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Discussion: Improvements to the Warriors


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On 3/14/2021 at 10:17 AM, dnomad333 said:

IIRC, the Warriors were based on the 1979 film of the same name. For the most part I would rather not deviate too far from that idea, so staying somewhat true that theme appeals to me.

That being said, updating weapons, giving the members access to newer 'natural' power sets, seems like a good idea. The only thing I'm concerned about is a radical change.

Give em pistols, I say 

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On 10/6/2021 at 4:20 PM, drdread said:

One thing I would like to see is for the Warriors to own their space.  Much like the Tsoo, Carnival of Shadows, Frakshow, or the Skulls; give the Warrior's hideouts some flair and personality. Graffiti on the walls, racks of weapons, a bar area. You don't need to make new assets, just add some assets to the existing maps.


They deserve better than generic, nondescript warehouses.


I agree with this completely!  A 'Warrior Base' could, like the Tsoo, have a shrine/dojo feel to it, but the statues would be Greco-Roman themed and the training weapons would be 'Western' instead of 'Eastern.'


I would also prefer that Warriors get a chance to 'own their space' in public zones.  The Warriors really only have a presence in-game in Talos and in Striga, and in both of those zones they spend most of their time getting bullied (by the Freakshow in Talos and the Council in Striga).  The Warriors getting a revamp would be a good time to re-tool their public presence to show that they can protect their blocks from their rivals.


If you are choosing to make the Warriors less villainous, it could also be a place to showcase this - have the Warriors standing between the overtly evil Freaks/Council and some cowering civilians.

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13 hours ago, TalynDerre said:


I agree with this completely!  A 'Warrior Base' could, like the Tsoo, have a shrine/dojo feel to it, but the statues would be Greco-Roman themed and the training weapons would be 'Western' instead of 'Eastern.'


I would also prefer that Warriors get a chance to 'own their space' in public zones.  The Warriors really only have a presence in-game in Talos and in Striga, and in both of those zones they spend most of their time getting bullied (by the Freakshow in Talos and the Council in Striga).  The Warriors getting a revamp would be a good time to re-tool their public presence to show that they can protect their blocks from their rivals.


If you are choosing to make the Warriors less villainous, it could also be a place to showcase this - have the Warriors standing between the overtly evil Freaks/Council and some cowering civilians.


While I won't say no, that might heavily depend on the 3D folks, which is outside my purview. I do have a plan to continue a natural progression of the Warriors under Odysseus with a bit of a reckoning for his hubris, and one or two new groups forming as a result. No promises!

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"Science. Science, my friend, requires radical gambles and adventures in malpractice sometimes. Take solace in the fact that I tested the majority of these things on the dead, the re-dead, and the nearly departed before I went to live trials.


Honestly, most of my "specimens" were several iterations past being considered a human being with their original fingerprints, teeth, or IDs. So it was rather a lot like experimenting on moaning clay putty."


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On 3/16/2021 at 8:34 AM, KC4800 said:

Much like you did with the Vahzilok, make a new mission arc with a badge that tells the story of the newly revamped  "Ultra Warriors".

Then we can say "you warriors are good, real good" to them.

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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  • 3 weeks later
On 3/15/2021 at 4:10 PM, Galaxy Brain said:

I really dig the idea that they would be a Vigilante group moreso than an "Enemy" group, almost like a pseudo Primal version of the Resistance, natural people "fighting back" against the super-natural. 


Yeah, they give a bit of a Tank Top Army from One Punch Man vibe.




Intended to be heroes, but a bit rude and inconsiderate to anyone not buff and in a tank top.

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With the 'yellow' targetting that we have in Praetoria, and some other areas, it might be cool to have Warriors spawn as `yellow` mobs, instead of ones that directly attack you every time you see them. Could give more to the 'not quite an enemy, but not really an ally' vibe if you want to go in that direction.

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4 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

Good idea, @Arbegla.

I'd like to see that Yellow-target tech proliferated all over the place.

Yeah that is a nice touch, agreed! As a caveat, I'm curious if the tech allows for implementation of a setting that lets the user specify the color as well?

