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most important issue to you  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. most important issue to you

    • AR - beanbag becomes aim
    • FIGHTING - tough/weave without kick/punch
    • COLD DOM - power boost not work with cold shields, but do with FF shields
    • STORM BLAST - too slow, needs buffs
    • ARCHERY -ST awful, lethal, eww. needs buffs.
    • other! - vote here for what i think means super strength, but wielding a motorcycle?
    • WIND CONTROL - up and down drafts
    • WHIPS - yes, even if all the abilities use variants of 2 animations!
    • STORY MISSIONS - like the one where you let a guy die in a burning building on purpose
    • PVP - good for you, good for me
    • PRISMS! - they dont drop enough
    • DEMONS, WITH HORNS -> that can wear sunglasses

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1 hour ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

*ahem*  Allow me to repeat myself, since you seem to have missed it; I'll bold it this time for good measure too: 

"hey all, I have Fold Space and like to use it, OK?"  That's not asking too much.  😃


its not, but a lot wont do it.


its evident when it happens.


its more lazy, or not thinking they (should) not have to announce any possible way your (any given other player) thought might be interrupted from optimal play spray autodrive, by use of their powers.


what other powers should get a courtesy announce?


if another player joins the team, should status be repeated?


its a hassle, if theyd even think to.


were i there and someone announced: sorry, i have thing, and use thing, ok? id twll them to be confident enough not to worry themselves over my awareness of that or no.


but thats just a me thing.

13 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

I don't know how easily they could drag and drop arcs into these contacts. Again, my hope is to have minimal work for the Devs via this tool.


I'm not sure what "drag and drop arcs into these contacts" means.

My part of this idea is to have a permanent new contacts added to the game the same way that HC DEV arcs have been added to the game.  


I'm not seeing that hundreds of these arcs would be added.

I'm not even talking like 1 a month or anything like that.


The DEVS would have some set list of arcs that they have checked and approved. 

Once a page is getting ready to be released, one or 2 of these arcs would be added to the beta testing the same way that the DEVs arcs have been.


13 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

If you're submitting content for this then you'd have to do the writing for wiki etc as part of the submission.


I don't see this as being necessary until the arc has been approved for the DEV list and it has been confirmed that it will be released in Beta testing.

I don't see a reason to flood the wiki with extraneous information a majority of players won't be interacting with.


13 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

I would actually encourage original, new ideas, enemies and bosses. I am so done seeing the same old or variants of the same old. Let's get original!


Okay. I'm against this.

If it is actually "part of the game" versus being "in the AE", then I think it must go along with the canon and have the same groups that are already in-game to be "part of the game".


13 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

Content could be added monthly or maybe even weekly. Players that submit and get added could maybe get a special title, badge and/or merits.


Yeah, I don't see that happening.



If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

13 hours ago, GastlyGibus said:

My most pressing issue is game balance and difficulty. It is the epitome of unfun when I join a team and some tricked-out IO'd Blaster is able to just solo the entire mission all by themselves even at +4/x8. It makes the overwhelming majority of the content, especially towards the end-game, feel trivial and boring, and it makes the rest of the team feel useless. I think most of you know what I mean.

The game desperately needs a balance overhaul, and it needs it yesterday. 


From a non-endgamer standpoint, the only way that I think that the "end-game" can be save in regard to that is an exemplar system similar to the game.

That is to say. The powers available to a player are based on the mission holder's incarnate unlocks.


I'm saying the incarnate unlocks (or level of unlock even) because I don't think veteran level makes you any more powerful in the end-game.

The only thing that I know of that makes you more powerful in end-game (other than the enhancements, Accolades, and P2W stuff) is the incarnate stuff (but again, i don't play the end-game).


Are there other factors in the endgame other than Incarnates stuff that could be throttled-back (exemplar) in end-game content?

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

12 hours ago, ZeroSaint said:

My "Other" option is AE Farm Spam.   I get that people want to level their alts.  I do.  But there are so many ways to do it that actually involve... y'know, playing the game.   Even if you want to DFBx3>Posi1>Posi2>Yin with 2xp, you're good.   Hell... do DFBx3 and a FF and you'll be 22 there in like 2 hours.   It's just so frustrating to see an endless parade of "Lvl 1 'X' LF FF"


Yeah. I'm with you on that entirely.

I'm anti-farming and anti-power-leveling (let alone in the AE).


Before the AE was released, the DEVs posted that they would drop a 40-ton ban-hammer on anyone that abused the AE system for farming/power-leveling.

