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Official Discord: https://discord.gg/mids-reborn-593336669004890113 |
Official Github Repo: https://github.com/Reborn-Team/Hero-Designer |
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/midsreborn
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Lainas joined the club
DrRad2 joined the club
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Felderburg joined the club
Marine Affinity: Toroidal Bubble in Mids for Controller and Mastermind seem to be using the defender resistance values for the power, so they are incorrect for those two AT's. Corruptor and defender values seem to be correct. I know it says to report bugs in Github, but sorry, I'd rather not sign up for yet another account on yet another website for reporting this. If it is chosen to be ignored for posting it here that's okay, but figured I'd try anyway. Edit: Also it seems to be giving the higher resistance values to fire and cold instead of fire and smashing. This seems to be true for all AT's.
Riverdusk joined the club
Warchicken joined the club
Problem hitting blaster defense cap?
Glacier Peak replied to Tersival's topic in Mids' Reborn Hero Designer's Forum
There's a 5 bonus limit on how many of the same set bonuses can be added to a character. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Set_Bonuses#The_Law_of_Fives -
I'm trying to plan a build to hit 45% ranged defense cap on a dark/energy blaster and I seem to be maxing out at 41.9% after which adding more sets/bonuses does nothing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Here's the datachunk from Mids v3.7.5- |MBD;22454;1356;1808;BASE64;| |G7VXACwK7DbiBOWQzsxUcXPox+lyUcpH73UgCUCV/nmlquZiyqNxIEyTtvuJPrtmMxi| |DIVm6+lqHBaSrP7XPqt5J7jp3TdQjZvxGgxaDBXjz96u9tRPypAxYagay0z80McTeMP| |XdyqhWkpIwKSuH8Id220Pq1+ruC4nEUaj1EgmEyFznqHukfBeQBtRf/aBYlH6pEO/2Y| |Gs1KBn5fw1Pbm1B5k80eJ05dZgARaRNDfySNwV+H3tiaovz8j3bhUENaeg0vC8gdK9p| |Lq8i+PsYogWT8unzs6+UYnXQPts1YfWWpyG8hai3kFsTD1tI6Wuu9fnAzY8nwshV76h| |s/vD6i0mhatXoz8zfc33rfgpOS/pLXkbFJmtr2BzK169w7fI4EV837dpQPJMeSqt9Cx| |gL9t1MnB5iydmVt1ZTvfOhr3ZQ+MpE3tsopCdDYsl6ybuRPF2fb/jV5a1Zn50fVFyWr| |VY3lvX2rfDzZoqzy6Drlpnte7f4MO1GwOpdvVLLLFt30z5k3PQPD+NCcwnWzXyp+e9G| |JsDyv9ZneDgyGjD4Kgyi+h4kWCLJGozggQa3G1qY/vr7eD9o8dHN1yCesBbU6Ohdv/A| |PUmUtjHdP07r1f+T1OSiglSkHQ3yWmQ5M4HN0J50tCQtOcBf35/y+ad+xk7P5etdPnl| |QhDyRpmpJWW0KbCjwzPFCH58k3DHWfYRiXWMns2M50Vl7KkklZMilDivDka/xnHsFK2| |yNg+TCusdTZmnfCmNC+yzLyMO0xYFTdq/4IqM9UdlC4otdXlpxkD5pFOdzGcW+Sc9e6| |+gOuJtMiU1YHFJDwppU92w9wsRF3cbzzq6cOI+ZVm5QTIlRcwc0FKGRCZDp7HZhAg5C| |Z21V2K7+iN05WpaEV8M48wOEaHO4QFJnZyb/P76L/Dfpi3V+RgkwIjejS8kTe0+TB/e| |IsWJAAJo65ptELMVpBgIsajSLQUzYMR/hOuvbA4lORwQHYOPbA0R28DDptFUdYEwEM8| |XVNdFCCuSU5SFG9rSq+1p7VoCfzPXC7BrfbVBIJsJwuqC2SZZ3a1CTmsCM1W7TLTb6v| |bgJrwcvYENuDF1o65Bo09M0/8QgGvDje1KbWvHL3n2jwPBTRMqngyu3Pig8SNFjNEZO| |XwewwyHd9UGJO7XfdSB4s7UzAxDVX71u/kcbCRnzIogEz3ki98266wAbGwSuzD9ebxT| |EHbqxsDYa56oqmwGYSGMdnmxjESpswM7PZTmelZsCLrk3NwxsG3d67tp1Z2+RV0GxFm| |9/g4YcnQQrd1lqnFNdIYCSBcfzJyAA3+wNltpMX03WeVgETFezJJk05pnjRYYhjDTRC| |EVJfPTFrVes6vTfW1lQu6xBoYAYuLC0tyjJVU6YOytAkPPKlw2XopGnj4EY1jXkMBF4| |c7//QUB7C5ZFkMT0TabWu0JYl41CBx8VZVHm9gG5GogU3CO3hvapttQiA09mYrZ3l6G| |YueiMpLo4Tx0n5VFB8XeQOuM+RXQ+qwN5B4f3BaDR6uL+Bh0ZPwXqXjR3TZTTsKGHhj| |DXE6X9JL9jf2+pSzdsv71d2OS7ZB9S1Fy/t7RD8oSsulxgFkGKjYqi3F8vmz1eUa2/k| |AphoJfSvU/xL1Idcpi6K3/xlunYMxTQfc6dIUj1HPe3eU4yrEg2kJysSdvbX6Ae5rTV| |QgIbCWoLiaBg0J+GZ2Kpi6WKdxD11BTBXyRP0ubh5yndLoKAUQ4lltxjAECWNxQ5MoG| |OQm/KxJPASziKZLBHYQn67fqWBkWyY4/Nsx04hLp0lMgWQxfRVAHM1EPEiy++us6oB|
CaptainSniffer joined the club
