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What are your next 3 Alts?


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16 hours ago, roleki said:

Leaning towards a Beam/Energy Sentinel, a Battle Axe/Shield Brute, and a Demon/Dark MM.  


Not quite as sold on the Sentinel, but, want to roll one of some sort.

I made a beam/EA sentinel that I quite like. However, I also recently got my fire/bio sentinel kitted out and incarnated and I like it even better. The beam/EA has quite a bit better survivability, but the fire/bio does a lot more damage. Both are fun though!

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few ideas running around the old noggin


currentlw working a Staff Ninja Scrapper, Sonic Sonic blaster would be next most likely from there skies the limit

My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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15 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

Does the ninjitsu power that makes first attack from stealth on scrappers affect AoEs similar to hide on stalkers? Would shadow maul have 100% crit chance or only 50?

No idea to be honest.  I was looking more at the synergy with regard to Dark Melee having built in -ToHit complimenting the defense from Ninjitsu.  Someone smarter than me will know.  Great question!

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Well, my br/rad sentinel is almost to 50.  I have a dark/martial blapper and a emp/psi offender halfway there. 


Going to give mastermind another shot because I'm a glutton for punishment and a sucka for pain. Maybe I'll make it to lvl 10 this time.


Never made a dom, probably try that next for above reasons.


Would be nice to have a human only warshade, Sliver of Darkness, to match my lvl 50 human only peacebringer, Sliver of Light.

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31 minutes ago, Darkesyde said:

Going to give mastermind another shot because I'm a glutton for punishment and a sucka for pain. Maybe I'll make it to lvl 10 this time.


Never made a dom, probably try that next for above reasons.

My experience is that the ATs only start to differentiate around level 14, by level 20 most will start to feel and play in different ways. You've identified a couple of the sets that don't exactly fit this pattern.


My experience with Masterminds is that the play experience shifts as you level up. At low levels, you have to focus on keeping your (small number of) pets alive to be able to provide your DPS. At higher levels, you have more strategic options... and more powerful pets.


Dominators are the latest of the late bloomers. You really do need to plan to have as much +Recharge as possible to achieve perma-Dom. This is typically achieved through Global +Recharge bonuses from IO pieces and sets... and this requires the correct powers and slots that you won't have until you have leveled up. One irony of Dominators is that once they have the Recharge (from sets), they can exemplar down and will be MUCH more powerful than they were previously. This is true of all ATs (with level 50+ slotting) but Dominators really notice it.


I've been taking (mostly solo, 2xDFB for some stat boosts) a new non-DPS alt through blue-side without using XP boosters, and I am surprised how quickly its progressing. I'm primarily doing a combination of old solo missions and radio calls. YMMV.

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Well now that beta testing is out and I have tested the new EM changes:


My next “three” alts will probably be about 5 different EM scrappers, remaking my EM brute and stalker from live, and a ninja training blaster. 

So many awesome new changes!

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  • 5 weeks later

So now that i27 is live and I already made the alts in the OP, here is my new list!

Energy Melee / Bio Scrapper: Crit for over 2300 with energy transfer on an even con boss. Need I say more?


Dual Pistols / Ninja Blaster:  The inner zombie apocalypse enthusiasts always wanted a gun + sword combo character. The buffs to ninja training make me super excited. I’m also thinking of taking the teleport pool for this toon too!


MA / Regen Brute: Not new and shiny I know, but it is a combo I always wanted to try on live. I had to leave the game before the powerset proliferations due to life circumstances. I was a brute main, but loved MA and Regen. I always said, “they will never give brutes either MA or regen.” Well, I’m finally getting around to making what I thought never would be. 

Bonus Alts:  Electric / Bio Sentinel (I have a special plan for this one) and Dual Blades/ Energy stalker. 

Edited by Saikochoro
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On 10/10/2020 at 1:38 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

Thermal/Energy Blast defender (kind of having fun here, but slow going, partly because I have zero idea how to go about a good build for her), about 25th level.

Beam Rifle/Traps corruptor (who's been kind of fun), at about 26th level

Gravity/Darkness controller (high enough level to have all his pets too, so fun), at about 40th level

Update (stop the presses everyone!):

  1. The first one turned out fun but is currently languishing at something like 32.  I do fully intend to get back to her at some point though.  But she's fine.
  2. The second one was a purple drop magnet during TOTing for some reason, but even that didn't save her.  I realized I felt resistant to logging in to play her so I'm currently cannibalizing her to slot a new toon.
  3. The third one is somewhere around 40, like 43?  He was fun, but I need to understand Worm Hole a bit better to play him (or vice versa I suppose).  I do intend to get back to him though too.

I have high hopes for the following two:

Currently started up a Ill/TA Controller (Pawkysham Vex) for obvious reasons; I'd been thinking I wanted to do an Illusion troller because of the fun mirroring for the Phantom Army, and here I am!  He's 23 I think.  It's fun, I sort of skulk around behind the rest of the players on my team firing arrows from time to time and let loose the PA whenever things look rough or when we first tear into a particularly large-looking group.


