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Costume Request Thread!


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Omg this is the exact help I’ve been looking for 😭 (side note: I’m kind of surprised there’s not a costume subsection of these forums? Feel like I could get lost all day looking at people’s costume ideas!).


I am dying to play a Water/Kinetics Corruptor that I’m trying to model after Ming-Hua from The Legend of Korra.


Everything I’ve come up with is so bad I’m embarrassed to post it. Just can’t find a good way to try to recreate those water arms! Maybe I’m trying too hard to emulate her directly and need to settle for something loosely inspire by her.


Any creative costume gurus willing to take a stab at an idea or two? I’d be so grateful!


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On 12/10/2020 at 10:17 PM, Grimz said:

The idea I had is that he is a resistance fighter from an alternate dimension where Arachnos manage to actually take over the world. Age would be middle aged (around 40~50 years).

My attempt:


"Resistance" in the name and this description tell me he's fighting from underneath. This isn't someone with a lot of resources, he's using whatever he can get his hands on. There's no way that cyberware isn't either stolen or secondhand. So yes, two robotic arms, but one is older, dirtier, probably cobbled together from parts of three or four other cyberarms, a huge pain to keep working properly. The other one, maybe he got lucky, took out a patrol, one of them had an arm in good shape that was compatible with his existing tech. It's nicer, but more obvious. Makes him both a symbol and a target.


I also figure he'd probably like to keep his identity secret, so the mask-hood combo does that while still looking like stuff he found and repurposed rather than something he bought.


I love the Post-Apocalyptic pants in general and they totally fit that overall "freedom fighter" aesthetic, so didn't see any reason to change them too much here. I do feel like he could use some torso protection, though, thus the flak jacket.




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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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12 hours ago, Kaipto said:

I am dying to play a Water/Kinetics Corruptor that I’m trying to model after Ming-Hua from The Legend of Korra.


Everything I’ve come up with is so bad I’m embarrassed to post it. Just can’t find a good way to try to recreate those water arms! Maybe I’m trying too hard to emulate her directly and need to settle for something loosely inspire by her.

I find it's always best to opt for "inspired by" rather than "literally a recreation of." Not only is it safer from a copyright/generic-ing standpoint, it allows you to get creative and figure out what's going to look good in City of Heroes without worrying about whether any particular detail is "correct" or "accurate." Plus the whole point of a character-creation system in a game is is to use it to create your own character. Make a Claws/Regen scrapper with a shadowy past and an attitude problem, but don't try to actually make Wolverine. Make a spunky blonde teenager who's super-strong and hunts supernatural monsters, but don't worry about matching Buffy the Vampire Slayer exactly. In this case, "water-manipulating martial artist who uses her powers to replace the arms she lost" is a great starting point, but that's all it needs to be, and probably all it should be.


With all that said, here's what I was able to build on that foundation. I tried to take the general concept and fit it into the game's context of "modern American city where superheroes are totally a thing." There's still a definite Chinese flavor to the design, obviously, but I think it fits into Paragon City rather than feeling like it was plucked from some other universe. Maybe she's tied to the Tsoo somehow?


I used the Spectrum chest and gloves (plus the Slime aura) to try for a watery look on the arms, and I think I mostly achieved it. The main issue I ran into was that all of the robes we have sport a neckline that doesn't completely cover the upper torso, so the "water" showed through at the character's throat. I remedied that (to a point) with a mask even though Ming-Hua doesn't wear one, and added the Spiked Collar that's hidden under "shoulders" (never could figure that one out) which together almost do the job if I camouflage the collar by coloring it the same way as the robe. The way that the gap keeps disappearing and reappearing when she breathes bugs me in the character editor, but in-game is should look fine.



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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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6 hours ago, Six Six said:

Took a jab at it. What do you think?

Edit: I forgot to put the Slime Aura on the fist to simulate dripping water

Ming Hua.costume





This is great. Thank you! The water drip effect is excellent.


