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Numina = Worst TF


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It really brings out the lazy in people.  I've actually been the only one left in Perez with 10 circle to kill with people "calling" Talos and FF.


I hate being one of the few that go to most zones while people sit back and likely "pack a bowl" or whatever th they do.


I really don't believe it's faster to have 1 person to a zone.  How could it be?  If one person is 8 zones away that's not doing anything compared to helping an earlier zone?  I don't get that line of thinking.


Also... I'm sorry to the group I was in earlier.  I wanted to see what it would be like if I hung at the farthest one someone called which was Talos and I feel like garbage for doing it. 😞  With the amount of different teleports and base locations available there's not really any excuse to sit back and do nothing. 😞 


Sorry for everything. 😞 

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It is faster, with all the teleporting around one can do, but that speed only works when the team is working together and knows where to go to grab those enemies.


However, yes, some go straight to the end and wait.


I used to assign out zones to people, but then some just wouldn't go.  So now, just hope for the best. 🙂

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I... don't mind it. It's unique. There aren't any others like it.


Synapse, on the other hand, makes the Shadow Shard look varied and nuanced.

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1 hour ago, Akalabeth said:

It really brings out the lazy in people.  I've actually been the only one left in Perez with 10 circle to kill with people "calling" Talos and FF.


I hate being one of the few that go to most zones while people sit back and likely "pack a bowl" or whatever th they do.


Aside from the ambush in Perez Park, any member of the team should have no problem with defeating 10 "native level" CoT. A petless mastermind could do it with a couple of applications of Plasmatic Taser.


Frankly, the only time I ever saw a PUGmate "camp" in either Talos or FF, that player explicitly said they needed to level up and opted to do it there. While I may miss their help, this isn't a TF that is worth having the entire team move together from zone-to-zone. I can remember this happening only three times. I have two very minor points of irritation with Numina TF (in the revamped Paragon City):

  • Revamped Zones (Boomtown, Faultline) need players who know where to go in the zone to find those targets. Vahz in Faultline are slightly more scattered, but the Council Base should make the Boomtown leg VERY fast. I think I was on at least one PUG where a Super-Speeder went to Terra Volta and (literally) got in over his head when hunting Sky Raiders... because of Zone geography and typical spawn points.
  • Crey's Folly target of Freakshow can be slow if the non-DPS PUGmates go there. The nearest (to SG Portal) reliable group of Freaks are close to even level with the TF, and with the resists, Health and healing... let's just say this is the leg that I often see turn into a slog.

It is exceedingly rare that I'm on a PUG where an individual player calls out a zone and then doesn't know where to find the targets. Earlier in Homecoming, I used to see this sort of problem in Atlas Park (Clockwork)... In my mind I guessed this was because so many people "DfB" out of Atlas Park and may never come across them, but for a long time now if I'm not the first one in Atlas Park the PUGmate who beat me there knows where to find them.


Personally: I quite enjoy the spiraling "grand tour" aspect of the Numina TF.


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I would run Numina 10 times in a row if it would replace both Synapse and Cit.

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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We have always split up. The person who finishes their zone usually goes to a zone that us coming up. I tend to go to IP and by the time I have finished the first group, someone has zoned in and started the other group.


We then look at the other zones needed and go there if needed or start towards the end.


This is how it has been everytime I have done it.

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While I can understand why someone might think that one per zone is inefficient, as stated before, it really isn't - at least, not always. Sometimes, you have teammates who:

  • have a base teleporter, SG portal temp, Ouro port, LRTP to all (or most) zones
  • know where a given faction will be in an assigned zone
  • have the AoE and/or fold space to complete the defeats necessary in 1-2 attacks

In my case, when I do a Numina, if not leading, I'll ask the leader before the tf even starts if they're going to assign zones. Then I'll tab out, bring up the Numina kill list for quick reference. 
I know where to find any of the npcs on the kill list. Sometimes, they're not in a large enough group to tackle them quickly. 

And this is why we sometimes ask for 2 people to go to each zone, by team roster. 
1 & 2 take Perez, 

3 & 4 go to Atlas. 
5&6 go to Steel.
7&8 go to Kings. 

Generally, because 1 & 2 are already in PP, the team may have to wait a moment for 3&4 to catch up, but by the time they're done, 5,6,7 & 8 are in position, and 1 & 2 are getting there. 

There used to be a bit of a challenge with Council in Boomtown due to 5th column clobbering them as you approach, but now that the big war walker base is in Boom, there's always enough council to clobber without sweating the 5th column. You just have to get there and wait for your turn to clobber. 

