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Ever get complimented on your gameplay and it felt great?


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Hmm... I wouldn't call it a "compliment" as much as people have found my playstyle very interesting. So I have a fire/fire blaster named "Anita Rez" that was very known for dying constantly in many missions because well... I didn't have IO's when I first made her and when I'd join things like Positron TF at early levels... I'll say it was an "unforgettable" experience, the amount of dirt baths I've taken on this blaster... oh dear lord...


So, with this amount of information armed, I had begun to just anticipate the serial number of deaths I would endure. Therefore, I slotted a lot of recharge when I was able to into my build and I would intentionally throw myself into mobs (much to the "dismay" of the Tankers that would try to save me) and I would intentionally kill myself to use Rise of the Phoenix. Some mobs took longer than others, if this happened to be the case, I would use the Self-Destruction power on mobs, "nuke" them, and then follow that up with Rise of the Phoenix to damage the mobs. 


I've gotten many "compliments" and just "wow"s for my suicide-bombing techniques. One time, a leader for a Tinpex I didn't even know that I knew, when I said "sure!" to his LFG message told me "oh, you... well I have vengeance!"


After receiving it, I proudly wear the "Immortal" badge on her for... obvious reasons heh.

Edited by Zeraphia
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On 6/24/2020 at 11:00 AM, Hexquisite said:

Never any vocal compliments. But after skillfully leaping into the fray, taking the alpha, and then hammering faces while keeping aggro as everyone else blasts and controls and corrupts and defends and masterminds, I like to think the lack of clearly-deserved praise is due to the stunned silence as my teammates are overwhelmed by the inspiring manner in which I hit things, and then get hit by things.


They're too amazed to speak. I don't hold it against them.

Haha this could be true! At least I like to think of that on my controller! 


But for my main, a radiation defender, I tend to get the opposite of compliments. 

Rather than “oh wow your debuffs are great”, it’s tends to be “oh wow look how powerful I am! I never realised! No one is hitting me and everything dies! I’m unstoppable!


I smile and follow them quietly, letting them believe in themselves because I don’t want to shatter the illusion. Unfortunately sometimes they do run off and reality hits them hard 😛

Edited by Peacemoon
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Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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I got told my blaster was awesome one time...felt great,unfortunately I don't know how to react to compliments and said something stupid (not gonna repeat it) And turned what should have been a nice memory into one of cringe. This is my life 😛  

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3 hours ago, SuperPlyx said:

I got told my blaster was awesome one time...felt great,unfortunately I don't know how to react to compliments and said something stupid (not gonna repeat it) And turned what should have been a nice memory into one of cringe. This is my life 😛  

I feel your pain, I am notoriously bad at taking compliments.  Repeat after me.  Thank you.


That's it!  You can work up to witty repartee and self depricating humor once you master those two simple words!


It has taken me 40+ years to learn this.  Good luck!

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On 6/24/2020 at 2:10 PM, Shred Monkey said:

Back on Live I had a traps/dp defender.  Once I joined an AE farm where there was 1 fire brute and a bunch of door sitters (never done an AE mission since, 'cause YUK!).  After running around with the farmer buffing/debuffing I started running ahead, dropping seeker drones to absorb the alpha strikes while I stealthed in to set down a few traps and then soul drain -> hail of bullets to soften up the spawn while they were all bunched up.  All the while I was basically taking no damage.  The farmer watched me do that a few times and asked, "How are you doing that?"

Definitely! My first 50 on HC is a fire/traps corr, having played a ice/traps on Union. I play him very aggressively, fighting in melee and dropping traps at my feet. I've had a few "I didn't know traps could do that!" from people who've presumably only seen trappers being too late to the party.

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"Cool at pb"


At least they didnt mistake me for a defender this time lol.


I play kinda aggressively no matter what toon I am on and that usually rocks people back on their heels a bit.  Sometimes it works out well and sometimes it doesn't. 


On the not so complimentary side, when I was working on incarnates on my defender (dark/dark/dark/moar dark pls) and hadn't gotten her sets finished yet, I was informed by the tank (after a couple folks on the team died, myself included), "You know that's your fault, Sunshine, you are a defender not a tank."  Lesson learned.  

