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Focused Feedback: Advanced Difficulty Improvements & New Reward Currency

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The new currency...well, my only question is why? Seems rather...well, not really a good idea to introduce yet another currency in the game. Why not use a currency we already have? 
It's interesting that you're going to make this currency available on the AH...which is unlike any other currency in game. (unless you count converters or catalysts as a currency) Will these be seeded, or player dependent like Hamis and D-syncs? 

I read what this new polysyllabic currency will be for, but I would think any reward merits/emp/astrals could work for that. 

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5 minutes ago, Ukase said:

The new currency...well, my only question is why? Seems rather...well, not really a good idea to introduce yet another currency in the game. Why not use a currency we already have? 
It's interesting that you're going to make this currency available on the AH...which is unlike any other currency in game. (unless you count converters or catalysts as a currency) Will these be seeded, or player dependent like Hamis and D-syncs? 

I read what this new polysyllabic currency will be for, but I would think any reward merits/emp/astrals could work for that. 

The point of the currency is mainly that everyone's starting from 0 with it, it's cosmetic only in terms of rewards, and the only content that rewards it is stuff the devs specifically want to incentivize - Hard Mode especially, but also iTrials and WSTs (with the mission drop rates being a method for anyone to earn them if they really hate their options but still want to participate in that market/earn those Tier 1 rewards, as a nice occasional surprise)


Don't think you can really do that with an existing currency in any legitimately effective manner

Bring back Hazard Zones

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10 minutes ago, TomatoPhalanges said:

The point of the currency is mainly that everyone's starting from 0 with it, it's cosmetic only in terms of rewards, and the only content that rewards it is stuff the devs specifically want to incentivize - Hard Mode especially, but also iTrials and WSTs (with the mission drop rates being a method for anyone to earn them if they really hate their options but still want to participate in that market/earn those Tier 1 rewards, as a nice occasional surprise)


Don't think you can really do that with an existing currency in any legitimately effective manner

That really can't be why. These items are going to be available on the AH, and that means as soon as they're listed, I can buy them all for whatever they sell for (within reason). I have 5 badge characters now, so I'm pretty sure I can buy as many as I want for each. 

We may all start equal, but we don't remain that way if they're on the AH. That's why a reward merit is probably just as good an idea as this new currency. But hey, no worries here. I'm just wondering if there was a specific reason. Another thing for me to market. 

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Just now, Ukase said:

That really can't be why. These items are going to be available on the AH, and that means as soon as they're listed, I can buy them all for whatever they sell for (within reason). I have 5 badge characters now, so I'm pretty sure I can buy as many as I want for each. 

We may all start equal, but we don't remain that way if they're on the AH. That's why a reward merit is probably just as good an idea as this new currency. But hey, no worries here. I'm just wondering if there was a specific reason. Another thing for me to market. 

I figure the AH thing is the same as the mission drop rates- it's not going to be cheap to buy 'em, with how rare they are, but you will be able to, if you really don't wanna engage in the content it's trying to motivate for. Alternately, it provides an option to the Hard Mode runners who don't care about the unlockable costumes - they get to just make bank!

Bring back Hazard Zones

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I am not excited about the idea of adding yet another currency to the game. If anything, I think we should be looking to simplify in this respect. For instance, I'd like to see us get rid of shards and incarnate components entirely and just have everything run off threads. I know that's not a popular opinion.

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

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7 minutes ago, Curtis-Newton said:

So as a solo player I only have the chance to get Aether through the auction house or the 2% chance at mission completion. Or am I missing something?


WSTs as well it looks like:



Prismatic Aether Particle Salvage Rewards

  • Completion of content on Advanced Difficulty settings now rewards an exclusive salvage currency called Prismatic Aether Particles that are used to purchase the permanent costume powers covered in the next section.
  • They are capped at 2000 on how many can be carried at once by a single character.

Ooh, Prismatic Aether... So shiny!


  • Completing the Weekly Strike Target for the first time each week on a max level character that receives a Notice of the Well salvage, will also earn 1-2 Prismatic Aether Particle salvage depending on the length of the content completed.
  • The standard bonus from completing a mission map at any level includes a 1 in 50 (2%) chance to drop a Prismatic Aether Particle.
  • Prismatic Aether Particle salvage is not account-bound and can be freely traded to other players, sold on the auction house, or stored in supergroup base salvage storage bins.
Edited by Blackfeather
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1 hour ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Bah, in that case I'll wait until they use it for something meaningful.

I think I'll nab that OG rikti costume or turn my main blaster into a baby version, then sell the rest. Hell, I may not even make it that far and just sell it outright

Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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On 7/12/2022 at 9:29 PM, TomatoPhalanges said:

The point of the currency is mainly that everyone's starting from 0 with it, it's cosmetic only in terms of rewards, and the only content that rewards it is stuff the devs specifically want to incentivize - Hard Mode especially, but also iTrials and WSTs (with the mission drop rates being a method for anyone to earn them if they really hate their options but still want to participate in that market/earn those Tier 1 rewards, as a nice occasional surprise)

I'll be quite truthful, being full body transmogs and only getting drops from the super-hard mode is an amazing turn off to acquiring these.


