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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Ehhhh... I sort of agree, and sort of don't. I mean, off the top of my head, people using Peacebringers as "beings of light" or "angels" and ignoring the lore isn't uncommon. Nor is discarding the Dark powersets' descriptive link to "the underworld," and instead being things like swarms of nanobots or (thanks to recoloring) "desert power" armor (dust devils/swirling sand, for dark armor.) And Water blast, well... the liquid and its source are highly variable. The flip side of this, of course, is that people may really *want* to push this - and wonder why they're not getting extra damage on anything demonic (though that's not necessarily an "opposite") or undead (again, not really opposite, but still stereotypical.)
  2. Which pretty much doesn't mean people want anything but reward merits, then. Which would be an argument for removing an extra currency, not keeping it around. After all, MSRs aren't *un*popular now by any means. I see them run multiple times every night. Extra currencies "make sense" (from the perspective of a business) when an MMO is trying to make money from customers or subscribers. Grind = "They'll stick around longer to try to get things." It's not meant to reward *us,* and makes no sense in our current setup.
  3. I never said *you* wanted it. What I did say is "That should take care of everyone's complaints about limits." After all, what would make power pools worthy of such consideration over all the other things listed? "The number of power pool picks are limiting." OK, why is it more limiting than the 5-set-bonus rule? Especially if we had more power pools open up (which I doubt will happen to begin with.) After all, it opens more possibilities up. And hey, it's not like certain people don't think Hasten is taken by "everyone" and "should be inherent." Frees up another pick, right? And so forth. If one's somehow worth doing, what makes the others not worth it for the same reasons? And there's no anger there. I just think it's a bad idea.
  4. People not wanting to lead, perhaps. I see people advertising spots on teams constantly. As well as TFs and the like. Which is yet another reason that, no, we don't need another currency or some way to force people who *don't* want to lead a team to do something they don't want to do.
  5. Are you sure people didn't do it because it was... Idunno, new content in a new (well, refurbished) zone? People didn't ignore Croatoa content because of a lack of C-merits, after all. (I'd comment on redside, but that started off as "expansalone," no crossover with markets or economies, etc. until Going Rogue made that just a bit much with side switching and Praetorian content (and "information" instead of influence or infamy.) Few teams? Where?
  6. Just focusing on this - because this, frankly, is not something I can see as good. This is not a job, or shouldn't be. This is a game. Something done for entertainment. Should we say "Not enough people on the other servers are RPing, so let's create a currency that can only (somehow) be earned while RP is detected?" Or one of our alternative currencies now - Vanguard merits. What do people do with them? For the most part - leave them sit or turn them into Reward merits. Maybe grab a heavy once in a while. It doesn't make people *want* to do RWZ content (of which there isn't much) or raid - other than "I'll be turning these into some reward merits." Having the costume parts locked behind them dissuated people from making Vanguard-themed characters (or they made them without the armor,) it didn't encourage (or make any fun out of) having to grind for them. If people *want* to engage in a certain play style, they should do so because they find it *fun.* They shouldn't feel they have to to earn XYZ for something.
  7. Doesn't mean it's a good idea. Not having seat belts in cars was "industry standard" for decades, after all.
  8. See prior thread on topic from ... what, less than a week ago? Just no. Either that or go whole hog and unlock absolutely everything. Remove the cap on IO set bonuses. Don't force any power picks at all. Burn the game world down. Go completely freeform - no AT powerset selection limits or modifiers. (Which does lead to some serious brokenness.) Make Hasten, Tough and Weave inherent, as well as one completely free power and armor power selection (which means mez resist is freely open for everyone who doesn't have it.) Open up incarnates at level 1. Yep, that means you coul dturn off XP, earn components and make a level 1 +3. Oh, and remove minimum levels for task/strike forces. Should take care of anyone's complaints about limits. Then in 3 months, we (well, you, I'll haul RP folks back to PChat or something) can wonder where everyone went and why they think the game is so boring now.
  9. >.> There's always this - (He's got a couple of them. Can't find the other one I was looking for, though...)
  10. Bribes don't help, and *yet another* currency would only be annoying. Plus - for instance, I ended up leading a supergroup. That was enough work. Rest of the week, nope, not interested in spending *yet more* of my limited put-up-with-people energy leading anything else. Also, as far as costume parts - that was annoying to have to unlock them. Having them available to create a character *the way you want it from the start* is much better.
  11. So, honestly... that's one problem identified. The mods and downloader / installer / manager (whatever you want to call it, and yes I have used it :) ) are ... in the forums. So some visibility in game would be nice, then? Something on the launcher and/or a mention in the MOTD, with link?
  12. Not even going there. (I thought I sort of explained that.) More like what would make modding and such easier for both modders and those who want to use them. Something might come up that is "Oh.. you know what, they were actually looking into that on live and there are these hooks available, that can be done quickly" easy, for all we know. This is just throwing out "what would you like to see?"
  13. So... just driving this (maybe forking part of the conversation off) in a different direction... How can COH be made more mod friendly? Creation, testing, adding/removing, etc. We have some third party tools now, of course. But I'd be kind of interested from both the dev (or modder) and user perspective. I, obviously, don't know how much *work* would be involved (I tend to assume "quite a bit,") so honestly I'd bypass that just to start with "this would be nice/useful."
  14. Yes, it's online. Sadly it's not directly editable offline - you can try to copy/paste into Notepad or something similar, edit, then copy back over, but oddness can still happen.