As soon as they AE was released, you know what some of the players did.

The DEVs started the bans.

There was such a backlash that they not only unbanned the abusers, but they deleted their posts about banning accounts that abused the system.

They started trying to correct the obvious loopholes in the AE, but it appears it was always too complicated to stop all the possible exploits and no way to stop the power-leveling mechanic that was already in the game. They did what they could to curb the most egregious power leveling as well (or maybe that didn't happen until Homecoming).


Some people simply don't want to play the game for whatever reason and want to go directly to the end-game. This is allowed. We all get to play the the game the way that we enjoy playing it. I do my best to try to turn a blind eye to the farming and power-leveling, but the LFG and other /chats about Farming and power leveling annoy me as well.


13 hours ago, ZeroSaint said:

I guess I just don't understand why people play to not play.


I'm sure they will tell you.

Most of the time it is that they "don't have time" to play the game.

Large amounts of the farming are apparently "AFK" farming.


13 hours ago, ZeroSaint said:

I also acknowledge that this is knee-jerk for me because mission architect was where I left in live when basically the entirety of my server stopped doing anything but running WW farm stories.


It was one of the multiple reasons the brought the end to my CoH subscription. One of the ones high on the list.

I did have characters on all the servers. I was first driven off Freedom because of it (not that I played there all that often anyway). Then it seemed to infest the other servers.


I don't want to go on about this, but the abuse of the AE was very sad to me. It is a great tool for character created missions that aren't designed around exploiting the system. And, yeah, regardless of it being accepted or not, we know full well that people are still exploiting the system to try to get as much inf and power-leveling potential that they can.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

12 hours ago, Apogee said:

For every team only player there is a solo only player, for every farmer there is an never-have-I-ever-farmed player.


There is no equivalency. 

There are solo only players. There are team only players. There are farmers. There are those that don't farm. There are power levelers. There are those that are power-leveled. There are those that don't want to be power-leveled. There are those that stay at the keyboard when they are power-leveled, and those that go AFK. There are farmers that stay at the keyboard when they farm, and those that go AFK. There are those that join teams and know that they are going to be eating a meal soon, and go AFK to eat, while inside of a mission, as soon as their food is ready. There are players that do whatever combination of these things that they feel like doing during a game session. There are those that actually play AE story missions that are not built to exploit the system.


There are all kinds of things to do in the game, but there is no way to determine that there is an equivalent number of players with one form of gameplay or another.

At the very least, it would take quite an extensive bit of data-mining and calculations to determine.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

9 hours ago, ZeroSaint said:

I am more looking to see the Farm Spam disappear.   Because it gets absurd at times.


That is the main issue/annoyance at this point for me as well.

I don't run into it so much because the the servers that I normally play on that the times that I usually play.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

15 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:


Powers (primary)

Powers (secondary)

Powers (Pool/APP/PPP)



Costume Creator

Rewards & Drops




Out of this list it would be rewards and drops.


Mostly the lack of drops for Enhancement Boosters NOT BEING A DROP SALVAGE. Everything is a drop with the exception of Booster and Unslots, which you can only get through Merits or AH and the Boosters are always expensive. If it's salvage allow it to drop with the rest of the salvage.


13 hours ago, GastlyGibus said:

My most pressing issue is game balance and difficulty. It is the epitome of unfun when I join a team and some tricked-out IO'd Blaster is able to just solo the entire mission all by themselves even at +4/x8. It makes the overwhelming majority of the content, especially towards the end-game, feel trivial and boring, and it makes the rest of the team feel useless. I think most of you know what I mean.

The game desperately needs a balance overhaul, and it needs it yesterday. 


To me and I may be the only one that read the post as this. It sounds like the poster is askin to remove all Incarnate and Set Hancers so we all play on the same level of power. If the game if boring and trivial then maybe this isn't the game for you but to ask the Devs to strip all toons of their set hancers and or Incarnates is mindblowing to me.


Your idea of balance is not for me.



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Posted (edited)

Ah, "There" it is. You know, I was wondering how long it would take for the "I hate farmers!" complaint to rear its head. Honestly, I am surprised it took 4 pages.


In light of how the discussion has progressed, I wish to change my answer. 


My new answer is - Other - Self-appointed Dictators of fun who have the self obsessed narcissism to feel they have not only the authority but the right to police others gameplay and activites.


