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‘City of’ Homecoming Idea For Special Origin Enhancements


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‘City of’ Idea For Special Origin Enhancements

Ver. 2.3

 Or Increase the usefulness and longevity of Special Origin Enhancements
(Hamidon Origin, (Crystal) Titan Origin, Hydra Origin and D-Sync Origin)



Challenge: Right now, Special Origin Enhancements seem to have a limited use and have been this way ever since the Invention system and sets were introduced. Currently these enhancements are received through Hamidon Raids, the Lord Recluse Strike Force and the Ms. Liberty Task Force. Lessor versions can also be earned from the Eden and Abandoned Sewer Trials. But what if these enhancements had an additional use? What if, the more you had of each type of special origin enhancement, the more you could do a particular thing, in addition to what they do now?


Goal – The Goal of this idea, is to increase the use and feasibility of Special Origin Enhancements. I propose that to do this, a new mechanic be created to give each special origin a unique global ability. Doing this will make the enhancements more desirable as rewards to be kept, and to use alongside or in place of IO sets and procs to increase build diversity.


Solution - I propose a two pronged solution. First, to give each of the Special Enhancement Origins groups a specific Origin ability or Proc. My suggested ideas of these are listed Below.
  Second, and due to the above idea, give players to the ability choose which type of special origin enhancement they rank up to level 53 at the outcome of combining like enhancements.


  • Hamidon Origin: Having been exposed to the power of the Hamidon, you now gain the ability to output some of that power as your own.
    (Specifics – Each slotted enhancement will provide a 1.25% chance to proc for minor Special/Untyped damage on all your attacks. Note: A cap of 20% is the suggested max for this ability, or about 16 enhancements in a build.)

  • (Crystal) Titan Origin: Having fought the Crystal Titan, you’ve learned to deal with the special energy attacks favored by the Devouring Earth’s largest threats.
    (Specifics – Each slotted enhancement will add  1.25% damage resistance vs. Special/Untyped Damage. Note: A cap of 20% is the suggested max for this ability, or about 16 enhancements in a build.)

  • Hydra Origin: : Using Hydra cells to augment your abilities has resulted in a strange mutation that makes you harder to put down.
    (Specifics – Each slotted enhancement will give a 1.25% chance for the character to ‘Fight on’ and prevent knockout when they otherwise would have been defeated, keeping them at 1 HP. Note: A cap of 20%  is the suggested max chance for this ability, or about 16 enhancements in a build. This ability would give the chance for the character to continue on instead of being defeated,  by keeping them at 1HP for a # of seconds (tbd). Similar to1 the Original Moment of Glory.  I suggest at least a 120 second cool down.)

  • D-Sync Origin: Utilizing the D-Sync System, to sync with alternate-dimensional versions of yourself, you can now call one of your ‘Ripple’ selves to aid you for a short time.
    (Specifics – Whenever you use an attack power, you will have a 1.25% chance per D-Sync enhancement for a ‘Ripple’ clone to appear and charge the selected target. They persist for X seconds (tbd). Note: A Cap of 20% is the suggested max for this ability, or about 16 enhancements in a build. The clone would have minimal HP and a minimal taunt or attack. Not unlike a one man, Phantom Army. Recommend a 120 second cool down.)


    Challenges – While understanding that this may not be the easiest of feats, due to current code and functionality restraints. It would be interesting to see how feasible it is to do this. Previous discussions with @Faultline on the subject revealed that, right now, straight enhancements cannot have Set Bonuses and anything with Set Bonuses can’t be slotted more than once. There is a good chance that a new Global Origin ability would most likely have to be created separately from either of these options and this means both some development and testing time.


    In Closing - Ultimately, I believe this will benefit the player base as it gives more options for their characters and builds. This also has the potential to future proof enhancements to some extent, as new Special Origin types could be added in the future (such as the D-Sync Origin will be) with new abilities. It would be nice to see these Special Origin Enhancements get back to being top tier rewards again as they were before. However, for now, merits and incarnate rewards seem to be more desirable and hold those slots. Of course, it’s possible that with the upcoming Aeon Strike Force (ASF), where Villains will gain another avenue to receive these types of enhancements (D-Sync Origin), along with new combinations of enhancement boosts, that Special Origin Enhancements will rise in popularity again.

