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Price of enhancements


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14 hours ago, Sovera said:

As someone who did flipping (feeling dirty while doing it, but intent in paying for my sub with Auction House gold despite Blizz's efforts at making everything worthless (alas, Legion)) I can fully agree flippers add nothing to the economy. Grabbing what people posted a bit more cheap to sell faster (or because unaware) and then sell it again for 20% more is as useless to the economy as it gets.



I have two arguments *for* flipping (buying low and selling high without changing anything in the process) but they really aren't that relevant specifically for HC's player-run economy.  1.  It keeps the system liquid so that sellers always have a buyer and buyers (hopefully) always have a seller.  I'd argue against myself on this point though, because supply is so extraordinarily easy to come by on HC that for the most part it is much more profitable just to make more of something rather than flip it and take the 10% transaction tax.  2.  It's a price-finding system, so that people will bid creep and undersell in market PvP (lol) until they reach a competitive equilibrium point, which in theory is good for both buyers and sellers.  I just don't see that much economic PvP though, so a wide bid-offer spread stays wide and the market makers get rich because no one is willing to compete with them.


So yeah, for the most part, when I flip (which I really don't do very often.  There is usually some crafting and converting involved as well.)  I'm mainly just doing it for egregious profit rather than for the good of the economy.


12 hours ago, Ukase said:

Here's what we do about those people. We stop selling IOs at 1 inf, 6 inf and other ridiculously low prices. If we can all agree to sell them all for precisely 2M, no more, no less, then those people will have to pay a fair price for them, and when they try to re-sell them for more, they get stuck holding the goods. 

With the way the market works, that is really the only way. 

The problem is these lazy people who can't be bothered to sell items for a fair price. They want to be fast, and they think they're being nice - but it's what we call "noob traps" that usually snare those cheap sales. Stop the laziness. Stop the perception of being kind. Sell the damn thing for 2m, so those people can be hurt in their profit margin. That'll show 'em! 


As much as I'd like to seriously suggest we all do this - I fully recognize that someone here would dare to sell their items for less to get the first sale, then someone else would be jealous and then list a lower price. Next thing you know, we'd have competition! 

Yeah, I'm being a bit obnoxious. Sorry, I'll stop. 
I get what you're saying. The problem is, I don't have a solution that will work long term. 


This, this is so true it brings a tear to my eye.  Nicely done again, @Ukase.  The only reason flipping works (or any variation of buying things on the cheap) is that sellers dump their goods in order to insta-sell.  And then they complain that they aren't getting enough for them, or that they are not going to the people who really need them.

Who run Bartertown?


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I only flip once or twice a year.  It is always born out of irritation. I need X enhancer.  A few available at WAY above market price for that type of product.  (Discovered by multiple escalating bids)  Similar product available at or below that price point. I buy a few of similar product.  Convert convert convert.  Keep one, sell rest at a reasonable price. 

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2 minutes ago, Snarky said:

I only flip once or twice a year.  It is always born out of irritation. I need X enhancer.  A few available at WAY above market price for that type of product.  (Discovered by multiple escalating bids)  Similar product available at or below that price point. I buy a few of similar product.  Convert convert convert.  Keep one, sell rest at a reasonable price. 

That's not really flipping if you are selling the converted stuff.  That's value added.

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On 8/9/2021 at 7:00 PM, Ukase said:

Here's what we do about those people. We stop selling IOs at 1 inf, 6 inf and other ridiculously low prices. If we can all agree to sell them all for precisely 2M, no more, no less, then those people will have to pay a fair price for them, and when they try to re-sell them for more, they get stuck holding the goods. 

With the way the market works, that is really the only way. 

The problem is these lazy people who can't be bothered to sell items for a fair price. They want to be fast, and they think they're being nice - but it's what we call "noob traps" that usually snare those cheap sales. Stop the laziness. Stop the perception of being kind. Sell the damn thing for 2m, so those people can be hurt in their profit margin. That'll show 'em! 


As much as I'd like to seriously suggest we all do this - I fully recognize that someone here would dare to sell their items for less to get the first sale, then someone else would be jealous and then list a lower price. Next thing you know, we'd have competition! 

