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What Other Hobbies Interest You Besides Gaming?


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1 hour ago, Rathulfr said:

I do community theatre.



My son is majoring in Theater, so I've been to a lot of plays that I would ordinarily never seen, over the past few years.  I love watching him do, what he does, but it's never been something I yearned to do for myself.  I do have a new appreciation for all the time and effort that goes into even the smallest productions, on the part of everyone involved.  So, godspeed sir!

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What was no more, is REBORN!

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2 hours ago, Rathulfr said:

I do community theatre.



Bad news for your bother, trolling people in homecoming forums doesn't count as "Community Theater"......Oh! There's a link to an actual site.... My bad! 😉

Trademarked Name (@Trademark)

Hocus-Pocus, Assault, Joan (of Atlas), Homunculous, Ensorcellress, Seismic, Wolfin, J0LT, The Limit, Transparency, Fastball, Loremaster, Monkey-Boy, Presto Chango, Kazam

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My kids play softball nearly year round, so I get a lot of that as a forced hobby (not really into sports, but it's my kids). Otherwise, my main hobby is that I read a lot. I mean, really a lot, I've finish over 200 books a year for more than three decades now, not counting comics or audiobooks.

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Other than playing with my daughters, I play, GM and design Black Box LARPs, freeform games and table-top games for children. Also, I read a lot, love cooking, stuff my own sausages (10 kilos takes me a couple of hours, it's a lot easier than you'd think) cure and smoke my own bacon, and I'm on the board at a community theatre, mainly as the cook, although I do have the fancy title of "head of repetoire".

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18 hours ago, Rocketeur said:

Bad news for your bother, trolling people in homecoming forums doesn't count as "Community Theater"......Oh! There's a link to an actual site.... My bad! 😉

My bother doesn't consider that bad news. 😉


Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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Sex and sociology.


And when I say "sex," I don't just mean the various activities, but also the study and examination of sexuality as it impacts the world and the systems we've established through societies, cultures, and communities.  It's truly fascinating stuff, for me.


But I'll also echo the whole "gaming, but that other gaming" thing which I've seen quite a few people mention.  Most of my successful game design projects are tabletop or LARP.  Just comes down to my interest in interactive social exchanges through a conceived system, I guess.

 . . . so I guess I only have one passion, all things considered.  Huh.  Never really dawned on me before now.

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Guns, hiking and camping, backpacking, watching baseball, basketball and football, and coaching baseball and basketball youth teams is how i usually fill my weekends.


Weekdays is sleep, work, eat repeat. With computer or occasional playstation games, and practices for the kids mixed in between the eat and sleep portions.

Edited by SlimPickens
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11 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

Sex and sociology.


And when I say "sex," I don't just mean the various activities, but also the study and examination of sexuality as it impacts the world and the systems we've established through societies, cultures, and communities.  It's truly fascinating stuff, for me.


But I'll also echo the whole "gaming, but that other gaming" thing which I've seen quite a few people mention.  Most of my successful game design projects are tabletop or LARP.  Just comes down to my interest in interactive social exchanges through a conceived system, I guess.

 . . . so I guess I only have one passion, all things considered.  Huh.  Never really dawned on me before now.

Any games I might have heard of? I'm heavily into inie games, parlour larps, black box, free-form, Nordic Larp...

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Rather unlikely, unless you've in Southern Ontario.  My work hasn't spread beyond my local area, as far as I'm aware.

My biggest success, though, is also ironically a joke of a game which I made as a palette cleanser from more complex stuff:  Soviet Space Commies from Outer Space IN SPACE!  I personally felt it was dumb and reductionist, but everyone always seems to love it.

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Hmmmmm, hobbies ... playing electric guitar, collecting electric guitars, collecting tube guitar amps, building tube guitar amps, guitar building/modding, electronics in general, shooting sports, skiing, kayaking, boating, RC airplanes, 3d modeling and printing, Arduino and coding in general.

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I'm a die-hard stand up comedy aficionado. Please don't ask me who my "favorite" is because that's too difficult. I can answer questions like "Who's your favorite clean comedian?" (Brian Regan) or "Who's the best nerdy comedian?" (Jackie Kashian) but if you get to broad, there are too many. There is a HUGE range that I enjoy. 

I prefer small clubs to giant venues. I try to get to at least one show per month, but don't always make it. I had one exhausting weekend which was Alonzo Bodden on Thursday, Jim Jeffries on Friday, and Patton Oswalt on Saturday. 

