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Thanks Adeon!  It's fishy for sure but odd that it's, for the moment, restricted to just this IO.  Unless anyone else is seeing it elsewhere?

As I mentioned, it's not just this IO. Here is what I am currently seeing on the one you mentioned (top), as well as a couple of others that I've noted over the past couple of weeks. I feel like I have seen it on maybe one or two others, but these are the only two I can recall.


I do find it strange that the histories for the Assassin's Mark and the Xenon Exposure are the same, but that could just be a coincidence. I sold that Trap of the Hunter for 2M and I had another sale of the same IO for 1.5M, but they were a day or two ago and don't show up in the current history.




Now we're cooking!  I too see that Xenon Exposure (Damage) at level 50 seems to share history with Assassin's Mark: Recharge/Chance to Recharge Build Up which is only available as an attuned.  I even bought and sold a few Xenon to double check and the histories of both reflect the sales of each.  Great that someone found the exact scenario going on with the Stalker ATO, tyvm AboveTheChemist.


The Trap of the Hunter scenario could be similar?  The sales history (for Immobilize/Accuracy) is consistent across all the levels it is available (20-50) and is the same as what is displayed for the attuned version, so far so good.  Some going for 780, 1050 or 1200 while others go for 1,000,000 is fishy-ish too.  Do you have outstanding bids that were higher than these winning bids as I mentioned in the Stalker ATO scenario, AboveTheChemist? I'll poke around and see if I can find another SO with identical listings to the Trap of the Hunter.


Wonder if we can report this bug with the Homecoming devs and get it fixed without breaking anything?


Thanks again!


Edit: Did a quick once over of all level 50 Science SOs, putting up a 1 inf bid and hitting FIND as an attempt at making sure they were somewhat accurate histories.  So far the only other suspicious entry I've seen is "transmatrix bipedal amplifier (run) 50" has history with 4 listings of 2 million and one listing of 1.75 million with no bids and one available, that is probably (?) linked to some other item I would guess?  Will look at some more later, it's IRL fireworks time.


Do you have outstanding bids that were higher than these winning bids as I mentioned in the Stalker ATO scenario, AboveTheChemist?

I wasn't bidding on the Trap of the Hunter, I was selling. The two sales I had were for 2M and 1.5M, but they were several days prior to that screenshot.


I'm sure the devs would love to hear about the bug. I hope they can fix it. That Transmatrix SO you mentioned definitely seems suspect.


I just wanted to do a mini hijack here with a note regarding patience.


If you are buying something like white salvage and expect the sale to complete quickly and it DOESN'T, click find - you might note that someone outbid you by a LOT - don't panic, the AH is just filling their order before you. It doesn't mean you need to start bidding much higher. I've seen prices of orange salvage go shooting up from 500k to 700k just because the orders aren't filling instantly. If you are patient, it will probably come down again, unless everybody is trying to outbid one another (we can call it a bubble, if you like). On the other hand, it's a phenomenon you might want to try to exploit and I wish you well with that endeavour.


Have some patience and save some inf.



Boycott American.


Do you have outstanding bids that were higher than these winning bids as I mentioned in the Stalker ATO scenario, AboveTheChemist?

I wasn't bidding on the Trap of the Hunter, I was selling. The two sales I had were for 2M and 1.5M, but they were several days prior to that screenshot.


I'm sure the devs would love to hear about the bug. I hope they can fix it. That Transmatrix SO you mentioned definitely seems suspect.


Bidding or selling I think works out either way for our purposes.  Thanks!

  • 1 year later

I know this is an old post, but I had a question.  When looking at crafted set IOs, it seems like all the levels share history, as well as bid/offer count.  I'm not even sure how people are able to buy and sell, as you can't tell if it's a lvl 25 or a lvl 50 one being sold..  This can't be intentional, can it?


2 hours ago, dynafire said:

I know this is an old post, but I had a question.  When looking at crafted set IOs, it seems like all the levels share history, as well as bid/offer count.  I'm not even sure how people are able to buy and sell, as you can't tell if it's a lvl 25 or a lvl 50 one being sold..  This can't be intentional, can it?


They have been bucketed, so they are held in the database as Thunderstrike and don't have a specific level assigned to them until you buy them.


This might give a better and fuller explanation:  


  • Like 2

Who run Bartertown?


  • 2 weeks later
  • 2 months later

Since we're asking about how the broker works, another quick question:


Does it matter if you list a stack of 10 of something or ten separate items?  Meaning, if I put 10 Kinetic Weapons for sale, will they sell only if someone buys 10 of them in one shot or can they be sold to different people?  


I ask that because I never see sales for half my stacks.  It's either all sold, or not sold.



15 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Since we're asking about how the broker works, another quick question:


Does it matter if you list a stack of 10 of something or ten separate items?  Meaning, if I put 10 Kinetic Weapons for sale, will they sell only if someone buys 10 of them in one shot or can they be sold to different people?  


I ask that because I never see sales for half my stacks.  It's either all sold, or not sold.



To my knowledge there is no reason to split stacks unless you want to list them for different amounts.  Same goes for buying.  You can buy 10 but only receive 5.  The other 5 wait for someone to list them under your bid.  Your listing breaks up once it hits the AH.

Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Aeroprism said:

Since we're asking about how the broker works, another quick question:


Does it matter if you list a stack of 10 of something or ten separate items?  Meaning, if I put 10 Kinetic Weapons for sale, will they sell only if someone buys 10 of them in one shot or can they be sold to different people?  


I ask that because I never see sales for half my stacks.  It's either all sold, or not sold.




It *should* not matter.  Block trades *should* partially execute based on price whether or not the full block size is achieved.  I suspect you see that because people tend to buy salvage in large blocks rather than one or two at a time.


I say *should* because the algorithm used to allocate trades is not transparent.  I would have expected that the first tie breaker is price (which seems to be universally followed, despite the display bug apparently demonstrating otherwise).  I would have thought the second tie breaker would have been some sort of time stamp, but it isn't purely time linear.  At one point I thought it batched orders based on discrete time periods when it was inputted, but I've got plenty of evidence to the contrary.  To the best of my knowledge, no dev has ever opened that black box to inspection.



Edited by Yomo Kimyata
I like editing.

Who run Bartertown?



Interesting.  I keep seeing people on the forums showing white/yellow salvage sold for dizzying amounts of inf and no matter how much I sell, I always get around 100 for whites, 1000 for yellows and I sell a lot of salvage.  Was wondering if it was because I was selling in stacks.


My farming toon I always sell stacks of 10 and I've seen times where my sell list has 4, 5, 6, etc sold so I know they can be broken.  How the AH determines it I don't know but I've had stacks sell for something that isn't a multiple of 10 meaning that some sold for a different amount then others.


Concur. I sell hundreds of stack of things during any given week, and the break up constantly. It's annoying in fact, since it won't merge two stacks of 5 at the same sell price, even after claiming the inf from the sold halves of the bids. Slots, even with 200, can be at a premium. 


The bid side is easier, since you can cancel them and rebid for a full stack without paying a penalty.


It would be cool if there were a market function and button to "Consolidate Sales and Bids"


There's been a lot of "Rumor-Int" about how price ties are broken; time, server, character name, all that. The best feeling I get is there's probably an internal sorted list, and there is no secondary sort key, and they're taken in a haphazard order depending on happenstance of data layout in memory on the server.


If a developer, or someone with a keen eye for source inspection had a look and found that out, it would be good to settle once and for all.

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