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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. ... it would pretty much make masterminds pointless to bring along. They already have a hard time on raids, unless they're just concentrating on their secondary. One Magus stomp wipes out T1s (I tend not to bother even summoning them if I'm on a raid.)
  2. Maybe as an option. For the most part, my villains want to get rich, get revenge on something, or rule over people. Not massacre them.
  3. Right, which is why I put the second part in. I went to look.
  4. Oh man. Base building wish list. Granted, I haven't *really* done anything in a while, but ... - Smaller grid size, when it comes to raising/lowering floors and ceilings. (1/4 of what it is now, at least.) - Resizing and breaking up some of the old items - the SG tables stick in mind as being ludicrously big while being at the same time close to unusable as actual "tables to sit at." - Being able to do fences, walls, etc. similarly to, say, the way you create roads in city building games. Pick a start point, hold down the mouse, pick an end point. - Walls with actual windows. I mean, being honest, the whole base system and items could use a revamp. Floors you can raise, but that are transparent from below and/or you can't stand on while editing or trying to place objects, the "shimmer" if things overlap wrong, the (to me) general PITA-ness of extended bases, the lag when placing things for anyone else in base, the permissions system (and not having defaults for them you can set so that ALL storage, for instance, is accessible to everyone on placement.) Default "base types" people could select when creating a base, and/or room types, for more casual base building - "I want a tech base," "I want a space station base," "Add a bedroom here," just select one from a list of that type, it adds it ready to go (and furnished, though you could of course change/delete/add things.) For those that don't *want* to base build or don't have the time/patience, some default templates for bases and rooms would be nice. Being able to save and share bases. "Hey, I created a great park" (to go along with the above) and being able to save that, share it, have others grab it and add it as a room (or whole base) of their own. Just being able to save base layouts would be nice. As far as base raiding... it was strange to try to get into when it *was* live. And there are issues with pet pathing (which really is a PITA for masterminds) where they just won't move. Base raiding with our current setup would just be a lot of work. Bases would have to be "validated," I think, or created with an option set to only be "PVP valid" so objectives can't be placed behind or outside walls, etc.
  5. I want to say the tea one is teabag, actually. Because, yes, it would have to be that. Edit: Double checked. Yep. /em teabag for the cup of tea emote. Also, you ... can combine text and emotes the way you mentioned? /em wave$$local hello works.
  6. I *knew* I was forgetting one. Especially after seeing this. ... One of my characters would like to have a word with yours. (My Hellion Keller's on Everlasting. Thugs/Thermal MM.)
  7. I think Longbow's been a popular one. I've got one as well for a group (not that active.) I've got my Thugs/Poison who's associated with the family, though "person in suit with hat" doesn't really scream that. Other than VEATs (which... you don't really have to go out of your way to do, after all,) I don't think I have many tied to an NPC group.
  8. OK, brain's failing me. There's a recovery debuff in there already. Are you looking for something different? *goes to look* Yes, you are. They happen to match on my elec/elec sentinel but, yeah, no change on a fire tank after using consume. That said, the amount of the resistance doesn't seem to change with level, going by the slider in the detailed power info, and if it's active you'll still have the consume icon in your buff/debuff icon bar, so you *kind of* have that at the moment. Wouldn't argue with it being there in combat attributes, though.
  9. Or optionally give position selections (left, middle, right) - but yeah, if possible, it'd be nice.
  10. Honestly, if I had the option to choose between AOE and single target on my buffs, there are times I'd just take ST. I have no issues with tracking who actually needs them and keeping it on them (generally. Assuming the person hasn't decided they belong on the other side of the map.)
  11. Honestly... no. I just play them as they come. And I don't do "builds" - not to be selfish or think mine are some uber-special-secret-sauce, I just rarely bother with planning them out and take things as they come. If we could export builds, I suspect people would cringe at some of what I play. 🙂 They work for me, though.
  12. It may have been overlooked, or it may be that they don't want it to directly copy the team invis that's part of Illusion. (Or that it's considered something that should allow you to skip teammates that don't want it - I tend to hear tanks and brutes complaining if they're given it, for instance.)