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The last directed compliment I recall was on a 3-man MoITF with two level 50's and a 40-ish (Scrapper?) at the sucessful conclusion I got a compliment from the leader for helping keep 3rd player alive (I was Blastin') and for knowing not to get myself in over my head.


On the flip side, I try to drop compliments. It can be hard to notice buffs when playing a full-kit toon... but they are appreciated. I also tend to thank proper tanking. The rest of you are also doing fine... I'll try to be more appreciative.

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Most compliments directed at me are more along the lines of my exceptionally clever names and amazing costumes.


Aside from the previously mentioned obvious stunned silence that accompanies my phenomenal tanking, I don't get many compliments.  And, of course, so many these days seem to think tanks unnecessary, when others have their own means to take the alpha, especially at higher levels. So when one does their job well, they barely notice, much less take the time to acknowledge it. Aside from that, I tend to play melee more than anything - and even when not melee, my natural instinct, no matter the AT, is to be aggressive and get right into the fray. A good tank lets me do that without dying too much.


So, give thanks for your tanks, my lovelies. Some of your awesomeness is accomplished because you're still alive to be awesome. While I'm sure many of your realize it, there are many who don't.

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I almost exclusively solo, so that leaves me out I guess. The few times I do team, hardly anyone addresses my characters directly so I'm left out there too. Everyone seems so focused on trying to look cool that they don't notice me being cool. It's kinda lame, I guess.

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exChampion and exInfinity player (Champion primarily).


Current resident of the Everlasting shard.

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I've never been complicated per say but I have had a team suggest the  "Cold Hand of Death " badge to me. Kind of funny since my battlecry on Live was "Feel the icy hand of death!" for a long time and when I was running tons of Itrials before they revamped Dark Astoria. 

Edited by Frostbiter


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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Sure who does not like getting some good vibes sent their way. As a regular TF leader I am always trying to keep the group morale up by telling the team good job after every mish, and calling out players for noticed actions to send them extra vibes.


As for getting them, well yeah gotten plenty on live and now for my characters for one reason or another. Honestly though no random props really compare with having some of the original Devs end up in my social circle in game back on live.


I mean I know Ive mentioned it, and I really hate to come off as a braggart, but thats kinda the spirit of this thread right?


So yeah my oldest toon from live, last of my year one toons was T'Keron Valmaz, created based heavily on the lore of Infernal's own origin story. When I met him at an official CC by chance and greeted him by saying Hail and well met K'Varr old friend it made an impression that turned into chatting now and then about the game, lore, even abit of internal dev drama now and then, whichis maybe why I speak about Jack sometimes as if I know him. I dont but Ive heard enough first hand stuff about the guy to have an idea of the guy I suspect most have more of a vague outline of. Rest assured if you thought a guy who would create an avatar like Statesman had a serious ego trip, you would be very spot on.


And maybe more awesome was my random encounter with Ghost Falcon. By sheer chance one day as I was leading amoonfire TF back on live, and doing the run to skyway for the talk to, I was passing through Ozone, and saw GF. I was caught off guard and even taken aback, as he wasnt in GM mode, which had a distinct color/title applied to ones character. At first I thought it was a player using the upper case i trick and sent a tentative tell saying uhm are you the GM ? because well you dont seem to be but that is def a CoC viloation. He laughed and was like oh yeah I am, but was had GM mode turned off because he was going to be running with an SG on a TF due to a contest one by one of the players at a convention. He actually toggled on his GM mode just to show me lol.


Anyways we chatted for a few min, then I went and caught up with my team back in striga, and he headed to the warzone for his TF. But later we met back up so I could grab screenies of my character Invisible Falcon standing alongside his praetorian doppleganger turned primal ally;) Still sad about thta old tower dieing and losing those screenies.


Now as for player compliments on game play. Yeah my blaster berk has garnered so many along the lines of how are you out tanking my brute, your blaster is a beast kudos over the years they honestly are status quo when on berk. I tend to appreciate them more when Im on characters that can help others directly and am acting as lite support while laying waste. Like when I toss heals on my tanky dps dealing PB. Or when Im casually leading a team of mainly lowbies on a PI council radio team, and not simply dragging them, but using a mixture of buffs to empower them up enough they feel useful and are having fun while I still get to be challenged enough by carrying the bulk of the load on my toon who isnt a solo selfish build meta maxxed to the gills, but a team leader build who revels in banding together random young heroes and forging them into something mighty. Its likely the thanks I get from players for that easy going casual leveling play I find most heartfelt because I know plenty hate AE PLving, and yet are also tired of the leveling content, so a good PI radio team when your a lowbie can really let you have fun and get up to the fun powers pretty quick.