I honestly cannot fathom the mindset a person must possess to think that their personal narrow scope of preferred playstyle is the golden measuring stick to base not only the entire game around, but all other activities as well, even those activities they themselves dislike. Unless you are a Staff member, then your opinion on the matter is just that, your opinion. Not scripture or a server rule for everyone to abide by.


You enjoy an activity? Great! Go have fun.

You dislike an activity? Great! No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to do it.

You dislike others enjoying an activity? Well, that's not really your business. Don't like it? That's too bad. The game, the Devs, and other players do not revolve around what you personally approve or disapprove of. Long as its an entirely legal activity to do, (which AE and farming is), you can watch from the sidelines.


For the record, most farmers are content to "live and let live." You do your thing, I'll do mine. But I will also point out that out of every activity a player might enjoy doing, none have been so changed/edited as much as the AE. The INF/EXP has been adjusted several times now, as well as the NPC behavior. I will also point out that every change has been one direction - to make farming more tedious and time consuming, despite it being an entirely 100% allowed and legal activity to do. Ironically, this has not reduced farming as a whole, only made it more necessary for those players who enjoy that activity. So the measures taken to "reduce" farming, actually only made it more necessary.


But lets play hypothetical here. Lets say that the AE vanished overnight. POOF! Pixies stole it in the night. What do you think would happen? Well, I don't know for certain, but I can take a very good guess -


1. The first reaction, would be anger and resentment. Followed by some whoops and cheers from a small part of the community but who is also the loudest in their complaining.

2. There won't be a sudden influx of players teaming or doing those activates you enjoy. The big brains in the farming community have already identified the next most expedient methods of EXP and INF, and those would simply become the new farm. Builds have already been configured for it in fact.

3. The game wont suddenly become a paradise of rainbows and everyone getting along. I expect the rifts that already exist, will widen further. Currently, the various people I team with already resent some others to the extent that if those people show up to a team activity, they will simply leave. (Myself included in some cases, if a select few people show up to it.) Simply because I don't care what the activity happens to be, I absolutely refuse to partake in it with those people. And this? Will only make that worse.


You can't bribe, coerce, or force people to enjoy things. That's human nature. And you have to accept that some of those very same activities that you are so passionate about - (making a new character, slow-crawling over weeks to 50, and doing it again, or whatever) are the same actions that other people despise, just as much as you might hate AE. And trying to "the beatings will continue until morale improves" angle will only make things worse.


Speaking entirely for myself, I might spend hours in the costume creator, making a look, then even more hours in MIDS, planning out a character. And if I want to rush them to 50 to play with my other friends who are 50? Then that's my business. You can't "force" me to enjoy the game with you, doing "your" activity. This is not that game. This is a sandbox. Where we all can play and do what we enjoy. And if you are not on my friends list, or if we don't go out and do things together, then it is no exaggeration to say that I personally don't give a leaky sack of wet rat farts what you like or dislike. 


"But new people are 50 without a clue!" - Yes? And? First, I would love to see the citation and source of this tidal wave of new players. Secondly, if they are learning, isn't that the point? Not everyone has memorized every mission in a game old enough to vote. Thirdly, you speak as if this isn't a fixable situation. People aren't sure what to do? Then take the time to mentor and teach them. You know, part of that whole "community" thing you claim to speak for and represent. And honestly? You should be happy we are getting newbies at all in a game this old, in the age of mobile games and short attention spans. And even if someone who is 50 shows up and doesn't know what to do, I must say it is mighty presumptuous of you to immediately assume they don't know the game. Not everyone runs weekly TFs. Not everyone runs Raids. Not everyone runs hard mode. I have played HC since shortly after it was made public, and I have YET to do a Hami, Mothership Raid, or anything like that. I have run Aeon and Imperious a few times, 2 star I think? And I have "several" level 50s on multiple accounts, fully incarnated t4's. And I do not consider myself a "newb." I simply dislike large activities with random people, and the attitude of "new 50s are clueless!" does play a part of that. Why would I choose to be lectured to and berated by some self-appointed judge, when I can just go do my own thing or play with friends?


"But people can AFK and earn money!" - And? So can you. We don't have any sort of advantage. We all have the same tools and access. You simply choose not to do it, and somehow, that is other peoples fault?


"I'm tired of the AE in LFG channel!" - That's... the point of the channel? LFG is LFG. Nothing stipulates that LFG is only for TF, or that AE groups are not allowed to use it either. Or that PI/Radio missions isn't. I mean if someone wanted to post "looking for roleplay!" in LFG, then by all rights they could. Looking for GROUP is looking for GROUP, as in groups of people to enjoy an activity with. You aren't mad that they are looking for group, you are just mad they are looking for a group for an activity that you dislike. And to that I say that sounds suspiciously like your problem.