Yeah, I'm being a bit obnoxious. Sorry, I'll stop. 
I get what you're saying. The problem is, I don't have a solution that will work long term. 

I hear ya.


The whole 3 salvage bucket thing put a pretty big crimp in people trying to flip salvage.

I'd love to see something along the lines of if you buy an IO from the market you can't resell it until you've had it slotted for 365 days.  And if you buy a recipe from the market you can't resell it at all, you have to craft it to relist it.

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1 hour ago, Col. Kernel said:

I hear ya.


The whole 3 salvage bucket thing put a pretty big crimp in people trying to flip salvage.

I'd love to see something along the lines of if you buy an IO from the market you can't resell it until you've had it slotted for 365 days.  And if you buy a recipe from the market you can't resell it at all, you have to craft it to relist it.

Um..let's be careful of what we ask for, okay? 

I can just imagine having to wait for some arbitrary unit of time to sell something. I think I'd rage quit. I hate to wait, lol. 

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On 8/7/2021 at 8:14 PM, DreadShinobi said:

I'd say the price is less relative to their usefulness and mote relatable to their opportunity cost. 


If you have a reward table open that offers hamidon enhancements, you are also offered reward merits. You cannot get a hamidon enhancement in which you are not giving up a certain amount of reward merits. Technically the lord recluse strike offers the lowest sacrifice in reward merit gain by choosing a hamidon enhancement, followed by the stf/mltf, followed by a hamidon raid. The hami raid is often done back to back and some people may opt to choose a hami enhancement more frequently on the second round rather than logging the character out to select after the 20 hr cd. 


Regardless, in order to populate the existence of hamidon enhancements, reward merits are sacrificed. Reward merits offer a consistent standard value. They are more widely usable. Choosing a hamidon enhancement is a risk/gamble and you may be giving up 40 reward merits for a worthless hami-O. 


If youre looking to farm hami-O, run some more LRSF. It is generally a very fast tf. It can be done exceptionally fast with some intention set by the team. It offers a low amount of reward merits compared to other hami reward tables.

Ahem. Just my opinion, and opinions will vary. 

LRSF, Ms Lib (aka the ol' StatesTF) - IF what you are after is the hami, these are really a waste of time. Do the Speed Eden, get the Titan-O. It can be combined with the hami, and/or Titan-O, if they boost the same attributes. And a Speed Eden takes less than 5 minutes, compared to the boring drudgery of LRSF/MsLib. (yeah, I can't stand those two tfs. They are so dull, and the cut scenes are awful unless someone on discord has a helium filled balloon and does a voice-over) 

There was a time when a hami raid used to be more fun just reading the the silly comments in zone, but for whatever reason, things stopped being amusing for me. I guess 8000 merits worth was enough repetition for me. 

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6 hours ago, Ukase said:

Ahem. Just my opinion, and opinions will vary. 

LRSF, Ms Lib (aka the ol' StatesTF) - IF what you are after is the hami, these are really a waste of time. Do the Speed Eden, get the Titan-O. It can be combined with the hami, and/or Titan-O, if they boost the same attributes. And a Speed Eden takes less than 5 minutes, compared to the boring drudgery of LRSF/MsLib. (yeah, I can't stand those two tfs. They are so dull, and the cut scenes are awful unless someone on discord has a helium filled balloon and does a voice-over) 

There was a time when a hami raid used to be more fun just reading the the silly comments in zone, but for whatever reason, things stopped being amusing for me. I guess 8000 merits worth was enough repetition for me. 

LRSF is 8-15 mins o.0 

Ms. Lib cutscene is a snack/bathroom break. I don't sit there and stare at a computer monitor during the aeon monologue, do you?

I don't choose hami on ms. lib, better as merits. I don't really do this for merit/min value, I do enjoy the tf because of team coordination aspects, same reason I enjoy with LRSF, but I usually chance a hami drop on that one. LRSF is sadly just a whole lot less interesting to run now because the consequences of the who will die storyline were honestly terrible for the game. 

Eden is brainless, I'd rather just moonmap farm and grab a hami off the auction house than run that.

  • Sad 1

Currently on fire.

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On 8/13/2021 at 9:00 PM, Ukase said:

Um..let's be careful of what we ask for, okay? 

