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Everything posted by Grindingsucks
Hm... very strange. Maybe post on the discord and see if anyone can offer a solution. Otherwise, sometimes you can find people willing to build a base for you. I know others have gone that route.
@Hyperstrike Well, you could try turning the resolution down while working in the base editor and see if that makes a difference.
@Dr.Rogue : This is constructed out of assets that already exist in the base builder. Once you get experience using all the bits, you'll begin to recognize how this was done with many things in CoX
Well, I wouldn't want to force that on anyone. How about new 50+ missions that scale properly to Incarnate level toons, for those people that would like to be challenged in group play? Or an extra tier of difficulty in the notoriety settings, that can be turned on as desired (or not, as one prefers)?
Brilliant use of color and pattern there, @Player2
I love this art. And your story. Great stuff! 👍
Honestly, I hadn't thought of it. I would still be inclined to take Body Mastery over Soul, though, because I'm one of those oddballs who builds for theme/concept first and then works on combat efficiency second, and my scrappers concepts often don't fit thematically with powers in the Soul Patron pool. Still, good to keep in mind. Thanks for pointing it out! 👍
I actually like Psi-Melee. I'm an oddball, though. Most people wish the powers were all Psi-blade, so they can play a Psylocke homage. I wish the powers were all like TK Blow b/c I like the animations better and feel like I can leverage them for more interesting concepts. For what it's worth, I also like LBE. No, it's not a great attack power, but the animation is classic superhero trope stuff and it's great for proccing, as you noted. I usually put in procs that hold, as it looks really cool to hit something with your heat vision and then watch that crackling sphere pop up around them. Plus, it gives you a few seconds to get in an extra attack or two.
Wow, that is way cool. 👍
I'm for anything that creates a challenge for groups at lvls 50+ (provided it's not cheap, gimmicky crap, like Apex insta-kill blue-spooge, etc. I'm talking about tough, challenging foes that require close teamwork and leveraging of AT roles to beat in normal combat).
Yeah, it's really about the line patterns on the suit. They're too complex and specific to recreate with what we have. I would focus more on taking the general color scheme and mask design and then developing something unique, but inspired, by it. Though, I have to say, I prefer the old Captain Britain togs, myself. Of course, trying to figure out how to model the Union Jack on a costume would present its own problems. 😛
Apex. That's the one that uses those cheesy, blue insta-death flames, right? I also dislike that one. I don't mind a tough opponent that can beat me in a fair fight, but don't use a cheap gimmick to defeat me. Lame. 😛
Damage output is so extreme at lvls 50+ that all AT roles are largely unnecessary, though they can still be helpful to some degree. This is largely because end-game content did not keep pace with the power increase of archetypes after the introduction of IO sets + incarnate abilities. Plenty of people still love and play Tankers, though. I find that they don't do quite enough damage to satisfy me when I'm playing solo, so I tend not to play them so much anymore. YMMV, of course, such things being subjective.
I thought about trying a blaster archer/ninjitsu, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Too many other ideas I'm distracted with at the moment. 😛
I do use the P2W travels. And I have used Combat Jumping on various toons. And I have carefully read all of the objections to the OP's suggestion, to this point. I have to say, while Combat Jumping is pretty good, I still agree a little QoL enhancement to the jump height of the power is in order. I really don't think changing the boost (to +20, vs. +8, let's say) is going to make the ability somehow more overpowered for its cost compared to other powers that exist in the game. If you wanted to dial up the endurance cost a tad, to compensate, that is reasonable. Just don't overdo it. Gaining the ability to jump vertically another couple of dozen feet doesn't suddenly turn you into an overpowered god.
Ha, ha! There are several thigh-slappers in that one. I also enjoyed the bit where you get a "Morality Tip" when you find the parking ticket and the choice is Do I keep the ticket so the guy gets towed, or validate it so that the city will be denied the revenue." Villains are so EEEEBIIIIILLLL!!! 😆
Crazy? Not at all. A Blasters ranged attacks do an eye-bulging amount of damage. But see Olly's reply regarding certain powersets, like fire, where you may gain more dps by utilizing the rnged and melee attacks together.
I ran it a 0/1 and found it extremely challenging, but that's what I liked about it. I'd very much like to see equally challenging arcs for Incarnate level play. The ones we have now tend to use gimmicky, one-shot-kill powers (the blue stuff in Apex and Orbital Lance barrages in Tin-mage) to provide the challenge to high-lvl teams. I'd love to battle foes that can give incarnates a run for their money without using these cheap, gimmicky tactics. I'll admit that I also didn't like the 5-minute timer, but timed missions have always been a pet-peeve of mine. Just a personal preference. The dialogue and story I found quite good. It could have been tightened up a bit, yes- but the length was not a deal-breaker for me. At least the author used correct spelling and punctuation. I see plenty of AE arcs that are barely readable, which really breaks my immersion.
Actually, yeah- that would be cool. 😁👍
The answer may vary widely, depending on who you ask. I find blapping pairs exquisitely well with the new combat teleport power. Blast away with your primary attacks. When those are exhausted, combat teleport to the mob and punch away, then combat teleport back or up away from the mob and resume blasting. Rinse and repeat. If you happen to draw aggro, energy melee attacks have a handy knockback that can push the aggressor off of you and let you hit them from range again, reposition, or whatever. Some of the secondaries can hold or disorient, allowing you a few extra seconds to combat teleport away and blast them with ranged attacks before they can recover. Mostly, though, I just enjoy the variety of play and added flexibility I get from being able to leverage both strong ranged and melee attacks from the same AT. When I play a strictly melee toon (scrapper, brute, whatever) I often find myself missing ranged attacks. Likewise, when playing a Sentinel or Corrupter, I will frequently find myself missing the feel of good-old, brutal fisticuff attacks. Blasters allow me to enjoy both things in the same toon. One other thing to keep in mind, is that my priorities are probably different than yours. You clearly value squeezing the most damage out of your build as possible. There's nothing wrong with that (certainly, many players have the same build philosophy). I'm not as interested in it. Yes, I like to have powerful attacks. But I also choose a variety of attacks for more interesting animations to look at during combat, which is an important part of the enjoyment of the game for me. In fact, I will not take a powerful ability with an unappealing (to me) look or animation (Granite from the stone armor set comes to mind. Great power, but boring look with no ability to customize the color. Or any of the ice powers, many of which are highly effective. I never taken them, though, because I hate the way the ice powers look). Blapping is probably not for everyone, but I do recommend any blaster or dominator player trying it out, at least once. It's a lot of fun to mix up ranged and melee attacks during combat. 😁
There is no "Error". I'm currently having a blast with a broadsword/regeneration Brute- widely recognized as one of the worst two powersets in the game. I'm playing missions at +3/0 and doing just fine. So our toons can't swing our dicks around as aggressively as the other guys, with their overpowered, dick-swinging toons. So what? Just play what seems interesting to you and have fun! 😉👍
What Hew said, except for the bits about grinding. 😁
Galaxy Brain's 2021 Sentinel Fix
Grindingsucks replied to Galaxy Brain's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I think the suggestions (if implemented) would make for a really fun AT. It would change it from less of a semi-tanky, mid-ranged combatant to a semi-tanky, mid-ranged, combat support unit. I love all of the the suggestions, although I do wonder if the Overwatch buffs should be dialed down a bit (or, at least, the 50% regen lowered to 25%). Apart from that, I think you have a great eye for both game balance and making an AT a fun and interesting experience to play!