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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. YOUR IDEA SUCKS! ... there. 🙂 (Honestly, not a lot of frozen fists, it's the one thing that sticks in my mind as "can't stand this" about the set, so any help there is welcome!)
  2. Not sure. Might want to ask to have this moved to Help and Support instead of Guides, though, for visibility. Or to the PB/WS section of the forums, though it's more a bind issue than a Kheld issue.
  3. It looks to me like the glut *is* really a major part of the complaint. I mean, the enhancements themselves aren't useless - but (say) the Immobilize or Stun probably sits around longer than Damage, since fewer sets use them (compared to pretty much every AT and a majority of sets using Damage, Acc, EndRdx, etc.) For me it's more the level than the type that's an issue. I don't use level 10 commons, for instance. I'm wondering if my 15s are going to start feeling pointless with SOs being the primary drop now, honestly - I used to use those into the early-mid 20s because they were equal/slightly better than the DOs without needing updated, and cheap to make, but now they fall behind. 20's been a "15s are cheaper." 25-35 has been the "sweet spot" range for me, and I rarely use commons that are higher, as I'm probably poking around sets
  4. It goes from being natively available (including things like hunts/patrols/mission doors spawning there) to being something you have to - basically (a) remember is there and (b) have access to. So in many instances... yes, it is functionally lost.
  5. Will generally argue against this sort of thing. I hated losing DA to the "new" DA, for instance. This, honestly, is more the way to go. Let's take Crey's Folly, for instance. It's already a 30-40 hazard zone. Crey has also been around *since the old tutorial.* Yet Crey really ... doesn't have anything going on for it. Yes, there's - what, one arc with some investigation (*cough*) on what happened with the countess and her husband. And a bit on the paragon protectors. There are hints here and there ("mysterious armored figures" destroying the Hero Corps HQ, for instance.) But there's really no... spectacular narrative. There's a little behavioural change in Bricks... with no explanation. If we start a chain of missions related to Crey in Steel (say, 25 and up - not that 25 needs a lot more content right now, it's got some of the newer stuff, but still...make it not cap?) we can have 25+ levels of content. It can go from Steel to Bricks, investigate any number of historical and current dealings in the Folly, lead into the RWZ (and a bit of Founders,) and there's absolutely no reason it can't end up with some decent 50+ content. A lot of work? Absolutely. Worth it? If you roll it out properly, you're covering not only getting a hazard zone in use (no geometry changes needed a la faultline, either,) but getting new standard *and* potentially incarnate/hard mode content. What about Boomtown? Again, several groups doing "things" there. The Clockwork kind of fade out there. The Council/Column thing is still going on. Set some 20-30 groundwork - it's not like we outlevel the council - and set it up for post-50 payoff. (Though by that time we've got arcs facing the Center, the various lieutenants, the Kheldian arcs have slapped around Requiem and ... for some reason I'm drawing a blank on her name... so it's not like the council is really hurting for content.) Set up some content for earlier levels, taking advantage of the lore in underutilized zones, and set them up for payoff at higher and post-50 levels. All this is mostly developing missions. Perhaps some new NPCs, but new *zones* aren't really needed there. Those *would* involve more work - and should be tackled if there's some major story expansion or point that really calls for it. (See "moon base" or "underwater.") And, ideally, new content like that would *also* work on the "early exposure leading to payoff" model. Last point to touch on, we've got a lot of lore that *really* could use exploring. My personal charge is on the abandoned Epic ATs and their associated storylines. Some are nothing more than hints and clues in missions from way back when - and probably the most "developed" of them is the Blood of the Black Stream. They don't need to be ATs - but there is *lore* there to explore and widen the world with, stretching back to ancient Egypt. It's been left hanging for *way* too long.
  6. ... set the memorization badges to 3 each to cut down the crafting?