I can just imagine having to wait for some arbitrary unit of time to sell something. I think I'd rage quit. I hate to wait, lol. 


If you're not reselling something from the market there's no wait.

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I regularly resell enhancements bought from the market:

  • Enhancements I no longer want due to changes in the build.
  • IO's I use while leveling that are replaced by different ones at 50.
  • Mistakenly bought enhancements - I once accidentally bought an attuned apocalypse instead of the unattuned one, which functions exactly the same but can be boosted. I sold it and bought the right one.
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On 8/6/2021 at 8:37 PM, ForeverLaxx said:

Any particular reason Cytos are so pricey? I get that they're the +Def/+ToHit/-End HamiO, but I have a hard enough time getting the right set bonuses in the powers I'm already using. Having "free" slots for HamiOs outside of powers that don't take sets still seems strange to me. Other than the relative rarity of a HamiO and this particular ones usefulness, I just don't see why it'd be upwards of 20mil in today's build market.


I believe Cytoskeletons are expensive because the folks that want them think like I do:

  • On certain builds, I find that I don't want to invest many slots in a toggle (usually) or click (sometimes) power that could benefit from Endurance reduction and the other boost (or both!), and so a Cyto HO (or two) is a better use of the limited number of slots.
  • If I'm investing in HOs, I want MOAR boosts (up to level 53) and so I need more of them to combine them up to this point.

We can argue the merits of certain slots for specific powers, but as an example of a commonly-suggested power that uses Cytoskeletons and also doesn't really need many slots is Tactics.


I think there is a similar sort of thinking that keeps Microfilament HO costs high: folks want multiple enhancement boosts (presumably in a toggle like Sprint) but don't want to invest (m)any slots in the power.


There are a handful of other useful (IMO) HO but the prices don't rise on them for (what I think to be) the following reasons:

  • There is group-think that other non-HO pieces are better choices for certain powers.
  • The powers that can best (IMO) leverage (some) HOs are considered scrub powers anyway, so "why invest HOs in them?"

Writing only for myself: one of the most difficult mental hurdles for me to overcome (in making slotting choices) was to recognize that there are some powers that simply aren't a good use of slots, even for trying to hold set bonuses... and as a parallel thought that sometimes the sacrifice of a slot isn't to move the slot to a different power but to dedicate it to a different Global or %proc. This has led me to invest in HO in places that I don't usually see in posted builds.


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I was just hoping the OP (and anyone else concerned about high prices) had come away from this with the tools to earn.  I find it incredibly easy to earn a few hundred million. In fact it is sort of automatic at this point.  With a couple days effort (not hard effort, just focused on farming and crafting instead of badging and TFs) I can earn a billion+ Real smooth. 

people who are struggling to understand enhancers selling for 1-4 million for average enhancers and 5-20 million for special enhancers have probably not experienced this earning potential 


there are guides in marketing and guides in farming and if you ask people like Ukase ( i have seen this) will go over exact strategy with you in game for an hour or more.  I am sure some of the other smart people here would as well.  Dont ask me 1) i am not that clever at it and hate to show my ignorance 2) i aint that nice

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On 8/7/2021 at 9:59 AM, carroto said:


Probably at least in part because a lot of people haven't figured out that a level 50 dual aspect IO if boosted to +5 has the same enhancement values as a level 50 HO.  Unless you're combining HOs to past level 50 for that little bit extra, there's no advantage to the HO unless the power it's in can actually benefit from the other aspects it may enhance.


If people were more aware of this I suspect that the price of a level 50 dual-aspect IO + 5 enhancement boosters would be a sort of soft cap on the price of equivalent HOs.


If it was just +Def/-End or +ToHit/-End, that would be correct, but it is +Def/+ToHit/-End.  You're not going to find THAT in IO-nia.  That said, -End is of limited benefit in Fortitude or Farsight; it used to be that you could slot Cytos in Radiation Infection (which does -Def/-ToHit and could absolutely use -End) but I *think* they fixed that exploit on Live.  

Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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On 8/7/2021 at 6:32 PM, Snarky said:

DreadShinobi makes a small income writing fortune cookies as a side biz

DreadShinobi makes a fortune writing small fortune cookies.

  • Haha 1

..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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6 hours ago, Snarky said:

I was just hoping the OP (and anyone else concerned about high prices) had come away from this with the tools to earn.  