4 minutes ago, Mjolnerd said:

I find it's always best to opt for "inspired by" rather than "literally a recreation of." Not only is it safer from a copyright/generic-ing standpoint, it allows you to get creative and figure out what's going to look good in City of Heroes without worrying about whether any particular detail is "correct" or "accurate." Plus the whole point of a character-creation system in a game is is to use it to create your own character. Make a Claws/Regen scrapper with a shadowy past and an attitude problem, but don't try to actually make Wolverine. Make a spunky blonde teenager who's super-strong and hunts supernatural monsters, but don't worry about matching Buffy the Vampire Slayer exactly. In this case, "water-manipulating martial artist who uses her powers to replace the arms she lost" is a great starting point, but that's all it needs to be, and probably all it should be.


With all that said, here's what I was able to build on that foundation. I tried to take the general concept and fit it into the game's context of "modern American city where superheroes are totally a thing." There's still a definite Chinese flavor to the design, obviously, but I think it fits into Paragon City rather than feeling like it was plucked from some other universe. Maybe she's tied to the Tsoo somehow?


I used the Spectrum chest and gloves (plus the Slime aura) to try for a watery look on the arms, and I think I mostly achieved it. The main issue I ran into was that all of the robes we have sport a neckline that doesn't completely cover the upper torso, so the "water" showed through at the character's throat. I remedied that (to a point) with a mask even though Ming-Hua doesn't wear one, and added the Spiked Collar that's hidden under "shoulders" (never could figure that one out) which together almost do the job if I camouflage the collar by coloring it the same way as the robe. The way that the gap keeps disappearing and reappearing when she breathes bugs me in the character editor, but in-game is should look fine.


waterbender.costume 7.24 kB · 0 downloads

The neckline issue is actually what I was having, too--I tried the same thing you did here with the Spectrum arms (but you've pulled it off way better than I have).


Between the two of these I think I can get to something I am happy with. Also experimenting with dual blades/claws to see if I can make them look like water "spears". Thank you both 🙂

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2 hours ago, Mjolnerd said:

My attempt:


"Resistance" in the name and this description tell me he's fighting from underneath. This isn't someone with a lot of resources, he's using whatever he can get his hands on. There's no way that cyberware isn't either stolen or secondhand. So yes, two robotic arms, but one is older, dirtier, probably cobbled together from parts of three or four other cyberarms, a huge pain to keep working properly. The other one, maybe he got lucky, took out a patrol, one of them had an arm in good shape that was compatible with his existing tech. It's nicer, but more obvious. Makes him both a symbol and a target.


I also figure he'd probably like to keep his identity secret, so the mask-hood combo does that while still looking like stuff he found and repurposed rather than something he bought.


I love the Post-Apocalyptic pants in general and they totally fit that overall "freedom fighter" aesthetic, so didn't see any reason to change them too much here. I do feel like he could use some torso protection, though, thus the flak jacket.



ResArrow.costume 8.17 kB · 0 downloads

Oof, now you have given me a hard decision to make, this is just as good as Shock's XD

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1 hour ago, Grimz said:

Oof, now you have given me a hard decision to make, this is just as good as Shock's XD

How many costume slots do you have?  I can e-mail you some Halloween salvage to get another slot opened if you like. 😄
Another option would be to only use some of mine (I gave you FIVE, after all, which is a bit excessive).

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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Just now, Shocktacular said:

How many costume slots do you have?  I can e-mail you some Halloween salvage to get another slot opened if you like. 😄
Another option would be to only use some of mine (I gave you FIVE, after all, which is a bit excessive).

I've never been one to use more than 1 costume slot :P

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Looking for some ideas & suggestions on this guy.  Scaremonger, a Dark/Dark Dominator (although is dark powers are colored to be more of a fear-gas).


The backpack cannisters, shoulder & gloves are integral to the concept, but everything else is up for grabs.  I'm going for a supervillain that is evocative of a scarecrow, without looking raggedy. 



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Original CoH player [2004-2012]; Freedom Server

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5 hours ago, Crimson621 said:

Looking for some ideas & suggestions on this guy.  Scaremonger, a Dark/Dark Dominator (although is dark powers are colored to be more of a fear-gas).


