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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I'm not sure how* it needs fixed as a power itself, but I could see the set being modified to make Burn balanced with the set as a whole. What I am speaking more to is the other things that can be used to make Burn and pretty much any power behave in a way that isn't balanced by risk versus reward. Or maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture/formula.
  2. Oh man when I submit my support tickets for enemies stuck in or underneath geometry, our awesome GMs show up faster than the time it takes for Bitter Freeze Ray to cast. Of course most of the time I just fail to find the enemy hiding in plain sight 😆
  3. That is a popular example, but far from the only one. OP might not realize it, but both the legacy devs and the HC devs have modified (increased and decreased) badge requirements since badges were introduced to the game. It is their prerogative to do so, to the chagrin of players sometimes.
  4. Like I've always said, if a player wants a badge, they will fulfill the requirements to earn it.
  5. What is the longest animating attack power in this game? Anyone know? (Part of me wants to say it's Bitter Freeze Ray from the Ice Blast powerset, but that is only a paltry 2.5 seconds, or eternity in game time lol)
  6. Ah good distinction - LISTED enhancements, yes.
  7. That's likely a reality of the market and the way enhancements are bucketed, meaning a Level 48 enhancement can be listed by a seller, but a buyer can see 1 enhancement available at 49 or 50. Special Origin and Single Origin enhancements have a level cap of 53. Invention Origin enhancements have a level cap of 55.
  8. Agreed. Infrigidate is a real outlier, perhaps even the best example of how much procs can change a power's risk versus reward formula. I'd say Burn has a lot preventing the HC devs from taking a balance pass over it. The proc conundrum is separate though in balance considerations IMO. Then there's potentially instigating a community that has grown accustomed to how it can perform and an actual bug with upfront damage, or multiple pet casting, not quite sure.
  9. Procs are to blame for a lot of unbalanced outcomes in this game. It's really a shame because at least for a little while the damage meta was tame. Now every attack power is slotted the same, with global recharge abound and @Diantane rippin up the threads to call it lame.
  10. You can adapt or complain, it doesn't make a difference.
  11. I like the set and its mechanics and I think change is good. I'd recommend learning the mechanics and adapting it to a new playstyle or just continue to complain about it on the forums, or whatever change you don't like this week.
  12. Interesting points, does anyone have context from the previous legacy devs as to why Burn was the way it was? I do remember it acted differently at launch, it caused Fear on enemies within the patch if I remember correctly?
  13. Yeah Burn is the power that makes the set feel offensive.
  14. I like to think of it like trying to make a movie by recording over and editing the same VHS tape. Then years later, you want to make some scenes better, so you re-shoot with modern digital cameras and the only way to insert those new frames in to the original is to cut the film negatives out of the VHS tape and then glue on the new scenes. And nobody has a VHS player anymore.
  15. I don't get the disdain for past developer studios. It was a business arrangement. Way I see it - the consumer gets to have fun and the publisher gets paid. When it wasn't fun anymore for the consumer, they canceled their subscription. When it wasn't making enough money for publisher, they canceled the game.
  16. Oh okay. Then if zone events normally reward merits, this suggestion makes sense.
  17. Recharges so fast, drops multiple pets, tons of DoT, enormous damage - is there even a risk versus reward mechanism at play here or is it too hot to fix without an uproar from the player base?
  18. Question in the title, specifically how much outside of storing in emails or other means I'm not aware of. Thanks!
  19. Oh that makes sense. The way I read and responded to your post originally was because I thought you were asking about slotting after crafting.
  20. I used to think he was called Black Alley Brawler, my dyslexia was strong back in the early 2000's.
  21. Still waiting for someone to provide a screenshot of Back Alley Brawler when he was black.
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