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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. I was mostly getting ahead of a potential "But Talos Island is an island" argument. Especially given there's a *bridge* there - as well as an actual tram line visible running to it.
  2. I don't know how "high resolution" that would be, really, to allow that. (Also they're more neighborhoods, not "cities." ) Plus, if you're at all familiar with the zones themselves, some are pretty obvious. I'm sure you can pick up where Indy Port (and thus Terra Volta,) Peregrine, Talos, etc. are, for instance. (Probably not as *immediately* obvious that Salmanca/Croatoa is in the upper left.)
  3. Given how easy it is to just head to (or create your own!) "transit base" to get anywhere, on top of things like using Ouro and TUNNEL, I'd personally rather leave the little bit of flavor of "Peregrine Island is an *island,* of *course* you need to use a ferry and not just ride the tram" alone. The whole "two separate tram lines, with the Red line destroyed" was already merged back on live, but at least those still had "they're still tram lines on the ground" (yes, I know, Talos) going for them. (And not having to go station to station to station.)
  4. However, if we look at the *front* chest details, they have both flat on texture symbols/letters/etc as well as "items" like bandoliers and chestpieces (such as the mecha chest bits, not just cuirass or corset type pieces.) Unless the back details are handled entirely differently... Though it wouldn't help with jackets, perhaps.
  5. Well, we *have* back details as far as backpacks and wings. Something exists back there as an anchor point so...
  6. Same reason some of my Khelds have Kheld/Nictus related base salvage. *shrug*
  7. Nope. The only thing affected is the creation date. The bio is untouched.
  8. *Working, so sends Cat there in spirit.*
  9. Qs and Voids have been nerfed, yes. Can't speak to your Kehlding ability, but Qs and Vs no longer do unresistable Nictus damage to Khelds.
  10. Radio/newspaper missions don't have a story to them. They're adlib-style fill in the blank. They don't link to an overall narrative, and they don't provide merit rewards. You do a few, do (or skip) the bank mission, rinse and repeat. Sorry, Lum, that's just a really weak argument. The OP's hardly asking for these to be "the core of the game," and the rest... kind of went off the rails. Re-read the original post. In other words, "Can we have these groups added to the scanner missions, since they're in the zone." Not "Let's fold everything from every side and zone into PI." You went past slippery slope there into "jump off a cliff." Nothing that's been said since states or even implies anything near what you went to. And yes, they DO also show up in tips. However, tips affect the entire team's alignment progress. Radios don't.
  11. /Whoall will do this. People *can* hide from it in their hide menu, but other than PVP zones, I rarely see people do that.
  12. If the MSR spawned an invasion, there'd be a minimum of 3 a day on Everlasting at least and it would get more than a little annoying. The accolade doesn't need to be gotten in one shot. There will be invasion events as well. It's not a "need to get NOW" thing. Patience, grassrocket.
  13. That's just where it's still the most vocal (and festering.) Youtube, FB, gaming sites, probably some of the other social media stuff I don't bother with - it was bad.
  14. Twice, yeah. First run was 35 and below. From the results they had on that, the second run was 6 and below, because that's where the majority of "freed" (and maybe taken, but I don't think we were ever told) names were. (I do wonder, honestly, if the script would've been run again had the game not sunset, given the free accounts. Alternately, it was and sunset was the *biggest* name release ever... )
  15. Go to COH's sub-whatever on Reddit and mention Homecoming. Or SCORE. There are STILL people who treat anyone involved with that as the worst - there was a *lot* that went on that would make you definitely question how this could have been "the best community around." It was, and at times still is, *bad.*
  16. Right, which is why I said a "standard" travel power - one of the ones in the pools. IF we're talking one of the temp (I know, perma-temp) powers, I'd have to assume as a car your character model would be completely replaced with that of the car (and no clear windows, of course.) Which does rather limit the customizability the OP might want.
  17. Nope, generally *not* sharing information about something is the preferred way. Also: Given the amount of pure vitriol that was put the way of some people, and that we're bringing some external servers into the fold....