The backpack cannisters, shoulder & gloves are integral to the concept, but everything else is up for grabs.  I'm going for a supervillain that is evocative of a scarecrow, without looking raggedy. 

Oh, this is a fun one!


I don't know how his powers are colored, but when I think "fear gas," the image in my mind is kind of a sickly yellow-green color. So I kept the tanks and tubes as requested, but colored them to match that. And then I purposely used drab colors on the rest of the design, so that his gas-distribution system is sort of a visual focal point.


I made him thinner, because, well, the Scarecrow.


I like the "grinning terror" aspect of the original design's face/head, so I played with it a little and came up with this. Still sort of a jack-o'-lantern, but also sort of the Grim Reaper and also sort of a clown -- terror incarnate. Screenshots won't do it justice, but I'm particularly a fan of the aura -- Volcanic eyes are pure nightmare fuel when seen in motion. It's there in the costume file, I just set it to "combat" so I could get a clear shot of the costume itself -- load it up and see what he really looks like.


Speaking of auras, the costume file also includes a cloud of fear gas as a path aura, depending on your tastes. Personally, I like it, but again, didn't want it to obscure the costume-costume so I turned it off for the screenshot. If you're not a fan, Roaches might be a solid choice instead -- bugs are scary too!


I played with the idea of a gas mask or respirator, but one, it would have covered his face, and two, I like the idea that he breathes in his own stuff like it's no big deal. "Yeah, fear gas, hallucinations, so what, welcome to my world." The Ampules belt on the original evoked the idea that maybe he's got an antidote or something in those little pods just in case, so I kept that, but switched over to the Resistance belt because it only had two of them. Why carry that many around, that's just asking for your enemies to use them against you.


Black Knight chest piece because I tried various straps and belts to look like they were holding up the backpack, but it all ended up a little too chaotic and messy with the Buckled Leather pattern; this way the tanks aren't just glued to his back, but things are a little cleaner visually. That the always-kinda-brown straps on that match up nicely with the always-kinda-brown straps on the Resistance shoulders and belt is unintentional, but I'm not going to complain.




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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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3 hours ago, Mjolnerd said:

so that his gas-distribution system is sort of a visual focal point.


Excellent job de-constructing everything I was going for and coming up with some major improvements!  I went with most of your suggestions, with just a few tweaks.


I played around with a few of the leather/scrap pants, but went with 'Rough Leather' because the patches fit with the scarecrow theme without being too raggedy. 


Also went with alternate costumes -- Toxic Vapor on the gloves for non-combat, and an even more scarecrow-ish look with the Cabal hat.  His costume change emote is Murder of Crows, naturally.  


Real happy with the way he turned out; thanks!



Scaremonger2.JPG.91a6a44622af704c870377ab8def78b6.JPG  Scaremonger4.JPG.f9f720e64044bc735f6cf19a84287800.JPG  Scaremonger5.JPG.132d5113d0ec0faf7b71642ef7833ae4.JPG


Scaremonger1.JPG.48e69e2b21cb3ef2dacc83c65f541ec0.JPG  Scaremonger3.thumb.JPG.030073ceb0fc268e10fa0eb3969a3299.JPG






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Original CoH player [2004-2012]; Freedom Server

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A question to all of those generous enough to help create costumes for everyone: Do you prefer when someone describes the concept and give you full freedom to design or when they give you a first attempt at the costume in order to give direction?

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18 minutes ago, Grimz said:

A question to all of those generous enough to help create costumes for everyone: Do you prefer when someone describes the concept and give you full freedom to design or when they give you a first attempt at the costume in order to give direction?

Obviously it depends quite a bit on what the person doing the asking is looking for, and how particular they are. But in general I think it helps to have a starting point and a clear mission. "Here, do whatever" is more freedom, sure, but it's also extremely vague. At the very least I'd like to know a character's general "deal" -- name, powers, theme, alignment. But if there's an existing look I can use as a basis? Even better, sometimes that by itself can provide inspiration. Better still, show me the existing look and tell me what you like and don't like about it, what you're trying to do with it that isn't working.