  7. Quick guide to a quick SSA 1 (Who will die,) part 1. Or, guide to getting it done quickly. So. Got 15 minutes to spare? (20 redside) Need 20 merits? 10 threads? One more Astral (hopefully to convert to another Empyrian?) Or really, really want an Accuracy SO? Here you go. Who Will Die, mission 1. Location: Skyway City, at the police station. Talk to the Lost (Theoden) surrounded by four cops. He'll start you on your path. Redside: Alastor, Cap au Diable south on the boardwalk. Minimum level: 10 Maximum: 20. You will be exemplared down if you're higher. Team size: 1-2. Yes, you *can* bring a full team. But that's not the point. Run at base difficulty. You're doing this for a quick reward. Pretty much any AT or power combo (yes, even support) can do this in under 15 minutes. (20, redside.) Yes, even at level 10. Obviously higher levels will bring in faster times, but for a fairly quick reward that doesn't need "a build," SSA 1 isn't bad. The story? Ghost has an obelisk that can steal power. Looking for a champion to help him take vengeance. This is not a Good Thing. Blueside, you talk to Theoden and find him wanting help because some of his bretheren are doing Things That Are Not The Way. So. The thing to keep in mind here is that you won't be fighting much, ideally. The point here is *not* All The XPs. It's to get this thing *done* and get your rewards. You should barely have to fight. Blueside and redside are mostly similar - I'll write from the Blue perspective and note differences. Preparation: At level 10, you should have just a few inspiration slots. Obviously higher levels you'll have more. What you'll want will depend *somewhat* on your character, but you'll want: 1-2 medium or large purples. 1-2 breakfrees, depending on character mez protection. Everything else to taste/need (have END issues? Bring blues. Maybe a green. See how it goes.) Mission 1: Orenbanga. Tip: If you're staring at the "Who Will Die?!" splash screen for a long time, look down. There's an "Begin Game" at the bottom of the screen. Click it. Yes, it's kind of annoying. Yay, a visit to the bagel. This is simple (assuming you're solo or duo, versus have a full team which will have spawns in the way everywhere.) Skip *all* the mob spawns. Run to the end. Fight the mage. (Redside: You don't even have to fight him, just talk to him. Make a deal. Don't kill him.) The caverns start collapsing. Run back. Skip all the mobs. You have two minutes to get out. Bonus note: Going for the Pumicite boss badge? One will always spawn in the "V" shaped room. You can stop and fight him. Do it quickly enough, you may even gain a little time time. The door you came in will be inaccessible. Turn left. There's a cave door surrounded by green crystals. Go there. Go forward, turn right - you should see a laval filled room. Zip through, turn left. Blueside, you'll see a ghost and a villain arguing. They won't attack. Exit the doors. (Given you have to just "make for the exit," a fast travel to Skyway may be quicker, blueside. Redside - there's a chest at the exit. Click on it for an inspiration.) Mission 2: Caves Visit your contact for the next mission. This is where you'll want one purple, and *possibly* a breakfree. Zip down the caves. Ignore the enemies. Watch for a dialog option saying something about summoning Igneous or the PPD coming in (redside.) It should be about the point you have to turn for the first time. You're either (blueside) going to have to click some rubble piles or (redside) obelisks to keep ambushes from coming in every 30 seconds once the timer runs out. Fortunately, you should be able to do this before they finish describing what'll happen. When you get the dialog, pop a purple (or don't, it's your neck) and run down. Ignore the guards, if possible and click your three glowies as you go. (That's the point of the purple. Just getting these glowies clicked without getting hit by the guards. With some positioning, there are times you can even just pass them and click without aggroing, depending on how they spawn.) You *should* be able to get through with little to no combat. (I know, "my XPs!" - you're not doing this for the xp.) In the final room is a Lost LT. If you have no mez protection, pop a breakfree (or just have one handy.) He's... frankly kind of a chump if he can't mez you, and should go down quickly. Exit. Mission 3: Ooh, you'll a-lava this. Final fight. Skip over the islands with the pumicites, just get to the big island at the end. You'll find an obelisk, a weakened Synapse (you don't get to fight him) and a Lost with Synapse's powers (lemkin) and two Pumicite minions (one's usually behind the obelisk.) Redside note: Remember that mage you didn't kill in mission 1? He shows up here to help. Also, instead of Pumicites, it's Lost on the islands and guarding Lemkin. Lemkin's annoying, especially when he decides to run off. Typical - down a purple, beat him down (probably with some chasing about 1/4 of the time,) beat the minions. He *can* be a bit of a fight, so if you're worried about health or END, have some insps handy. Blueside: At this point, Alastor comes in, rants about fools, summons his chosen minion Echidna (you may have met her in some Safeguard or radio missions - Spine scrapper LT) and two Thorns minions. She'll decline Synapse's power. Take her down, knock out the minions, sit through the ooh mysterious cutscene, select reward, call it in. Done. Probably in under 15 minutes. Clean up the pumicites you left behind if you want, there's nothing else going on and not much to explore. Redside: Live devs hated villains, as the meme goes, so they made this longer. Fight lemkin as before. You "say the phrase," and suddenly... you have more powers! And you'll probably be glad, especially at lower levels. You get a "synaptic strike," basically electrically charged Flurry, an electric Whirlwind, and what's basically Thunderous Blast, sort of. And you'll want them, because where blueside has one fight, you have multiple waves of Longbow and Heroes and escorts to fight. Work through them. If your COT buddy you didn't kill survived, well, enjoy the bubbly Earth controller. Now you get to watch a cutscene because "something goes wrong with the obelisk." Then be quick about making your rewards choice, because if you're in the wrong spot, the Freedom Phalanx will show up and slap you down. They are level 40 and at *least* Elite Bosses. You do not have enough inspirations to take a +20 any of them down, Much less all together. On the plus side, if you miss Statesman, he's still alive here. Wave from your crater in the ground. (If you're far enough away, they won't aggro... depending on how they come in. Otherwise, they'll say hello with something like a boulder to the side of your head.) Your reward choices: 20 reward merits (once every 6.5 days.) 5 Reward Merits (if the 20 option is unavailable because you just *did* that. If the 20 *is* available, this does not show up.) One Astral Merit (50 only.) Ten Threads (50 only.) One Accuracy SO. Done. I've done this in as low as 6 minutes, to up to 17 (redside.) So, a merit a minute or better. You can either put this on a weekly rotation to do quickly, or just run it when you're *just* short of whatever you want to use merits (or threads) on. Or if you really, *really* want an Accuracy SO.
  8. So, this one's a bit of a fluke and I'm not sure I could "just happen" to recreate this timing. Took one of my characters in to run one of the SSAs (who wil die, #1, but I don't think the specific one matters.) When you run one of these, instead of just taking you to the mission when you go to a mission door, it puts in a title screen and you have to hit a button to "enter game." (Personally, I'd love for this to go away.) Well, I'd just glanced at my map and decided I wanted it a little bigger. Grabbed a corner to resize it quickly... as the screen flipped over to the title screen. With the cursor now stuck as the (diagonal) double arrow. Which won't register a click on the "enter game" button at the bottom. Which means I have to go to task manager, end the game and log back in. Yes, it's just *happening* to be that timing, and I'm probably the only person who will see it do this in the next year, but still... As mentioned, my solution would be "get rid of the loading screen with the "enter game" button so this never happens." Or at least the button itself. No other mission type needs that, after all, it's only an annoying feature of the SSAs.
  9. So, thinking about alts and looks that don't exist and can't fit right now, Spines came up. Some looks / shaders I'd like to see: - Energy/Glowing (shader) Basically one or two tone options on the "spine" types (bananas/thorns/slates) we have now, but glowing. Might look odd on the classic bananas, but glowing slate-type spines - or better yet, red hot metallic spines? Might just look good... - Vanguard What were they called, Talsorian or some such - the thin energy blades. - Energy (form) You know the glowing "spikes" or "vents" on the ... name's escaping me, Ascendant armor or aura? Those. But as spines. Be a nice, glowy porcupine. (Or, colored properly, a firey one, perhaps.) Yeah, nothing earth shattering, but they could be interesting looks.