    In the end, I hope all those who look upon this idea will be receive it with due consideration. After all, we love this game and only want to see it thrive. For now and always. Good luck and good hunting!




    With many thanks to GM Impervium, Faultline, Iron Joe,  baneypantz, Take One, Albion and Amur for their help and input.

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This is...very, very interesting. 

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@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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Special origin enhancements are having a tough time competing because of ED.  Fill a power with Hami-o's and you just went way over the cap.  Fill that same power with set IOs and it pretty much puts you to the caps on that power and gives you set bonuses on top.  If special origin enhancements were less affected by ED then they could push a power a little further then sets or in conjunction with sets making up some of the difference from set bonuses in the process.


Your idea could work as well but unless there are some new sources of special damage then the crystal titan bonus is kinda pointless since there are EoE and ambrosia that give near immunity to the special damage sources.

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4 minutes ago, TheZag said:

Special origin enhancements are having a tough time competing because of ED.  Fill a power with Hami-o's and you just went way over the cap.  Fill that same power with set IOs and it pretty much puts you to the caps on that power and gives you set bonuses on top.  If special origin enhancements were less affected by ED then they could push a power a little further then sets or in conjunction with sets making up some of the difference from set bonuses in the process.


Your idea could work as well but unless there are some new sources of special damage then the crystal titan bonus is kinda pointless since there are EoE and ambrosia that give near immunity to the special damage sources.

Part of this idea is to add future possibilities, with this ability there could be future uses for that dmg resistance. Also, here are a few thoughts, right now when hit by those attacks there is no way to defend yes, but with that ability there might be.  What if you forget an EoE/Ambrosia or ran out. It has uses. Also, I wanted he abilities to match the origins thematically and not be too overpowered. I feel these abilities need to be unique from what is in the game already, for flavor and utility.

In the end, this is what I and those that put this together came up with. It's not set in stone, just a suggestion.

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2 minutes ago, Greycat said:



I'm assuming  you don't mean "16 total special enhancements of all sorts" with that cap. Though... I don't think that'd really be an issue either way.

If you mean 16 different 'Hami O's', for instance, then yes. Hence the cap. But it's per origin.  Example. 5 Hami o's, would then give a 5% proc for untyped dmg. and 7 Titan Origin enhancements, would then give a 7% resist and so on. Since all but the DSO's/D-Sync enhancements (they have more types) have the same types of enhancement. It doesn't limit you to just Acc/Dmg or end/Travel power enhancements and you can mix and match. The idea is to give more options overall.

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Mechanics or numbers aside, it would be nice to have more opportunities for slotting special enhancements in this game.  Since slotting for set bonuses often already hits ED numbers in a power, a Hami-O's most common use is to hit ED numbers in powers that have ~4 procs slotted, which is effective but niche.


If/when proc-based builds ever get nerfed, having more flexibility or options with special enhancements would mean a potential escape for the lower damage powersets that were utilizing such slotting to shore up their damage, while not being overbearing on the stronger sets that can still go back to set bonuses without losing much.


I like the suggestion.  Numbers can be reviewed and tweaked, but increasing build diversity by giving new functionality to underused content is often a healthy win.

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@Veracor - Veracor, Bio/TW Tanker on Everlasting.  Retired raid leader.

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47 minutes ago, dnomad333 said:

Part of this idea is to add future possibilities, with this ability there could be future uses for that dmg resistance. Also, here are a few thoughts, right now when hit by those attacks there is no way to defend yes, but with that ability there might be.  What if you forget an EoE/Ambrosia or ran out. It has uses. Also, I wanted he abilities to match the origins thematically and not be too overpowered. I feel these abilities need to be unique from what is in the game already, for flavor and utility.

In the end, this is what I and those that put this together came up with. It's not set in stone, just a suggestion.


Overall your idea looks pretty good.  But while the other bonuses are usable anywhere,  the crystal one jumped out at me as being very singular in usage.  I try to keep the idea train rolling so i tend to offer up alternatives even when i agree or disagree.

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3 minutes ago, TheZag said:


Overall your idea looks pretty good.  But while the other bonuses are usable anywhere,  the crystal one jumped out at me as being very singular in usage.  I try to keep the idea train rolling so i tend to offer up alternatives even when i agree or disagree.