And then I've finally returned to my old home, stalkers, with a Broad Sword/ Energy Aura (Slayde the Pitlock) that's a take on Nemesis The Warlock from the old 2000 AD comics.  For some reason since HC started, I've found I grow tired of pure damage classes and haven't really gotten one too far yet, but this one's working for me (must be the hide).  I've also been mostly soloing Red Side (my first home!) and really enjoying that.  And as the build matures he'll have some Sorcery worked in there so he won't just being a "boring melee" toon.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Only 3?


Warshade - couldn't get to 50 on Live. But when I'm on my Peacebringer now I keep thinking I have the WS abilities.


Street Justice/Invul - a Colussus theme; Tank or Brute haven't decided.


EM/Elec brute - another throwback character I never finished on Live. But with the I27 improvements I'm very curious.

"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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10 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:


The third one is somewhere around 40, like 43?  He was fun, but I need to understand Worm Hole a bit better to play him (or vice versa I suppose).  I do intend to get back to him though too.

On my Grav/Time Controller, I slotted Wormhole with a KB->KD enhancement.

That way, I don't irritate the Tank on my team when I bring the party to him.


Otherwise, I'd suggest finding a wall and seeing how well they bounce by playing a game of Wallyball.

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I changed mine...sigh....altitis. 


Now I finally leveled a human form Warshade after like 20 years.

An Nrg/nrg stalker, who is my merit farmer.

Finally, my Ice/Dark troller who is just an AoE monster, I will make my badger.

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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12 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:

On my Grav/Time Controller, I slotted Wormhole with a KB->KD enhancement.

That way, I don't irritate the Tank on my team when I bring the party to him.


Otherwise, I'd suggest finding a wall and seeing how well they bounce by playing a game of Wallyball.

Yeah, I tend to research advice before starting a new toon, so I dropped that proc in first thing.  Can you describe a game of Wally ball for me to go try with some low-con foes?


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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9 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

 Can you describe a game of Wally ball for me to go try with some low-con foes?

Wallyball is basically Volleyball but played on a racquetball court and rebounding off the walls is legal.


In CoH, it's pretty much, how many guys can you cram into a corner or something...

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Since the last time I saw this thread, I've moved on to a new RP project on Excelsior.


A supergroup called The DEFCON 5.  Five females who formed an elite team to protect the POTUS and the nuclear football, but the team disbanded for unexplained reasons.  Starting as heroes but will switch over via alignment missions at level 20.


DC5 Fade Out:  (Blue) Ice Melee/Rad Armor Stalker

DC4 Double Take:  (Green) Illusion/Rad Controller

DC3 Round House:  (Yellow) Martial Arts/Ice Armor Brute

DC2 Fast Pace:  (Red) Fire Blast/Radiation Corruptor

DC1 Cocked Pistol:  (White) Storm/Dual Pistol Defender

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Who run Bartertown?


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On 10/10/2020 at 10:30 AM, Yomo Kimyata said:

Nothing stated in Page Six really appeals to me (blasters, meh, no obvious impact on the AH, and I already mostly run "underpowered" sets) but I recently started a new levelling project that led to a few new alts:


Stumblebum (Bio/Energy Melee Villain Tanker) -- I wanted to see for myself how terrible Energy Melee is (spoiler: it is not terrible in the slightest) and I wanted to tweak out some Bio slotting choices.  He's a former thug for a master criminal, none too bright.  When his boss and his entire gang broke out of the Zig, he was injured and the gang medic used an experimental serum that caused a slow alteration in his physical state (every 10 levels, he gets a new costume).


Abductor Muscle (Energy Melee/Bio Villain Stalker) -- Now I just wanted the name for a specialist in hostage missions.  I may end up changing the powersets for this name, or changing the name for these powersets, but let's double down on the energy melee // bio armor theme.  Also a crony of the master criminal.  Has no skin.  Kind of gross.


Doc Zarathustra (Thugs/Time Villain Mastermind) -- The aforementioned master criminal.  I modeled him after The Professor from Casa de Papel (Money Heist) on Netflix.  He is a master planner, so prepared that it only *seems* like he can look forward in time to see what will happen next.  His thugs are devoted to him.


Unctuous Archer (Trick Arrow/Water Villain Defender) -- A recent addition, wanted to build around crude oil themed powers.


The project itself is simple:  slow (i.e. no accelerated xp) natural levelling, but very active slotting by level to maximize power at all points.  Active use of unslotters and respecs.  Pushing the envelope of +/x wherever I can.

When you mentioned that the Winter Packs should never again be set to 10m, I knew that you were a villain.

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Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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Having played Discount Ninja into the 20s, then Gunbone (DM/DP) up to 29, I think it may be time for Oprah (or perhaps Opera?) Windfury (I imagine some combo of sonic/storm).

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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