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  • Retired Lead Game Master

I love complimenting people on their play styles, interesting themes and concepts. I teamed with a ill controller last night who had the cutest theme with his little decoys and I stopped to tell him how cute they were. Kind words can really make someones day and we should use more of them. 🙂

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I've been complimented a few times on my game-play. I mostly play blasters so it's along the lines of, "Wow, you're steamrolling these guys", or "You're everything, tank, DPS, control, heals" when playing my widow. I'll let people know if I like their game-play or costumes/bio sometimes. Usually I'm too focused on myself while in combat to really comment on others though. It always feels good to be complimented, so we should return the favor when possible, even if it's a blind tell in game.


Excelsior Server: Giovanni Valia, Operative Velez, Fortunata Valeri, LongFang Mercer

SG: Shades of Arachnos; 315-6811

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I guess I got a round-about compliment once, while on my Grav/Time Controller, when one of the two people I regularly team with (a Mace/Electric Brute) said, "Hey, Splish splash didn't die this time!"

Splish splash is her nickname for Agent Heavy Water, the Water/Rad Blaster that was the other person I team with.

We tend to run missions set on +0/x8. Since I never know which characters they'll actually pick.

Sometimes, I'm running with 2 blasters, other times it a Corruptor and a Blaster. occasionally, a Brute and a Blaster.

I have noticed a few times, especially when it's the 2 blasters with my Controller, that I'm the one taking the Alpha and holding a lot of the Aggro.

That might have something to do with the amount of AoE controls and debuffs that I can toss out.


When did the Controller become the tank?

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14 hours ago, GM Miss said:

I love complimenting people on their play styles, interesting themes and concepts. I teamed with a ill controller last night who had the cutest theme with his little decoys and I stopped to tell him how cute they were. Kind words can really make someones day and we should use more of them. 🙂

I hope it wasn’t anything too serious 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤒

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Back on Live, after a rebuild of Hyperstrike, I kinda went hog wild during a TF.

My teammates saw how much heat I'd pulled down and ran.  We were mostly still newbs at the time.  So we had a tendency to fall over at random intervals.

I'd just completed my first "Call Me Awesome" inspired build.  So I was orders of magnitude more effective.

Anyhow, they come back to find me picking the enemy's teeth out of my boots.

Teammate 1: Holy crap!  You're alive?
Teammate 2: How the hell did you survive that?
Teammate 3: You're like 10x the Tank you were last month...


If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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Back on Union, my Regeneration Stalker before she became Incarnate. Mainly because I didn't constantly run ahead and leave the group behind during Task/Strike Forces, choosing instead to AS the stragglers who didn't get caught in the AoE control (with a particular focus on healers, although that didn't get noticed very often.)  

I also got complimented on my tanking during my 1st Hamidon raid. I was only the reserve tanker for the main core, and I eventually faceplanted because I wasn't paying attention to my inspiration status when I actually went in, but I think I was the only casualty in the whole raid. 

The only other time that comes to mind wasn't on CoH, but Star Wars: The Old Republic. One of the low level missions with a Bounty Hunter, I accidentally agggro'd several groups of mobs. Fortunately, half of the early powers for the class are AoE knockdowns, so I was blasting 1 group, targeting the next and firing off a few basic shots, blasting another group, etc. Halfway through, I noticed another player just standing nearby watching me. When the mobs were all dead, he said "Wow! You're really good." I almost replied "It's because of all the legacy buffs from my other characters on the server" when I remembered that this was the first character on a new server, and didn't have any of those extra buffs. I really WAS that good.

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Been complimented on my running of various TFs helpiing to keep them running smoothly.


Been told my tanking was the reason one PC came back to the game 


Was complimented on my Dark Dark tanker basically keeping a Citdel TF alive by herding entire council rooms


was complimented on my Kheldian play both PB and WS  during seperate manticore TFs

My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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