Now if they were full costume options, that would be cool, but that is a ton more work.

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5 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

I'll be quite truthful, being full body transmogs and only getting drops from the super-hard mode is an amazing turn off to acquiring these.


A lot of people will still want them for concept/theme characters. Even if the people who would use them wouldn't do the super hard content, they'll create demand for the drops the people who do run that content get.  I expect it will get a good price in the auction; at least at first.

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44 minutes ago, Andreah said:

A lot of people will still want them for concept/theme characters. Even if the people who would use them wouldn't do the super hard content, they'll create demand for the drops the people who do run that content get.  I expect it will get a good price in the auction; at least at first.

I would really like to think that not that many people are going to want to run the hardest content in the game for very old/clunky transmog models. I can't even think of 1 of my 20-30 characters that would even want one.

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56 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

I would really like to think that not that many people are going to want to run the hardest content in the game for very old/clunky transmog models. I can't even think of 1 of my 20-30 characters that would even want one.


As someone with a crippling compeltionism addiction, it only takes 2 of us with limiteless INF to want the same thing to drive the demand to skyrocketing levels.

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On 7/12/2022 at 11:16 PM, Ukase said:

The new currency...well, my only question is why? Seems rather...well, not really a good idea to introduce yet another currency in the game. Why not use a currency we already have? 
It's interesting that you're going to make this currency available on the AH...which is unlike any other currency in game. (unless you count converters or catalysts as a currency) Will these be seeded, or player dependent like Hamis and D-syncs? 

I read what this new polysyllabic currency will be for, but I would think any reward merits/emp/astrals could work for that. 


I agree completely.  Is the point to add new costumes?  Then just put them in the costume creator.  Is the point to serve as an influence/time sink?  I'm not sure why one would institute such a sink in a free-to-play game.  Is the point to give players something to work towards?  Why not make it something individual like a personalized badge or title?


I'm not going to be impressed by a player with a new costume, because it is far from unique.  I would be impressed (or possibly appalled) if they had a badge "Killed Rommy 10,000 times!"

Who run Bartertown?


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As much as I LOATHE currency creep in mmos, it's fine if they want to have one so that everyone can't just get these things on day 1.


Great feature for those who like costume customization (it's long stopped being why I play this game), even though I doubt I will ever use it. lol

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On 7/12/2022 at 2:00 PM, The Curator said:

Prismatic Aether Particle

  • .... or stored in supergroup base salvage storage bins.




It would be nice to have a new cool storage bin in the bases specifically for these.  Perhaps, one that has a separate count from the current total 18 storage items.

Or if we must use the existing salvage storage bins, can we get the storage cap increased from 18 to 19 or 20? 


Edited by Emerald Fusion
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On 7/13/2022 at 1:41 AM, dom9630 said:

This is something I am reconsidering. 


Still feels a bit salty in the wounds when I can't do it again on my favorite stalker and have to go play a different character. But that's neither here nor there.


Fundamentally it just feels incredible unnecessary to have a hurry up and wait mechanic. I'm fine if it's because the content ITSELF takes time. But an artificial 18 hours because....?


I don't understand the connection. 

That's the problem with the game, nobody wants to wait. They all want it right now.

We get to play a game that we thought was gone but we still all complain.


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I'm going to be quite blunt, making a new hardest mode currency, then using it simple funzie "transmog" stuff makes me actually not want to do any of the hard modes at all.


They are just going to be occupying space and being annoying.


If it was really just supposed to be for fun, make it drop from level one and not be tied to the hardest modes at all. That way I don't feel robbed of effort for doing the hardest mode tasks for shitty rewards.

Edited by arthurh35353
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On 7/12/2022 at 11:00 AM, The Curator said:

The standard bonus from completing a mission map at any level includes a 1 in 50 (2%) chance to drop a Prismatic Aether Particle.


Should incarnate level missions have a higher chance?

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  • Developer
9 hours ago, arthurh35353 said:

I'm going to be quite blunt, making a new hardest mode currency, then using it simple funzie "transmog" stuff makes ma actually not want to do any of the hard modes at all.

If you don't enjoy the challenge of difficult content, and the costume rewards do not appeal to you, nor does making a big profit on selling Aether, then you can simply choose to spend your time doing other things. Not every update will appeal to every player, but we hope there's other things in Page 4 that are to your liking!


9 hours ago, arthurh35353 said:

They are just going to be occupying space and being annoying.

They are in the Special salvage tab, and do not take up any inventory space whatsoever.


9 hours ago, arthurh35353 said:

If it was really just supposed to be for fun, make it drop from level one and not be tied to the hardest modes at all.

They aren't meant to be purely for fun, they're meant to serve as incentives for doing more difficult content, plus being able to be sold on the AH so people who prefer alternate forms of content can purchase them with influence if they absolutely avoid the harder stuff, with the bonus that people who like harder stuff but not costumes can make a tidy profit from their extra-effort endeavors.

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