I used enhancers as you suggested, but once I had enough inf, I looked at profit margins.


Check out purples, they sell for most.

Then look how much the recipe goes down to on the market. That's your buy price.

Then see how much the crafted enhancement goes up to on the market. That's your sell price.

The difference is your margin.

Take a couple of million off the margin for the crafting cost.

If the number is sufficiently positive, it's worth crafting-to-sell.

Edited by Herotu
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..It only takes one Beanbag fan saying that they JRANGER it for the devs to revert it.

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6 hours ago, Snarky said:

I was just hoping the OP (and anyone else concerned about high prices) had come away from this with the tools to earn.  I find it incredibly easy to earn a few hundred million. In fact it is sort of automatic at this point.  With a couple days effort (not hard effort, just focused on farming and crafting instead of badging and TFs) I can earn a billion+ Real smooth. 

people who are struggling to understand enhancers selling for 1-4 million for average enhancers and 5-20 million for special enhancers have probably not experienced this earning potential 


there are guides in marketing and guides in farming and if you ask people like Ukase ( i have seen this) will go over exact strategy with you in game for an hour or more.  I am sure some of the other smart people here would as well.  Dont ask me 1) i am not that clever at it and hate to show my ignorance 2) i aint that nice


I don't think it needs to be very complicated. For any new players who are reading this, I'll break it down for you if you'll give me 10 minutes.


1) So, all you really need is to be able to generate inf faster than you spend it. While the screenshots above of billions of inf are nice to look at, there is no useful difference between an income of 10 million inf/day and 10 billion inf/day, provided that income > expenditure in both cases. And the single largest expenditure you have is equipping new characters, so you just need to make money at a rate fast enough to equip your characters as you level new ones to 50.


2) From my experience, a typical full IO build with everything you want is about 300 to 500 million. Builds that significantly exceed this tend to be farming builds heavily dependent on winter IO's (no wonder the profiteers selling them are so eager to teach others to farm!) and certain builds that use large quantities of enhancement boosters. So as long as each character can generate at least 300 million, it is fully self-sufficient, and that's our target.


3) You can easily generate 300 million inf per character as long as you actually enjoy playing the character long-term and know how to convert reward merits to inf. This tidbit is not directly taught in game, but in the nifty "guide for new players" guide in the guides forum. You buy enhancement converters at the rate of 3 converters per merit, and each converter can be sold for between 70 and 75k inf. This gives an inf:merit ratio of about 0.2 million inf per merit after market fees. (You can also buy enhancement boosters or unslotters instead, which have approximately the same conversion factor; I like boosters for large amounts of merits - less clicking). There are ways to get more inf for your merits, a lot more, but this method requires zero knowledge, and is the baseline. And because converters are to easy to supply and have such consistent and large demand, they are traded in vast quantities, and the price is very stable.



There you go! That's all you need to know. It's normal for my characters to reach 50 with around 500 reward merits earned (just doing the 7 Task Force Commander TF's and an ITF is already 240 merits). Reaching vet level 15 further gives 100 empyrean merits, and doing your Market Crash gives a random purple. The total value of the above is... 320 million! Hence, every character, from the moment of its birth, already has its build paid for by trust fund, assuming I enjoy actually playing it past 50.


In practice, I have not converted Empyrean merits to inf after my first two characters that reached 50, and they just sit hoarded unused.
 That's because the above does not account for the inf, rare salvage, reward merits and occasional lucky drop that I get while doing incarnate trials and other content to reach veteran level 15. The WST and other content like Hamidon or mothership raids also provide large amounts of income that are not included in the above calculation. I have so much money lying around unspent that I started putting in low bids for IO's even as the next character is created, which reduces my expenses even more - I pay only 12 million per purple, rather than 17-20 million.


You can learn to make billions if you want to (seeing item sold messages and collecting info from the auction house can be addictive in its own right). But it's not necessary in order to afford the best gear in the game. I would even argue it may not be a good thing for everyone: anticipation and delayed gratification enhance the pleasure of a reward, and the IKEA effect shows how people value things more if they put effort into acquiring them. These factors are a big part of why people find grinds in MMO's enjoyable in the first place.