mojojojoty joined the club
For some time, I've been struggling to work with Mids Reborn (since the, really). Every time I tried to update, it would download the update files and then claim to restart the new version, but it would always fail to restart, and when I would restart, it was always the old version ( I tried uninstalling all my old versions of Mids and re-installing the latest version available ( - I can't find anywhere to install the newer versions from scratch). But to no avail. Then I finally tracked down a solution in their Discord. I don't use Discord, so this was a bit of a lift for me. After running the auto-update, when it fails to restart, I went to the Mids Reborn directory on my system and ran the "cleanup.exe" file. This replaced all the old dll files and restarted Mids Reborn, and voila! I had my brand new working version of Mids. (Now I can finally fiddle with Marine Affinity! 😀) Hopefully, this helps anyone else who has been having trouble updating to the new version of Mids.
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plymster joined the club
JHutch369 joined the club
If you have a .mxd file, those can be opened the same way as the modern .mbd. For datachunks, we have several ways of importing things now due to the multiple variants. The new format is Build Sharing > Import DataChunk The old format should use Build Sharing > Legacy Share > Import from Forum Post Really old ones you might have to save in a text file and try Open that as a build file Game exports are loaded using the regular Open as well Can you provide a link to a build you wanted to look at that you can't get loaded?
As for a Datalink specifically. Once you submit your build, you want to select the Download URL, and then Paste that as a link into your post. That will allow people to download the build directly, but the link only lasts one month, so we generally recommend including a Datachunk as above. Build Link https://api.midsreborn.com/build/download/FydkdmmeWV4l3Hyl
You can pick any theme you want, though the default for the Homecoming forums is a dark theme, so I suggest picking from that selection. You want to choose the BBCode option. When you click Export, it'll place the build data in your clipboard, which you can then Paste (ctrl-V) into a post. It's recommended to wrap your build in a spoiler tag (the eye in the bottom row of the editor) to save space. If you also want to include a Datachunk, you can switch to that tab and click Export, then Paste at the bottom of your build. In the example below, I wrapped it in a second spoiler tag. Melania Dominic - Hero Controller Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.7.5 rev. 21
DRAYGOS joined the club
resonator joined the club
I hadn't been playing for over a year but got back into the game, as I leveled several old characters I was unable to import files that used to work in the previous version of Mids (before it auto updated today after a year) and importing the data chunk from the forums seems to fail also. Am I missing a thread or instructions somewhere on how to get my old builds back?
Papaschtroumpf joined the club
Xoeei joined the club
SMotT: Chance for +Resist
Felis Noctu replied to Xandyr's topic in Mids' Reborn Hero Designer's Forum
From the Discord: This has been fixed in the Dev environment. A release date for the next update is unknown at this time. -
I have created a Flatpak for running Mids on linux, It can be found at: https://github.com/Krogoth2787/mids-flatpak I have only testing it on PCs where I already had Mids running, but it should work on any Linux distro.