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The Warriors MUST closely resemble those from the film, its far too important (to me)




I would add some of the other gangs (from the film) to quest lines such as The Baldies and The Oldies to make the quests a bit more resonant (The Warriors are as much a tribute as they are a living breathing part of the City of Heroes)


I love the idea of some ambiguity around whether they are good or evil


You could add some great AV's and bosses to their quests, perhaps some mysterious shadowy controlling criminal masterminds manipulating the streets! (New high level units)


Warriors - coming out and playay'ing since 1979





ZM WATCHTOWER, Geosynchronous Low-Earth Orbit, Lat 51.476852 Long -0.000500,

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ZM Watchtower is for all heroes at all times, all we ask is that you set your visual scale  /vis_scale 10

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On 11/3/2021 at 10:48 AM, Arbegla said:

With the 'yellow' targetting that we have in Praetoria, and some other areas, it might be cool to have Warriors spawn as `yellow` mobs, instead of ones that directly attack you every time you see them. Could give more to the 'not quite an enemy, but not really an ally' vibe if you want to go in that direction.



Yes! And if that could be added to the Warriors being attacked by Freakshow in Talos. I'd love to actually rescue them

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On 11/10/2021 at 12:54 PM, Rosencrantz said:



Yes! And if that could be added to the Warriors being attacked by Freakshow in Talos. I'd love to actually rescue them

I think those with water powers should be able to short circuit those Freaks

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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  • 1 month later
  • 4 weeks later

+1 to the Dual Blades idea. The Dual Blades costume options include Greek falcata, which the single broadsword doesn't have. I used DB falcata, axes, and khopesh to round out my Greek and Trojan armies (and Aethiopian allies) in my time-traveling Trojan War arc (see my signature below), and it adds some good variety.

+1 also to Greek spearmen using staff fighting, if only so we can get a spear costume option that doesn't look like a naginata or trident. (I'm biased -- I have Diomedes Tydides of Iliad fame as a toon, and while the Warriors could easily have a trident man, it doesn't seem as go-to as a nice basic spear.) The Eye of the Storm animations aren't necessary on a minion toon who probably isn't AoEing anyway. The first two attacks and Serpent's Reach will get the job done.


+1 to Leadership as an idea. Powers such as Tactics, Maneuvers and so on are definitely in-character with a group who have natural training as their primary edge. Being able to see through invis makes any group tougher for stalkers and toons trying to ghost.


+1 to Street Justice, which distinguishes them from the Tsoo's martial arts theme.


+1 to gender diversity. Any weapons are great, but dual blades, archery/trick arrow, and spear are all obvious choices for the "Penthesilea duelist" and "Artemis/Atalanta huntress" kind of archetypes.


Titan Weapons seems more appropriate for EBs/AVs -- special occasions.

Edited by Milk Sheik
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Refight the Trojan War and stop Arachnos in the time-traveling "Dr. Aeon and the Wrath of Achilles," 5 missions full of heroic allies and smash/lethal EBs, AE#31899!

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Didn't read the entire thread since reading is for nerds, but my read on the Warriors is that they're a bunch of Tapout shirt wearing, anabolic steroid abusing, gymrat alpha CHADS. They use Greek mythological names, but truthfully they don't really understand or care about that too much. What they do care about is flexing on people (literally) and swordfighting each other with sharp weapons to prove their bravery. 

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On 1/21/2022 at 10:47 PM, A Cat said:

Didn't read the entire thread since reading is for nerds, but my read on the Warriors is that they're a bunch of Tapout shirt wearing, anabolic steroid abusing, gymrat alpha CHADS. They use Greek mythological names, but truthfully they don't really understand or care about that too much. What they do care about is flexing on people (literally) and swordfighting each other with sharp weapons to prove their bravery. 

Umm, maybe you should read it then (j/k)

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Hello all. I've been reading back through this thread and there's a lot of great stuff in here!


The Warriors are moving forward nicely and we are looking forward to bringing this to the table soon for a preview!

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There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


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3 hours ago, The Caretaker said:

Hello all. I've been reading back through this thread and there's a lot of great stuff in here!


The Warriors are moving forward nicely and we are looking forward to bringing this to the table soon for a preview!


Oh, look, someone new to stalk.


Behind the Memes: Overly Attached GF | by Sarah Chudawala | Medium

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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9 hours ago, Luminara said:


Oh, look, someone new to stalk.


Behind the Memes: Overly Attached GF | by Sarah Chudawala | Medium

I already stalked your economy post and found it fascinating and insightful.

hc_sig copy.jpg


There comes a time in which all stories must come to an end. It's a shame, hero, that you and your people aren't writing the end of yours. We've taken it upon ourselves to be the author of this universe's story, and your chapter will be added to the ever-growing story of how we dictated the path for all life.


