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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I'd kind of thought those little guys didn't count? I mean, that's the feeling I've gotten from my runs through, but maybe that means my teammates were carrying me by taking the time to wipe them up when I wasn't looking.
  2. So like every zone after midnight or so? Not my idea of a good time as I'm a shift worker and spend over half my CoH hours in the middle of the night.
  3. That describes about half of my runs. I just laugh, it's sort of like watching a cat jump for a window sill and biff it.
  4. I never said "kill the story!" I said replace the fluff with more, better story. I hate speed running too, mainly because it tends to be a few people ignoring the rest of the team to rush ahead.
  5. I barely ran TFs during Live, and even I know it as that.
  6. I'm all for revamping them all, mainly to get rid of the fluff, but to hopefully replace that with actually more engaging content. I don't want them to be shorter, just more exciting than "go hunt kil 20 ____" and "now go zone to click on a contact then have to zone back" silliness. Drop in another AV or a different enemy group/map, make it more interactive somehow, just not more "oh hey we found another cave of Council who need to get a beating!"
  7. They're super cops sent to fight the ridiculous amount of super villains, it kind of tracks. But oh lord does it get old too, I feel ya.
  8. Which isn't something you see happen much outside of "prime time" hours. Hell, I just spent about five hours logged on over the past two days (during my hours, which are not prime time thanks to my work schedule) and still haven't gotten the badges from Rikti invasions with my favored toon right now (a Defender was just not made to punch out enough bombs on their own without some help I guess!). I can see the viewpoint against it so too though, sure, yet...
  9. Inanimate Carbon Rod, Dr. Forrester, all of the above... I've wondered if anyone's ever compiled a solid list of all the call-outs and injokes in CoH.
  10. It's funny, I don't even use it that much. I've never had a Grav anything this high before and just haven't developed a feel for using WH yet. I even posted a thread about it not long ago in the Dom forums looking for advice! I do tend to team, so say seven times out of ten it doesn't matter anyway... but dropping them on Sing is a good idea for solo work no doubt.
  11. The only new Dom I've made since HC arrived is an Energy Assault/Grav and she's been stupid fun. She wasn't a tank in the early days or anything, more like playing a careful blaster/troller, sort of hang in back and try to not get noticed at first when the fighting starts, it was like a careful mix of seeing who I needed to control/soft control by knocking over, then attacking when I had the chance. Then she was freezing people in place to then move closer to beat the snot out of them. Then she got her Singularity and all hell's broken lose. I can still keep to the back and control if I feel iffy about things, or do a bunch of blasting (or both), or, best, now I can run into melee besides the others and deal some serious crunching.
  12. I am so there for that. Sexy Dr. Aeon can sign me up any time!
  13. I feel you, LadyDee. I'm a bad Emp in that I've often felt like dropping the power all together, because I keep forgetting it's a thing to help out someone going Zzzz. Basically I just send it along with the other two big powers (Fort, Ad. Boost), just cuz it's there, but yeah, I'm not going to just sit there and click it endlessly for a team. And yet I too feel badly when one of them dies! Maybe this is why I only have one Emp.
  14. *shrug* I can't say I recall fighting many AVs that didn't end badly for the AV within like two minutes or less. And if it took longer, then I felt like I'd accomplished something so it was win-win!
  15. I am, yes! I have to admit with great shame and dishonor that I don't recall your name there. I'm bad at names over long term. :P
  16. No idea what folks are complaining about with that voice acting - it sounded like people, at least, not ridiculously cartoon stock characters rejected from Hanna-Barbera cartoons of the 1970s. Back when I first got into CoH, the friend who hooked me was also playing WoW and that was a real turn-off, that's exactly what those voices reminded me of; if that's "professional voice acting," to hell with that. But yeah, I'd completely turn it all off too if I could, no voice-acting is going to work for all people.
  17. This sounds like the argument that we never need never ever play a Force Fielder again because literally everyone's defense-capping their builds past 12th level and everyone's running super-tricked out purples'n'Superior ATO builds at 50.
  18. Ditto for most of this from me too, I was also once involved.
  19. Awww, baby's first Domination! 😀 I wish I could have been on one of these, theme runs are always fun and different.
  20. I haven't done a badge tip yet, but wanted to shout out for running a solo toon for what I guess you might term "intentional slow playing." MY first real high level character was a redside stalker, and I abused the Hide to really get around and just look at stuff, so recently I made a new redside stalker that I've mostly just soloed with on redside. Now at 40 or so, I'm going to have to go back and street sweep all the lower zones for the fun of badging with him too -- sure I have the Vidiots map, but where's the fun in that? It's about my stalker's journey, not his destination.
  21. I was being a tad silly, but you make a good point there. Usually those wounded foes come back to me soon enough, but the one time I'd need that single guy to finish up the boss's spawn or something, yeah, that's when the runner would be a PITA.
  22. I wasn't even aware that was a thing, but I don't usually like to ghost to the end either. Thanks!
  23. This is going to be a dumb question, but regarding this: Only Affect Self Activating this power prevents you from attacking foes or aiding allies - all powers will only affect yourself What can one do with this? Maybe cast a shield on themselves that was previously only "for those on your team, but not you"?
  24. If you're worrying about some run-away loser at less than half health coming back later, your stalker may need help! 😀 Seriously though, sometimes I just shrug and move on, "they'll be back and I can kill 'em then."
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