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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. I just took it for a spin, it works great!
  2. I am not quick to ignore folks but I will for the typical stuff, which includes some combination of spamming, excessive begging for PL or AE farm, excessive cursing, or just general obnoxious behavior in chat. I checked my list today and had eight people on there, so in the spirit of the thread I cleared the list, especially since I think it's been at least a few weeks since I added anyone, and since I generally prefer the list to be empty.
  3. No worries! I didn't want to bother you over one minor change.
  4. Are you referring specifically to the badges named 'Resistance Member' and/or 'Loyalist'. If so, those can be earned as a hero or villain via Ouro as far as I know. I can't recall exactly how, as it has been a while, but I remember looking into it for the badger site.
  5. I've seen this happen, but the books in the OP's screenshot dwarf any of the ones I have seen, which were more person-sized than room-sized.
  6. A couple of alternatives if you don't want to fight grey mobs: Spider Smasher - redside Midas Touched mini-arc (Dr. Shelly Percey or in Ouro at level 14, mission 6.18) at team size of 2 Gangbuster - blueside Ring of Peebles arc (Stephanie Peebles or in Ouro at level 25, mission 3.01), run the first and fourth missions at team size of 8 For Invader, the third mission of Who Will Die, Episode 4: Masterpiece from Dakota Berg (blueside in Brickstown), when run at team size of 2, will grant the Hero Slayer badge and open Lord Schweinzer as a contact to run unlimited mayhem missions. The mayhem mission exploration badges can then be earned fairly easily. Edit: I forgot to mention that this assumes that one doesn't mind stepping over the alignment line to run a few missions.
  7. Gotcha. Yeah, the badge text is the badge text so that should match as it reads in game. And now that I have the badge, I see that the badge text in-game doesn't quite match, so I've submitted that edit. I left the notes on how to earn it as-is, though.
  8. I'm afraid I am a little confused. Which specific text are you referring to that is "incorrect/misleading"? I have been casually following the Nemesis Plot Invasion Event thread so I am generally aware of what's been discovered. The information that is currently on the badge tracker page for the badge matches what is on the wiki. If you state the the wiki information is correct, then what specific edits do you propose be made to badger site for the badge in question?
  9. I'll hold off on any updates until the requirements are more clear. In general, that credit requirement is a mouthful. How's this: Either the solo player or the player's team (even as part of a league) must be responsible for at least 10% of the total damage inflicted in order to earn the badge.
  10. How long do these normally last? I've never done a CC before and I have a costume that I think fits the theme well, but I couldn't stay much past 5:30 or so.
  11. I checked my logs and I didn't log in until after midnight UTC (about 8:45 eastern). I'm guessing as far as the servers were concerned it was April 2 by the time I logged in so that's probably why I saw nothing.
  12. At the risk of revealing the true extent of my gullibility, this was all just a joke, right? I logged on a bunch of characters yesterday, in order to propagate my chat settings to account for the new general channel. In the process I checked the majority of them for an April Fools badge, but none of them had one. I checked everywhere in the nav bar badge window, as well as in the badge tab of my personal info. If it was just a joke, I certainly fell for it hard.
  13. The defeat badges listed on the Badger site should be in the same order that they appear in game. Just set 'Type' to 'Defeat' and choose your alignment and you should be able to compare between what is on the website and what you see in-game to fill in the blanks. There are also several options for in-game pop menus that list badges using a bright blue text for badges you own vs a greyed option for badges you don't own. That would let you determine which ones you don't have, but you'll still have to do some legwork to determine which ones were available for your alignment, and which critters you'd need to defeat to earn them. You can check some of those out here and here.
  14. For about 20 minutes last night, I watched that exact scene play out on Everlasting, minus the crippling lag.
  15. I don't know if I was there at the exact same time or not, but I saw the chatter about folks getting together to hit Ms. Liberty with the foam bat and came over from Ouro to see what it was about. And for the record I only observed, I did not participate, either in chat or in the activity. While I did not see the extreme type of language the OP mentioned (specifically, I saw no mention of rape, but that's not to say there was none), I will say the chatter in various channels about what was going on was a bit 'coarser' than I typically see in game. And while I don't think anything I saw in chat 'crossed the line' for me personally, I appreciate that it might have 'crossed the line' for other folks. I (and several others) did notice a GM hovering over the proceedings, perhaps summoned by someone who did lodge a complaint. It's entirely possible that, by the time I got there, folks knew they were being watched and had toned down the language. I don't have screenshots but I do log all chat channels if that would be of any help. This was on Everlasting, by the way, and I recall seeing someone with the same character name as the OP posting in LFG a short while later (to take down Eochai, if memory serves), so I have a feeling the OP is on Everlasting as well. If that is not the case, then please disregard.
  16. The badger site saves the badge data in the web browser cache, so likely either you cleared the browser cache manually, or perhaps your browser is set to auto-clear the cache on shutdown. That's assuming of course that you were looking for them on the same computer on which they were originally 'checked off' on the badger site.
  17. That bug actually showed up in the typo thread about a month ago, but giving it more exposure is a good thing!
  18. What is the level of the IO you are trying to convert? Looking at the enhancement sets page, and including Annihilation (20-50) and the two new targeted AoE IOs which are 30-50, any Air Bursts in the 10-19 range won't have any other in-type conversion options.
  19. The Badger site is probably your best bet. Semi-shameless plug, since I help maintain the data for that site. It was spawned from the badge tracker spreadsheet, which I am pretty sure KeyboardKitsune stopped maintaining. It's probably not quite as up-to-date as the Badger site, but it should still be quite reliable. I've learned to treat the Wiki as a rough guide. There are actually three favorites sections in the menu. The main one there at the top, one under 'Accolades > Day Jobs', and a third under 'Day Jobs'.
  20. I use the term 'trainwreck' in the most affectionate way possible, of course. It was a roller coaster, to be sure.
  21. Oh dear, my screenshot is the representative image for that trainwreck of a thread. Not sure how I feel about that. I've been collecting yellow salvage in my base for a while and it's typically been more than enough to craft all my dropped recipes. I've been keeping an eye on yellow salvage in the AH, and even needed to buy one piece the other day to craft a low-level recipe, and it seems like the 'buy it reasonably quickly' price is somewhere in the 12k-13k ballpark.
  22. Sounds good. One thing I forgot to mention is that for the accolade powers that grant endurance (like Portal Jockey), the menu lists them (at least the ones I looked at) as granting 5% endurance, but they actually grant 5 points of endurance. Edit: On second thought, and after checking several places in-game, it's not totally clear whether it's supposed to be +5 points or +5% across the board. Besides, 5% of 100 points is 5 points anyway. Unless the base amount of endurance changes from 100 (which I don't think it has since launch), then either way works equally well.
  23. I noticed that the acknowledgements in BadgeList.mnu are the same as in the version I produced. Please add a line addressing the modifications made beyond my version. I'm happy that you built upon my work (just as I built upon the work of Janrith, ROBOKiTTY, and Wingman), but I don't want people to have the mistaken impression that I am responsible for this particular iteration of the badge list menu. While you are in there it wouldn't hurt to update the version date (or whatever version number system you want to use) to match your last revision date. Users should also be aware that there are several 'Favorites' sections that I intended for folks to modify to suit their tastes. Users should make copies/backups of these sections before updating the menu, so that your personal preferences don't get lost by being overwritten.
  24. I don't, sorry. I imagine the folder setup is similar but I don't play on a Mac so I do not know for sure.
  25. Those additions are quite cool! Janrith's original badge list has become a many-headed hydra.
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