And yes, sometimes you get people on your team who don't read chat, or if they do, don't follow the suggestion/request/order from the team lead. There's a brutal solution - kick 'em. If they're not going to contribute for the street sweeps, then who needs 'em? But that's harsh, and sometimes, folks go for a refill without letting the team know. Sometimes a cat will hop on the keyboard and cause all manner of shenanigans. Real life can occur and interrupt things and the team is none the wiser, often left thinking the worst. 


This is the disadvantage of PUGs. PUGs can be great, and it's generally where we run into folks who become folks we run with more often than not. But, sometimes, like any other population, you run into less than ideal teammates for you, for whatever reason. Sometimes, they just suck. Sometimes, you play in such a different style, they no longer find teaming with your leadership or play style entertaining. 


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Splitting up to handle the Numina TF hunts is always optimal.  One person to handle Perez Park, Atlas Park, Steel Canyon, Kings Row, Skyway, Terra Volta, and Boomtown.  Two people to handle Faultline, Brickstown, Crey's Folly, Independence Port, and Talos Island.  Then have everyone go to Founders' Falls and Eden.  When I lead the Numina TF, I assign people to various zones by team order.


One of the worst PUG experiences I've had in game was a PUG Numina TF about two and a half years ago, where the leader asked everyone to go to each hunt zone, one by one.  The whole TF took about a hour and a half as a result.  Never again.


Also, if you think Numina TF is the worst TF in the game, you obviously haven't done the Justin Augustine TF. :classic_tongue:

Edited by Appolaris
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I rather enjoy Numina TF.  Sorry you do not.  I see it as a timing challenge to see how fast we can clear the goals.  I've never had a team with people sitting at the end waiting.  It is easy to tell. I watch the team locations to make sure Terra Volta is covered, or that I'm not person #4 in Talos, for examples.  It also means I know where everyone is.  I've never had it happen, but I'd call out anyone that was parking in Eden, or even Founder's Falls.


Bad TFs to me are those whose missions are highly repetitious (by this I mean the exact same cave layout and exact same goals) and feel like the creators took the lazy design route.  I also consider bad design anything that take over 2 hours on average, which is why I so very rarely run Dr. Q TF.  To be fair, though, these were created back when it was considered standard to turn your home life over each night to a raid party for 5 hours.

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7 hours ago, tidge said:


Aside from the ambush in Perez Park, any member of the team should have no problem with defeating 10 "native level" CoT. A petless mastermind could do it with a couple of applications of Plasmatic Taser.


Frankly, the only time I ever saw a PUGmate "camp" in either Talos or FF, that player explicitly said they needed to level up and opted to do it there. While I may miss their help, this isn't a TF that is worth having the entire team move together from zone-to-zone. I can remember this happening only three times. I have two very minor points of irritation with Numina TF (in the revamped Paragon City):

  • Revamped Zones (Boomtown, Faultline) need players who know where to go in the zone to find those targets. Vahz in Faultline are slightly more scattered, but the Council Base should make the Boomtown leg VERY fast. I think I was on at least one PUG where a Super-Speeder went to Terra Volta and (literally) got in over his head when hunting Sky Raiders... because of Zone geography and typical spawn points.
  • Crey's Folly target of Freakshow can be slow if the non-DPS PUGmates go there. The nearest (to SG Portal) reliable group of Freaks are close to even level with the TF, and with the resists, Health and healing... let's just say this is the leg that I often see turn into a slog.

It is exceedingly rare that I'm on a PUG where an individual player calls out a zone and then doesn't know where to find the targets. Earlier in Homecoming, I used to see this sort of problem in Atlas Park (Clockwork)... In my mind I guessed this was because so many people "DfB" out of Atlas Park and may never come across them, but for a long time now if I'm not the first one in Atlas Park the PUGmate who beat me there knows where to find them.


Personally: I quite enjoy the spiraling "grand tour" aspect of the Numina TF.



I never understood why I don't see the Terra Volta players go against the wall just a few feet from the entrance.  Two Sky Raider group on two sides of the building, ready to be AOE!



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I don't mind Numina at all. Doing it solo can make the hunts a little more painful waiting for teleport powers to recharge, but otherwise splitting up is efficient. I have seen several leaders ask for players to double up in zones starting with Faultline, not due to difficulty but simply due to larger numbers required. I tend to hit at least 5 of the zones since I hate sitting idle.


