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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. ... I've spent enough time around badgers to "get" that. Sort of. That said, the current (live) LRT doesn't give you every zone. It's fairly limited. If you go into a zone for something, you can spend - two minutes, perhaps, aside from Nerva and IP (long) or the Shard (... the shard) getting the explore badges and end up with a custom list for that character. (And I'll say, as someone with 100-ish alts already (and growing) I already do this just for the merits. I always seem to find a few minutes I'm doing nothing in, or see I'm 5 or fewer mertis away from something I want, run to a zone, grab the explores and get it done. Nothing says you HAVE to do this all at once.)
  2. You're missing one other thing. LRT - which, yes, I took - was much more limited in its destinations. This way? You spend a very short time getting badges (and merits,) and then you have those zones available - more than LRT originally had. This *is an improvement.*
  3. One minor thing - personally, I'm not fond of redside portals being... well, red. It looks less "portal" and more "step here and be disintigrated." But that's me. (Related minor thing - it was really nice having the nerva portal drop you by granny bedlam to drop off salvage. Granted, it just means you hop in the water and swim for a bit, but still.)
  4. As someone who has been absolutely in love with teleport (first 50 had it, back in I3. Blaster. And yes, I even used it in old DA,) I've got to say - you actually win. And you're paid for getting the exploration badges, basically. You will - - Have a free power pick, now, and - be raking in 5 merits per zone while you get those beacons. Se even the time "cost" is getting paid off pretty nicely.
  5. Read the patch notes. It's also been talked about for over a year.You were also given a link to the patch notes in the thread that got locked.
  6. It doesn't only benefit melee. Think of a kinetics defender. Or any AT with a PBAOE nuke or hold. Though, as mentioned with the warshade comments - a brief disorient (you DID just yank a group through space) would be nice for safety's sake. ... you know, I wonder how this will affect MSRs.
  7. Copied my 50 WS over. My first impression was "Meh. Shadow Recall's far more useful." Mostly because I was thinking of my primary use for it - yoinking a Quantum over to stick in a gravity well and slap around. Plus, as mentioned, it does have a much faster recharge. Shadow Slip is going to take a little getting used to (and I can see some teams complaining, honestly,) but - once you have mire and eclipse? *Niiiiiiiiiice.* Yoink everything, eclipse, mire, kill. It might be better in some instances than Wormhole, as the mobs stay right where you put them. (And I'm not one to complain about KB.) WHich, given the cooldowns on Mire and Eclipse, makes ITS cooldown not so bad. For safety's sake, though, maybe a 2-3 second disorient can be applied to the mobs? One wish list item. Have this available in Dwarf form. If I'm off tanking and someone's in trouble? Being able to pull the entire mob to me like that ... I'd be grinning.
  8. Isn't "field medic auto" called an ambulance?
  9. No, it is not. It has been talked about for over a year. It is NOT a PVP "fix." It does not kill public transport bases. *Read* the notes.
  10. Need them for dual blades. Someone can then have double hockey sticks...
  11. ... starting to read that description reminded me of something (veering off topicish.) Ever read the Necroscope series? I remember one scene describing part of a lair where people had been ... "formed" into a pipe organ. It was rather a disturbing description...
  12. I'd (PVE-copy) these ever so slightly differently. Siren's - blue zone. BB - Low level separate-but-equal (not necessarily 'co op' but... not necessarily not) zone. (Both sides being interested in the meteors and shivans and such.) Warburg - Red zone. Other than that... I like it.
  13. Asking for something sensible. Geez, who do you think you are. 🙂 (and yeah, this'd be nice.)
  14. Purely cosmetic, no change to control. It was a bonus (along with the cape of four winds) with the COH collector's edition (which, actually, I started with, I3.) Can't change the slide's color, no.
  15. I know, I was thinking along the lines of opening up the pool for it with two of them and didn't type it out. And I don't honestly understand the last line. Nothing *keeps* anyone from picking a travel power, either. We don't even have prerequisites - you can grab *just* fly (or teleport, or whatever) - not everyone, I'd say not even most, are slaves to min/maxing. As far as utility, well - it's flexibility you *can* enhance and don't have to worry about having run out.