No worries. Thanks for the feed back!!!

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ED seems to be the thing that holds back using special origin enhancements from really being a alternative to IO sets, if there was a way that having more non-IO enhancements and less sets would curb  the effect of ED, I think that might do more for build diversity then just a straight damage proc.

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1 hour ago, indigoshroom said:

ED seems to be the thing that holds back using special origin enhancements from really being a alternative to IO sets, if there was a way that having more non-IO enhancements and less sets would curb  the effect of ED, I think that might do more for build diversity then just a straight damage proc.

It seems there is some confusion regarding this idea. Let me break it down a little better. First, the abilities we propose are stand alone and are based on the number of enhancements types that you have in a build. For example. In the case of @arcane who has 16 to 18 hami O's in one of their builds. They would get an 20% (For now that's 1.5% x 16 for a max of 20%) minor Special/Untyped origin enhancement proc on all their attack powers, for this character. The enhancement types do not change. Nor does this effect ED in any way. A single level 53 Nucleus Hami O' would still give 38.3% bonus to Accuracy and Damage and two of those in a power would be affected by ED as normal. In this case the origin ability would be separate. Like set procs are separate.

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The more I've thought about this, the more potential I see for player build flexibility - which I think in the long run is exactly what the HC Team has been doing. There are plenty of sources in the game that require a balanced level of difficulty for the reward of these special IOs. Your suggestion about a global proc boost for untyped has a cap, which is needed to prevent game breaking outcomes. And the suggestion takes advantage of a somewhat niche reward in the game and brings it in line with balancing the benefits of IO set bonuses and procs.


Overall, I'd love to test out this idea.

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I’m open to testing ideas, but, if y’all wind up increasing demand and making level 53 cytos even more expensively, Ima be sad


Just finished my Ill/Storm’s HO build’s 6th 53 cyto a couple nights ago and had a palpable sense of relief.

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28 minutes ago, arcane said:

I’m open to testing ideas, but, if y’all wind up increasing demand and making level 53 cytos even more expensively, Ima be sad


Just finished my Ill/Storm’s HO build’s 6th 53 cyto a couple nights ago and had a palpable sense of relief.

If this idea becomes a reality, the market will fluctuate, but that happens anyway due to the rise and fall of popularity of various items. The very essence of Supply and demand.
The MLTF, LRSF, Hami, the upcoming Aeon Strike Force and to a lesser extent, the Abandoned Sewer Trial and Eden. Should all see more players and teams running them, increasing supply, as demand increases. We'll probably see that coming soon from the ASF and it's different Special Enhancement types.
But when when the point is to offer more options, things will rarely remain the same and isn't that the point? 

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I could see a short term increase in AH prices due to the 'I want it now' types, but I believe that would get players to go out and earn them. It most likely would take a couple weeks for the markets to return to normal.

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I'm somewhat in the same boat as Arcane, in that I already find several of the HOs in particular to be useful in a variety of builds, particularly when it comes to slotting efficiency. I certainly wouldn't turn down extra bonuses, but I'd have to ponder the extent to which this would change my slotting on builds where I don't currently feel the urge to min/max a character. Could I imagine myself, for example, slotting much-maligned damage/range or damage/mez into a sixth slot on a few powers to get the equivalent of Procs4All, or would I still be better off going with individual damage procs in each power? Just as one way I might approach this.


As a form of "slot gravy" where there's no down-side for doing what I already do, this seems great. I'll ponder more on how much it would potentially change things beyond that. Interesting idea, for sure!

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  • 1 month later

After ASF ones entered the market, still an interesting and relevant idea, more than new enhancement sets we really need a polishing and focusing of what we have.

Σαυτὸν ἀρίθμησον πρότερον καὶ γνῶθι σεαυτόν,

      καὶ τότ᾽ ἀριθμήσεις γαῖαν ἀπειρεσίην.

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Asking the tough questions here, but would the untyped damage proc be able to apply damage to a mito regardless of whether the power was ranged or melee, or held for that matter? Or able to defeat the Invincible Reichsman? How would it work for PvP?


I do agree that special enhancements should feel well special, and I've often thought reverting them to their original enhancement scale would be a good thing as it then allows a user to slot for secondary effects, procs, or move excess slots to other powers.



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