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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. would definitely be interesting to see an updated set of charts
  2. ooh these are helpful numbers - ty might have to make a corr on HC sometime, haven’t played one since the CoV days
  3. the game could do with some refreshed mission dyamics - more ambushes that move faster, perhaps also an event that makes 1 selected person the target of all attacks until something is defeated
  4. ah maybe too hardcore for me, though i am interested i have never run a TF with enhancements disabled, will try it sometime
  5. Posi 1 and 2 are the perfect TFs in my view - teamplay required, different ATs matter, can quickly be challenging if people are messing around
  6. at the same time however, the stronger buffs/debuffs from a defender will benefit all 8 members of the team, whereas the corrupters slight damage advantage benefits just 1 player
  7. Are there numbers to back this up, e.g. pylon data? Sourge just seems like a massive waste of time, extra damage when something is nearly dead anyway I’m happy to have my view changed despite being a defender fan
  8. i’m also interested in exploring this further and will pose the question: why do people play corrupters when they could instead play defenders, given corrupters are an inferior AT with pretty much the same damage but much worse buff/debuff numbers? with the new addition of power level accessibility changes, in my view there’s not really any reason to ever think about making a corrupter, unless you’re finding defenders too capable
  9. a lot of people have never played alongside a PvP empath and it shows in their playstyle - it’s a dual problem of people playing empaths badly and people not adapting their playstyle when they have a talented empath supporting them when you have a PvP empath on your tail, it’s your license to go bananas and be outlandish with how you go about achieving objectives
  10. no IOs. support and tank ATs are once again important. strategic team play and “holy trinity” mechanics are important for success CoH and CoV exist in the same realm, you can travel to zones within each without needing to change alignment
  11. i have an elec/shield i levelled to 50 in teams with @Xiddo and it was bloody good. my third proper lvl 50 in my 4 years of HC phat juicy AoEs complimented with great ST damage - what’s not to like? grab fold space and you’re laughing
  12. i would hope people wouldn’t too shocked at the concept of not receiving rewards when not playing the game but you never know it would make for interesting co-op behaviours during missions - perhaps we’d see more TP powers being used, an increased focus on mopping up stragglers and physically closer team composition i’d be interested in it being deployed with a wide radius to start with, reducing down after a period of time based on user feedback having the SK system be be used again with a proximity would also be good in my view and thematically makes more sense
  13. this is such an interesting suggestion - wonder if it should be its own threat for discussion. wonder how it would change the way teams play
  14. i think a scrapper would be a perfect cleanup AT, a great allrounder too
  15. press M to open the ingame map, it’ll show you where your team mates are during missions - or you can click it open from the nav bar up top in the middle
  16. i main a mind/fire/ice dom and play little else, i’ve gone for; alpha - radial paragon. the hold, damage and range boost works well destiny - incandescence. i find it regularly helpful to group people up, especially if someone dies for veng interface - cognitive. bit of fun hybrid - assault. adds to the already high damage output of fire assault. i often forget to use it though
  17. great post, a lot of info i wasn’t aware of the remaining enemies may be the reason some of these GM events feel so rare compared to others
  18. survival mode missions with progressively numerous mobs
  19. absolutely. they have built and maintained a great community and added to the game in a balanced fashion / made the less balanced parts optional
  20. i agree with your views completely. the game thesedays has transformed into a sandbox Sims pick-up-and-play rather than an MMORPG with all the changes over the years. i still play it as it’s nice nostalgia but it doesn’t make much sense as a game and is not overly rewarding to play having thought about the reason why CoH feels different a lot, my conclusion is that the IO system fundamentally broke the game and should have never been introduced. squishies can essentially be perma elude with set bonuses yet the difficulty of enemies wasn’t increased to compensate any AT is every AT and your contribution in a team* is meaningless *group of unrelated players who happen to be in the same mission together
  21. has science gone too far? this makes it tempting to run a cold/sonic for times where my kin/sonic is met by another kin on speed runs
  22. hadn’t considered dropping sleet and heatloss and then repeating with burnout, does it definitely stack?
  23. really enjoying this thread, a lot of good memories i remember how challenging the respec TFs were - especially for people on their first run to 50. many times i’ve seen that reactor blow and all 8 of us be dumped outside frostfire used to be the biggest event under lvl 20 too. getting into a good team running the arc would be a good evening sorted playing in summer until it started to get light around 4am and the birds started chirping.. time to go to bed!
  24. which i think is quite telling of OP that they have misunderstood the HC community and what we’re about.. ..we generate drama by ourselves just fine thanks
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