There's "fix my car," and there's "fix the weird noise my engine is making," and there's "the engine makes a knocking sound every time I change gears, fix that."

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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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12 hours ago, Grimz said:

A question to all of those generous enough to help create costumes for everyone: Do you prefer when someone describes the concept and give you full freedom to design or when they give you a first attempt at the costume in order to give direction?

That helps in part, but personally, I prefer a visual depiction of the basic design, followed by a short list of "must-have's" or other such descriptions.  I don't necessarily need a full background or bio of the character, unless in includes details pertinent to their visual depiction...

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15 hours ago, Grimz said:

A question to all of those generous enough to help create costumes for everyone: Do you prefer when someone describes the concept and give you full freedom to design or when they give you a first attempt at the costume in order to give direction?

I"m not the most active participant on this board, but I'd say both.


The first attempt gives me a baseline to work with - a tweak here, a swap there, maybe fiddle with the colors, and see what, if anything, "clicks."  The concept, however, gives me room to run with my own interpretation, which may stray far from the starting costume.  I know for myself, I like to see other people's creativity at play, and whether I use their ideas or not, they almost always open up new ways to think about the character.  Often the end result is me designing something I never would have though of on my own.

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17 hours ago, Grimz said:

A question to all of those generous enough to help create costumes for everyone: Do you prefer when someone describes the concept and give you full freedom to design or when they give you a first attempt at the costume in order to give direction?

My main concern is that I'd end up wasting my time making something that no one will use.  Since the costume creator is capable of astounding variety, I need at least some direction, even if it's just the character's name and origin.  A bit of backstory or a description of what kind of look you're going for helps a great deal.  I also prefer that you say so if you don't really know what you're looking for.  Please don't try to get me to read your mind. It rarely works, and then we both end up disappointed.

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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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A while ago I was checking names on Excelsior at random just to see what I could grab. I somehow I ended up snagging Howl. I had no plan for it, but I kept it, because of course I did.  I mean, it's too good a name to not use, right?


Unfortunately, that's pretty much the end of the story. I tried a few power combinations, mostly variations of sonic and dark (though now that I think about it a Beast/Sonic MM might be the way to go), and a few costumes, but nothing ever really clicked, and for me, an uninteresting costume is an uninteresting character is an uninterested player. I came up with something that looks okay, but it's not particularly special. So let's see what you can do. Here's where I am:

  • Yes, yes, moving castle. Not really my thing. Also, it's "The Howl," not just "Howl."
  • Wolf imagery is a plus.
  • But I don't want an actual wolfman.
  • I'm willing to change anything about the character, including gender, alignment, origin, AT or powersets (currently he's a blueside magic Sonic/Dark sentinel) if it fits better with a design I'm into. This one's kind of a free-for-all, as long as it makes sense with the name.
  • My favorite parts of the existing design are the way the Beastly Rage aura looks combined with the goggles (it pulses!), and that the wolf's head is superimposed over a "full moon" on his chest. These are by no means deal-breakers, though. If you want to ditch those elements, ditch them!
  • My least-favorite part of it is that the head overall evokes more of a "bug" or "fish" reaction than a wolf. I'm not sure what I was thinking with that lower-face detail. Is it a muzzle? is it supposed to look like some kind of speaker or amplifier over his mouth? Are the swept-back points meant to be ears? I have no idea.

Let's see what you've got, Request Thread!


Edited by Mjolnerd
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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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37 minutes ago, Mjolnerd said:

A while ago I was checking names on Excelsior at random just to see what I could grab. I somehow I ended up snagging Howl. I had no plan for it, but I kept it, because of course I did.  I mean, it's too good a name to not use, right?