"But the economy!" - I hate to break it to you, but an economy, any economy, is never a stable thing. There are ups, there are downs. Ebbs and flow. At times, there will be too much money. Others, not enough to go around. As an example, let's look at Aethers. When they were first added, they were selling for 15 million each. Now? Down to 2 mil last time I checked. It's stabilized. And I have a bit more bad news. In any game economy where money gain outpaces money-sinks, well, no matter what you do the only thing that changes is time. How long it will take before everything is absurdly expensive. You can slow it down, sure. But it can't be stopped, at least not without money-sinks to compensate. And for all those points of "we get too much inf!" I have yet to see actual points of conversation to balance the scale. You know, the other things that no one wants to think about. Things like - 


-increasing AH cuts in sales.

-increasing costume costs.

-making a weekly/monthly upkeep on bases.

-increasing costs of recipe creation.

-increasing vendor prices.


Any of those things will have a far greater impact on balancing the economy, than "punish those darned farmers!" ever would. But since that would affect "everyone" and not just "them," no one wants to have that conversation. The easiest solution to any problem is making someone else do it, right?


/Rant over. 

Edited by Neiska
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2 hours ago, Etched said:

Out of this list it would be rewards and drops.


Mostly the lack of drops for Enhancement Boosters NOT BEING A DROP SALVAGE. Everything is a drop with the exception of Booster and Unslots, which you can only get through Merits or AH and the Boosters are always expensive. If it's salvage allow it to drop with the rest of the salvage.


This never occurred to me. I have no argument against Boosters dropping, except that I have never felt that I was missing much by them not dropping.... and one +1 booster would excite me about as much as one Enhancement converter (not much)... of course they could be sent to the market, but my builds are eventually going to use them.


This wouldn't be a priority for me, as it is nearly trivial for players (even with solo, low-level characters) to quickly run content (assuming zone exploration badges have been collected) to collect enough merits to buy a Booster (or a couple of Unslotters) from a merit vendor. IIRC each starting zone has at least one quickly repeatable (~6 minute) arc that gives at least 5 merits. The SSA1 (Theoden) arc can be rerun in about that time (all ATs) for 5 merits each run... not counting the 20 merits for first time and first weekly repeat.


Hard Mode.


I view this as a general waste of resources. Not because hard content(It's not hard, it's literally just stat boost and some weenie hut junior level mechanics), but because of the 'optimized' way to run it. It's literally just 5 corrs, 2 blasters, a tank or scrapper. In what way is this good for the game overall? And how does this help create more diversity in teams? In particular, wasn't this content created with the mindset of including, finally, a place for CC? I don't see any CC in HM runs.


The rewards aren't horrendous minus PAPs, those damn things are worthless to me (sure you can make 100m in 30-45m with an optimized Aeon 4*, but you can make the same literally faster through marketing.). The merits? While yes they are nice, you could do ham sammich raids and get some pretty good merits without nearly the same amount of headache.


Plus I view HM content as less successful WoW mythic+ dungeon knockoffs, and after having ran HM 1-4 several times when it launched, like I said earlier, it's really just stat boost and lite mechanics. Really wish they'd have focused more on creating good mechanics over just giving enemies tactics and some arbitrary def boost that ultimately pad the run time. Also, people ignore the little mechanics that are there through barrier cycling.

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



Posted (edited)

I think we could do with alerts of in-game happenings, and more happenings. I want the city to seem alive and the players to interact with the world, not just mobs placed upon it (which is another suggestion altogether, which is another suggestion <- one for the Police Squad fans).


The lazy manifestation of this would be just some "Occurrances" chat channel where things get spammed when they're on. I don't like this idea at all, it seems too meta, too check-listy and non-organic. 


Instead, I'd like some kind of thing you can check on your own terms, so you whip out your stolen police radio or newspaper and, perhaps, a UI element pops up with currently occurring things on it (and time remaining, because how many times do you just get there when the burning building or troll rave is ending?). Or there is a ticker on a building with HAPPENING NOW, or  BREAKING NEWS: on it. Or a video screen, a LED/LCD advertisement board (hello 2023) or some other non-UI in-world element indicates the emergency. Maybe you're a tech origin with a wrist-mounted news feed or something?


Edited by Herotu
  • Like 1

Boycott American.

4 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


I'm not sure what "drag and drop arcs into these contacts" means.