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4 hours ago, roleki said:


If it was just +Def/-End or +ToHit/-End, that would be correct, but it is +Def/+ToHit/-End.  You're not going to find THAT in IO-nia.  That said, -End is of limited benefit in Fortitude or Farsight; it used to be that you could slot Cytos in Radiation Infection (which does -Def/-ToHit and could absolutely use -End) but I *think* they fixed that exploit on Live.  

They could just slot Enzymes, which are -def, -tohit and -end (and have the higher enhancement values for -def, rather than the lower ones that +def enhancements get).

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On 8/17/2021 at 11:40 AM, tidge said:


I believe Cytoskeletons are expensive because the folks that want them think like I do:

  • On certain builds, I find that I don't want to invest many slots in a toggle (usually) or click (sometimes) power that could benefit from Endurance reduction and the other boost (or both!), and so a Cyto HO (or two) is a better use of the limited number of slots.
  • If I'm investing in HOs, I want MOAR boosts (up to level 53) and so I need more of them to combine them up to this point.

We can argue the merits of certain slots for specific powers, but as an example of a commonly-suggested power that uses Cytoskeletons and also doesn't really need many slots is Tactics.


I think there is a similar sort of thinking that keeps Microfilament HO costs high: folks want multiple enhancement boosts (presumably in a toggle like Sprint) but don't want to invest (m)any slots in the power.


There are a handful of other useful (IMO) HO but the prices don't rise on them for (what I think to be) the following reasons:

  • There is group-think that other non-HO pieces are better choices for certain powers.
  • The powers that can best (IMO) leverage (some) HOs are considered scrub powers anyway, so "why invest HOs in them?"

Writing only for myself: one of the most difficult mental hurdles for me to overcome (in making slotting choices) was to recognize that there are some powers that simply aren't a good use of slots, even for trying to hold set bonuses... and as a parallel thought that sometimes the sacrifice of a slot isn't to move the slot to a different power but to dedicate it to a different Global or %proc. This has led me to invest in HO in places that I don't usually see in posted builds.



I think that Cytos and Micros are expensive because they are *useful* to the high end crowd, and they are rare enough that people like me have their ears perk up and notice that they can be expensive.  If you have a metric ton of inf, why not blow it on an incredibly tiny marginal increase in performance?


Some powers seem literally to be made for Cytos.  I don't have many Invulnerability alts, but the ones I do have absolutely have three lvl 53 Cytos in Invincibility.

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Who run Bartertown?


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6 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

 If you have a metric ton of inf, why not blow it on an incredibly tiny marginal increase in performance?


Here is to all the times I've been reviewing a build out-of-game and I realize I can get that 0.05 MOAR damage...



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On 8/14/2021 at 7:10 AM, Bionic_Flea said:

I expect that prices of recipes and IOs would soar because your proposal restricts supply but leaves demand to grow.

Assuming you're speaking to me,  No, it really won't.


Think about it.  You, a flipper, buy an Enh to flip. Now you have to slot it in an alt for a time before you can sell it.  How much is the market value going to change in that time, and in which direction?  Meanwhile, people are still crafting and selling those IOs while you have to sit on each one you buy.  And when the timer is up, how much did you originally buy it for?  Assuming you know that, how much will it sell for since the market has changed?


It removes the guaranteed profit from flipping and makes it much more of a gamble, leaving the market as a useful tool for the players who just want to IO their characters w/o artificial inflation.


Now, am I seriously proposing this?  No, it's just an example of one way to limit flipping.  It would definitely have to be tested in a decent sized player environment, and a reasonable time limit set, and I don't realistically expect to see that happen.

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Except I will never buy an enhancement, slot it, then unslot it to sell.  I only slot stuff I intend to use to 50, with small exceptions if the build calls for purples.  I generally do not flip.  What I mostly do is buy cheap receipes, craft, convert, and sell.


Assuming others do as you suggest it restricts supply because the IOs have to spend some arbitrary amount of time slotted before it can be sold.