Unfortunately, that's pretty much the end of the story. I tried a few power combinations, mostly variations of sonic and dark (though now that I think about it a Beast/Sonic MM might be the way to go), and a few costumes, but nothing ever really clicked, and for me, an uninteresting costume is an uninteresting character is an uninterested player. I came up with something that looks okay, but it's not particularly special. So let's see what you can do. Here's where I am:

  • Yes, yes, moving castle. Not really my thing. Also, it's "The Howl," not just "Howl."
  • Wolf imagery is a plus.
  • But I don't want an actual wolfman.
  • I'm willing to change anything about the character, including gender, alignment, origin, AT or powersets (currently he's a blueside magic Sonic/Dark sentinel) if it fits better with a design I'm into. This one's kind of a free-for-all, as long as it makes sense with the name.
  • My favorite parts of the existing design are the way the Beastly Rage aura looks combined with the goggles (it pulses!), and that the wolf's head is superimposed over a "full moon" on his chest. These are by no means deal-breakers, though. If you want to ditch those elements, ditch them!
  • My least-favorite part of it is that the head overall evokes more of a "bug" or "fish" reaction than a wolf. I'm not sure what I was thinking with that lower-face detail. Is it a muzzle? is it supposed to look like some kind of speaker or amplifier over his mouth? Are the swept-back points meant to be ears? I have no idea.

Let's see what you've got, Request Thread!


Decided to take a stab at this, hope you like it. When with a Magic Beast/Sonic MM myself






Howl.costume Howl.powerCust

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3 hours ago, Mjolnerd said:

A while ago I was checking names on Excelsior at random just to see what I could grab. I somehow I ended up snagging Howl. I had no plan for it, but I kept it, because of course I did.  I mean, it's too good a name to not use, right?


Unfortunately, that's pretty much the end of the story. I tried a few power combinations, mostly variations of sonic and dark (though now that I think about it a Beast/Sonic MM might be the way to go), and a few costumes, but nothing ever really clicked, and for me, an uninteresting costume is an uninteresting character is an uninterested player. I came up with something that looks okay, but it's not particularly special. So let's see what you can do. Here's where I am:

  • Yes, yes, moving castle. Not really my thing. Also, it's "The Howl," not just "Howl."
  • Wolf imagery is a plus.
  • But I don't want an actual wolfman.
  • I'm willing to change anything about the character, including gender, alignment, origin, AT or powersets (currently he's a blueside magic Sonic/Dark sentinel) if it fits better with a design I'm into. This one's kind of a free-for-all, as long as it makes sense with the name.
  • My favorite parts of the existing design are the way the Beastly Rage aura looks combined with the goggles (it pulses!), and that the wolf's head is superimposed over a "full moon" on his chest. These are by no means deal-breakers, though. If you want to ditch those elements, ditch them!
  • My least-favorite part of it is that the head overall evokes more of a "bug" or "fish" reaction than a wolf. I'm not sure what I was thinking with that lower-face detail. Is it a muzzle? is it supposed to look like some kind of speaker or amplifier over his mouth? Are the swept-back points meant to be ears? I have no idea.

Let's see what you've got, Request Thread!

You said you'd be up for a gender swap, so I did a female character, since that's what I'm most used to.  I tried to get something that's bestial-looking but still definitely human (at least mostly).  The face details definitely accomplish this, IMO, but are clearly just a mask.  The hairstyle and the fur on the shoulder pieces fit in with the wolf theme, I think, as does the cloth from the belt (I really, really wanted to use a wolf tail, but resisted the urge).  The spikes on the knuckles and toes are for "claws".  Overall, I'm pretty happy with this.  I hope you like it, too!




Edited by Shocktacular
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Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55.


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3 hours ago, Mjolnerd said:

A while ago I was checking names on Excelsior at random just to see what I could grab. I somehow I ended up snagging Howl. I had no plan for it, but I kept it, because of course I did.  I mean, it's too good a name to not use, right?