My part of this idea is to have a permanent new contacts added to the game the same way that HC DEV arcs have been added to the game.  


I'm not seeing that hundreds of these arcs would be added.

I'm not even talking like 1 a month or anything like that.


The DEVS would have some set list of arcs that they have checked and approved. 

Once a page is getting ready to be released, one or 2 of these arcs would be added to the beta testing the same way that the DEVs arcs have been.



I don't see this as being necessary until the arc has been approved for the DEV list and it has been confirmed that it will be released in Beta testing.

I don't see a reason to flood the wiki with extraneous information a majority of players won't be interacting with.



Okay. I'm against this.

If it is actually "part of the game" versus being "in the AE", then I think it must go along with the canon and have the same groups that are already in-game to be "part of the game".



Yeah, I don't see that happening.




Drag and drop. Just as it sounds. If a mission is approved then Devs would take it from build status and put it into the regular contact. It then becomes live and part of the regular game.


I also agree these new contacts are regulars and part of the game just like any other contact.


I'd like to see new material added monthly and not wait for a page. Last page was over 8 months ago. This suggestion is to make minimal work for Devs and add content frequently.


I absolutely want players to add whatever they like as long as the quality is good and makes sense for this game. I'd love to see stuff not connected to this game as well as stuff that plays off existing canon. Like I said before, I am tired of the same old, same old or variants of it. There are a lot of players that really like this game and have talent to add content. I would prefer to see supers that we haven't seen before and load screens designed by some talented people.

2 hours ago, tidge said:


This never occurred to me. I have no argument against Boosters dropping, except that I have never felt that I was missing much by them not dropping.... and one +1 booster would excite me about as much as one Enhancement converter (not much)... of course they could be sent to the market, but my builds are eventually going to use them.


This wouldn't be a priority for me, as it is nearly trivial for players (even with solo, low-level characters) to quickly run content (assuming zone exploration badges have been collected) to collect enough merits to buy a Booster (or a couple of Unslotters) from a merit vendor. IIRC each starting zone has at least one quickly repeatable (~6 minute) arc that gives at least 5 merits. The SSA1 (Theoden) arc can be rerun in about that time (all ATs) for 5 merits each run... not counting the 20 merits for first time and first weekly repeat.


I don't do enhancement boosters on all my toons. But ones that I feel deserver it can be costly. 5 Boosters for 25 merits x 90 or so hancers can be extremely expensive merit or Inf wise. Buidin up merits isn't an issue, I run tfs a lot and there are plenty of arcs that drop a good amount of merits. 


The fact is if I or anyone wanted to boost every hancer (exception to Procs and ones that are catalysts imbued) we can only get them through a ATM (whatever it is called red) or AH.


Open them as drops since every other piece is able to drop within game.






I can't play the F'ing game.  Literally.  


The F key came off my laptop.  I ordered a replacement but can't get it to stay on.  My eyes are not good enough to see the little hooks that are supposed to go together.


I can type an F if I focus on it, but in game I miss it all the time.  It makes it too annoying to play.


So now I have to decide if I am going to spend $729 for a new laptop to play CoH.

3 minutes ago, DougGraves said:

I can't play the F'ing game.  Literally.  


The F key came off my laptop.  I ordered a replacement but can't get it to stay on.  My eyes are not good enough to see the little hooks that are supposed to go together.


I can type an F if I focus on it, but in game I miss it all the time.  It makes it too annoying to play.


So now I have to decide if I am going to spend $729 for a new laptop to play CoH.


Have you tried plugging in a usb keyboard?

  • Thumbs Up 3


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

I'd like to see new material added monthly and not wait for a page.


I don't think that there would be any way that it would happen that fast.


1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

I'd love to see stuff not connected to this game as well as stuff that plays off existing canon.


I'm against adding non-canon content to the actual game.


We both have are stances on both of these.

Thanks for the discussion.

  • Thumbs Up 1

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

3 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

People who use too many gifs and type in nonsensical textwalls.


That's my most pressing forum issue 



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Boycott American.


here, you can have my latest musings, on the life of Figs - certain to delight! youve probably heard of him if you play excelsior, he's very famous:


36 minutes ago, honoroit said:

here, you can have my latest musings, on the life of Figs - certain to delight! youve probably heard of him if you play excelsior, he's very famous:


I stopped reading at "here"

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On 8/15/2023 at 10:17 PM, BurtHutt said:

Well, it's something I've been pitching for well over 2 years. No dice...so far. I've never put together the full, detailed version of what I'd like to see as the Devs don't seem interested at this time. So, allow me to go with a brief outline here...


