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Get rid of the base TP crap


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Maybe instead of bitching about a readily available way to quickly get around, you could, oh, I don't know, actually TALK TO YOUR BLOODY GROUP?


While some of our characters might be psychic, the players sure as hell aren't.   We aren't mind readers nor are we able to see the future. If you have TT, tell people, don't just expect them to predict that you will drop it at any given time.  Let them know while you are clearing the mission that you have TT available and can pop it when the mission is over.   If you just randomly pop it without saying anything, of course half your group is going to be gone to a Supergroup Base before they realize it.


This isn't a SG base problem, its a YOU problem.


And if people Base Port after everyone already knows TT is waiting, then that is their problem, and they can just catch up as they can.

Edited by SurfD
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30 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

Then the X people bitch at us to wait.

To which the appropriate response is "Why?"

After all, they're the ones who insisted on taking the long way round ...


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15 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

To which the appropriate response is "Why?"

After all, they're the ones who insisted on taking the long way round ...

1. Exit the mission.

2. Hit base teleport

3. See "Map Loading" message on screen.

4. Teammate announces "TT".

5. Arrive in base, muttering imprecations under your breath at the teammate who couldn't be arsed to announce "TT to next" or some such before the previous mission completed and they exited the instance.


We don't "insist" on taking the long way around, and waiting until after you exit the mission to announce that you intend to use Team Teleport is dragging things out, particularly with some specific mission pairs -- for example, during a Synapse TF, after defeating Bertha, you can hit your base directly from inside the mission, exit to Steel Canyon, and it's a straight shot  down the E side of the zone to the door where you have to defeat Long Tom. Or Posi 2, after the first mission, when someone has to go talk to the Hero Corps representative to get the flight packs; everyone else can hit a base, jump to Faultline, and be at the next mission faster than waiting for the run to the Hero Corps contact to finish to set off TT.

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uh, reminder to folks who -do- use the base access command . . . if you just exit back out through the regular blue-swirlly portal, you should get spat out at the place you activated the command from (assuming you weren't in an instance when you did so).


So!  Best practice:  Step out of the mission with the Exit button in the Nav Bar.  Wait a moment to see if anyone is going to use the Party Bus to the next mission.  If not, use the command.  If someone -then- announces the intent to Party Bus, just pop back out the way you went in.


But also, yes . . . Party Bus Drivers?  Please let people know of your intent before the end of the mission, if at all possible.  That's helpful for everyone.  Especially Ouroboros Portalers, who -can't- go back to the place they portal'd up from.


Thanks everyone!

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1 hour ago, SurfD said:

Maybe instead of bitching about a readily available way to quickly get around, you could, oh, I don't know, actually TALK TO YOUR BLOODY GROUP?

Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. 

Actually communicate with other humans?  Can we DO that?  😉

Edited by MTeague
fix grammar
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1 hour ago, ArchVileTerror said:

The /enterbasefrompasscode command is on the Devs' radar, and they will fix it when they have something in place to compensate for the lost quality of life improvements which the command offers.

Base transport powers are already in game.

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When on a team, I have ppl announce TT for the next Mish before the current mission ends.


That said I often warp to base to move around, and incidentally, refill any inspirations I need as I have an auto doc in my teleport room.


Edit: also a trainer in the next room over, for the rare occasion I'm on a lowbie doing task forces.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
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Upon exiting the mission, If they happen to catch your 'TT announcement' - either as soon as they hit their base tp macro or saw it when they loaded in their base, they could always just use the base exit to spawn back to where they originally TP'd.  They may be a few seconds late but they could've still catch that ride.  But then again, they probably didn't know they could do that.


If they knew though yet still continued to hit the zone tp even after seeing that, then that's their choice for going the ....scenic route.


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13 minutes ago, ArchVileTerror said:

Except they do not offer the depth of quality of life which the command does.  

One moment, please.  I'll try to track down the official response.

Basically from what I remember they intend to fix it.


Which is fine.  Until then its convenient. 


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1 hour ago, ArchVileTerror said:

Except they do not offer the depth of quality of life which the command does.  


Which are you looking at, specifically? About the only downside to the existing power I can think of is, perhaps, cooldown. Not sure if they can or can't be used in a macro...

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1 hour ago, Greycat said:

Which are you looking at, specifically? About the only downside to the existing power I can think of is, perhaps, cooldown. Not sure if they can or can't be used in a macro...

There's a few:

  1. Animation time is awful
  2. Recharge time makes them of extremely limited utility
  3. The command lets you create as many macros as you can fit in your trays, each with a unique passcode - the base TP power requires you to type in the passcode each time so you have to keep a list of passcodes somewhere else

Basically there's no reason for any of the location TP powers (base, mission, Pocket D, Wentworths/Black Market) to be such utter trash when something like Ouroboros Portal exists. Seriously, it's non-interruptible, has a quick cast time, can be clicked by anyone, and has a fast recharge. That should be a model for any adjustments to the existing location TP powers.

Edited by macskull
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4 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

The /enterbasefrompasscode command is on the Devs' radar, and they will fix it when they have something in place to compensate for the lost quality of life improvements which the command offers.

i didnt read the rest of the thread.  ill eventually not worry about this someday and thats good enough for now

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Whenever I exit a mish in a TF I wait like 3 seconds to see if someone calls TT. Usually people will if they intend to if they haven't announced it prior which I find is more common. I mean most times we know who exactly in the group has TT and if something's a zone away, you can assume one of those people is gonna pop it, no?

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10 hours ago, Greycat said:

Which are you looking at, specifically? About the only downside to the existing power I can think of is, perhaps, cooldown. Not sure if they can or can't be used in a macro...

I'm looking mainly at the 17-second cast time (not to mention the 15-second interrupt time).  I'd love for the Base Teleporter, Mission Transporter, and Pocket D VIP Pass powers to have the same cast time as TT (6 seconds) instead of their current 17 seconds.  They all have a 30-minute cooldown, which is usually sufficient, but somewhere in the 15-20 minute range would probably satisfy most heavy use needs.


For that matter, the Ouro portal has a 2-second cast time and only a 5-minute cooldown, though it's somewhat different.

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I don’t have a problem with the base teleporting command, it’s just it feels a bit like a ‘cheat code’, and I’m always aware commands like this are used extensively by ‘people in the know’ (like myself) and average joe is sort of left behind, wondering why and how everyone is bunny hopping through zones while they travel slowly to the station...

Not everyone will care, but I feel compassionate that I do. I’d rather it was just a level 1 power we all had access to than some / command that feels like something that only GMs should have. 
I’m less bothered about /AH, although it makes all the WW buildings pointless and empty. It sort of hollows out the game.

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Communication is key.

When the Team is forming up, consider asking "Who has the Team Transporter power?". Then, you can say something like "For missions in other zones, or more than a mile away, we will alternate using Team Transporter starting at the top of the list and working our way down.". And finally say "If you don't want to use the Team Transporter because you are leveling up or buying stuff, that's cool, just catch up when you can.". Wait for a majority of the team (or everyone) to respond, and do any further organization as required.


Then, if people zip off on their own, you can proceed with confidence that they will catch up eventually or perhaps drop team. If they bitch, remind them that the ground rules have been set and that if they don't like them, they can have a nice day elsewhere.


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