  10. Ice/dark Corruptors are fun. And yeah, the D3 (D4 to some) Dark/dark/dark defender is classic and can be surprisingly tanky.
  11. Not sure I can play at 800x600 any more... Though I remember my Maatrox Mystique 400 making some patterns look really good... until I upgraded.
  12. Yep. He had a horde of them. Edit: Found a screenshot. Not all of them had gotten in at that point...
  13. I went to help someone fight Chernobog. They got a secon dperson to help too. A tank. WHo asked us to wait while he finished summoning. He had something like 30 snow beasts.... Bit of a waste for Chernobog, but amusing? Absolutely.
  14. I wish it could... I liked starting in Galaxy. Also, first time I've worked to get Isolator in ages.... (Had to stop at P2W to revoke the apprentice charm. It's too tempting.)
  15. I'd say grab ouro. Use ouro only for for: - Original Posi - Hanging out in Galaxy/street sweeping - original Faultline - original DA (street sweeping, there at 20.) Since while I joined in I3, I definitely hung out in DA... I'm assuming no cape before 20, and you have to do the mission? 🙂 (or, wait, those were introduced later, weren't they... since this sounds like an "At launch" challenge.) I may just have to do this. Anyone for a sewer run? No, not DFB... Edit: Geez, not even out of the tutorial and fighting muscle memory. No nemesis staff, can't even use apprentice charm... Primary T1, secondary T1, brawl, repeat.
  16. Platypus Melee. Smashing/toxic. Hit your foes with a platypus. *nods* (Serious answer - I have nothing against more powersets.)
  17. I read this and thought "Wait, can't you just delete them in the email?" Nope... I think, if this could be done, maybe it would be better to have as a slash command than a delete button (to make it harder to delete stuff accidentally.) Or a filter of some sort, like we have for inspirations (though not necessarily through the P2W vendor.) Though the whole thing is part of a larger "better ways to manage email would be nice."
  18. Upgrading SOs was a minor inconvenience, taking only a bit of time to do. But now we have an "Upgrade" button. And I'm sure that wasn't "Oh, I can just toss in two lines of code and boom." There are such things as "Quality of Life" fixes and changes - which is what this would be. You consider this a minor inconvenience. For that matter, I do too. But that doesn't invalidate the suggestion. I don't know quite how it'd work out, and I doubt I'd use it much, but I don't see anything wrong with it or any real reason to argue against it.
  19. If you've already got a character up and running and get an idea or want to check if a name's available, you can also just /friend charactername while in game. Either they'll be added to your friends list (you can /unfriend later to get them off of it) or be told they're not available or don't exist. With the second message, the name's typically free.
  20. Listed on the wiki. Click the set you're interested in.
  21. Well, to be fair we didn't exactly get a lot of advertising during live. On the flip side, we didn't get a lot of advertising during live, and who knows what that did to the live population potential.
  22. "Cover" isn't a thing the way this game is set up. If you see and can attack a target, when the tohit roll is rolled, it's going to hit (or miss) regardless of what the target does - whether it's you or an NPC. This is probably best illustrated with, oh, any CoT cave and a ghost attacking you. Plenty of twists and turns - but their shot, if it's going to hit you, will turn as well and follow you. It's not because they're magic, it's because its already been determined to hit you (or miss you.) You can graphically "duck for cover" all you want, it just makes no real difference for any attacks already underway. (Breaking line of sight to get something to get closer does work.) What you're describing is a first person shooter, basically. Also, no, you're not rooted while your attack goes to the target. You are during the animation, sure... somewhat. You can even "joust" a target perfectly fine (I tend to do this fighting Protean, for instance, in Adair's arc. The animations go on while I'm in midair, jumping or flying past.)
  23. You're not the only one. It's been requested before. Hopefully it'll be added at some point.
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