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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Oh lord. Were you around when they first introduced "Ultra mode?" I had a character who couldn't move off the tram platform until I looked straight down. (Also. The heck with the *rikti* being the reason to want a bunch of concrete and rebar. With everyone teleporting, superjumping, foot stomping,etc? I'm surprised it doesn't look *more* solid and bunkery!)
  2. ... just as an aside, is anyone else going "Longer bio's what? You put in a posessive, you want a plural!" (Give me some credit, I've been fighting that this whole time.)
  3. Not a matter of immovable positions. But honestly, people don't need to have "do this instead" ideas. Some people just do not like the ideas and will say so. Yes, ideally they'll say why (like my last post,) but it's really not needed. Sometimes people just don't like/agree with ideas - just like there are people who do like/agree with the same idea - and that's the sum total of their feelings on the matter. Even just seeing that feedback should be fine. (On a side note, as it says on my signature, I'm the "former creator of Copypastas" on the live forums. Part of the point of them was to kind of short-circuit the stream of "no" and "yes" and all-the-same-arguments, catch everyone up to what we knew as far as stances and ideas, and having bypassed all that, kickstart newer ideas. Didn't always work, and yeah, people had to be told that it wasn't just a very wordy 'no, dumb idea, now shut up,' though I tried not to word them that way. Some people will take anything but agreement like that. Hard to tell now, given this thread's a year-old necro... )
  4. Right now, the only 'grind' there is is for badges. Defeat badges, explore badges, etc. And I'm fine with that. Those are *meant* to show accomplishments and milestones. Heck, if you want people to run the cape and aura missions? Make a badge that unlocks after doing them and the three costume slot unlock missions. People will jump on that. I will say that when the Vanguard costume pieces were "grind-able?" I had plenty of characters that had only the gloves. Grind is very alt-unfriendly, and I wanted to play the content, not focus on "ugh, I've got to finish all this AND do at least 10 more MSRs just to get that costume... and then do it another 50, 100 times?" I skipped it. Same with early Incarnate content - when we didn't *have* DA and all you could do is run BAF, LAM, LAM, BAF, BAM, LAF, BAMALAFABAM.... complete burnout and disinterest in dealing with the system again. Granted, it's still not the worst grind I've run into - that award goes to Aion. One set of armor. Your character gets one piece, at level 30 (I think.) Want the rest? Get four MORE characters to 30, transmute the armor so it's for the right class, send it over... yeah, skipped that one, too.
  5. Unless you ignore said storyline all together - given the slots unlock and items drop without going through the arcs, after all. (And yes, this is one of the irksome things with the well. I don't like my character being railroaded. I don't like several of the morality missions, especially redside, because of this.)
  6. Likely just a rename, if you find the correct file. Like the ones in that zip file are p_background_skyline (etc.) - the others are probably something like h_background and v_background. You'd find the original P_background_skylines, extract them, rename them and put them in the proper directory. (Purely guessing on the names. No, I don't have the files.)
  7. If there were an option for this, I'd hope it would only be local (IE, "don't show FX on my character.") When I'm buffing, I *want* to see those effects on someone, or *some* sort of effect, so I know if they've run out. Yes, I know the icons show on the team window, but some characters have plenty of other armors and toggles and that list gets to be a bit of a pain to run through. (All right, two options, don't show on me, and maybe just a "don't show buff effects globally.")
  8. Yeah, going to add to the "Time bomb is horrible." It's just - ok, sure, it's somewhat thematic, but just doesn't work. And I don't mean "in today's fast moving teams." Even soloing I can't find a use for it. I'd probably do something like replace it with... I don't know, "bouncing bomb," does knockdown as it rolls to its deploy range, detonates, damages, disorients. Force Bubble, I think the only thing I'd do (going back to an earlier discussion) is reduce the radius to match Dispersion Bubble. It being larger does tend to throw things (not literally.) Just having one "edge" to worry about would simplify things. ... and in reaction to an earlier comment, no, very little to nothing "needs" hasten, not even support sets. Or perma-ing, for that matter.
  9. If I'm remembering, the times it decides to add a few (I'd think it's if you add two,) it throws an HTML-esque <&nbsp> (if I'm remembering that right) in. Which, yeah, eats up characters. And then there's the times it just decides to buffer your typing until you click somewhere else, at which point it vomits out whatever you've typed.
  10. I think it was around the time we had advertising, honestly. I'm remembering a very basic browser, but you could get to the forum.
  11. Probably to the roleplay board, might be odd in the shard boards. ... half wondering if we'd want an option to turn off comments.
  12. Innapropriate use of /jranger. 10 yard penalty, first down. Also, as far as the link idea... anyone remember when we had an in game web browser? For a very short time?