  18. As a "travel power," the only way I could see this is like some sort of zone teleport, where you get in and drive offscreen, then arrive at your destination. Basically Team Transporter. As a standard travel power? I don't see it happening. Just think of everything you can do while using one of the other travel powers - especially attack. Now imagine having to redo *every* attack/buff/debuff/attack reaction/other animation to be done "while in a car." Or does that car disappear? Are we making this just a solo car or can others join in? How do we deal with hitboxes? Is it a convertible so we don't have to worry about peoples' heads clipping out the top of the car? Is the car restricted from moving over water, air, really rough terrain? If you have a mission on the other side of Indy Port, are you having to drive around the long way? If you have a mission in Nerva, are you going to have to pick up a secondary travel power or jet pack? (Before some post-live changes, for instance, I pretty much always picked up combat jumping if I picked up superspeed because there were times I needed more vertical "oomph" to get places.) Soooo.. yeah, unless you're wanting the team transport but as a car (in which case you're losing any real chance at customizability,) there are a *lot* of hurdles to turning a car (or motorcycle, another semi popular ask) into a travel power. If they could do it? Great! But there's a fair bit to actually doing it decently.
  19. Rikti show up in PI - standing in good size groups in the southern half of the island, not infrequently - as well as Founders Falls. (If we include hazard zones, there's also Crey's and (obviously) the Echo: RCS.) I don't believe there are other zones, but that is several they show up in. I don't think there are any free range Rikti redside.
  20. You know - and this is also 100% my curiosity - I'd kind of like to see three data points: - We already have one. "Expecting 1.6 million names freed up." - What is it - say, ten minutes before this is made active? - And what is it a week and/or month later, as far as inactive names and names claimed by others? (say, "Before it went active, that number went down to 1.3 million names. A week in, 1.2 million names were on that list. A month in, somehow 2 million names were reused" or whatever.) I've got a few characters that are flagged for rename - RP characters and base builders (which tend to be peacebringers at level 1, because they don't need to level and fly is helpful.) I *highly* doubt I'll see their names change. They'll either tend to be "actual naames" or something people aren't likely to grab, like a base code. (I highly doubt anyone is DYING to get "basecode-12345" for their character.)
  21. Those, as I recall, are just "monsters," not GMs. Assuming by "zone DE GMs" you mean the ones in the Hive (and north islands of PI.) Which it sounds like you do. They're there year round and the point of them pretty much *is* to give a league EoEs. If they gave Aethers, Aethers would be pretty much worthless - especially if, say, you're on Excelsior and running three double hami raids a day. Even dropping one Aether each, I'm pretty sure I'd be having to drop full stacks on the market monthly, if not faster. And you'd have a string of people just farming them, possibly by dragging them to Portal (like happened several times on live.)
  22. Trying to recall if it was MSR mobs or those and invasion/zombie mobs that stealth actually had no effect on.
  23. Heal/Endmod might not be extremely common, but it IS common enough that yeah, there should be an IO for it. I could even see two (that basic high/low level mix) IO sets for it.
  24. Well, it says you already have a valid game account with the username Amarathos, so if you're using that, my guess is that you're not using the right password. (I want to say the forum and game password are not necessarily the same, but it's been a long time so don't hold me to that.)
  25. Correct. If you look at the Hectomb enhancement in game - hover over it - you'll see (using the damage IO for instance) Hecatomb: Damage +Damage UNIQUE -- no more than 1 enhancement of this type can be used per character. All purple, winter, Overpowering Force and ATOs are like this. If you slot one Hecatomb: Damage, that's the only Hecatomb: Damage you can slot anywhere on that character on that build. (Plus the bit of oddness I mentioned with ATOs - not only can you not put, say, two Brute's Fury Acc/End on the same build, you can't put a Brute's Fury Acc/End and a Superior Brute's Fury Acc/End on the same build - they're considered the same IO for this uniqueness rule.) Crushing Impact - like the majority of IOs - is not tagged this way, which is why you can have multiples in your build (just not the same power.) There are a few "standard set" IOs that *are* tagged this way, such as Panacea: Chance for +Hit Points/Endurance or Miracle: Recovery, but they tend to be special pieces. And you'll see that same UNIQUE warning right up top of the IO's description.
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