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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. So disable it if it were implemented. It'd be a whole half second out of your life. I'd probably disable it too, but it's not a good reason to disagree with having it. It's brought up often enough that there are obviously people beyond just the OP who would like to have it. That said, there's enough market fluctuation that it'd probably flag at odd times or just be problematic. If someone picked up a run of (say) common IOs that someone listed at 100 inf because they were going for a crafting badge, say, and you bid 50,000, it would be reasonable but "well over" the last few bids. (Not to mention the price display bugs going on atm.)
  2. ... I'm wondering how many "just get to 50" folks are from other MMOs. Unless I'm part of a RPing SG, I think I have a sudden drop in how much I play my 50s when they hit that. I don't care overmuch about incarnate content - it's just... meh (probably because we *did* have to grind it, not to mention the game forcing "The Well" on you.) More often than not, I'll continue a character's story with an alt. Either a shift in powers, an alternate version, something. "Loot" for me isn't necessary. Nice to have, sure, but chasing it just sucks the fun out of things for me. There are other MMOs I could go to if I wanted to grind away mindlessly for the next "thing." And none of it is required. As far as X,Y,Z "sucks, not worth playing, why would you play that?" Well, that's pretty much why I don't have General on any of my tabs (aside from other ignorant and/or vile conversation) - other than that, it's mostly an opinion to be ignored.
  3. And, for a bit (and when I had a smaller screen) I was collecting some of the related pieces into wallpapers. This one cost four Bills. 🙂
  4. And one just for fun. While I appreciated the *convenience* when trainers were given the ability to be tailors, too, well... IC, I thought it might be problematic. Here's BABs illustrating one of the issues, with the help of a character of mine and another character run by a friend. I'm not sure it's better with him being outside by a little park now.
  5. Since I'm on ice, here's my Ice/Emp 'troller, who you may have run across on MSRs on Everlasting, Caduccia. Created her back in single digit issue days. The most memorable things with her are... hmm. First - and really only - character I had, from I3 to the end and in all the time I had here, that I ran across someone with a very similar (but not exactly the same) costume. (Not the one shown here.) Also - same single digit issue days, back in the hollows, I got invited to a team. Team leader was fine, second person insisted (after I was invited) that we needed a "healer." And *refused* to believe that Controllers had Empathy... despite me standing right there. Some peoples' kids.
  6. So, since servers are down and I haven't posted here in a while: I had one ongoing character - actually Therra's daughter. Initially in a sg/duo with her brother, decided to make her own way, joined Longbow, went undercover in the Isles, quit LB after that and became a hero of her own. (I had a fairly long bit written up for them, back on live, explaining the whole thing.) Erin Snow (emp/psy) / Caitlyn Haruspica (ice/ice corr) / Caitlyn Snow, all in one:
  7. I started on pinnacle back in the day. Servers falling down drunk with no warning is nothing new to me. 🙂
  8. .... I'm now picturing the sound effects for Arctic Air replaced with some smooth jazz with that filename, Solar. 🙂 (Edit: And yes, that's why I worded it very specifically that way - there are several effects some people find annoying that others like, so I'm all for *options.* )
  9. For me, it's great that people can make mod files and such. Even make them for download. That said - though I don't even notice the sound, frankly - I'd be for this being done, or at least presented as an option, "naturally" in game. Not everyone wants to deal with it, be told to go to the forums, search an who knows what trying to find the file, etc, etc, etc. Heck, listen to in game chat - not everyone wants to deal with the forums. Yes, I could (if I wanted to) do this myself. Not everyone can or wants to mod their game, for any number of reasons. An in game option as a goal would be nice for them.
  10. None were mentioned in the description. I highly doubt that would be the case without them mentioning it.
  11. Sounds overpowered. Probably trivializes AVs, and would provide one hit kills in PVP. 😉 (Actual answer? Been asked for since live. I don't know if there's a technical reason or not that would cause issues. I wouldn't mind, though.)
  12. The closest I came to a ... "pacifist" character was a ninja/pain MM. Used to be a doctor, worked in a war zone, swore never to hurt another after that. Her staff... well, not so much. They did promise not to carry guns. That left a lot of leeway...
  13. Unless you add shapeshifting and 1-50 storylines, then no. (And I'm saying this as someone who loves Khelds.) Heck, if you look at the powersets, they're heavily borrowing from existing sets *anyway* in a lot of cases. Heck, you could say it was already done. Look at an En/En blast powerset, a Peacebringer - then Energy Assault.