The idea is for players to make AE missions that get added to the game. Not the current AE version but a separate AE that is overseen by Devs. The idea is to create a lot of content without taxing Dev resources.  This new content would be part of the regular game and canon. These contacts would not be in the AE.


For example: let's say we put a contact in an area that has a need for content and something new. Tons of options here but I'd suggest Kalisti Wharf. Co-op and a place that doesn't have much going on. So, you place a contact here and have it connected to a separate AE system. Then Devs announce players can make AE content as long as it adheres to strict guidelines and rules. You could open up a forum slot and say this month the first five AE arcs posted will be reviewed and added as long as they pass Dev review. For those that  pass, drag and drop them into the new content. Hopefully this results in minimal work for coders and those Devs and they can focus on their regular material they're planning to add.


Any player created submission must also have a proper write up, HC wiki entries for original characters/mission and so on. The idea is to make as little work for the programmers, coders etc. 


The missions, of course, will be similar to radio/paper/tip missions but those are very popular amongst the players.  If this pilot project proves to be a hit then you can add more contacts for other ranges and themes. For example: big global threats could have a contact in the RWZ....and so on.


Anyway, I'm not going to flesh this out in extreme detail. Devs have told me it's a lot of front end work to make this alternate version of the AE where you drag and drop into it but I think it'd be worth it. Thanks for reading! 🙂 



AE already exists in the game though, it's just called AE.  Players generate a lot of content there now.  Not very many people play those stories.  Everybody knows where AE is, any level can use it, there's a system in place to mark some of the better arcs as "Devs Choice" so you know you're playing a quality arc before you jump into it.  There are some great ideas to expand the options, which can hopefully be implemented at some point.  The above idea seems like a whole lot of work on the dev side, for not much payoff.  I think the devs will get more bang for the buck with a new Task Force or Strike Force.  


My "Other" vote is for just such a thing, new task force or strike force with hard mode options.

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Play my AE Adventures, listed under @Jiro Ito, including award winners:

"The Headless Huntsman of Salamanca" #43870 **Scrapbot AE Contest Winner May 2022**           

"On the Claw-Tipped Wings of Betrayal" #43524 **November 2021 Dev's Choice**  

"The Defenders of Talos" #44578 **Mission Architect Competition Winner for October 2021: REBIRTH**  

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Etched said:

To me and I may be the only one that read the post as this. It sounds like the poster is askin to remove all Incarnate and Set Hancers so we all play on the same level of power. If the game if boring and trivial then maybe this isn't the game for you but to ask the Devs to strip all toons of their set hancers and or Incarnates is mindblowing to me.


Your idea of balance is not for me.


I was not saying that, so you can rest easy there. I would never advocate for dismantling incarnates and recipe bonuses completely. That would be utter madness, I agree. I'm simply pointing out that balance is indeed a problem. I understand that it's a complicated issue, and it cannot be fixed by a single change or patch. I'm not a game designer, I don't even know where you would begin to address a problem like that, much less how to completely fix it. I was asked what my most pressing concern with the game is, and I gave my answer.


I have my own ideas for how you could fix it, but again, I'm no game designer, so whether they're any good or not, I have no clue. My own suggestions, from my uneducated opinion, would be smaller things. Not removing set bonuses completely, but maybe scaling them back just a tad. If you don't want to touch set bonuses, maybe giving enemies more "oomph" so that you're not breezing through them. I don't mean simply giving them more HP and making them damage sponges, but rather giving them more abilities that could counteract such kitted-out characters. Give bosses leadership buffs, for instance, so your 45% defense doesn't make you invulnerable anymore but still gives you a significant edge, and even adds some tactics in who to target first in a group. Maybe add new enemies that are incredibly dangerous but susceptible to status effects, so Controllers and Dominators don't feel quite so useless. That's the kind of stuff I think about when I bring up balance issues.

Obviously, it would be a very difficult balancing act (pun absolutely intended), as you'd want to make things more challenging, but not so challenging that you lock new or inexperienced players out of the game completely. While I don't want god-tier characters who can just nuke the entire map at will, I also don't want "gear checks" like in other MMOs, where you'll be booted from the team because your stats aren't up to snuff. It'd be difficult, for sure, but regardless, it's an issue in the game, and I wish people were more open to talking about it. 

Edited by GastlyGibus
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Global Handle: @Gibs

A guy with unpopular opinions.

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