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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Genius, no wonder I didn't think of it, thanks!
  2. Sigh, OK. Let's move on to a related issue: the actual computer files for custom enemy groups and missions. I have a number of such files (custom enemy groups, previously written missions etc.) that I had saved from Live. So I put them once into my install of HC, and seem to recall I was able to access some of them, but then I had to re-install HC and moved them again into the new install and don't seem to see any of them (or much fewer of them) now. They're currently sitting inside this path: Local disk - Game Files - Homecoming (sen below), along with all the usual files like "accounts, bin, cache, architect, etc. But the game clearly isn't recognizing/finding them or something, when I open up say My Local Missions, I don't see them. I would guess they need to be put into the right files in there somewhere, like the previously-mentioned architect folder itself? Anyone know which file exactly?
  3. So, made a custom group composed of renamed pre-existing mobs. All levels are correct and line up. I can choose to populate the entire map with them, I can choose to set them as the crowd guarding a Rescue, but... I cannot select any of them for a Defeat A Boss detail. Like, the group doesn't even show up in the Custom tab here and only here when I'm trying to select one of them for the Boss to defeat. I've saved the group, logged out, logged back in, did the same and let hours pass before I logged back in too. Anyone got any idea what's going on there?
  4. Say whaaat? I tend to cut and paste a lot and I've noticed sometimes the AE holds onto some stuff in a weird way, so I'll have to go get rid of that, thanks. Thanks for the play and glad you liked it. Your timer idea intrigues me...
  5. And here I was expecting a rant against or for Kheldians...
  6. I have a Dark Armor / Spines stalker. Both sets are supposedly trash: Dark is too End hungry and Spines is... not good for some reason (I haven't bothered learning the reason). But they fit the concept so it was off to the races for me, concept overrules. By the time she was near 50 I discovered that with a little bit of luck such as one power or another recharging in time, she can tank, well. I routinely use her as a tank to draw Rikti down into the bowl during MSRs. Not being a min/maxer (see the rule of concept), this is even more surprising.
  7. I did try that and it didn't seem to do anything, but it is good advice!
  8. Having logged out at the time, now that I log back in, it's fixed; I did nothing. I don't think? I saw that up/down arrow was still there? But that might have done it, yeah. I don't save windows configs though, but that was a good thought too. Thanks for them both!.
  9. And the Tsoo are somehow able to have ancestor spirits just like hanging around them all the time, that's more than Daredevil can do!
  10. That'd be a great prompt for a villainous arc that ends with you delivering a well-deserved clobbering to the hero...
  11. Ok, then yeah, this was not it - unless you count myself as the Mary Sue making you run around. But that would be most authors here, right? I'll hide in the crowd.
  12. I've fallen prey to that annoying "whoopsie!" when you accidently collapse your chat window and only have the Global, the top half, showing. My search-fu is pretty ADHD so I didn't find an answer on the wiki, so can someone please explain to me in single syllables how to fix this? I promise I will cut and paste it into my growing Google doc of "COH Info" and will never bother anyone about this again, thank you!
  13. Perspicacious criticism! Totally a vanity project, though, because I do love art house movies. I can't read music, much, so this was all just aiming for verisimilitude at best. Without hopefully getting too into the weeds, the glowies were just there to make more sounds, hence being ignored in the nav window. I should probably somehow mark them more clearly as "optional"...
  14. That would seem to be a needless level of redundancy, but that tracks in that use, yeah.
  15. Side note: curious about this use of the word "meta" that I am previously unaware of...
  16. There's always AE! *hikes a thumb at his own arcs* Eh? Eh? 😃
  17. Not exactly griefing, which implies intent, if I didn't know this fact until right now. That should be changed, it's BS. As I don't often get deep into the Incarnate areas, I've only ever taken it on one toon, which was for Halloween (I was a GM scout, "Pink Bampfer" says hello!). I usually set my toons to auto accept because I got tired of having to click it. Haven't used it hardly anywhere else that I can think of, really, maybe only a handful of times at best. I alt a lot, so it's not like Pink sees constant use.
  18. Whichever one contacted me first. You do you.
  19. Whoops yeah, left out a step; thanks for the recovery.
  20. Will no one rid me of this troublesome version?!
  21. Side note: you are out of the loop on stalkers. I have tanked, and I have drawn MSR Rikti into the bowl with stalkers, for example. To be simple, they're Scrappers now with some special effects. Look into them, they rock!
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