When I am able I take photos in clubs. Here are a couple of my favorites. Me & Christopher Titus; me and the comedian I have a CoH character named after. Her name is Fortune Feimster (she's the one with curly hair) so I have a widow named Fortunata Feimster. 




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The main "hobby" I partake in is rowing. My feet would get really sore from jogging and even walking when I was going 5 miles or more a day, so now I row. Yesterday I did 18k, broken up into two sessions - one, a real killer called "Death Row", where you set the rower up for one minute intervals with no rest. 
The first minute, you chill; you aim for 150 meters. 
The 2nd minute, you're still chilling, aiming for 160 meters. 

You increase your target by 10 meters each minute. 

By the 11th minute, you're aiming for 250m, which isn't that bad. Not a great amount of fun, but ...when you get to 15 minutes and are looking for 290 meters, this is when the actual workout begins. If you get to 16 minutes and go for 300 meters...then you can call yourself a hero. 

I've gotten to 300 meters once...I usually stop at 290 because of the inability to take in enough oxygen. 

Should you find access to a concept 2 rower and try this - what I was told was,  "Go hard. You won't die. [dramatic pause] You'll pass out first."


And because the approximate distance of 4500m during this workout isn't really enough volume, I'll do a slow, steady state row in the afternoon of about 10-11k, to give myself 15 to 18k a day. (There's almost always a warm-up row before any anaerobic work gets done, about  2-3k)

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Board gaming. I have run a game group for over 7 years. At my peak I have been able to play 88-125 different games per year. Not a 100% correlation, but yeah, it was very much something I moved unto once CoH died.

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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Huh, this actually made me think, most of my "hobbies", health and fitness(I was a PT), politics/sociology (University study), acting (I do tv background and bit parts) are linked to careers I've had.


I suppose mycology, growing and studying mushrooms, mould and fungi, is my only actual hobby as I've never done it for money. They're just absolutely fascinating creatures.

I'm planning a lichen terrarium next year once I get some nice samples collected. 

3 hours ago, Ukase said:

Should you find access to a concept 2 rower and try this - what I was told was,  "Go hard. You won't die. [dramatic pause] You'll pass out first."


I love the C2 model Cs, used to do a casual 10k every morning on one a few years back, but I can't stand the newer model Ds, the handle has too much give, blisters my fingers with heavy use. 

Impressed by your stats though! 

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27 minutes ago, Big Lunk said:


Huh, this actually made me think, most of my "hobbies", health and fitness(I was a PT), politics/sociology (University study), acting (I do tv background and bit parts) are linked to careers I've had.


I suppose mycology, growing and studying mushrooms, mould and fungi, is my only actual hobby as I've never done it for money. They're just absolutely fascinating creatures.

I'm planning a lichen terrarium next year once I get some nice samples collected. 


I love the C2 model Cs, used to do a casual 10k every morning on one a few years back, but I can't stand the newer model Ds, the handle has too much give, blisters my fingers with heavy use. 

Impressed by your stats though! 

When doing "volume", I was told that I would develop callouses. I did, but I'd still blister up. I found that some weight-lifting gloves with 1/2 finger sleeves work great for absorbing the sweat and preventing blisters. For the really long rows, like 1/2 marathon, I use NexCare waterproof tape, the brown stuff. It's like a second skin and if it weren't 3.32 a roll (which lasts about 4 rowing sessions), I'd use it instead of the gloves. 

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Hmmm.... in no particular order: geocaching, photography (serious amateur grade), various computer games, cooking,  the SCA, bookbinding...

And then there's anime.  I'll talk your ear off about anime.

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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I dabble in pinup art.  I study classical languages, which is why one of my tankers has banter binds all in Nahuatl.  And I create conlangs

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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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Lot of setbacks over the last couple of years, broken bones, black widow bite, equipment failures, haven't been able to do much in the way of hobbies when I wasn't working, much less finish the cabin, but it'll all come together eventually.  The only reason I have time now is a couple of lung collapses last month forced me to drop everything.  Really just killing time and waiting for everything to gel right now.  And wishing I could find a laptop, so I could do more than refresh forum pages and play with this kitten.  Especially with winter approaching.  Not much work at that time of year, and a whole lot of sitting around, waiting for spring.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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