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Free Super Packs


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Give characters a free Heroes & Villains or Rogues & Vigilantes super pack alongside the following badges:


The Really Hard Way

Master of Magisterium

Master of Keyes Island


Field Crafter




I tried to pick time-consuming badges that couldn't be AFKed so players who want to get lots of packs don't just create alt after alt to earn free packs.

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I also want a way to obtain super packs through gameplay. Personally rather than sticking them on the hardest badges in the game (Though a gauranteed reward of one for such badges is certainly an additional possibility) I'd tie them to something less super difficult and/or time consuming but make it something higher level so there's a time investment to encourage not just making infinite alts and grabbing packs, and add an enforced cooldown on getting them like Catalysts have. If nothing else I'd make it all master badges rather than just the ones you define as harder than the others.


Or alternately, add them as a reward choice for taskforces where you can pick the normal merit reward OR a random super pack, possibly only for TFs above a certain length, level and/or difficulty and subject to the same once every 20 hours rule that other rewards are. (Not serious suggestion for laughs, make the winter ones only available from the Shadow Shard TFs and watch people tear their hair out over it.)


Just give them something other than 'drop 10 million inf on the auction house' cause having that as the only way of obtaining them is kinda boring.


...also unrelated but Vanden that avatar is mesmerising.

When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like "What?"

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?

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I'm not entirely sure having them as an alternative reward for high-merit activities could work; right now they exist as a way to take inf out of the economy and help curb inflation. You can use merits to make inf, but it's by buying things like converters and selling them on the market, which also removes inf from the economy. Someone with a better grasp of economics would have to chime in.

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On 9/5/2020 at 11:00 AM, Vanden said:

 right now they exist as a way to take inf out of the economy and help curb inflation.

This.  It's not that that hard to build up 100 mil on a character and drop it for 10 packs. 

Not even farming, though that will CERTAINLY do it if you have a mind to.

Just play missions, do tips, story arcs etc, and save up your recipes. Craft, convert, post for sale, and before you know it you have quite a bit of inf.


I don't see freebies as needed, and I'm not sure why the devs would want to hamstring one of their own big influence sinks. 

That said, their call, not mine, and maybe they'd like the idea. 

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10 hours ago, Cix said:

Would it be a terrible idea to offer them at vet levels?  After the incarnate stuff.

I would very much prefer one of the costume powers every few levels after 99, however, one of these every so often would be a decent alternative.

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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On 9/3/2020 at 11:36 PM, Vanden said:

Give characters a free Heroes & Villains or Rogues & Vigilantes super pack alongside the following badges:


The Really Hard Way

Master of Magisterium

Master of Keyes Island


Field Crafter




I tried to pick time-consuming badges that couldn't be AFKed so players who want to get lots of packs don't just create alt after alt to earn free packs.

Hmm.  I view this as functionally equivalent reward-wise as giving a completion bonus of 10mm inf.  Do we need more rewards?  I don’t, but I can’t speak for the community.

Who run Bartertown?


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On 9/3/2020 at 10:36 PM, Vanden said:

Give characters a free Heroes & Villains or Rogues & Vigilantes super pack alongside the following badges:


The Really Hard Way

Master of Magisterium

Master of Keyes Island


Field Crafter




I tried to pick time-consuming badges that couldn't be AFKed so players who want to get lots of packs don't just create alt after alt to earn free packs.


I like this idea, but would also suggest adding one for completing all the Shadow Shard TFs.  I've always felt that those TFs were the longest in the game and there should be a reward for completing the series.  I would actually prefer an accolade power of some sort, but a super pack is a good alternative.

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The only trouble with Souvenirs is that they're tied only to a single player (the one who actually owns the Story Arc), which is a disincentive to team up.  The exclusion to that rule is Task Forces, of course, which award the Souvenir to everyone who participated.


. . . hmm.  I need to test this; do Ouro Arcs award the Souvenir to everyone, since they're effectively Task Forces?

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What about one pack when you complete all blue side content that is available via Oro and one for the same completion of the redside content.

I have done all blue and am at approx 70% redside and it is a lot of regular game play so not a quick freebie.

I also would prefer an accolade for each side completion but a pack would still be okay.


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15 hours ago, FoulVileTerror said:

Add tokens redeemable for the Costume Powers -in- the Super Packs?

I like it.  If there was a Knives of Artemis costume in the super packs, and it only lasted 2 hours of in-game time (like a Jetpack), I'd want several charges built up for my Claws/SR scrapper.

I'm sure there's blasters who would love a PPD Hard Suit look as well and would pour influence hand-over-fist into the sink to get them.

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Super pack for getting 0 escapes in the "keep fir bolg from escaping" mission in Croatoa (first run only, whether it's at level or ouroboros.)

And for succeeding with Efficiency expert Pither.

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On 9/6/2020 at 11:28 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

Hmm.  I view this as functionally equivalent reward-wise as giving a completion bonus of 10mm inf.  Do we need more rewards?  I don’t, but I can’t speak for the community.

I don't think it'd be any different from the free purple recipe you get for doing Market Crash, and running that TF is much lower-hanging fruit than any of these badges.

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