Unfortunately, at least for me since it's a pet peeve, I do somewhat frequently see people camping in Talos, FF and even Eden.  If the leader or someone else on the team posts the list in team chat and someone still camps at one of the later zones, I'll make a note. I usually won't say something unless I'm leading, but will support someone who does make a comment. I usually say something simple, like 'There are 14 zones listed in order and 8 of us going on the team. Nobody should start at zone 9 or later.'  Sometimes there will be an apology and a zone change. Otherwise I'll make notes and when the person asks to join a Numina I lead in the future, I'll make them aware of the note and simply not invite. 

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I often say this but...


I don't get it.


How can 2-3 people doing zones and the other ones not sitting more than a couple ahead be slower than 1 person looking while the rest wait by themself in another zone?  It doesn't take several zone completions to travel.


I also don't know how people can say they are rarely (never) been in a pug with people that sit in talos, IP etc. and do nothing for 15 minutes and then take so long to do the zone they called that other people from earlier zones "go help".  Someone calls and camps talos in almost every one I'm on regardless if we're shorthanded.


You can get the TF done in 40 minutes.  I don't remember my fastest, but the groups I've gone the fastest with didn't sit one to a zone and wait. 😕

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It's still a 30-40 minute TF and I'll take hunting 10 greys eight times to doing a bunch of kill alls.


Personally I just post the list, and then ignore what people say. I keep teleporting to the zones and picking the enemies without expectations someone will be there to do it for me.

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3 minutes ago, tidge said:

Who has time to both notice 'campers' and get upset about it?


I'm usually aware if other people are in the zone by looking at the team window and generally I notice what people call?


If you don't care that's fine I guess.  It's about cooperating in a cooperative game to me not sitting back while others do everything... but then again this a game with "LF farm to sit."

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9 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

Maybe the Dr Quarterfield needs to be divided up by 4 parts. Then we can do a Dr Quarter Quarterfield each night until done.


A quarter Quarterfield?!?


A quarter Quarterfield over 4 days...lets see,  carry the 1,  multiply by the inverse of pi,  reticulating splines.... 0.015625 quarters !!!  


Obviously my math is flawless.


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It is a relic from a bygone era - i hope synapse and citadel TFs get some love one day before manticore and numina..... but if all 4 got a touch up I would not complain.

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"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

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7 hours ago, BrandX said:

I never understood why I don't see the Terra Volta players go against the wall just a few feet from the entrance.  Two Sky Raider group on two sides of the building, ready to be AOE!


And then hit the gate right there to IP where Family and Tsoo are ready to be taken out as you head to and down the bridge.

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1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


And then hit the gate right there to IP where Family and Tsoo are ready to be taken out as you head to and down the bridge.


Exactly!  Usually with the TSOO left as someone would be in IP already.

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Four of the 6 TFC TFs and the Shard TFs all could use a revamp. Even some of the better ones still make me go, "But why?"

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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18 hours ago, tidge said:

It is exceedingly rare that I'm on a PUG where an individual player calls out a zone and then doesn't know where to find the targets. Earlier in Homecoming, I used to see this sort of problem in Atlas Park (Clockwork)... In my mind I guessed this was because so many people "DfB" out of Atlas Park and may never come across them, but for a long time now if I'm not the first one in Atlas Park the PUGmate who beat me there knows where to find them.


Personally: I quite enjoy the spiraling "grand tour" aspect of the Numina TF.


The secret to finding Clockwork in Atlas Park is to enter from the Perez Park gate and then turn the forbidden direction: left.

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On 7/7/2022 at 3:32 AM, Akalabeth said:

It really brings out the lazy in people.  I've actually been the only one left in Perez with 10 circle to kill with people "calling" Talos and FF.


I hate being one of the few that go to most zones while people sit back and likely "pack a bowl" or whatever th they do.


I really don't believe it's faster to have 1 person to a zone.  How could it be?  If one person is 8 zones away that's not doing anything compared to helping an earlier zone?  I don't get that line of thinking.


Also... I'm sorry to the group I was in earlier.  I wanted to see what it would be like if I hung at the farthest one someone called which was Talos and I feel like garbage for doing it. 😞  With the amount of different teleports and base locations available there's not really any excuse to sit back and do nothing. 😞 


Sorry for everything. 😞 

You can always join my teams. By the time I reach Numina, it is the last one needed for Taskforce Commander and I’ll run the entire hunt phase solo if needs be to finish it. Go ahead and get your nails done, along with a full spa treatment while I work.😉

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Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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