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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I don't believe in trusting it to proc "when I need it" because the RNG always hates you when you trust it. 😃 Also? One less thing to click in the middle of even beginning of a fight, I can just forget about it and let it run in the background there. Anyway, here's the thread and post where I found this info if you want to look at it: Regardless of all of that, I'm not one to squeeze every last DMG point out my build until it hollers, but others do, I know.
  2. Hm, that -Resist does sound nice. BTW, I have Pulse Rifle BURST, not BLAST, better damage right there. Looking at the numbers, they animate all about the same time, so there's that too. I don't slot purples because I don't speed level, hate the extreme expense, sometimes sidekick down, and often drop a toon once they're about half way through their Incarnate powers, so the AA proc is out. Still, although I never seem to have trouble drawing agro ha ha, this is a good argument, I may have to do a respec to Grenade, thanks for the tips.
  3. My Bots/Emp MM has two attacks, the simple Pulse Rifle and Arcane Bolt. Any damage is good damage, especially combined with Bots and a couple of Hold procs on each of those attacks. Heals are easy otherwise. But I can see this subjective, sure.
  4. I often play support, so Bots/Emp was a natural for me. I found it easy going as I generally hate having to resummon all the time; with Emp, I didn't have to so much at all. I've played I think four MMs to 50 now, and this felt like the least struggle build I've run. I don't feel it's a bad choice at all.
  5. Agree with MTeague, plus because I like to listen to my own music at times while playing. But I don't want to lose ALL Music by turning the volume down to 0% in the Options.
  6. Yeah, that was a common tactic for DC back in the day "what's this?! This cover shows Superman tossing the entire Earth into the sun! But... why?! I simply must spend my twelve cents to discover what's going on it this comic!!"
  7. I find this true of so much food. I've had some (fairly) fresh coconut in my past, like the meat taken right out of the shell yeah, and now that dried and shaved (and often sugared) stuff you buy for baking or whatever just tastes awful or wrong to me.
  8. All well said, and to that I'd like to add what I understand to be one or two times that you'd want to save that proc for elsewhere, namely the TACTICS power from the Leadership pool. Some people have done testing and it apparently its chance to proc is based off of how many it's "affecting," so that means anyone you're teaming with: On a team with 8? Eight chances to proc! In league? Hoo boy do you have chances! Are you a Mastermind, or teaming with a Mastermind? Each pet is a chance to proc. As I recall the testing saying, anyway. Because of the above and how I like to team (I almost never solo), I often tend to save it for Tactics, but that might be something of a bias on my part.
  9. Digression: back in the early days, Netflix allowed a comment section under each film or TV show, and you could post there to say how much you liked the film or didn't, etc. When you posted, it would randomly assign you one of like seven or maybe ten simple B&W avatars for your post, each obviously drawn from a famous bit of film or film character. One of them was clearly a Nosferatu. So my wife likes watching Bollywood films, and from time to time we'd be scrolling through the comments section for such a film and see posts from a Nosferatu or two about how romantic this film was, and they just loved the sound track and were dancing around the house singing it to themselves etc. Nosferatu! It was hilarious. Sadly Netflix no longer does that.
  10. Seconded, I've been trying to use the thing unhistorically for one character, but just cannot sell myself on any of the helmets. I don't have any interest in trying to make a period-accurate samurai or anything, so otherwise this is just useless for me - this and all the other otherwise accurate samurai costume pieces, if I can't find a way to "misapply" them; have to say I never understood the time and effort being put into such a narrow type of costume options in the first place, but that's probably just my bias of not being into "samurai culture as a form of badassery".
  11. At least one new statue somewhere doing a facepalm!
  12. How dare you ask to me to defend my questionable opinion! But to keep this thread op topic, yeah, MSR is the only viable way I've found to collect enough Vanguard Merits to make them worth anything. And they accumulate like falling snow on a good MSR.
  13. "2 years later" I kinda think so...
  14. You and I are enemies now! Iron Man II was right there for another well-deserved kicking.
  15. I have that on a blaster too. 😃 I think there's a distinction to be made between "bad build decisions" and "bad build decisions you maybe because damn it you wanted to." I've taken and slotted Jump Kick on my current tanker, and took Group Fly on my recent Bots MM because damn it I wanted to. When else will I ever do that? Might as well be now. I don't need to squeeze an extra .5 of a DMG or End Rec out of everyone, but I can squeeze out some extra fun.
  16. These bunnies are reproducing like... uh... This is my Rabbitattatt. =)
  17. That's what Prestige Power Slide is for, just recolor it.
  18. Indeed, he's great. Also, most teams are rushing from zone to zone by TT these days, so this is moot. Seriously though, this is pretty much our speedspeedspeed mentality run amok - which yes, is what speedspeedspeed would want (and yes I will admit to a bias against it as it seems to lead to lots of "come join my team while I solo this"). If you want to play this way or keep up with those who do, then you'll need to spend the time to get a badge from each zone, with or without Okami. I've done it myself (using a jetpack to avoid the purple bad guys) in about an hour. It doesn't really strike me as that onerous a requirement to speedspeedspeed in ways we didn't used to be able to. And I do have alts, a few pages of them. ETA: I mean, we spend time planning builds, right? Running Mids, all that, and crafting, working the market to get whatever we need. This is just another one of those chores we have to put in to get out the massive pewpewpew we like.
  19. I do not have any bad build decisions... that I will admit to, anyway.
  20. I have recently forgot to turn it off when me and the bots started a BAF, so I was making a lot of people fly, apparently (and rather annoying most of them as well ha ha - sorry guys!).
  21. Oh, huh, that actually excludes most of my bios, I keep them short. Guess I can still hope for that "you must don't have to be this tall to ride" category though.
  22. It was you saying that you "couldn't wait to see it when they were done" that really put them off.
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