  16. Unfortunately, no. (And on outdoor maps, that front/middle/back is even less useful - in many cases there's nothing designated that way, as I recall>)
  17. *shrug* People play how they want. Doesn't affect me, generally. Maybe he's going for a "natural" travel power and is enhancing there. It is a thing. (Though the power slide kind of negates that. Unless he's stuck in Frostfire's room. A lot.)
  18. Thing is, it doesn't affect your gameplay at all, so... Neither did the times people (including me) didn't take the fitness pool (yes, that was a thing.) Or that I (for instance) don't bother perma-ing anything, or almost never take hasten. I guess what it boils down to, for my POV, is "If it bothers you, you don't have to do it." It's not changing the game. Mobs and content are not being created on the assumption that "You only use a temp travel power, so your defense/offense/whatever is greater" (also part of the issue - not taking a travel power does not mean your defense or resistance is higher or necessarily that you're stronger. Maybe someone dipped into medicine so they could heal *and* rez someone.) I mean, you said - "A lot of these powers are very core thematic elements to the characters." And gave examples. But there are plenty of other characters who *don't* do that. Daredevil, for instance, isn't known for ... I don't know, Devilflight, or Devilporting everywhere. There are plenty of examples of comic characters who have no "travel power" at all and take a bus, or car, or are driven in a limo, or take a plane (see also "Go go justice public transportation!") They're not 'less' of a character for doing that. So, why sit on the side of "people have to sacrifice this part of their concept for a travel power?" They're taking the equivalent of the bus - limited time, costs money, can't be enhanced, can't be used for a mule (and as a side note, that's what some travel powers/pools are weighted by - can someone throw a KB protection or LOTG in it, more than 'this is my travel power.') For my money, meta-wise, all the perma-this and cap-that is a *far* bigger worry for impact on gameplay.
  19. This is not new. There have always been people who chose not to take travel powers in order to take other (primary/secondary/pool) powers, since live. (I seem to remember hearing more about them when VEATs came out. And of course Khelds had them baked in, but that's not quite the same.) Ninja/Beast run encouraged this, too, for some.
  20. Not if the people running the raid you join don't do that. 🙂
  21. So, it happens frequently. You're on an MSR, you die, you get sent back to the Vanguard base and have to make your way back. Normally, this isn't much of a big deal - you can stop off and sell off things, pick up inspirations, level if you're under 50 - but it takes some time to get back. (Yes, someone can teleport you - maybe - if they see the request and it actually fires off. I've had to try 3-4x in the midst of a raid.) There are two specific times the travel time gets frustrating. One, fighting Ukon, and two, fighting the dropship. In both instances, if you get killed and can't safely get up (you died in the middle of a pack of Rikti, or by a pylon, say,) you have to teleport back to the base... and there's just no way you're getting back in time to get rewards for killing either of them, regardless of how much you've done. (Heck, being someone with a rez, stopping TO rez someone can sometimes take just long enough to be out of range for the rewards for a dropship kill.) These have distinct rewards, both in V-merits and (more of interest, since raids give so many V merits as it is) reward merits, plus of course badges. Granted, it's a minor irritation, but being able to utilize something closer - namely the typical gathering point, Point du Hoc, as a "med station" would be nice in these cases. At least having it as an option.
  22. Short form: "I would like a/some different graphical option(s) for an already existing item." Works for me. No different than having five or six different jetpack options to pick from like we do now (regular, goldbricker, holiday, longbow - two different ones, IIRC....)
  23. I thought Portal was mostly Dr. Webb, pre-Rikti, as an outgrowth of discovering that tiny percentage of Supradyne users who got to peek into other dimensions (and IIRC went crazy. Which I was assuming was part of what States - and bab? - had everyone swear not to talk about, per - think it's one of the boomtown or E:FL plaques..)
  24. There used to be (probably still are) holes here and there in the walls. If you manage to get through, you'll see they're just ... arranged buildings, floating on nothing. We don't have a continuous world (thus the load screens,) and I *believe* IC there's some "space" between the zones, but I could see rearranging said floating buildings to look like the "proper" next zone.
  25. High enough to do hami raids? At least on everlasting, we run two back to back. 120 merits per pair. (Though if I were going that route, I wouldn't spend the merits on ATOs. You can run the converter lottery, or just grab the winter IOs, sell those and probably get ATOs at a 3:2 ratio... )
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