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CrusaderPenguin joined the club
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BADA_BOOOOM joined the club
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Without_Pause joined the club
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solodark77 joined the club
VViitch joined the club
This bug has been posted as an issue on the Github page here. When importing the "build.txt" file exported from the Homecoming client using '/build_save', a character with Marine Affinity can have a power vanish from the build as imported. My Necro/Marine MM had taken "Power of the Depths" at level 30, and the 'build.txt' file showed it as Level 30: Mastermind_Buff Marine_Affinity Call_Depths When the file was loaded into MidsReborn, this power was missing completely, with the powers taken at level 32 and later moved up one selection, leaving the level 41 power selection blank (character is 43). After starting to open the issue on Github, I wondered if the problem was simply that MidsReborn wasn't looking for the right power name. I tried changing "Call_Depths" to "Power_Depths", after the same style of abbreviation used for other powers. This also failed to import. However, changing "Call_Depths" to "Power_of_the_Depths" (the full power name) imported properly. This means that it is not a completely broken functionality, and there is a workaround.
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Maraxxus joined the club
IronJuke joined the club
bjay0801 joined the club
Unsure if this has been noted, but the +Resistance to All ( 6.7%) from the SMotT is not showing up in Mids. -x
D33Z joined the club
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Mistress joined the club
Import DataChunk doesn't accept ctrl+v
Bierfuizl replied to Bierfuizl's topic in Mids' Reborn Hero Designer's Forum
Ok, with can't load the newer builds (e.g. the ones from here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rSgjI4tZ19_jLQi3kOjq0phnOC9LlQ-eOjO6O6qm68M/edit?gid=0#gid=0). Workaround: I used a keyboard mapper that simulates key entry with And I need to add newlines to the copied data chunks... Is there any other way to import such data chunks or maybe convert them? |MBD;24680;1707;2276;BASE64;| |G2dgAKwKzHNdx8RBU4PcHnpJft0gRSnStWfmZMqjcSDMJ/mk3S2s13RFIzxU6ZE2PkB| |LfkLld9oq5dGbSQv0U/qUPMu0WpSe5niyUU4OQbIiLpXtunVxve7VPMDwqKp6/cbf8z| ... -
Junebug26 joined the club
WonWarriorAngel joined the club
Ulysses Dare joined the club
Crusheraiz joined the club
RuttedSeven joined the club
Arc-Mage joined the club
Kohlan joined the club
I uninstalled my previous Mid's to get the new install to work. It works, all my files can be pulled up. BUT, there is no scroll bar on the right side so I can see the lower section of the window. I shrunk the window down both horizontally and vertically, but can't get the scroll bar to appear. Cannot see the Epic Pool selections or Incarnate choices at bottom of window. Any help?
seaborndan joined the club
Thank you. I will give that a try. Meanwhile, I was able to find a work-around. Went to the Mids' Reborn web site and downloaded the latest "Archive" copy: version When I looked more closely, my version was So, I have both loaded (in different directories), and the version works very well. Reminds me that all my builds are out of date, but it opens them all. - Thanks again for the Tip, plainguy!
unclerock joined the club
Hello. I just accepted the latest update to Mids' Reborn, and now none of the prior builds will load. That includes all legacy builds, even if I select Lagacy under "Open". I get a message indicates an "Unhandled Exception", something about unable to find the specified file. The files are there and are displayed when I use Open. I'll try to attached a screenshot. Any ideas? Or how can I return to the prior Update? Thanks! Bjorn.
Bjorn Stoutarm joined the club
Mini-Mega joined the club
Hey trying to set Field Operative to show me numbers while in combat to see where I need to be for defense cap numbers but when I go into options and change suppression to attacked, hit by foe, damaged.. Either ticked or NOT.. The defense numbers do not change.. I also don't see the defense numbers in Field Operative so I can just divide them in half.. So anyone have a clue on what to do here to keep the build in combat mode so I can review numbers this way?
OMG if this works Im going to send you so much inf. One Q: when I go to download wineskin winery, its now showing this? And - like a dumb dumb - if I do download this it doesn't show the engine you used? WS11Wine64Bit9.1? Just these: And if I try and install a new one it comes up with a lot of broken options.