  14. Overall, Blue King. I man, come on, that entire run, facing Requiem, and Apex ended up at level 17? 🙂 Still, yeah. More relatable than "The things the *real* heroes are doing while you're playing." I don't think they generally portrayed the Phalanx well. And yeah, one of mine showed up in the Top Cow run gathering to face down Arachnos. Remade that character here. 🙂
  15. Well, there's a difference between "being supportive" and "just happening to have the tools someone else used to make a game." (In Myst's case, as I recall, that was Hypercard - at least in the games leading up to it.) At least they're somewhat consistent. (Unlike, say, OS/2's support back in the day - which went from being indifferent to "We're supplying tools to assist gaming" to "Due to internal politics (IE, "another division is trying to axe this because they're selling windows PCs and this is competition,") we're taking those tools away, but at least they weren't released." We *still* got things like Galactic Civilizations, but... could've been better.) I'll take indifference over actively hostile. 🙂
  16. Some friends and I ... sort of did this. WIth a degree of randomness. Using this or something like it to create the duos. It was ... interesting. (I ended up with a werewolf and his robot buddy Sparky for my character...)
  17. You know, we have this in a *very* small (and modified) scale already in the Tin Mage / Apex requirements. (Granted, it makes things +8 to you as I recall, but still.) Wonder if anyone's run that that way...
  18. I'm honestly not sure *what* the palette reminds me of. But, hey, the last one was grey. This one definitely isn't!
  19. No thanks. It would move Tactics from something that might be usable to something I'd flat out avoid. Plus, from the sound of it, the -KB is affecting the team like everything else in the power? If that's the case, *absolutely* not. (If it's not, disregard.)
  20. This, i wouldn't mind. If I know I'm making a character a Crab, I can *be that* from level 1 instead of feeling like I'm wasting my time and 24 levels of the character. As for the other... comments, I never stated this was a surprise. I *did* state the 24 respec was something I have *not liked* about them since live, and it's one of the reasons I avoid rolling them, despite otherwise enjoying massive altitis. (Mind you, there is a *lot* I don't like about VEATs. But this, to me, was just a lousy design decision.)
  21. I won't argue against more customization. I will argue against calling certain minions "not heroic." We had this argument when side switching first came out on live. I've got a heroic necro MM. Thugs? Part of a gang who split off because they did not like what their buddies were doing and decided to protect people instead. Demons? Why not? Mercs? Private security. And MTeague covered how things could go the other way. So yeah. Customization - yes. As for what's heroic or not - that's a question of imagination.
  22. So, just for the heck of it, I ran a mission and demorecorded it. One person, going from War Witch in Croatoa to a door mission (same zone,) regular difficulty, probably 10-15 minutes (hunting for a final hostage) - 260kb. Just running around Atlas park for about a minute, 10 people (including me,) one costume change, one of those people being a mastermind - 773kb. (Edit:) More for the heck of it. Me going into a small base, hitting demorecord, stopping right away. 14k. Same character, same base, going through all 10 costumes: 67k. (All 10 different.)
  23. Here's the thing, too. A lot of people here, *regardless* of the rewards, are long time vets of the game. They've seen and done the low level content to death. Regardless of the rewards... they've *done* it, and many of them just want to get to the "fun" levels or top level to get a fully powered up character. Put in new low level content, they'll run it a time or two and head back up. Hell, my first 50 back in i3 took nearly 400 hours. Granted, this was a blaster, with a late-30s content gap and a lot more debt. Now, even though I tend to play through content and join groups, I tend to end up well shy of 100 hours. Again, that's *with playing the content.* I think I have one non-50 that's going to be over that, and she's an RP main with a group that's just done social stuff on several SG nights (versus going out and getting XP.) Plus, lookign at the selections... 1 - we already have people running 2XP. This seems to run counter to "get more people to play the content" since they'd just be speeding through it *even faster.* 2 - Ehh... I don't think they need to, honestly. Not double, at least. 3 - We have the WST for this, which seems to do just what you want to do - encourage people to play other content. 4 - I just have to disagree with this flat out. Many of the sub-40 recipes have an outsize impact. LOTG is sub 40. Performance shifter +end, KB protection, Panacea, etc - huge boosts. Having at least some of these rare is a small price to pay for this. 5 - is an assumption. Besides, "rare" doesn' tnecessarily mean "good," or even "will sell on the market for a lot."
  24. Work weirdness, haven't updated. Sorry! So have a sand fire!
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