Unfortunately, that's pretty much the end of the story. I tried a few power combinations, mostly variations of sonic and dark (though now that I think about it a Beast/Sonic MM might be the way to go), and a few costumes, but nothing ever really clicked, and for me, an uninteresting costume is an uninteresting character is an uninterested player. I came up with something that looks okay, but it's not particularly special. So let's see what you can do. Here's where I am:

  • Yes, yes, moving castle. Not really my thing. Also, it's "The Howl," not just "Howl."
  • Wolf imagery is a plus.
  • But I don't want an actual wolfman.
  • I'm willing to change anything about the character, including gender, alignment, origin, AT or powersets (currently he's a blueside magic Sonic/Dark sentinel) if it fits better with a design I'm into. This one's kind of a free-for-all, as long as it makes sense with the name.
  • My favorite parts of the existing design are the way the Beastly Rage aura looks combined with the goggles (it pulses!), and that the wolf's head is superimposed over a "full moon" on his chest. These are by no means deal-breakers, though. If you want to ditch those elements, ditch them!
  • My least-favorite part of it is that the head overall evokes more of a "bug" or "fish" reaction than a wolf. I'm not sure what I was thinking with that lower-face detail. Is it a muzzle? is it supposed to look like some kind of speaker or amplifier over his mouth? Are the swept-back points meant to be ears? I have no idea.

Let's see what you've got, Request Thread!


Here is my take. I went for a more modern look still I tried to make the costume look like it was inspired by a wolf 😉




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Next on my line of requests is Johnny McStyle (renamed from Mikey McStyle). He's your typical overly cool guy who takes most nothing seriously. He a Magic Battle Axe/Regeneration Scrapper who made a deal with a demon to allow him to heal injuries rapidly and have "eternal life" in exchange for the souls of his enemies (A career ending secret if it were to get out). Currently he is a Famous Actor who does Hero work on the side. He also received minor martial arts training from Sir Grimly (My Dark/Fire Scrapper).


Things I'd like included:

-Some kind of mark on his visible skin to act as a reminder of his demonic contract. Something that he can play off as a "Tattoo" or "Birth Mark" but he can't hide (at least not easily).

-It possible, I'd like to keep the biker coat, but I'm open to other tops

-I sort've forgot to do this when I was first designing him, but a face with a shit eating grin is a must XD

-Weapon has to be the Shovel



Edited by Grimz
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Some great stuff here, thank you all!

On 12/14/2020 at 9:14 PM, Grimz said:

Decided to take a stab at this, hope you like it. When with a Magic Beast/Sonic MM myself



Nice! The boots here really work well for a Beasts MM, and I like the way they match with the gloves, and in turn the pads/plates on the gloves tie in with the Celtic pattern. The brighter, more silvery "moon" stands out well against the yellows in the rest of the design; that's definitely an improvement over mine. My favorite part might be the chains, though. They're a nice subtle touch that, again, works for a Beasts MM especially.

22 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

You said you'd be up for a gender swap, so I did a female character, since that's what I'm most used to.  I tried to get something that's bestial-looking but still definitely human (at least mostly).  The face details definitely accomplish this, IMO, but are clearly just a mask.  The hairstyle and the fur on the shoulder pieces fit in with the wolf theme, I think, as does the cloth from the belt (I really, really wanted to use a wolf tail, but resisted the urge).  The spikes on the knuckles and toes are for "claws".  Overall, I'm pretty happy with this.  I hope you like it, too!


Okay, first, the mask is brilliant. There's a lot of clever stuff here, like how I never would have thought to use the spiked gloves and boots on my own, but the mask especially is fantastic. The fur is a great thought, and I actually kind of wish there were more of it -- maybe the shoulder detail that wraps around the shoulders (the one from the bolero, though I think the whole bolero would be too much). I love that belt on almost any design; it's one of my favorite individual costume pieces in the game.

Switching to a female character has an advantage I hadn't thought of before: the smaller torso, or more accurately the change in scales of both the circle emblem and the wolf detail to accommodate it, makes the "wolf on moon" chest design look more like a single cohesive image rather than one thing on top of another.

22 hours ago, Nuclear_Fusion_Kid said:

Here is my take. I went for a more modern look still I tried to make the costume look like it was inspired by a wolf 😉


Wow. WOW. I love this. The face is just wolf-y enough, and the respirator/snout/muzzle feels like it could be some piece of technology that channels sound, too -- it says "howl" specifically, rather than "animal that howls."

