temporary powers, amplifiers and the fact that some AT's can get exactly what they need from pool powers while others cannot.  If someone wants to be a scrapper / healer and is willing to take 4 or 5 Medicine Pool powers - they should get some kick-ass healing powers out of that investment.  Not the crappy Pool Power heals we have now.  Give folks more flexibility and more opportunity to be creative.   And if someone wants to commit to taking all 5 Sorcery Pool powers, make RoP last 120 seconds.  Surely a 120 second duration RoP and 4 other Sorcery powers is not going to be over-powered compared to the 5 powers you could have chosen from your primary/secondary choices.  Heck, give other powers like Adrenal Booster a longer duration the more you invest in a specific pool.  That will only make the game more interesting, more fun and more complex.


The best way to deal with powers like Hasten and RoP is *not* to nerf the powers (and certainly *not* to make them inherent).  Just make it incredibly difficult to choose these powers because there are so many equally good pool powers available to choose.  I would be much less likely to always choose Hasten if there was an amazing self-heal I might be able to get from the Medicine Pool or an amazing Spring Attack from the Leaping Pool.  The problem is not that Hasten is over-powered in and of itself - the problem is that Hasten is over-powered compared to all the other Pool Power options.   The change to the Teleportation Pool is a wonderful example of how to move forward.  All 5 Teleportation Pool powers are now useful and desirable.  Taking 3-4 of these powers is not making anyone over-powered compared to what they could have chosen with those 3-4 powers.  People love the new teleportation powers as far as I can tell.  I certainly do.  People choosing Fold Space might not be choosing Hasten now.   People are more invested in their creations because the toons are more individualized.  It's a win all across the board.


That all said - it seems as if the HC team is moving in this direction any way.  Given that, the change to RoP seems hard to understand.  I ran an ITF last night and two of us had Fold Space.   Running an ITF with Fold Space is a completely different experience.  Everyone moves to a spot and then we just suck everyone to us.  Fold Space is a transformative power that is absolutely wonderful.  Rune of Protection even at a 90 second duration sort of pales in comparison honestly.   Bringing the rest of the Pools (including Sorcery) up to the level you have already established with the Teleportation Pool is the way to go.  🙂


Just my two cents.  I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the improvements the HC Team is making to the game.  Bravo!!

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