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I'm a huge fan of the ice blaster's Blizzard, particularly now that it doesn't cause an end-crash. Since my toon does so much damage, I have Dark Watcher's in my Blizzard.  Unconventional maybe, but super good.  I get all the fabulous set bonuses plus ensure that the floppy baddies hit by high-damage Blizzard can't hit me.  So fun!


I have to say, though, that Group Fly is my new favorite power since I can fly my demons, they don't drop out of the sky no matter how far ahead I get, and they are just adorable blasting baddies on the ground.

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I'd be tempted to state Hover, just because, it's, well, you know, Hover, but I'll leave my reasoning for that for some other time.  Meanwhile, I'm going to have to give my double-thumbs up to:


Lighting Storm!


This power hits the absolute maximum in terms of drama - and it's not just an instantaneous effect, it's a marathon - and when it's activated, you jack the volume up and it sounds like the WORLD is coming to an end.  Great time for the Storm Summoning Defender to Hover (see?  I told you it's got its pluses) with arms upraised and summon the Wrath of God (Thunderclap, Freezing Rain, whatall) on those who have turned their faces from the path of social responsibility and do the "Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah, hey-hey-hey, goodbye," to the villains as they're disintegrated by three single-origin damage bonus enhancement lightning strikes, and the Storm Summoner's buddies clean up the mess (the villains are begging to die painlessly by the end).  Can't wait till my boy hits 32 and can pull this one up...sure, he won't be able to use it any major effect for a while, but it's still nice to put on a show with.

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It's hard to boil it down to 1 power across all circumstances, so I'll list my "top few", (in no particular order):


1. Propel - it looks cool, and allows you to fling around some pretty interesting objects.

2. Mystic Flight - I like the combination of flight & teleport it offers, and the teleport effect is cool.

3. Corrosive Enzymes - I just get a kick out of how you create a flower around your arm that kind of "blooks" out an acidic seed/pod/pollen.

4. Corruption - Gotta love the whip!

5. Call Hawk - Love the animation!

6. Stone Spear - The foot stomp and subsequent eruption of spiky stones/crystals looks and feels powerful.

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Rise of the Phoenix.  The animation is amazing, and the pure joy of Oh, so you think that was it, huh?  You think you won? Well, watch THIS! never gets old.  It makes defeat a pleasure.

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!


Light Form. PBs don't have whole lot to hang their hats on, but the linchpin of almost any PB playstyle is a good one.

Mostly on Torchbearer, but if you ever see me on, feel free to say hello!

Astral.Kai - Peacebringer; Dark.Enforcer - Dark/Shield Scrapper; Spark.Enforcer - Electrical/Shield Scrapper; Shadow.Reign - Dark/Regen Brute;

Glitter - Warshade;

And others to be added as I get them up to snuff, lol!


  • 2 months later

As far as boring, practical powers go, Hasten is the winner followed closely by Combat Jumping. They both go on absolutely every character whatsoever.


For fun powers, any nuke, especially those with flashy animations. The PB one is a lot of fun.



Atomic Blast.  Boom, baby.

 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

Posted (edited)

Gameplay -

Seeds of Confusion - no contest. Best control power in the game. High mag aoe confusion on a base 60 second cooldown is unreplicable, no other powerset in the game can do what plant control does. This top tier placement is also specific to dominators, not controllers.


My preffered slotting is both dominator ATOs, both confusion damage procs, the malaise confuse/range IO, and a standard range IO. +5 both range IOs to get 75 ft SoC - 84 ft if you opt into Intuition Radial alpha slot.


Runner ups -

Burn. (brute, tank, blaster)

Sleet/Freezing Rain (def, corr, cont, dom)

Poison (the sleeper op powerhouse support set)

Energy Aura (stalkers)

Shriek/Dreadful Wail (defenders)


Purely aesthetical choice - World of Confusion

Psi Melee TK Blow/Psi Blade Sweep/Greater Psi Blade also has a special place in my heart because you can replicate shichika's ultimate combo from katanagatari. 😆


Edited by DreadShinobi
  • Thumbs Up 1

Currently on fire.


Power Sink. My first 50 on Live was an elec/elec blaster, and there was nothing more entertaining than draining a whole mob down to zero endurance. They stand there and look at you, unable to do anything, as your team pummels them.

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The original @Hertz, creator of the Stan and Lou audio series on YouTube. Player of City of Heroes for yonks.1


1A yonk is a very long time.


Just for now I kept coming back to Hurl Boulder, BUT ONLY at point blank range right in the face. I'm really not a violent person 🙂


I'll have to return to this topic because I can't think of just one favorite; for some it's the animation for others it's the function like Heat Exhaustion.

"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."


My personal favorite? Assault Robot. Why?


Who wouldn't want their own 15 foot tall Killer Robot Machine of DEWM with Shoulder Rockets, A Flamethrower, and a Plasma blaster? It would be like having your own Space Marine Dreadnaught following you around.


Footstomp on Marine X ( Inv/SS Tank ).


Nothing quite gets Introductions Made quite as efficiently for me, they all know I'm here, Mission Accomplished...and a fun animation too.

Also cracks me up when the environmental side effects start piling up. On Briggs S/L Comicon City Map I love it If I get a HUGE crowd gathered under the trees along the street, after a while not just a few leaves but entire limbs start falling out of the trees onto the sidewalk, just get a kick out of that.

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X


Limitless Radial Freeeem!


I don't think ever leaving that one mission is too much to ask for such unbelievable power, is it?


But okay seriously... my real fav that I take on nearly every character?  Super Jump.  I can just jump around on rooftops all day really.


Second runner up: Mighty Radial Final Judgement.  How many other powers have "causes massive knockup" in their description?  Plus it's just fun to watch a whole group of enemies all get tossed up in the air at the same time.

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On 6/26/2021 at 1:23 PM, arcane said:

Fold Space failing on +4 bosses depresses me too much.

I just noticed this on a reread through.


It doesn't fail. It just doesnt move them. It absolutely does aggro the heck out of everything affected though, so if you want a massive taunt, itll fill them shoes just fine, movement or not.


Any AOE (Especially PBAOE's) with KB/KD. Lightning Rod is my personal favorite. Foot Stomp (seems quite popular) is also up here. KB/KD I feel really gives the best feeling of pure power. It is my favorite type of control period just from the aesthetic standpoint. 


The elec melee slow AS is also pretty awesome, as is the ninja sword slow AS. 

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