I opened up the costume file to play around with it and found so many little touches I hadn't noticed at first: the asymmetric cape makes it look like the hood is a single long piece of cloth wrapped around his head. The use of true black on the hands and dark gray everywhere else emphasizes how beastly the claws look. The diamond blend pattern coupled with the round belt buckle makes it subtly suggest a full moon that's actually giving off light, but in that diffused, glowing-but-not-really-shining way the moon does. The more I look at this one, the more things I like about it.

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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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14 minutes ago, Mjolnerd said:

Wow. WOW. I love this. The face is just wolf-y enough, and the respirator/snout/muzzle feels like it could be some piece of technology that channels sound, too -- it says "howl" specifically, rather than "animal that howls."

I opened up the costume file to play around with it and found so many little touches I hadn't noticed at first: the asymmetric cape makes it look like the hood is a single long piece of cloth wrapped around his head. The use of true black on the hands and dark gray everywhere else emphasizes how beastly the claws look. The diamond blend pattern coupled with the round belt buckle makes it subtly suggest a full moon that's actually giving off light, but in that diffused, glowing-but-not-really-shining way the moon does. The more I look at this one, the more things I like about it.

The fact that you noticed those things makes me all fuzzy inside 😊

The hood and cape, the mask (wolf like and and sound amplifier), the black claws are a give more or less, but I never thought you would see the moon in there!

At first I colored the gem in the belt grey but went with gold in the end like in your original costume.

Your choice of gold/yellow elements in the eyes, chest sign and belt draws a defining vertical line in the overall dark color scheme and makes the dark and gold both stand out.


Really glad you like it.🥳


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1 hour ago, Grimz said:

Next on my line of requests is Johnny McStyle (renamed from Mikey McStyle). He's your typical overly cool guy who takes most nothing seriously. He a Magic Battle Axe/Regeneration Scrapper who made a deal with a demon to allow him to heal injuries rapidly and have "eternal life" in exchange for the souls of his enemies (A career ending secret if it were to get out). Currently he is a Famous Actor who does Hero work on the side. He also received minor martial arts training from Sir Grimly (My Dark/Fire Scrapper).


Things I'd like included:

-Some kind of mark on his visible skin to act as a reminder of his demonic contract. Something that he can play off as a "Tattoo" or "Birth Mark" but he can't hide (at least not easily).

-It possible, I'd like to keep the biker coat, but I'm open to other tops

-I sort've forgot to do this when I was first designing him, but a face with a shit eating grin is a must XD

-Weapon has to be the Shovel

My take:

I gave him a slightly more ridiculous "cool guy" haircut. The "Johnny" name makes me think of over-the-top characters like Johnny Bravo (the one from Cartoon Network, not the Brady Bunch) or Johnny Cage and I wanted to emphasize that silliness. More cool guy stuff: aviator shades, tribal armband tattoos -- but evil tribal armband tattoos -- stylish jeans, a big ol' belt buckle, and I kept the jacket style but made it a vest because c'mon bro, why cover up guns like these?


As a nod to his dark secret, I added the Ghosts aura around his shovel in combat as the damned souls try in vain to escape their horrible fate.



Edited by Mjolnerd
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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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2 hours ago, Grimz said:

Next on my line of requests is Johnny McStyle (renamed from Mikey McStyle). He's your typical overly cool guy who takes most nothing seriously. He a Magic Battle Axe/Regeneration Scrapper who made a deal with a demon to allow him to heal injuries rapidly and have "eternal life" in exchange for the souls of his enemies (A career ending secret if it were to get out). Currently he is a Famous Actor who does Hero work on the side. He also received minor martial arts training from Sir Grimly (My Dark/Fire Scrapper).


Things I'd like included:

-Some kind of mark on his visible skin to act as a reminder of his demonic contract. Something that he can play off as a "Tattoo" or "Birth Mark" but he can't hide (at least not easily).

-It possible, I'd like to keep the biker coat, but I'm open to other tops

-I sort've forgot to do this when I was first designing him, but a face with a shit eating grin is a must XD

-Weapon has to be the Shovel



I think I went a bit to much into the demon side but hey he is still an cheerful laid back...




...what was I saying?





The kilt I had to 😄



Test.costume Test kilt.costume

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