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  • 3 months later
On 3/14/2021 at 7:14 PM, TemporalVileTerror said:

Thank you for bringing this to the community, @Piecemeal.   It's appreciated!

I believe the best way to honour the wishes of most players would be to develop a divergent branch of the Warriors.
Those who want the original flavour get it have it preserved, while new life and energy can be injected with the addition of things which don't remove the old.
Level 5 to 15 Warriors completely unchanged (where even are these located in the game world, anyway?  Only ones I think I remember were in the Hollows occasionally making deals with Outcasts).
Level 20 to 24 Warriors unchanged, although with the occasional outdoor mob that has one of the Neo Warriors attempting to recruit their brethren.
Level 25 to 29 Warriors are split roughly 50-50 between the classic style, and the Neo Warriors.  No hostilities between the different Factions; their split is (mostly) amicable.
Level 30+ Neo Warriors expanded and exploring the new Aesthetic and Power Sets, but with a few "Hardcore Old Guard" sprinkled around.  The previously discussed female Warriors could also make their full début here.
Lean hard in to the splinter group being dissatisfied with Ulysses' reliance on Magic and determined to demonstrate their unblemished Natural strength and prowess.
Leadership (Pseudo-)Toggles and an emphasis on Tactics, with Lieutenants and Bosses bringing the rank-and-file Minions in to intimidating forces.  Rallying Cries and other AoE Buffs to bring fallen comrades back with a second wind, or inspired to strike with furious and righteous anger.  Similarly; Warcries to strike Fear in to their enemies or issue challenges to opponents to direct their attention to the strongest of the Warriors (Taunt).
No need for anything unique in terms of aesthetic.  These are Natural NPCs, after all.  Being flashy and gaudy isn't as important as demonstrating one's might in combat.  Sure, some wearable trophies for the Lts. and Bosses to denote their past victories, but anything of that nature should also be the same sort of stuff that Players could choose to access.
Aesthetics for any new textures, particularly facial textures:  Remember they're hardened warriors.  Grizzled, scarred, and determined flesh and expressions would be most suitable.  In a world where your enemies are wielding magical spells, extradimensional technology, and superhuman mutant powers . . . you're going to wind up coming out the other side with more than a few permanent battle wounds.
Wounds that would be celebrated in such a culture.
Having some Cimeroran inspiration could be cool.  Javelins are seriously underused.
Maybe a plot resolution that some of the female Warriors get invited to the Knives of Artemis.  Possibly the schism within the Warriors was even orchestrated in part as a means to develop an increased recruitment bed after the turmoil in Dark Astoria seriously harmed the Knives' numbers.
Finally, the Neo Warriors should probably lean a little (to a lot) more heroic than the existing Warriors.  If the general population is willing to look up to the frickin' -SKULLS- as potential saviours, then the Neo Warriors should stand as exemplars to all the citizens who fear or revile "super" heroes and villains.  The Neo Warriors should never be intimidating civilians with petty larceny and extortion.  They should be stepping in to the line of fire between a Tsoo Ink Man or Crey Tank and the poor Natural civies who are being oppressed by Magical and Technological threats.  Of course, the Neo Warriors should be just as willing to step in to the line of fire of any "so-called hero" and that same civilian, just to prove their point, even if the hero was just asking the civie if they were having a nice day.



I think that's the thing.  (Like your 'progressive' post.)


Mobs can evolve as you shift gears through the level brackets 1-10, 11-20 etc.


Evolve in appearance and capabilities.  As if going from the lower tier of an organisation or gang through the hierarchy to the boss or overlord who runs such a mob type.


That gives mobs more dimension.  I like Trolls and Warriors as they are (as you initially encounter them.)  But as you go further in the game, it would be nice to have them re-introduced in areas such as Brickstown and they have new tricks and appearances as well as the familiar.


That way you have subtle progression to the mobs and enemies you encounter through 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 and 41-50.


My favourite mobs are the ones you start the game with...Hellions, Outcasts, Warriors, Council.  But it would be nice to see them evolve later on in the game and populate the mid and later game.


It's a narrative thing also.  'You remember me (hero name)?  Well, you thought you'd beaten me...and my organisation...however, I return to...seek revenge etc.'



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