  13. At least for controllers it does, yeah. Is there one not giving a minimal FX for ice?
  14. Count me among those that are happy it's only a week or so of perma-night. It gets absolutely *oppressive* after a while. A week or so is just fine - enough to get the flavor without it being depressing, with the event itself going on longer.
  15. Don't forget the mobs that spawn in randomly just outside - you can find yourself dealing with malta and carnies, as well. Honestly, the oddest thing to me when it comes to the area around Portal is that the DE are so low level (comparitively.) As for the rest of the mobs? You're in portal, getting sent all over the place, high level mobs exist there, too, so I don't think it's *as* big a problem. That said, one of those areas - the Shard - could use more missions, admittedly.
  16. You may want to put this in the specific server subforum for where you're located. I'm assuming Everlasting, but if so it won't help if someone from Torchbearer sees this (for instance) and tries to use it. 🙂
  17. Knock it off. *This is not a change because of PVP.* This change has been talked about - as has been proven by *dev comments* - for quite some time. You obviously do not like and want to demonize the PVP community for whatever reason while having your (uninformed) rant. This is not "screwing over" the RP community (of which I am one, so stop speaking for me.) This is not "screwing over" the base community. Like it or not, the PVP community is *part of our community as a whole.* Stop scapegoating them. It does nothing but you look like a tool. We have been told almost since the command dropped on live that it was a dev command, not one that was supposed to be exposed to players, and would go away eventually. That is *fact.* That has nothing to do with which part of the community does what, other than those who have found exploits with it, nor with people complaining.
  18. Healing does not break stealth. Though you should do more on your team than "just heal." Don't be someone who can be replaced with /ah and a pile of green inspirations.
  19. Talk about completely irrelevant. In terms of *the game,* we've been flying since issue 0. Honestly, none of your arguments or comparisons make any sense. It is supposed to be a dev only command. There are issues with it. There are whispers of exploits with it - and I don't mean getting out of combat. Players are not supposed to have it, period. The existence (or not) of prestige or of 2xp has nothing to do with players having access to a dev command. Those were intentional changes rolled out to the playerbase. An exposed dev command is not. You're comparing apples and wallpaper. It doesn't help your argument. Meanwhile, as I've said repeatedly - wait and see what they do instead. If they were *just* going to flat out remove it, they would have. (Frankly, IMHO they should have within a week of it being available.) Obviously they have SOMETHING planned as a replacement. So sit down and wait. Wait for them to say "hey, it's on beta, give feedback." Then at least you'll have an inkling of what's happening and can give meaningful feedback.
  20. Been asked for before. Still don't think it's a bad idea (depending on implementation.)
  21. I don't see it on the new ones at all. Only the old ones. ... wonder why you're seeing the reverse. Interesting. I haven't changed any defaults here, they're always taken in .jpg... Edit: Found one of my oldest from 2005, which doens't show it. This is odd... (actually, I think that one was uploaded/downloaded to Photobucket, and who knows what happened there. Found another 2005 that does have the information.) Popped in a screenshot with both irfanview and Windoows info from 2005. But these are blank on the current ones.
  22. So, how many of you have old screenshots? Say... 2006, since I know it works there. Right click it, go into properties and details. In WIndows, under Title (or, if you use Irfanview, Image - IPTC information - Description - Caption) you'll see something. Unless there's an absolute pile of people, you'll get character names - or at least your *own* character's name. (Seems to be a limit.) Now do it with a current screenshot. There's not one. This isn't a Homecoming or SCoRE change, this happened sometime on live (shots from later on live are missing it already, at least if looking at the Windows properties.) It doesn't even have your *own* character's name. (This happened before the format for screenshot naming changed. ) So why do I bring this up? Mostly from seeing a thread with someone going "I played on live, I don't remember my character names, the names of the people I played with..." and I remembered this from a while back. I'd love to have the option to "tag" screenshots with this. My character name and zone/map, by default, probably the server (for those of us who hop between servers - as in everlasting, torchbearer, etc.) and those around me. These don't add a great deal of size to the file - barely noticable, honestly - but looking at really old shots, it's nice to have it around. (Yes. You can manually add it. Would you *want* to if you added a bunch? "Super Blasty Guy, Mind Girl, um, that guy I don't remember from two hours ago." It'd just be nice to have the option to auto-tag these when the screenshot was taken for later perusal.) Obviously not high priority, but still :) Edit: To show you what I mean. Here's the IPTC information on a current screenshot: And here's one from 2010.
  23. Hmmmm. No strong opinions either way on that. Only thing that comes to mind is how people tend to complain about having to resummon things, so time up and/or recharge would have to have that in mind.
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