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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Your New Year's Resolution: Move to the Rogue Isles It would be just like them to dictate that to me.
  2. And here I thought you were going to be talking about removing old threads and I was gonna shout no loudly. This idea's just fine though! I foresee no problems!
  3. Could have sworn you said "edible" and I was thinking, Christmas is over now, sure, but April 1st already?!" I'll upvote this idea, joke aside. I wouldn't mind having one for my toons to store stuff in, but I know NOTHING about bases and my time's too limited to really poke around in that very large sandbox.
  4. His name could be a callback to that old Surfaris song, "HahahaWhiteout"
  5. There has been some of that, I'll agree. Me though, I'm here "pissing on" one of them because I once worked for them and saw how they did things - or may still be doing things, I dunno. Maybe I'm just a lone disgruntled sour-graper, but I feel you might think the same had you been there yourself. We'll see what happens, and of course you can enjoy those games when they come out too, we certainly can't stop you..
  6. Somebody stop this thread I want to get off!
  7. I'm not in front of the game right now so my terms might be wrong here, but making a new character yesterday, I saw a new-to-me thing with the helpful P2W lady standing next to the Atlas statue platform: it said something about renouncing a power to get a new prestige power? Can anyone tell me what that was?
  8. Think how cool you'll look flying with that thing.
  9. And there's that lady in the Pocket D tiki room too. I think she's an Icon employee?
  10. I wouldn't mind this idea, but I'd just limit tot something like the last 20 posts, because often the posts are just stuff like "Team full, thanks." But it's not a terrible idea. It also reminds me that it's not a bad thing to just pop into the channel and go "45th Stalker looking for blue-side stabbings, hit me up!"
  11. I have to admit I haven't gotten round to the winner arc yet, but I had a feeling that based on that great title alone, it would be probably be the best. Mainly I'm just jealous I didn't think of that first, yeah. Congrats and thanks!! ETA: Being new to this, how do I go about claiming those Honorable Mention rewards?
  12. Say, did they announce a winner from the Christmas-themed one and I missed it somewhere?
  13. Yeah, I knew about the phone guy and one or two others too. I'll have to remember to check for bios next time, thanks.
  14. I didn't even know those were legacy characters, I figured they were minor lore characters I just hadn't heard of (as I'm not much into the lore side of things). It's good to know we can get in there any time of year.
  15. Somehow snagged the name Knight Music, a Sonic/Dark troller (or is that a Dark/Sonic? I dunno). Never played anything Sonic before. Something of a basic tights look with a fancy helm with the Black Knight visor options, and a big black musical note 🎵 on his chest. Haven't done a thing with him yet, may want to reroll him into say a Defender.
  16. One of the water blast sets (something water anyway) does this too, water sprays everywhere and you can't see a thing for a second or two. Drove me nuts when that set was new and everyone and their brother had a new Water toon. I've just learned to grit my teeth and wait it out. But hey, no I can defend my use of KB, "I had to knock them back with my M-30 Grenade so I could see them!"
  17. I think there's also something t be said for "does this power fit my character concept or not?" You might skip that cone for single target specialization, or not as well. It's like choosing between Flight or Super Jump. It's nice to get to choose and not make a "dumb" choice because "I didn't know that Spin was so weak" or whatever.
  18. "Doctor Pumpkingrin was once a mild mannered civilian in Paragon City who wanted to buy a defused pumpkin bomb from Wentworths for his mantle for Halloween. Turns out he lucked out when a sloppy villain put up an entire power set and typoed the price, selling it for just 2 Inf instead of 2 billions - whoops!"
  19. I just hit 50 on a rifle-wielding rabbit* the other day, all those knock-backs pewpewpew powers, and I've only ever once had anyone say the first word about it. Which hey, good for them, yeah. If you suffered in silence, then shame on you, because I'd have been happy to then not use nay of those powers and just sort of trail along in back sopping up the XP you're workign so hard to generate without me. *Hm, I should add her to my growing sig list of 50s...
  20. I definitely have a type of body I make all my characters to, which not the weirdly bloated with muscles archetype that 90s comics made ubiquitous (it's like no one remembers Megaton Man made the superheros look that way as a joke!). No one's 7 seven feet tall (unless maybe they're weird ghosts or something), no one's hulked out so much they wouldn't fit through a real-world doorway, etc. and my women toons are all as you described too. They're all just people.
  21. That "Ice Touch" looks a heck of a lot more like "Ice STAB!" with a sword though. I mean, I'm all for more and more choices available for costuming - really! - but a fist attack and a sword attack just wouldn't feel right doing the same type of damage to me (one's more smashing, the other more lethal).
  22. "It's time to develop the Shadow Shard Zones!" Oh great, now even the Shadow Shard's getting gentrified!
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