  15. Absolutely want to second this. Most teams I'm on are either not RPing or are RP-light. Teams that want RP will generally mention (for instance) "RP team running missions in Steel" or "Forming Yin, prepare to RP" so you know ahead of time. The rest of the time, it's mostly normal teaming - or someone might just stay in character, but not expect others to join in necessarily. As far as tips for a new RPer? Hmmm. - Don't be afraid to ask questions. That's both in and out of character - and trying to get someone to clarify which whatever action you're asking about was. - Remember the character is not the person. (most of the time. Some people play characters that are really helpful because that's how they are. Some people play characters who are jerks because that's who they are. And some people play catgirls or fox people because they are.) - Respect each other. Even if a character needs a little stabbing, consent's important. And it goes both ways. If someone tries to force something on you you *really* don't want to deal with or have happen, tell them - but start politely. (/em puts a hat with a siren on your head! (/t person, "this character *really* hates having stuff on their head, could you not do that? Thanks.") ) - Get to know your character. You don't need a fleshed out, 500 page bio right at character creation. Heck, some of the characters who became my favourite RP characters didn't really *have* a bio, only vague ideas (name, age, city of birth) and the rest developed later... but they developed consistently. For me, there's often an "Aha!" spark that just *clicks* with a character. For instance, my first 50 and first RP character, Therra, kind of got going from (a) playing with someone else consistently (in the same SG, then making our own, early days on live) which kind of started her personality off of their interplay, and (b) going in to Dark Astoria (the echo,) seeing the ghosts of people, seeing what was being done to them, and reacting to it. Then figuring out "why," which suddenly fleshed out a lot of family history and backstory. - An RP supergroup doesn't hurt. Even if it's one you form either with friends or around an interesting theme. Just for the sake of consistency, versus "baRP" (going to the bar, typically the D) and its sometimes freewheeling, sometimes dead, smetimes just odd nature. Even if you don't want a supergroup, just a steady group you meet up with and play with can help be a nice touchstone for steady character development.
  16. Machine gun buff set. Defender primary. Corr/Controller secondary. Powers include "Heal of Bullets," a cone heal, and "Fast burst," similar to speed boost as your team tries to get away from the nutjob on their team shooting bullets at them instead of the enemy.
  17. Not ... sure why someone felt the need to respond to a nearly 2 year old post to say they can solo, but... ok.
  18. There's a difference between an "important" issue and an annoying one. Given what will likely *remind* someone they don't have a "do not affect" setting set is getting hit by it at an inopportune time, having an option (or slash command, which I suggested in the feedback thread) to turn it off *right then and there* would be useful. Especially if it's a setting you may want to change depending on situation... sort of like the prompt team teleport setting we already have. I do want the prompt up if I'm, say, helping herd Rikti in an MSR. I may not in a smaller team situation. Given we *do* have this prompt for teleport already, suggesting it for group fly isn't exactly asking for something new and crazy.
  19. ... and here I'm picturing the contacts in the city holding up number cards showing the level ranges as you approach.
  20. 100-odd alts on one account on one server, several more on each other server, then the other account...
  21. I don't think I'm against the suggestion on its face, especially if there's a cost there - maybe check the AH for a catalyst if you don't have one, or take the one you have, and charge a service fee. I'm just not sure mechanically how it would work, given it currently uses the enhancement combining screen (itself an annoyance... and bypassed now with the 'upgrade' button. Which does charge.) Maybe through an NPC? Though there's the risk of losing the original IO, potentially, there, since it's no longer in your inventory and if you happen to disconnect, well...
  22. Exit out and back in. (You may need to ctrl-alt-del and exit through task manager if nothing else works.) If it sticks there again, and you're using the new Homecoming launcher, in the lower right corner of the Homecoming button (homecoming/prerelease/beta sections,) you'll see an elipsis. (...) Click that, select Verify. Let that run and potentially redownload some files. try again.
  23. ... you know, I had (have, remade her here) a character who's *just* the right size that almost every time she uses Kick, it looks like it connected somewhere particularly painful. Which *really* fit the character...
  24. Given they're mentioning notifications that someone's posted, I'd assume it's on the forum. In game, you don't see anything from someone on ignore. (Obviously you see their character, attacks, etc. but anyone having a conversation with them looks very one sided.)
  25. Eesh. I played Galactic Civilization (the original) back on OS/2, long before there was a Windows port (or anyone being angry at Stardock for starting to develop for Windows. Object Desktop was much different, too.) The AI was pretty good even then - I was fairly proud of myself for getting a diplomatic victory back then. As far as what I'll tend to go back and replay... hmm. Command and Conquer 3. (Just the skirmishes, and solo. The campaign got messed up thanks to "balancing" stuff for multiplayer - that didn't affect the AI.) With the remaster of the original C&C and RA, I've been hopping to that a good bit, too. Missionforce: Cyberstorm. Not *frequently,* but often enough. World Empire V. I *wish* someone would do a remake of Mechwarrior II and Ghost Bears Legacy. Just update graphics, do what's needed so it can run on modern systems, get online play working again, keep the missions going as they were. (And the multiplayer. I want to see if I can take an Elemental to the top of Spire of Destiny and destroy a 100 ton 'mech by dropping on it from 2k up. Sure, it kills ME, too, but...) Same with Syndicate. Cleaned up graphics, widescreen friendly, leave the gameplay. Once I'm in the new place, I'll have to dig out my Myth and Myth II disks - I'm fairly sure a community made graphical update hit those in the last few years, but my disks have been packed away somewhere. They're a great set of games.
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