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On 8/7/2021 at 3:29 PM, Ukase said:


I say that, to say this: Often times, aside from "AH glitch pricing history" where SOs seem to sell for many millions of inf, from time to time, an ebil marketer will see, for example, 30 enhancements in the Hami-O class listed for sale. That marketer will buy all of them as cheaply as he can, then he will knowingly take a loss as he has an alt buy 5 of them for a truly outrageous price, in hopes of snaring the next mark into over-paying, and hoping the cycle continues until all of them are sold. It probably works for only a few, but depending on the price he initially paid, it may only take one or two to break even. 

Do people actually do this?  Seems like a lot of work for the payoff. To me anyways. 

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2 hours ago, Sakai said:

Do people actually do this?  Seems like a lot of work for the payoff. To me anyways. 

If you find it enjoyable or interesting, it doesn't feel like work.  This is similar to the (illegal) stock market tactic of 'painting the tape' - colluding with others (or an alt account) to give a false impression of the status of the market.


Back on live, I engaged in every method of generating inf that I could think of or heard about from others - manipulating the AH, AFK farming PvP recipes, flipping, etc.  It was a hobby.  Not a lot of straight-up farming, because I found that boring.  Nowadays, I don't play as much so I don't bother working for inf.  As long as I have a few hundred million at any given time, what's the point?  Back on live, generating inf was part of the game for me.  Like badging.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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I see a some people giving me a thumbs down for my ideas on stopping flipping.  Given that they haven't replied to me I can only assume that either they lack the imagination to come up with ideas of their own, or they make their living in CoH by flipping.



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On 8/9/2021 at 7:00 PM, Ukase said:

Here's what we do about those people. We stop selling IOs at 1 inf, 6 inf and other ridiculously low prices. If we can all agree to sell them all for precisely 2M, no more, no less, then those people will have to pay a fair price for them, and when they try to re-sell them for more, they get stuck holding the goods. 

With the way the market works, that is really the only way. 

The problem is these lazy people who can't be bothered to sell items for a fair price. They want to be fast, and they think they're being nice - but it's what we call "noob traps" that usually snare those cheap sales. Stop the laziness. Stop the perception of being kind. Sell the damn thing for 2m, so those people can be hurt in their profit margin. That'll show 'em! 


As much as I'd like to seriously suggest we all do this - I fully recognize that someone here would dare to sell their items for less to get the first sale, then someone else would be jealous and then list a lower price. Next thing you know, we'd have competition! 

Yeah, I'm being a bit obnoxious. Sorry, I'll stop. 
I get what you're saying. The problem is, I don't have a solution that will work long term. 


Well, you're half right.  I AM lazy.  Not only that, but I'm here to enjoy a comic book super hero game, not nurture my work ethic.


I'm not trying to be kind/generous, though.  You're wrong about that one.  If I sell 1 orange invention salvage for 1 influence, I make between 400,000 and 500,000 influence.  If I sell a purple for 1 influence, I make anywhere from 10 to 20 million influence.  I can even sell certain orange recipes for 1 influence and make anywhere from 2 and 10 million inf.  Lastly, I can convert all my reward merits to enhancement converters, sell all the converters for 1 influence each, and make 60k to 70k influence for every one I sell (often hundreds at a time, and they convert at a 3 to 1 ratio).


I do this because I think the market is pointless in a game where all assets are free (no paywalls) and the market has no real impact on my roleplay of a superhero/villain.  Crafting recipes is boring.  Working the market is boring.  I don't want to waste my fun time in the game, doing something I personally view as tedious.  Selling everything for 1 influence allows me to make a ton of money without spending 30 minutes interfacing with the market.


There are exactly two ways you could get me to stop doing this:


1) Adjust the Auction House so that it isn't possible to get millions for selling something for 1 inf (Dev's would have to do this).

2) Completely remove the market and make everything free (Again, Dev's would have to do this).


P.S.  You don't need to point out the fact that I lose millions (billions?) doing it this way.  I'm well aware of that.  I make enough money to outfit my characters with good enhancement sets and get cool stuff from the P2W vendor.  That's all that matters to me.  Once you've accomplished that, what are you going to do with all those extra millions and billions anyway?  Jump into it and swim around in it, like Scrooge McDuck in his money vault (Okay, if you could ACTUALLY do that, in-game, I would probably LOVE the market.  But you can't, so my point stands).


Striving for all that money that I can't actually use, doing something I find personally tedious, is just a waste of my time and I don't see why I would bother with it.


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