  13. Nope. The tutorials are not mandatory, and I can run around for several levels being completely unrecognized until I've gained some levels. No NPCs "recognize" me - which lets me *get* recognized naturally (the NPCs you save do, generically, thank you. Not "OMG, it's you!" but "Thanks, they're always trying to steal my purse.") Which gives a natural path for the level 5-ish "someone wants to talk to you," since, well, you rescuing people would be noticed (or talked about by the rescuees.) So, yes, you're starting with an assumption on what others' characters are doing. And the game gives me the flexibility to go against that assumption. Heck, I've had characters who just run SG created missions in AE and never really touch a "real" contact, but get a full story arc (or several) through that and RP. (You also ignore starting redside, in which case I'm definitely not a hero.)
  14. ... you assume. I have plenty of characters with only a name, no real police connections 'til they've gotten noticed street sweeping (leveling a bit and eventually being pointed to a contact.) So, yeah, character wise, I do end up with characters who suddenly realized they can do fantastic things - or can't, and are just driven to go up and punch a Hellion.
  15. On occasion, I used to do anti-FOTMs. Like Ice/Energy blasters were a thing for a while. Energy/ice is ... a bit different. Or taking those combos to other ATs. (Energy aura/Ice melee?)
  16. Was going to reply earlier, didn't. Haven't really read through, to be honest. Skimmed a bit. So, here, two cents. Don't spend it all in one place. Yes, the game - both content and powers - should be balanced around SOs. Everyone gets them. Can get them for free. There's nothing much to understand about them, and they make a good baseline. SOs don't really "break" the game. (There can be some argument on getting them earlier doing so, now - at least one thread was started on that - but that ship sailed with DFB. They're more powerful, but there's also a cost for upkeep.) There's no side question on set bonues, globals, how many of what you have, build cost (as opposed to a min/maxed IO build,) etc. If you want to go with IOs and get more powerful that way, you can - either just a little (say, frankenslotting and not bothering with set bonuses much) or all out. Do so and content at base levels will get easier. (Moreso than the various "perks" we've gotten over the years have done.) Content? Well, it's still measured against that base level... generally with SOs. Trying to tweak the game, whether we're looking at power (do we *really* want to nerf recharge on the assumption X percent of builds have at least three LOTG globals?) or content - though the latter can be specifically marked, like some may do in AE - around the assumption that "the player will have IO builds" just rapidly gets into a chaotic mess about what assumptions *that* entails, and followups about what should be a "base" there, and shouldn't we just make that the base without a build, etc, etc, etc.
  17. Yeah, it's th epoint that sticks in mind. And other than being a "free" (and forced) respec, no, it's not all that special.
  18. See, here's the thing I have with the "untrained levels" one - If this were the trigger, I think we'd see a *lot* more VEATs have failed respecs. Why? At level 24, they're *forced* to respec their powers while leveling. And I know I'm not the only one who's had higher level tiers sitting there waiting. While the forced respec is (to me) annoying and part of why I don't play VEATs often (or just to 10 to get the costume slot, then PL to 24+,) if I'd had even one respec fail at that point with extra levels, it would annoy me enough to remember it.
  19. You can just highlight the bit of text you want, and after a moment there'll be a "Quote selected" bubble that pops up. It should just add it in wherever your cursor is. Or just hit "Quote" at the bottom of the post if there's not much there, or you want a bigger part of the post - it'll fit it in right beneath.
  20. Honestly, I'd like to split some of the items apart (that still need scaling to better sizes, as well) - such as the SG tables. Sized to make everyone look like the two year old sneaking a seat at the grownups table, if they can fit in...
  21. Protect the Peregrine Island bank and charge them a fee of 100% of all holdings.
  22. Well, we do have a few chest (and other) items that glow, but no symbols. I don't know if there's any technical reason not to. If there isn't, I'm for it. Honestly it would help with other items as well - like if you wanted a stripe that glowed down the side of the (regular) bottoms, versus the specific set of pants that does it.
  23. I know I've posted this commission I had made after that change before, but...
  24. I'm fairly sure it didn't give me the choice on my last high-40. That said I have a character at 47 now - I'll have to run her over to one.
  25. And nobody's criticizing you for sharing an opinion. Options and ways to tweak things for your liking are being mentioned. Besides, at level 7 the enemies aren't all that big a deal either - not many challenges (besides perhaps end drain from clockwork or mu.) Give it a bit, as they get more abilities, there'll be more of a challenge.
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